SFHR Periodic Report notes


  1. 0100/--/-- Teotihuacan in central Mexico has a population of 50,000. 1723
  2. 0100/--/-- The compilation of the Kamasutra is begun in India. 1724
  3. 0100/--/-- The earliest Chinese dictionary the Shuo Wen is compiled about this time. 1725
  4. 0100/--/-- The earliest Chinese dictionary the Shuo Wen is compiled about this time. 7748
  5. 0105/--/-- Paper is invented in China. 1726
  6. 0105/--/-- Paper is invented in China. 7430
  7. 0105/--/-- Paper is invented in China. 7749
  8. 0106/--/-- The city of Petra is conquered by the Roman emperor Trajan. 1727
  9. 0113/--/-- Emperor Trajan's column is built to glorify his military victories. 1728
  10. 0115/--/-- Greek writer Lucian's The True History describes a fantasy trip to the moon. 1729
  11. 0117/--/-- The Roman Empire is at the height of its territorial power. 1731
  12. 0117/--/-- Trajan dies; he is succeeded by Hadrian as emperor of Rome. 1404
  13. 0117/--/-- Trajan dies; he is succeeded by Hadrian as emperor of Rome. 1730
  14. 0118/--/-- Construction of the Pantheon begins in Rome. 1732
  15. 0122/--/-- Construction of Hadrian's Wall is begun to protect Britain from northern tribes. 1733
  16. 0130/--/-- The Taoist religion is accepted in China. 1734
  17. 0130/--/-- The Taoist religion is accepted in China. 7750
  18. 0132/--/-- The Jewish Bar Kochba revolt begins against the Romans. 1735
  19. 0135/--/-- Suppression of the Jewish revolt leads to the diaspora (dispersion) of the Jews. 1736
  20. 0150/--/-- Apuleius, author of the Latin tale The Golden Ass, dies. 1405
  21. 0150/--/-- Apuleius, author of the Latin tale The Golden Ass, dies. 1739
  22. 0150/--/-- Greek astronomer Ptolemy writes his Almagest and Geography. 1737
  23. 0150/--/-- The earliest surviving Sanskrit inscriptions are made in India. 1740
  24. 0150/--/-- The Niger region is dominated by Berber and Mandingo tribes. 1738
  25. 0161/--/-- Marcus Aurelius, author of the Meditations, becomes emperor of Rome. 1741
  26. 0170/--/-- Pausanias writes his Description of Greece, a contemporary guide book. 1742
  27. 0170/--/-- Persecution of the Christians increases in Rome. 1743
  28. 0180/--/-- Bronze equestrian statue of Marcus Aurelius is completed in Rome. 1744
  29. 0189/--/-- The reign of the last Han Emperor Hsien-Ti begins. 1745
  30. 0190/--/-- Alexandrian surgeon Galen compiles his writings on medical treatments. 1747
  31. 0190/--/-- The abacus is used for numerical calculation in China. 1746
  32. 0190/--/-- The abacus is used for numerical calculation in China. 7751
  33. 0196/--/-- Roman emperor Septimius Severus sacks the city of Byzantium (Istanbul). 1748
  34. 0200/--/-- Buddhism is established as a vital force in China. 1749
  35. 0200/--/-- Buddhism is established as a vital force in China. 7752
  36. 0200/--/-- Carthage in North Africa becomes a world metropolis under Roman rule 1750
  37. 0200/--/-- Carthage in North Africa becomes a world metropolis under Roman rule 7852
  38. 0201/--/-- Empress Jingo reigns as regent in Japan. 1751
  39. 0201/--/-- Empress Jingo reigns as regent in Japan. 7945
  40. 0206/--/-- The building of the Baths of Caracalla is begun in Rome by Septimius Severus. 1752
  41. 0212/--/-- Emperor Caracalla grants citizenship to all freemen of the empire. 1753
  42. 0220/--/-- The Goths invade Asia Minor and the Balkan Peninsula. 1754
  43. 0220/--/-- The Han dynasty ends in China. 1755
  44. 0220/--/-- The Han dynasty ends in China. 7753
  45. 0224/--/-- Sassanians under Ardashir defeat the Arascid dynasty in Persia. 1756
  46. 0250/--/-- Diophantus of Alexandria writes the first book on algebra. 1758
  47. 0250/--/-- Emperor Decius persecutes the Christians and makes emperor-worship compulsory. 1757
  48. 0250/--/-- The Classical period of the Maya begins in Mesoamerica. 1759
  49. 0250/--/-- The Classical period of the Maya begins in Mesoamerica. 7045
  50. 0250/--/-- The Kingdom of Aksum gains control of the Red Sea trade. 1760
  51. 0254/--/-- Plotinus the founder of neoplatonism begins writing his discourses. 1761
  52. 0257/--/-- The Franks invade Spain. 1763
  53. 0257/--/-- The Visigoths and Ostrogoths invade the Black Sea region. 1762
  54. 0260/--/-- Persians under Shapur I defeat the Roman army and capture Emperor Valerian. 1764
  55. 0265/--/-- The reign of the first Chin dynasty begins in China. 1765
  56. 0265/--/-- The reign of the first Chin dynasty begins in China. 7754
  57. 0268/--/-- The Goths attack Athens, Sparta, and Corinth. 1766
  58. 0269/--/-- Egypt is occupied by Zenobia, queen of Palmyra; the library at Alexandria is burnt. 1767
  59. 0270/--/-- The first compass is used in China about this time. 1768
  60. 0270/--/-- The first compass is used in China about this time. 7755
  61. 0276/--/-- Mani, founder of Manichean sect, is crucified in Persia. 1769
  62. 0284/--/-- Emperor Diocletian bans alchemical books. 1770
  63. 0285/--/-- Confucianism is introduced into Japan. 1771
  64. 0285/--/-- Confucianism is introduced into Japan. 7946
  65. 0286/--/-- Diocletian rules the eastern Roman Empire; Maximian rules the western empire. 1773
  66. 0286/--/-- Saint Maurice and the Theban legion are massacred by Emperor Maximian. 1772
  67. 0295/--/-- Diocletian's Palace is built on the Dalmatian coast of Yugoslavia. 1774
  68. 0297/--/-- Rome recaptures Armenia and Mesopotamia. 1775
  69. 0300/--/-- St. Anthony forms Christian hermit communities in the Egyptian desert. 1776
  70. 0305/--/-- Roman emperor Diocletian abdicates in the East; Maximian abdicates in the West 1777
  71. 0306/--/-- Constantine becomes Emperor of the West. 1778
  72. 0311/--/-- The final persecution of the Christians begins in Rome. 1779
  73. 0312/--/-- Emperor Constantine is converted to Christianity. 1780
  74. 0312/--/-- The Edict of Toleration at Milan legalizes Christianity. 1781
  75. 0313/--/-- The Koguryo Kingdom expels the Chinese from Korea. 1782
  76. 0313/--/-- The Koguryo Kingdom expels the Chinese from Korea. 7756
  77. 0316/--/-- The Huns (Hsuiung-nu) invade northern China. 1783
  78. 0316/--/-- The Huns (Hsuiung-nu) invade northern China. 7757
  79. 0320/--/-- Chandragupta I founds the Gupta dynasty in northern India. 1784
  80. 0324/--/-- Constantine defeats Licinius, the former Emperor of the East, at Adrianople (now Edirne). 1785
  81. 0325/--/-- The council of bishops at Nicaea decide that God and Christ are one. 1786
  82. 0330/--/-- St. Peter's Church in Rome is designed for Christian worship. 1788
  83. 0330/--/-- The Roman capital moves to Constantinople (now Instanbul); the Byzantine Empire begins. 1787
  84. 0350/--/-- A school of church song (Schola Cantorum) is founded in Rome. 1791
  85. 0350/--/-- Aksum destroys the kingdom of Meroe. 1792
  86. 0350/--/-- The Huns invade Persia and India. 1790
  87. 0350/--/-- The Persians regain Armenia from Rome. 1789
  88. 0360/--/-- The Japanese invade Korea. 1793
  89. 0360/--/-- The Japanese invade Korea. 7947
  90. 0360/--/-- The Picts and Scots cross Hadrian's Wall and attack Roman Britain. 1794
  91. 0360/--/-- Vellum books begin to replace scrolls. 1795
  92. 0364/--/-- Valentinian becomes Emperor of the West; Valens becomes Emperor of the East. 1796
  93. 0370/--/-- The Huns appear in Europe for the first time. 1797
  94. 0370/--/-- Theodosius drives the Picts and Scots out of Britain. 1798
  95. 0372/--/-- Buddhism is introduced into Korea. 1799
  96. 0376/--/-- The Huns invade Russia. 1800
  97. 0378/--/-- Emperor Valens is killed by the Visigoths at the Battle of Adrianople (now Edirne). 1406
  98. 0378/--/-- Emperor Valens is killed by the Visigoths at the Battle of Adrianople (now Edirne). 1801
  99. 0378/--/-- St. Ursus builds a cathedral at Ravenna. 1802
  100. 0380/--/-- Chandragupta II heads the Gupta Empire. 1803
  101. 0383/--/-- The Roman army begins the evacuation of Britain. 1804
  102. 0386/--/-- Hymn singing is introduced by Ambrose, Bishop of Milan. 1805
  103. 0386/--/-- St. Augustine converts to Christianity. 1806
  104. 0395/--/-- Theodosius dies; the Roman Empire is permanently divided into East and West. 1407
  105. 0395/--/-- Theodosius dies; the Roman Empire is permanently divided into East and West. 1807
  106. 0396/--/-- Alaric king of the Visigoths plunders Athens 1808
  107. 0401/--/-- Pope Innocent I claims universal power over the Roman church. 1809
  108. 0401/--/-- The Visigoths invade Italy. 1810
  109. 0406/--/-- The Vandals invade Gaul; Roman legions are withdrawn from Britain. 1811
  110. 0407/--/-- The first Mongol empire is founded by the Avars. 1812
  111. 0409/--/-- The Vandals invade Spain. 1813
  112. 0410/--/-- Alchemists begin to search for the Philosopher's Stone. 1815
  113. 0410/--/-- The Visigoths under Alaric destroy Rome. 1814
  114. 0411/--/-- St. Augustine writes The City of God. 1816
  115. 0425/--/-- Constantinople University is founded. 1818
  116. 0425/--/-- Vandals, Ostrogoths and Visigoths settle in former Roman provinces. 1817
  117. 0429/--/-- Vandals under Gaiseric establish a kingdom in North Africa. 1819
  118. 0429/--/-- Vandals under Gaiseric establish a kingdom in North Africa. 7853
  119. 0432/--/-- St. Patrick's Christian mission reaches Ireland. 1820
  120. 0433/--/-- Attila becomes the ruler of the Huns. 1821
  121. 0439/--/-- The Vandals capture Carthage. 1822
  122. 0449/--/-- Jutes, Angles, and Saxons begin the conquest of Britain. 1823
  123. 0450/--/-- The Basket Maker III period of the Anasazi culture begins in North America. 1824
  124. 0450/--/-- The Basket Maker III period of the Anasazi culture begins in North America. 7046
  125. 0451/--/-- Attila the Hun invades Gaul but is repulsed at the Battle of Chalons. 1825
  126. 0452/--/-- Attila the Hun invades Italy. 1826
  127. 0452/--/-- Venice is founded by refugees from the Huns. 1827
  128. 0455/--/-- Skandagupta defeats a Hun invasion and becomes emperor of India. 1829
  129. 0455/--/-- The Vandals under Gaiseric sack Rome. 1828
  130. 0470/--/-- Mayan urban civilization flourishes in southern Mexico. 1831
  131. 0470/--/-- The Huns withdraw from Europe. 1830
  132. 0471/--/-- Theodoric the Great becomes king of the Ostrogoths. 1832
  133. 0476/--/-- Germanic king Odoacer occupies Rome, ending the Roman Empire of the West. 1833
  134. 0478/--/-- The first Shinto shrines are built in Japan. 1834
  135. 0478/--/-- The first Shinto shrines are built in Japan. 7948
  136. 0480/--/-- The Gupta Empire begins to decline after an invasion by White Huns. 1835
  137. 0486/--/-- Frankish king Clovis defeats the Romans in Gaul and founds the Merovingian dynasty. 1836
  138. 0493/--/-- Frankish king Clovis becomes the first barbarian ruler to be baptized. 1838
  139. 0493/--/-- Theodoric King of the Ostrogoths becomes ruler of all Italy 1837
  140. 0500/--/-- Modern forms of harness for draft animals appear in China about this time. 1841
  141. 0500/--/-- Modern forms of harness for draft animals appear in China about this time. 7758
  142. 0500/--/-- The colonial period of the Hohokam culture begins in North America about this time. 1839
  143. 0500/--/-- The colonial period of the Hohokam culture begins in North America about this time. 7047
  144. 0500/--/-- The Lex Salica Germanic law is composed. 1840
  145. 0501/--/-- Gundobad king of the Burgundians establishes judicial duel or trial by combat. 1842
  146. 0507/--/-- The Franks conquer the Visigoths; Alaric II is killed by Clovis. 1408
  147. 0507/--/-- The Franks conquer the Visigoths; Alaric II is killed by Clovis. 1843
  148. 0511/--/-- Clovis king of the Franks dies; his kingdom is divided among his four sons. 1409
  149. 0511/--/-- Clovis king of the Franks dies; his kingdom is divided among his four sons. 1844
  150. 0520/--/-- King Arthur is said to have organized the Celtic defence against Saxon invaders. 1845
  151. 0523/--/-- Hilderic becomes the Vandal king of North Africa. 1846
  152. 0523/--/-- Hilderic becomes the Vandal king of North Africa. 7854
  153. 0523/--/-- Roman scholar Boethius writes On the Consolation of Philosophy. 1847
  154. 0525/--/-- Theodora marries Justinian, the future Byzantine Emperor. 1848
  155. 0526/--/-- Theodoric, king of the Ostrogoths and ruler of Italy, dies. 1410
  156. 0526/--/-- Theodoric, king of the Ostrogoths and ruler of Italy, dies. 1849
  157. 0527/--/-- Justinian becomes emperor of Byzantium. 1850
  158. 0529/--/-- St. Benedict founds the Benedictine order and builds an abbey at Monte Cassino, Italy. 1851
  159. 0531/--/-- Khosru I becomes king of Persia; the Sassanian Empire is at its greatest extent. 1852
  160. 0534/--/-- Byzantine general Belisarius reconquers North Africa. 1853
  161. 0534/--/-- Byzantine general Belisarius reconquers North Africa. 7855
  162. 0534/--/-- Roman Law is codified under Justinian as the Body of Civil Law. 1854
  163. 0535/--/-- A 12-story pagoda is built in China. 1855
  164. 0535/--/-- A 12-story pagoda is built in China. 7759
  165. 0537/--/-- The church of Hagia Sophia is completed in Constantinople (Istanbul). 1856
  166. 0538/--/-- Buddhism is introduced into Japan from Korea. 1857
  167. 0538/--/-- Buddhism is introduced into Japan from Korea. 7949
  168. 0541/--/-- A Bubonic Plague ravages Europe. 1858
  169. 0547/--/-- The Byzantine church of San Vitale is built at Ravenna in Italy. 1859
  170. 0550/--/-- The crucifix develops as an ornament about this time. 1860
  171. 0552/--/-- Persian monks smuggle Chinese silkworms into Constantinople (Istanbul). 1861
  172. 0552/--/-- Persian monks smuggle Chinese silkworms into Constantinople (Istanbul). 7760
  173. 0553/--/-- Justinian reconquers Italy from the Ostrogoths. 1862
  174. 0560/--/-- The Mediterranean seaboard falls under Byzantine control. 1863
  175. 0562/--/-- The Silla kingdom expels the Japanese from Korea. 1864
  176. 0562/--/-- The Silla kingdom expels the Japanese from Korea. 7950
  177. 0563/--/-- St. Columba establishes an Irish monastery on the island of Iona. 1865
  178. 0565/--/-- The first recorded sighting of the legendary Loch Ness monster is made in Scotland. 1866
  179. 0568/--/-- The Lombards invade northern Italy. 1867
  180. 0570/--/-- The prophet Muhammad is born at Mecca. 1868
  181. 0572/--/-- War begins between Persia and Byzantium. 1869
  182. 0581/--/-- Wen Ti founds the Sui dynasty and reunites China. 1870
  183. 0581/--/-- Wen Ti founds the Sui dynasty and reunites China. 7761
  184. 0586/--/-- The earliest known depiction of Christ on the cross is made. 1871
  185. 0589/--/-- The Visigoths in Spain are converted to Christianity. 1872
  186. 0590/--/-- Gregory I becomes the first monk to be elected as Pope. 1873
  187. 0594/--/-- The plague that began in 541 ends, after halving the population of Europe. 1874
  188. 0597/--/-- St. Augustine begins his Christian mission to England at Canterbury. 931
  189. 0597/--/-- St. Augustine begins his Christian mission to England at Canterbury. 1875
  190. 0600/--/-- A Mayan center is established at Bonampak in Mexico about this time. 1877
  191. 0600/--/-- Irish missionaries work in Scotland and Germany. 1879
  192. 0600/--/-- Pope Gregory I supervises the compiling of plainsong (Gregorian chants). 1883
  193. 0600/--/-- Smallpox spreads from India to Europe. 1882
  194. 0600/--/-- The Anglo-Saxons are dominant in Britain; romanized Britons survive in the west. 1876
  195. 0600/--/-- The city of Huari is established in central Peru about this time. 1878
  196. 0600/--/-- The game of chess is invented in India about this time. 1881
  197. 0600/--/-- The game of chess is invented in India about this time. 7431
  198. 0600/--/-- The kettledrum originates in the Near East about this time. 1884
  199. 0600/--/-- Windmills are in use in Persia for irrigation. 1880
  200. 0607/--/-- The first Buddhist temple is built at Nara in Japan. 1885
  201. 0607/--/-- The first Buddhist temple is built at Nara in Japan. 7951
  202. 0610/--/-- Muhammad, the founder of Islam, receives his first prophetic message. 1886
  203. 0614/--/-- Persian armies overrun Asia Minor and capture Jerusalem. 1887
  204. 0618/--/-- The T'ang dynasty in China establishes an imperial bureaucracy. 1888
  205. 0618/--/-- The T'ang dynasty in China establishes an imperial bureaucracy. 7762
  206. 0619/--/-- The Persians conquer Egypt 1889
  207. 0620/--/-- Lyric poetry of the T'ang dynasty promotes the use of the Chinese language. 1890
  208. 0620/--/-- Lyric poetry of the T'ang dynasty promotes the use of the Chinese language. 7763
  209. 0622/--/-- The Muslim era begins with the flight of Muhammad from Mecca to Medina. 1891
  210. 0627/--/-- The Byzantines under Heraclius defeat the Persians at Nineveh. 1892
  211. 0629/--/-- The Visigoths drive the Byzantines from Spain. 1893
  212. 0630/--/-- A holy war (jihad) by Muslims leads to the conquest of Mecca. 1389
  213. 0630/--/-- A holy war (jihad) by Muslims leads to the conquest of Mecca. 1894
  214. 0630/--/-- The Sutton Hoo treasure is buried in a grave of an Anglo-Saxon king in England. 932
  215. 0630/--/-- The Sutton Hoo treasure is buried in a grave of an Anglo-Saxon king in England. 1895
  216. 0632/--/-- Muhammad dies; he is succeeded by the first caliph (successor) Abu Bakr. 1411
  217. 0632/--/-- Muhammad dies; he is succeeded by the first caliph (successor) Abu Bakr. 1896
  218. 0637/--/-- Arab armies destroy the Sassanian Empire. 1897
  219. 0642/--/-- The Arabs conquer Syria, Mesopotamia, and Egypt. 1898
  220. 0645/--/-- Buddhism reaches Tibet from India. 1900
  221. 0645/--/-- T'ang dynasty artist Yen Li-Pen is active about this time. 1899
  222. 0645/--/-- T'ang dynasty artist Yen Li-Pen is active about this time. 7484
  223. 0646/--/-- The Taika Reform remodels Japanese imperial authority on Chinese lines. 1901
  224. 0646/--/-- The Taika Reform remodels Japanese imperial authority on Chinese lines. 7764
  225. 0646/--/-- The Taika Reform remodels Japanese imperial authority on Chinese lines. 7952
  226. 0650/--/-- Coptic art in Egypt incorporates Christian and Arab influences. 1903
  227. 0650/--/-- Teotihuacan falls into decline in central Mexico; the city is looted and burned. 1902
  228. 0651/--/-- The Koran, sacred book of Islam, reaches its final form. 1904
  229. 0658/--/-- Chinese power in Central Asia reaches its maximum extent. 1905
  230. 0658/--/-- Chinese power in Central Asia reaches its maximum extent. 7765
  231. 0661/--/-- Classical Arab music evolves under the Umayyad caliphs (leaders). 1906
  232. 0661/--/-- Classical Arab music evolves under the Umayyad caliphs (leaders). 7485
  233. 0661/--/-- The schism of Islam into Shiite and Sunnite factions begins. 1907
  234. 0664/--/-- The Arabs conquer the city of Kabul in present day Afghanistan. 1908
  235. 0668/--/-- Korea is unified under the kingdom of Silla. 1909
  236. 0670/--/-- The first English poet Caedmon writes Christian verse. 933
  237. 0670/--/-- The first English poet Caedmon writes Christian verse. 1910
  238. 0673/--/-- Greek fire is used against the Muslims during the siege of Constantinople (Istanbul). 1911
  239. 0674/--/-- The Arab eastward conquest reaches the Indus River. 1912
  240. 0678/--/-- A Muslim blockade of Constantinople fails; the Byzantines and Arabs establish a truce. 1913
  241. 0680/--/-- The Bulgars invade the Balkans 1914
  242. 0688/--/-- Construction begins of the Dome of the Rock mosque in Jerusalem. 1915
  243. 0695/--/-- The Jews are persecuted in Spain. 1916
  244. 0697/--/-- The Arabs begin the permanent destruction of Carthage. 1917
  245. 0698/--/-- The Lindisfarne Gospels are produced in England. 934
  246. 0698/--/-- The Lindisfarne Gospels are produced in England. 1918
  247. 0700/--/-- Arabic becomes the official language of Egypt. 1927
  248. 0700/--/-- Chichen Itza becomes an important Mayan center in the Yucatan (Mexico). 1924
  249. 0700/--/-- First Pueblo period begins in North America; above-ground adobe dwellings are built. 1928
  250. 0700/--/-- First Pueblo period begins in North America; above-ground adobe dwellings are built. 7049
  251. 0700/--/-- The Anglo-Saxon epic poem Beowulf is composed. 1926
  252. 0700/--/-- The Arabs capture Tunis, exterminating Christianity in North Africa. 1919
  253. 0700/--/-- The Arabs capture Tunis, exterminating Christianity in North Africa. 7856
  254. 0700/--/-- The Mississippian culture is founded in North America; the Cahokia Mounds are begun. 1921
  255. 0700/--/-- The Mississippian culture is founded in North America; the Cahokia Mounds are begun. 7048
  256. 0700/--/-- The Mochica culture declines about this time in Peru. 1925
  257. 0700/--/-- The rise of the empire of Ghana begins in Africa. 1920
  258. 0700/--/-- The rise of the empire of Ghana begins in Africa. 7857
  259. 0700/--/-- The Zapotec center at Monte Alban in Mexico is abandoned about this time. 1922
  260. 0700/--/-- Waterwheels are in use throughout Europe. 1923
  261. 0706/--/-- The city of Nara is founded as the first capital of Japan. 1929
  262. 0706/--/-- The city of Nara is founded as the first capital of Japan. 7953
  263. 0711/--/-- The Moors (Arabs and Berbers) invade Spain. 1930
  264. 0712/--/-- The Arabs establish a state in Sind in present day Pakistan. 1931
  265. 0712/--/-- The earliest Japanese history the Kojiki (Record of Ancient Matters) is written. 1932
  266. 0712/--/-- The earliest Japanese history the Kojiki (Record of Ancient Matters) is written. 7954
  267. 0718/--/-- Emperor Leo III defeats the Arab siege of Constantinople (Istanbul). 1933
  268. 0725/--/-- The Arabs introduce the lute into Spain. 1934
  269. 0726/--/-- Byzantine ruler Leo III forbids the worship of icons. 1935
  270. 0730/--/-- Printing begins in China. 1936
  271. 0730/--/-- Printing begins in China. 7766
  272. 0731/--/-- The Venerable Bede writes a history of the English church. 935
  273. 0731/--/-- The Venerable Bede writes a history of the English church. 1937
  274. 0732/--/-- The Franks defeat the Moors at Tours and halt Arab expansion into Europe. 1938
  275. 0743/--/-- Buddhism becomes a state cult in Japan. 1939
  276. 0743/--/-- Buddhism becomes a state cult in Japan. 7955
  277. 0744/--/-- The Uighurs seize Mongolia. 1940
  278. 0748/--/-- The first printed newspaper appears in China. 1941
  279. 0748/--/-- The first printed newspaper appears in China. 7767
  280. 0749/--/-- The Abbasid caliphate deposes the Umayyads. 1942
  281. 0750/--/-- The Buddhist Pala dynasty is founded in Bengal (India) about this time. 1944
  282. 0750/--/-- The city of Granada is founded in Spain. 1943
  283. 0750/--/-- The Hindu temple complex at Bhubaneswar is begun about this time in India. 1390
  284. 0750/--/-- The Hindu temple complex at Bhubaneswar is begun about this time in India. 1945
  285. 0751/--/-- An Arab paper mill is established in Samarkand using Chinese paper-makers. 1947
  286. 0751/--/-- An Arab paper mill is established in Samarkand using Chinese paper-makers. 7768
  287. 0751/--/-- The Lombards capture Ravenna, the last Byzantine stronghold in northern Italy. 1948
  288. 0751/--/-- The Merovingian dynasty ends; Pepin begins the Carolingian dynasty. 1946
  289. 0755/--/-- The formation of the Papal States begins in Italy. 1949
  290. 0770/--/-- Block printing develops in Japan; 1 million copies of a prayer paper are produced. 1950
  291. 0770/--/-- Block printing develops in Japan; 1 million copies of a prayer paper are produced. 7956
  292. 0771/--/-- Charlemagne becomes the sole king of the Franks. 1951
  293. 0774/--/-- Charlemagne expels the Lombards from Italy. 1952
  294. 0780/--/-- Lu Yu's The Classic of Tea, the first handbook on tea, is published in China. 1953
  295. 0780/--/-- Lu Yu's The Classic of Tea, the first handbook on tea, is published in China. 7769
  296. 0782/--/-- Charlemagne invites Alcuin of York to lead a cultural revival in Aix-la-Chapelle (Aachen). 1954
  297. 0785/--/-- The Arabs begin the construction of the Great Mosque at Cordoba in Spain. 1955
  298. 0786/--/-- The golden age of Arab music begins under caliph Harun al-Rashid. 1956
  299. 0786/--/-- The golden age of Arab music begins under caliph Harun al-Rashid. 7486
  300. 0787/--/-- Byzantine empress Irene convenes the Second Council of Nicaea to rule on iconoclasm. 1957
  301. 0787/--/-- The city of Bremen is founded in Germany. 1958
  302. 0789/--/-- Vikings begin their attacks on England. 936
  303. 0789/--/-- Vikings begin their attacks on England. 1959
  304. 0790/--/-- The city of Fez is founded in Morocco. 1960
  305. 0792/--/-- Charlemagne begins building his Chapel at Aix-la-Chapelle (Aachen). 1961
  306. 0794/--/-- The Japanese capital moves from Nara to Kyoto. 1962
  307. 0794/--/-- The Japanese capital moves from Nara to Kyoto. 7957
  308. 0799/--/-- The Book of Kells is completed about this time. 1963
  309. 0800/--/-- Irish monks reach Iceland. 1968
  310. 0800/--/-- Mayan murals are completed at Bonampak in Mexico. 1971
  311. 0800/--/-- Pope Leo III crowns Charlemagne as the first European emperor since the Romans. 1964
  312. 0800/--/-- The Kanem-Bornu Empire is founded about this time in West Africa. 1967
  313. 0800/--/-- The Kanem-Bornu Empire is founded about this time in West Africa. 7858
  314. 0800/--/-- The Mayan center of Palenque begins to decline in Mexico. 1965
  315. 0800/--/-- The Oseberg Viking longship is buried about this time 1969
  316. 0800/--/-- The Srivijaya Empire is dominant in the Straits of Malacca. 1966
  317. 0800/--/-- The temple of Borobudur is constructed in Java. 1970
  318. 0802/--/-- Egbert acknowledged King of England. Egbert was King of Wessex, Kent, Surrey, S 8039
  319. 0812/--/-- The Chinese government issues paper bank drafts as money. 1972
  320. 0812/--/-- The Chinese government issues paper bank drafts as money. 7770
  321. 0814/--/-- Construction of the Doge's Palace begins in Venice. 1973
  322. 0814/--/-- The Arabs adopt Indian numerals (1-9). 1974
  323. 0838/--/-- The Arabs sack Marseille and settle in southern Italy. 1975
  324. 0839/--/-- Aethelwulf crowned King of England. Aethelwulf resigned Wessex to his son Aethe 8040
  325. 0840/--/-- Viking settlers found the city of Dublin in Ireland. 1976
  326. 0843/--/-- The Carolingian Empire is partitioned by the Treaty of Verdun. 1977
  327. 0844/--/-- A Viking raid on Seville is repulsed. 1978
  328. 0845/--/-- The Vikings sack Paris. 1979
  329. 0846/--/-- The Arabs sack Rome and destroy the Venetian fleet. 1980
  330. 0849/--/-- The city of Pagan is founded in Burma. 1981
  331. 0850/--/-- Sian, capital of the T'ang Empire, has a population of over 1 million inhabitants. 1982
  332. 0850/--/-- The Acropolis of Zimbabwe is built in Africa. 1983
  333. 0850/--/-- The Acropolis of Zimbabwe is built in Africa. 7859
  334. 0851/--/-- An earthquake devastates Rome. 1984
  335. 0855/--/-- Interregnum. No King of All England. 8046
  336. 0858/--/-- Aethelbald crowned King of England. Aethelbald succeded as King of Wessex in 85 8041
  337. 0860/--/-- Aethelbert crowned King of England. Sub-King in Kent, Essex, and Surrey 858-860 8042
  338. 0860/--/-- Rus Vikings attack Constantinople (Istanbul). 1986
  339. 0860/--/-- The Cyrillic alphabet is developed in eastern Europe about this time. 1985
  340. 0862/--/-- Novgorod in Russia is founded by the Rus Viking, Ulrich. 1987
  341. 0866/--/-- Aethelred I crowned King of England. 8043
  342. 0866/--/-- Danish Vikings establish a kingdom in York, England. 937
  343. 0866/--/-- Danish Vikings establish a kingdom in York, England. 1988
  344. 0867/--/-- Byzantine mosaics are created in the church of Hagia Sophia in Constantinople. 1990
  345. 0867/--/-- Photius, the patriarch of Constantinople, initiates a schism with the church of Rome. 1989
  346. 0868/--/-- The earliest known woodcut illustration is made in China. 1991
  347. 0868/--/-- The earliest known woodcut illustration is made in China. 7771
  348. 0870/--/-- The Vikings found settlements on Iceland about this time. 1992
  349. 0871/--/-- Alfred 'The Great' crowned King of England. 8044
  350. 0871/--/-- Alfred the Great becomes king of Wessex; the Danish advance is halted in England. 938
  351. 0871/--/-- Alfred the Great becomes king of Wessex; the Danish advance is halted in England. 1993
  352. 0872/--/-- Harold I gains control of Norway. 1994
  353. 0879/--/-- Rurik establishes Kiev as the center of the Kievan Rus' domains. 1995
  354. 0880/--/-- Angkor is founded as the capital city of the Khmer Empire in Cambodia (Kampuchea). 1996
  355. 0880/--/-- Byzantine emperor Basil I drives the Arabs from Italy. 1997
  356. 0884/--/-- Charles III becomes king of France and reunites the Frankish Empire. 1998
  357. 0886/--/-- Alfred divides England with the Danes under the Danelaw pact. 939
  358. 0886/--/-- Alfred divides England with the Danes under the Danelaw pact. 1999
  359. 0887/--/-- Arnulf deposes Charles III to become the last Carolingian Frankish emperor. 2000
  360. 0895/--/-- The Fujiwaras become rulers of Japan. 2001
  361. 0895/--/-- The Fujiwaras become rulers of Japan. 7958
  362. 0896/--/-- The Magyars migrate to the Danube region. 2002
  363. 0900/--/-- Cordoba in Spain becomes the center of Islamic science. 2005
  364. 0900/--/-- Edward I 'The Elder' crowned King of England at Kingston-upon-Thames. 8045
  365. 0900/--/-- The Second Pueblo period begins in North America. 2003
  366. 0900/--/-- The Second Pueblo period begins in North America. 7050
  367. 0900/--/-- The Vikings raid along the Mediterranean coast. 2004
  368. 0900/--/-- The windmill arrives in Muslim Spain from Persia. 2006
  369. 0906/--/-- The last T'ang emperor is deposed; civil war begins in China. 1391
  370. 0906/--/-- The last T'ang emperor is deposed; civil war begins in China. 2007
  371. 0906/--/-- The last T'ang emperor is deposed; civil war begins in China. 7772
  372. 0909/--/-- A Benedictine abbey is founded at Cluny in France. 2008
  373. 0910/--/-- The mystical Islamic religion Sufism flourishes. 2009
  374. 0911/--/-- The Viking chief Rollo is granted land by the Franks and founds Normandy in France. 2010
  375. 0915/--/-- Fatimid armies invade Egypt. 2011
  376. 0918/--/-- The state of Koryo is founded in Korea. 2012
  377. 0920/--/-- The golden age of the Empire of Ghana begins in Africa. 2013
  378. 0920/--/-- The golden age of the Empire of Ghana begins in Africa. 7860
  379. 0922/--/-- The Fatimid dynasty conquers Morocco. 2014
  380. 0925/--/-- Athelstan crowned King of England at Kingston-upon-Thames by Wulfhelm, Archbisho 8047
  381. 0936/--/-- Otto I becomes king of Germany. 2015
  382. 0939/--/-- Edmund I 'The Magnificent' crowned King of England. 8048
  383. 0939/--/-- The Annamese drive the Chinese out of Vietnam. 2017
  384. 0939/--/-- The Annamese drive the Chinese out of Vietnam. 7773
  385. 0939/--/-- The Kingdom of Leon captures Madrid from the Arabs. 2016
  386. 0941/--/-- Rus Vikings attack Constantinople (Istanbul). 2018
  387. 0946/--/-- Edred crowned King of England at Kingston-upon-Thames by Oda, Archbishop of Cant 8049
  388. 0947/--/-- The Liao dynasty is established in China with its capital at Peking. 2019
  389. 0947/--/-- The Liao dynasty is established in China with its capital at Peking. 7774
  390. 0950/--/-- Al-Farabi, Arab philosopher and author of the Grand Book of Music, dies. 1412
  391. 0950/--/-- Al-Farabi, Arab philosopher and author of the Grand Book of Music, dies. 2024
  392. 0950/--/-- Al-Farabi, Arab philosopher and author of the Grand Book of Music, dies. 7487
  393. 0950/--/-- Organs are installed in European abbeys and cathedrals. 2021
  394. 0950/--/-- The Arabs import drums and trumpets into Europe. 2020
  395. 0950/--/-- The building of the temple complex at Khajuraho begins in India. 2025
  396. 0950/--/-- The Classical Mayan period ends about this time. 2022
  397. 0950/--/-- The Ottonian art period begins. 2026
  398. 0950/--/-- Tula is established as the capital of Toltec power in Mexico. 2023
  399. 0955/--/-- Edwy 'The Fair' crowned King of England at Kingston-upon-Thames by Oda, Archbish 8050
  400. 0955/--/-- Otto I defeats the Magyars at Lechfeld. 2027
  401. 0959/--/-- Edgar 'The Peaceful' crowned King of England at Bath by Dunstan, Archbishop of C 8051
  402. 0960/--/-- The Piasts found the first Polish dynasty. 2029
  403. 0960/--/-- The Sung dynasty begins in China. 2028
  404. 0960/--/-- The Sung dynasty begins in China. 7775
  405. 0962/--/-- Pope John XII crowns Otto I as Holy Roman Emperor. 2030
  406. 0966/--/-- Fujiwara domination of Japan is at its height. 2032
  407. 0966/--/-- Fujiwara domination of Japan is at its height. 7959
  408. 0966/--/-- The Poles convert to Christianity 2031
  409. 0969/--/-- The Fatimids conquer Egypt and found Cairo. 2033
  410. 0975/--/-- Edward II 'The Martyr' crowned King of England at Kingston-upon-Thames. 8052
  411. 0975/--/-- The Arabs introduce arithmetical notation into Europe. 2034
  412. 0979/--/-- Aethelred II 'The Unready' crowned King of England at Kingston-upon-Thames. 8053
  413. 0979/--/-- The Sung dynasty reunites China. 2035
  414. 0979/--/-- The Sung dynasty reunites China. 7776
  415. 0980/--/-- Arabs settle along the east coast of Africa. 2036
  416. 0980/--/-- Arabs settle along the east coast of Africa. 7861
  417. 0980/--/-- Danish raids on England are renewed. 940
  418. 0980/--/-- Danish raids on England are renewed. 2037
  419. 0981/--/-- Viking leader Eric the Red discovers Greenland. 2038
  420. 0982/--/-- Otto II is defeated by the Saracens in southern Italy. 2039
  421. 0985/--/-- Venice and Genoa trade between Asia and western Europe. 2040
  422. 0986/--/-- Viking ships sail in Newfoundland waters. 2041
  423. 0987/--/-- The Carolingian dynasty ends; the Capetians rule France. 2042
  424. 0987/--/-- The Toltecs capture Chichen Itza from the Mayas in Mexico. 2043
  425. 0988/--/-- Vladimir I of Kiev introduces Eastern Christianity to Russia. 2044
  426. 0991/--/-- AEthelred II pays the first Danegeld ransom to stop Danish attacks on England. 941
  427. 0991/--/-- AEthelred II pays the first Danegeld ransom to stop Danish attacks on England. 2045
  428. 0991/--/-- Japanese poet Sei Shonagon begins her diary The Pillow Book. 2046
  429. 0991/--/-- Japanese poet Sei Shonagon begins her diary The Pillow Book. 7960
  430. 0995/--/-- Olaf I conquers Norway and proclaims it a Christian kingdom. 2047
  431. 0996/--/-- Cane sugar arrives in Venice from Egypt. 2048
  432. 0999/--/-- Baguda becomes the first king of Kano in Nigeria. 2049
  433. 1000/--/-- Christianity reaches Greenland and Iceland. 2051
  434. 1000/--/-- Eilmer of Malmesbury makes a glider flight from Malmesbury Abbey in England. 942
  435. 1000/--/-- Eilmer of Malmesbury makes a glider flight from Malmesbury Abbey in England. 2055
  436. 1000/--/-- Leif Eriksson, son of Eric the Red, explores the coast of North America. 2054
  437. 1000/--/-- Leif Eriksson, son of Eric the Red, explores the coast of North America. 7051
  438. 1000/--/-- Olaf I dies; Norway is ruled by the Danes. 1413
  439. 1000/--/-- Olaf I dies; Norway is ruled by the Danes. 2052
  440. 1000/--/-- Sancho III rules all of Christian Spain. 2056
  441. 1000/--/-- Stephen I is crowned as the first king of Hungary. 2050
  442. 1000/--/-- The canonization of saints is formalized by the Christian church. 2058
  443. 1000/--/-- The frame harp is in use in Ireland about this time. 2059
  444. 1000/--/-- Venice has domain over the Dalmatian coast and the Adriatic Sea. 2053
  445. 1000/--/-- Zanzibar is settled about this time in Africa. 2057
  446. 1000/--/-- Zanzibar is settled about this time in Africa. 7862
  447. 1001/--/-- Mahmud of Ghazni begins a holy war to conquer India for Islam. 1258
  448. 1001/--/-- Mahmud of Ghazni begins a holy war to conquer India for Islam. 2060
  449. 1002/--/-- Brian Boru defeats the Norse and becomes the king of Ireland. 2061
  450. 1004/--/-- Henry II of Germany is crowned king of Lombardy. 2062
  451. 1010/--/-- Persian poet Firdawsi completes the Shah Namah (Book of Kings). 2064
  452. 1010/--/-- Viking explorer Thorfinn Karlsefni attempts to found a settlement in North America. 2063
  453. 1010/--/-- Viking explorer Thorfinn Karlsefni attempts to found a settlement in North America. 7052
  454. 1013/--/-- Sweyn 'Forkbeard' acknowledged King of England by right of conquest. He was also 8054
  455. 1013/--/-- The Danes conquer England; AEthelred flees to Normandy. 943
  456. 1013/--/-- The Danes conquer England; AEthelred flees to Normandy. 2065
  457. 1014/--/-- Aethelred II restored as King of England. 8055
  458. 1014/--/-- Henry II is crowned Holy Roman Emperor. 2066
  459. 1015/--/-- Vikings abandon the Vinland settlement on the coast of North America. 2067
  460. 1015/--/-- Vikings abandon the Vinland settlement on the coast of North America. 7053
  461. 1016/--/-- Olaf II regains Norway from the Danes. 2069
  462. 1016/--/-- The Danes under Canute rule England. 944
  463. 1016/--/-- The Danes under Canute rule England. 2068
  464. 1016/04/-- Edmund II 'Ironside' crowned King of England. 8056
  465. 1016/11/-- Canute 'The Great' crowned King of England. Canute was also King of Denmark fro 8059
  466. 1017/--/-- Fatimid caliph al-Hakim founds the Druze religion. 2070
  467. 1018/--/-- The Byzantine Empire annexes Bulgaria. 2071
  468. 1020/--/-- Female Japanese author Murasaki Shikibu completes The Tale of Genji. 2072
  469. 1020/--/-- Female Japanese author Murasaki Shikibu completes The Tale of Genji. 7961
  470. 1025/--/-- Guido d'Arezzo invents the use of the staff in musical notation. 2075
  471. 1025/--/-- Guido d'Arezzo invents the use of the staff in musical notation. 7432
  472. 1025/--/-- Guido d'Arezzo invents the use of the staff in musical notation. 7488
  473. 1025/--/-- Poland is divided after the death of Boleslaw I. 1414
  474. 1025/--/-- Poland is divided after the death of Boleslaw I. 2074
  475. 1025/--/-- The Cholas invade Bengal, Ceylon (Sri Lanka) and Java. 2073
  476. 1027/--/-- Conrad II becomes Holy Roman Emperor, founding the Franconian dynasty. 2076
  477. 1028/--/-- Canute, king of England and Denmark, conquers Norway. 945
  478. 1028/--/-- Canute, king of England and Denmark, conquers Norway. 2077
  479. 1030/--/-- The Cumans begin their conquest of southern Russia. 2078
  480. 1031/--/-- The caliphate of Cordoba collapses in Spain. 2079
  481. 1035/--/-- Aragon and Castile become separate kingdoms in Spain. 2080
  482. 1035/--/-- Harold I 'Harefoot' and Hardicanute crowned Joint-Kings of England. 8060
  483. 1037/--/-- Avicenna, Muslim philosopher and physician, dies. 1415
  484. 1037/--/-- Avicenna, Muslim philosopher and physician, dies. 2081
  485. 1037/--/-- Harold I 'Harefoot' acknowledged as Sole King of England. 8061
  486. 1039/--/-- The camera obscure is described for the first time. 2082
  487. 1040/--/-- Hardicanute Sole King of England. He was also King of Denmark from 1035-1042. 8062
  488. 1040/--/-- Macbeth kills Duncan I and becomes king of Scotland. 1416
  489. 1040/--/-- Macbeth kills Duncan I and becomes king of Scotland. 2083
  490. 1042/--/-- Edward the Confessor rules England with the support of the Danes. 946
  491. 1042/--/-- Edward the Confessor rules England with the support of the Danes. 2084
  492. 1042/06/-- Edward III succeeded as King of England. 8058
  493. 1043/04/-- Edward III 'The Confessor' crowned King of England at Winchester Cathedral by Ea 8057
  494. 1044/--/-- The first Burmese state is established by Anawratha at Pagan. 2085
  495. 1046/--/-- Henry III is crowned as Holy Roman Emperor. 2086
  496. 1050/--/-- Chinese books are printed with movable wooden type. 2089
  497. 1050/--/-- Chinese books are printed with movable wooden type. 7777
  498. 1050/--/-- Edward the Confessor begins the construction of Westminster Abbey. 2091
  499. 1050/--/-- Polyphonic singing replaces Gregorian chants. 2090
  500. 1050/--/-- The city of Oslo is founded in Norway. 2087
  501. 1050/--/-- Timbuktu is founded in North Africa by the Tuaregs. 2088
  502. 1050/--/-- Timbuktu is founded in North Africa by the Tuaregs. 7863
  503. 1051/--/-- Isfahan becomes the capital of the Seljuk Empire. 2092
  504. 1054/--/-- A supernova or guest star (the Crab Nebula) is reported by the Chinese. 2094
  505. 1054/--/-- A supernova or guest star (the Crab Nebula) is reported by the Chinese. 7778
  506. 1054/--/-- The Great Schism begins between the Orthodox church and the Roman Church. 2093
  507. 1055/--/-- The Seljuk Turks occupy Baghdad. 2095
  508. 1056/--/-- The Almoravids conquer North Africa 2096
  509. 1056/--/-- The Almoravids conquer North Africa 7864
  510. 1057/--/-- Malcolm III kills Macbeth and becomes king of Scotland. 1417
  511. 1057/--/-- Malcolm III kills Macbeth and becomes king of Scotland. 2097
  512. 1059/--/-- The Florence Baptistery is consecrated. 2098
  513. 1062/--/-- The city of Marrakech is founded in Morocco. 2099
  514. 1063/--/-- The building of Pisa Cathedral is begun. 2100
  515. 1064/--/-- The Hungarians seize Belgrade from the Byzantines. 2102
  516. 1064/--/-- The Seljuks under Alp-Arslan conquer Armenia. 2101
  517. 1066/--/-- William duke of Normandy defeats the Saxon king Harold at the Battle of Hastings. 2103
  518. 1066/01/-- Harold II crowned King of England at Westminster Abbey by Ealdred, Archbishop of 8063
  519. 1066/10/14 Battle of Hastings. William II, Duke of Normandy defeated and killed Harold II, 8065
  520. 1066/12/25 William I 'The Conqueror' crowned King of England at Westminster Abbey by Ealdre 8064
  521. 1071/--/-- The Seljuks under Alp-Arslan defeat the Byzantines at the Battle of Manzikert. 2104
  522. 1072/--/-- Alfonso VI becomes king of Leon and Castile. 2106
  523. 1072/--/-- The Normans under Robert Guiscard conquer much of Byzantine Italy. 2105
  524. 1073/--/-- Pope Gregory VII removes the power of investiture from the state. 2107
  525. 1075/--/-- Persian poet Omar Khayyam writes the Rubaiyat. 2108
  526. 1076/--/-- Holy Roman Emperor Henry IV tries to depose Pope Gregory VII. 2109
  527. 1077/--/-- The Almoravids are dominant in Ghana, Africa. 2110
  528. 1077/--/-- The Almoravids are dominant in Ghana, Africa. 7865
  529. 1078/--/-- The Building of the Tower of London begins in England. 947
  530. 1078/--/-- The Building of the Tower of London begins in England. 2111
  531. 1079/--/-- The Building of Winchester Cathedral begins in England. 948
  532. 1079/--/-- The Building of Winchester Cathedral begins in England. 2112
  533. 1080/--/-- The Bayeux Tapestry depicts the Norman victory at the Battle of Hastings. 2114
  534. 1080/--/-- The city of Newcastle is founded in England. 949
  535. 1080/--/-- The city of Newcastle is founded in England. 2113
  536. 1083/--/-- Emperor Henry IV storms Rome and installs the antipope Clement III. 2115
  537. 1085/--/-- Alfonso VI captures Toledo from the Moors. 2116
  538. 1086/--/-- Over 5,000 waterwheels are in use in England according to the Domesday Book. 950
  539. 1086/--/-- Over 5,000 waterwheels are in use in England according to the Domesday Book. 2119
  540. 1086/--/-- The Almoravids cross into Spain and defeat the Christian army of reconquest. 2117
  541. 1086/--/-- The Domesday Book records land use and tenure in England. 951
  542. 1086/--/-- The Domesday Book records land use and tenure in England. 2118
  543. 1087/09/06 William II 'Rufus' crowned King of England at Westminster Abbey by Lanfranc, Arc 8066
  544. 1091/--/-- Byzantine emperor Alexius I defeats the Normans and the Pechnegs. 2121
  545. 1091/--/-- Ladislas I unites Hungary and Croatia. 2120
  546. 1093/--/-- Saint Mark's Basilica is completed in Venice. 2122
  547. 1094/--/-- Spanish leader El Cid takes Valencia from the Moors. 2123
  548. 1094/--/-- The sect of the Assassins is established. 1418
  549. 1094/--/-- The sect of the Assassins is established. 2124
  550. 1096/--/-- The Almoravids rule Muslim Spain. 2125
  551. 1096/--/-- The First Christian Crusade begins against the Muslims. 2126
  552. 1098/--/-- St. Anselm writes Why God Became Man. 2128
  553. 1098/--/-- The first Cistercian monastery is founded by St. Robert. 2127
  554. 1099/--/-- The Crusaders capture Jerusalem and establish the Latin Kingdom of Jerusalem. 2129
  555. 1100/--/-- Kano becomes an important Hausa city state in Nigeria about this time. 2131
  556. 1100/--/-- The epic poem Chanson de Roland celebrates the Age of Charlemagne. 2133
  557. 1100/--/-- The Temne probably inhabit present-day Sierra Leone by this date. 2132
  558. 1100/--/-- The Third Pueblo period begins in southwest North America. 2130
  559. 1100/--/-- The Third Pueblo period begins in southwest North America. 7054
  560. 1100/08/-- Henry I 'Beauclerc' crowned King of England at Westminster Abbey by Maurice, 8067
  561. 1105/--/-- Holy Roman Emperor Henry IV is captured and forced to abdicate by his son Henry V. 2134
  562. 1108/--/-- Louis VI succeeds his father Philip I as king of France. 2135
  563. 1114/--/-- Chichester Cathedral is founded in England. 952
  564. 1114/--/-- Chichester Cathedral is founded in England. 2136
  565. 1117/--/-- The first reference of a compass used for navigation at sea is made in China. 2137
  566. 1117/--/-- The first reference of a compass used for navigation at sea is made in China. 7779
  567. 1118/--/-- The Knights Templar military and religious order is founded. 2138
  568. 1119/--/-- French theologian Peter Abelard becomes a monk after his love affair with Heloise. 2139
  569. 1120/--/-- Ibn Tumart declares himself the mahdi and founds the Almohad dynasty. 2140
  570. 1121/--/-- Peter Abelard's teachings on the Trinity are condemned by the Council of Soissons. 2141
  571. 1122/--/-- The Concordat of Worms ends the investiture controversy over church and state powers. 2142
  572. 1130/--/-- Stained glass is used to decorate church windows for the first time. 2144
  573. 1130/--/-- The Almohad dynasty is established in Morocco. 2143
  574. 1135/--/-- Geoffrey of Monmouth begins his History of Britain. 2146
  575. 1135/--/-- The Almohads are dominant in northwestern Africa and Muslim Spain. 2145
  576. 1135/--/-- The Almohads are dominant in northwestern Africa and Muslim Spain. 7866
  577. 1135/12/26 Stephen of Blois crowned King of England at Westminster Abbey by William de Corb 8068
  578. 1137/--/-- Louis VII becomes king of France. 2147
  579. 1137/--/-- The building of Saint-Denis Church in Paris marks the beginning of the Gothic art period. 2149
  580. 1137/--/-- Wena (Vienna) is chartered as a city. 2148
  581. 1138/--/-- The Hohenstaufen dynasty begins its domain over the Holy Roman Empire. 2150
  582. 1139/--/-- Roger II, the Norman ruler of Sicily, founds the Kingdom of Naples. 2151
  583. 1145/--/-- The legendary Christian king Prester John is mentioned for the first time. 2152
  584. 1147/--/-- The Almohads kill the last Almoravid ruler in Marrakech. 1419
  585. 1147/--/-- The Almohads kill the last Almoravid ruler in Marrakech. 2155
  586. 1147/--/-- The first reference is made to the city of Moscow. 2154
  587. 1147/--/-- The Moors are expelled from Lisbon by the Christian Portuguese. 2153
  588. 1150/--/-- A medical school is established at Bologna University. 2160
  589. 1150/--/-- Europe's first paper mill is established at Jativa, Spain. 2158
  590. 1150/--/-- Oxford University is founded in England about this time. 953
  591. 1150/--/-- Oxford University is founded in England about this time. 2162
  592. 1150/--/-- The Chinese develop the first rockets. 2159
  593. 1150/--/-- The Chinese develop the first rockets. 7780
  594. 1150/--/-- The destruction of Tula marks the end of the Toltec empire. 2156
  595. 1150/--/-- The temple of Angkor Wat is built in Cambodia (Kampuchea). 2161
  596. 1150/--/-- The Yoruba city states begin to flourish in Nigeria. 2157
  597. 1152/--/-- Eleanor of Aquitane marries Henry of Anjou. 2164
  598. 1152/--/-- Louis VII the king of France annuls his marriage to Eleanor of Aquitane. 2163
  599. 1153/--/-- Parakrama Bahu I begins his reign at Plonnaruwa, capital of Lanka (Sri Lanka). 2165
  600. 1154/--/-- Henry of Anjou is crowned Henry II of England -- the first Plantagenet king. 954
  601. 1154/--/-- Henry of Anjou is crowned Henry II of England -- the first Plantagenet king. 2166
  602. 1154/--/-- Muslim ruler Nur al-Din captures Damascus from the Seljuk Turks. 2167
  603. 1154/12/19 Henry II 'Curtmantle' crowned King of England at Westminster Abbey by Theobald, 8069
  604. 1155/--/-- Frederick I (Frederick Barbarossa) is crowned as Holy Roman Emperor. 2168
  605. 1159/--/-- Civil war between the Taira and Minamoto samurai ravages Japan. 1259
  606. 1159/--/-- Civil war between the Taira and Minamoto samurai ravages Japan. 2169
  607. 1159/--/-- Civil war between the Taira and Minamoto samurai ravages Japan. 7962
  608. 1160/--/-- French court poet Chretien de Troyes is active about this time. 2172
  609. 1160/--/-- The Almohads drive the Almoravid Muslims from Spain and North Africa. 2170
  610. 1160/--/-- The Almohads drive the Almoravid Muslims from Spain and North Africa. 7867
  611. 1160/--/-- The Rolls of Oleron (maritime laws) are proclaimed in France. 2171
  612. 1163/--/-- Notre Dame Cathedral is begun; flying buttresses are used for the first time. 2173
  613. 1168/--/-- The Jewish philosopher Maimonides completes the Mishnah Torah. 2174
  614. 1170/--/-- A military faction seizes control in Korea and suppresses Buddhism. 2175
  615. 1170/--/-- Archbishop Thomas Becket is murdered after a quarrel with King Henry II. 1420
  616. 1170/--/-- Archbishop Thomas Becket is murdered after a quarrel with King Henry II. 2176
  617. 1170/--/-- The University of Paris is founded. 2177
  618. 1171/--/-- King Henry II of England annexes Ireland. 955
  619. 1171/--/-- King Henry II of England annexes Ireland. 2179
  620. 1171/--/-- Saladin defeats the Fatimids and conquers Egypt. 2178
  621. 1174/--/-- The building of the Leaning Tower of Pisa begins in Italy. 2180
  622. 1174/--/-- The first public horse race course is constructed in London. 2181
  623. 1175/--/-- The building of Strasbourg Cathedral begins in Germany. 2182
  624. 1175/--/-- The first version of the French fable Reynard the Fox is written. 2183
  625. 1176/--/-- The building of Old London Bridge is begun. 2185
  626. 1176/--/-- The Lombard League defeats Emperor Frederick I at Legnano. 2184
  627. 1177/--/-- The city of Belfast is founded in Ireland. 2186
  628. 1180/--/-- Japanese warrior Minamoto no Yoritomo begins the 5-year Gempei War. 2188
  629. 1180/--/-- Japanese warrior Minamoto no Yoritomo begins the 5-year Gempei War. 7963
  630. 1180/--/-- Spanish Arab philosopher Averroes writes The Incoherence of the Incoherence. 2189
  631. 1180/--/-- The Khmer Empire is at its greatest extent in Cambodia (Kampuchea). 2187
  632. 1185/--/-- Minamoto no Yoritomo establishes the Kamakura shogunate in Japan. 2190
  633. 1185/--/-- Minamoto no Yoritomo establishes the Kamakura shogunate in Japan. 7964
  634. 1186/--/-- Bulgaria reestablishes its independence from the Byzantine Empire. 2191
  635. 1187/--/-- Saladin recaptures Jerusalem from the Crusaders. 2192
  636. 1187/--/-- The Toltecs are deposed at Chichen Itza in Mexico. 2193
  637. 1188/--/-- The Third Crusade begins. 2194
  638. 1189/09/-- Richard I 'the Lionhearted' crowned King of England at Westminster Abbey by Bald 8070
  639. 1190/--/-- Frederick I drowns enroute to the Crusades; Henry VI becomes Holy Roman Emperor (1191). 2195
  640. 1190/--/-- King Philip Augustus grants a charter to the perfumers of Paris. 2199
  641. 1190/--/-- The Mongol empire begins to expand in eastern Asia. 2196
  642. 1190/--/-- The order of the Teutonic Knights is founded during the Third Crusade. 2197
  643. 1190/--/-- Zen Buddhism is introduced into Japan. 2198
  644. 1190/--/-- Zen Buddhism is introduced into Japan. 7965
  645. 1191/--/-- King Richard I of England captures Cyprus. 956
  646. 1191/--/-- King Richard I of England captures Cyprus. 2200
  647. 1192/--/-- King Richard I of England is captured by Duke Leopold of Austria. 957
  648. 1192/--/-- King Richard I of England is captured by Duke Leopold of Austria. 2202
  649. 1192/--/-- Minamoto no Yoritomo rules as the shogun of Japan. 2201
  650. 1192/--/-- Minamoto no Yoritomo rules as the shogun of Japan. 7966
  651. 1194/--/-- A Gothic cathedral is begun at Chartres, replacing an earlier structure. 2205
  652. 1194/--/-- King Richard I is released from imprisonment after a ransom is paid. 2204
  653. 1194/--/-- The Kingdom of Naples and Sicily become part of the Holy Roman Empire under Henry VI. 2203
  654. 1197/--/-- Henry VI is succeeded by Otto IV as Holy Roman Emperor. 2206
  655. 1199/--/-- Richard I is killed in battle in France; he is succeeded by John as king of England. 958
  656. 1199/--/-- Richard I is killed in battle in France; he is succeeded by John as king of England. 1421
  657. 1199/--/-- Richard I is killed in battle in France; he is succeeded by John as king of England. 2207
  658. 1199/05/07 John 'Lackland' crowned King of England at Westminster Abbey by Hubert Walter, A 8071
  659. 1200/--/-- Cambridge University is founded in England. 959
  660. 1200/--/-- Cambridge University is founded in England. 2209
  661. 1200/--/-- The empire of Mali begins to flourish in west Africa. 2208
  662. 1200/--/-- The empire of Mali begins to flourish in west Africa. 7868
  663. 1200/--/-- The German epic Nibelungenlied is composed. 2211
  664. 1200/--/-- The Jewish kabbalistic philosophy develops. 2210
  665. 1200/--/-- Troubadour performances are at their height in Europe. 2212
  666. 1202/--/-- Italian mathematician Leonardo Pisano uses 0 (zero) for the first time in Europe. 2214
  667. 1202/--/-- The Fourth Crusade begins. 2213
  668. 1204/--/-- The city of Amsterdam is founded in Holland. 2216
  669. 1204/--/-- The Crusaders capture Constantinoplem (Istanbul) and found the Latin Empire. 2215
  670. 1206/--/-- Mongol tribal chief Temujin is proclaimed as Genghis Khan (universal ruler). 2217
  671. 1206/--/-- The Delhi Sultanate is established in India. 2218
  672. 1207/--/-- The city of Liverpool is settled in England. 960
  673. 1207/--/-- The city of Liverpool is settled in England. 2219
  674. 1209/--/-- Pope Innocent III instigates a crusade against the Albigenses in southern France. 2220
  675. 1210/--/-- St. Francis of Assisi founds the Franciscan order. 2222
  676. 1210/--/-- The Mongols begin to invade China. 2221
  677. 1210/--/-- The Mongols begin to invade China. 7781
  678. 1211/--/-- The building of St. James' Cathedral is begun in Santiago, Spain. 2223
  679. 1212/--/-- Castile defeats the Muslim Almohads in Spain. 2225
  680. 1212/--/-- The Children's Crusade begins. 2224
  681. 1214/--/-- Philip II defeats Emperor Otto IV and King John of England at the Battle of Bouvines. 961
  682. 1214/--/-- Philip II defeats Emperor Otto IV and King John of England at the Battle of Bouvines. 2226
  683. 1215/--/-- King John of England signs the Magna Carta. 962
  684. 1215/--/-- King John of England signs the Magna Carta. 2227
  685. 1215/--/-- The Mongols defeat the Chin empire and occupy Peking. 2228
  686. 1216/10/28 Henry III crowned King of England at Gloucester Cathedral by Peter des Roches, B 8072
  687. 1217/--/-- The Fifth Crusade begins with an attack on Egypt. 2229
  688. 1217/--/-- The Kingdom of Serbia is founded. 2230
  689. 1219/--/-- Denmark institutes a national flag, the oldest in Europe. 2231
  690. 1219/--/-- The city of Samarkand is conquered by Ghengis Khan. 2232
  691. 1220/--/-- The building of Salisbury Cathedral is begun in England. 963
  692. 1220/--/-- The building of Salisbury Cathedral is begun in England. 2233
  693. 1220/05/07 Henry III recrowned King of England at Westminster Abbey by Stephen Langton, Arc 8073
  694. 1222/--/-- The University of Padua is founded in Italy. 2234
  695. 1223/--/-- The Khanate of the Golden Horde is established in Russia by the Mongols. 2235
  696. 1225/--/-- French poet Guillaume de Lorris writes the Romance of the Rose. 2236
  697. 1227/--/-- Ghengis Khan dies; the Mongol empire is divided among his 4 sons. 1422
  698. 1227/--/-- Ghengis Khan dies; the Mongol empire is divided among his 4 sons. 2237
  699. 1227/--/-- The building of Toledo Cathedral is begun in Spain. 2238
  700. 1229/--/-- James I of Aragon captures Majorca from the Moors. 2239
  701. 1230/--/-- The Qutb Minar minaret is built near present-day New Delhi, India 2240
  702. 1231/--/-- Jalal al-Din al-Rumi founds the Sufi order known as Whirling Dervishes. 2241
  703. 1231/--/-- Pope Gregory IX institutes the papal Inquisition. 2242
  704. 1234/--/-- The printing of Buddhist texts using movable wooden type begins in Korea. 2243
  705. 1240/--/-- Russian prince Alexander Nevsky defeats the Swedes at the Battle of Neva. 2244
  706. 1240/--/-- The Mongol Golden Horde conquers Kievan Russia. 2245
  707. 1241/--/-- The Mongols invade Hungary. 2246
  708. 1242/--/-- English monk Roger Bacon describes a formula for making gunpowder. 964
  709. 1242/--/-- English monk Roger Bacon describes a formula for making gunpowder. 2247
  710. 1244/--/-- The city of Berlin is mentioned for the first time. 2248
  711. 1245/--/-- Pope Innocent IV sends the Franciscan friar Carpini to the Mongols as a missionary. 2249
  712. 1248/--/-- The building of Cologne Cathedral is begun in Germany. 2251
  713. 1248/--/-- The Christian reconquest of Spain is almost complete; the Muslims still hold Granada. 2250
  714. 1249/--/-- Alfonso III drives the Moors from Portugal. 2252
  715. 1250/--/-- Albertus Magnus describes a method for manufacturing arsenic. 2256
  716. 1250/--/-- Egyptian Mamelukes overthrow the Ayyubid dynasty. 2254
  717. 1250/--/-- Frederick II's death leads to an Interregnum in Germany and a struggle for the crown. 1423
  718. 1250/--/-- Frederick II's death leads to an Interregnum in Germany and a struggle for the crown. 2255
  719. 1250/--/-- Louis IX of France is captured by the Muslims during the Seventh Crusade. 2253
  720. 1250/--/-- Naval warfare in the Mediterranean is dominated by galleys. 2257
  721. 1250/--/-- Vincent of Beauvais publishes the Greater Mirror, a contemporary encyclopedia. 2258
  722. 1252/--/-- The city of Stockholm is founded in Sweden. 2259
  723. 1256/--/-- The Order of Augustinian Hermits is founded. 2260
  724. 1257/--/-- The Sorbonne theological college is founded at the University of Paris. 2261
  725. 1258/--/-- The Mongols sack Baghdad, ending the Abbasid caliphate. 2262
  726. 1260/--/-- Kublai Khan is proclaimed as the Mongol emperor. 2263
  727. 1260/--/-- Paris becomes the center of tapestry weaving. 2266
  728. 1260/--/-- The first flagellant movements appear in Italy. 2265
  729. 1260/--/-- Venetian merchants Nicolo and Maffeo Polo begin their journey to China. 2264
  730. 1260/--/-- Venetian merchants Nicolo and Maffeo Polo begin their journey to China. 7782
  731. 1261/--/-- Michael VIII regains Constantinople (Istanbul) and refounds the Byzantine Empire. 2267
  732. 1263/--/-- Norway gains control of Iceland. 2268
  733. 1264/--/-- Simon de Montfort and the English barons defeat Henry III at the Battle of Lewes. 965
  734. 1264/--/-- Simon de Montfort and the English barons defeat Henry III at the Battle of Lewes. 2269
  735. 1265/--/-- Simon de Montfort is killed at the Battle of Evesham. 1424
  736. 1265/--/-- Simon de Montfort is killed at the Battle of Evesham. 2270
  737. 1266/--/-- Charles I of Anjou becomes king of Naples and Sicily. 2272
  738. 1266/--/-- Norway surrenders the Hebrides to Scotland. 2271
  739. 1268/--/-- The Angevins and Guelphs defeat the Ghibellines at Tagliacozzo in Italy. 2273
  740. 1269/--/-- The Mamelukes seize Mecca. 2274
  741. 1271/--/-- Venetian merchant Marco Polo begins his journey to the court of Kublai Khan in China. 2275
  742. 1271/--/-- Venetian merchant Marco Polo begins his journey to the court of Kublai Khan in China. 7783
  743. 1273/--/-- Dominican theologian Thomas Aquinas completes his Summa Theologiae. 2277
  744. 1273/--/-- Rudolf I becomes king of Germany, establishing the Habsburg dynasty. 2276
  745. 1274/--/-- The Mongols invade Japan. 2278
  746. 1274/--/-- The Mongols invade Japan. 7967
  747. 1274/08/09 Edward I 'Longshanks' crowned King of England at Westminster Abbey by Robert Kil 8074
  748. 1277/--/-- Ottone Visconti rules Milan and founds the Visconti dynasty. 2279
  749. 1279/--/-- Kublai Khan establishes the Yuan dynasty in China. 2280
  750. 1279/--/-- Kublai Khan establishes the Yuan dynasty in China. 7784
  751. 1280/--/-- Syrian scholar al-Hassan-al-Rammah describes "Chinese Arrows" (rockets). 2281
  752. 1280/--/-- Syrian scholar al-Hassan-al-Rammah describes "Chinese Arrows" (rockets). 7785
  753. 1282/--/-- Sicilians revolt against the French during the Sicilian Vespers. 2282
  754. 1282/--/-- Sicily splits from the Kingdom of Naples; Peter III of Aragon is elected to the throne. 2283
  755. 1284/--/-- The Genoese fleet defeats Pisa to become dominant in the Mediterranean. 2284
  756. 1284/--/-- The Pied Piper of Hamelin is alleged to have appeared about this time. 2285
  757. 1285/--/-- Sienese artist Duccio paints the Rucellai Madonna in Florence. 2286
  758. 1287/--/-- Pagan is conquered by the Mongols in Burma. 2287
  759. 1290/--/-- Edward I expels the Jews from England. 966
  760. 1290/--/-- Edward I expels the Jews from England. 2288
  761. 1290/--/-- Florentine artist Cimabue paints the Crucifix. 2290
  762. 1290/--/-- Florentine artist Cimabue paints the Crucifix. 7489
  763. 1290/--/-- Moses de Leon composes the Kabbalistic work Zohar. 2291
  764. 1290/--/-- Osman I founds the dynasty of the Ottoman Turks. 2289
  765. 1291/--/-- The Mamelukes capture Acre, ending the Latin Kingdom of Jerusalem. 2292
  766. 1291/--/-- The Swiss Confederation (Switzerland) is formed. 2293
  767. 1293/--/-- Italian poet Dante writes his first book La vita nuova (The New Life). 2294
  768. 1293/--/-- The Majapahit Empire is founded in Java. 2295
  769. 1294/--/-- Philip IV of France institutes sumptuary laws against extravagant costumes. 2296
  770. 1294/--/-- The building of Florence Cathedral is begun in Italy. 2297
  771. 1295/--/-- Marco Polo brings a pasta recipe to Italy from Asia. 2298
  772. 1297/--/-- The Genoese defeat the Venetian fleet at Curzola. 2300
  773. 1297/--/-- William Wallace expels the English from Scotland. 967
  774. 1297/--/-- William Wallace expels the English from Scotland. 2299
  775. 1298/--/-- English king Edward I defeats William Wallace and reconquers Scotland. 968
  776. 1298/--/-- English king Edward I defeats William Wallace and reconquers Scotland. 2301
  777. 1298/--/-- Marco Polo dictates the memoirs of his Travels from a prison in Genoa. 2302
  778. 1300/--/-- Apothecaries become popular in Germany. 2305
  779. 1300/--/-- The city of Cholula regains prominence under the Mixtecs in Mexico. 2303
  780. 1300/--/-- The first mechanical clocks appear in Europe. 2306
  781. 1300/--/-- The Forbidden City is built in Peking about this time. 2304
  782. 1300/--/-- The spinning wheel is in use in Europe. 2308
  783. 1300/--/-- The use of eyeglasses (spectacles) becomes common. 2307
  784. 1303/--/-- Philip IV of France tries to abduct Pope Boniface VIII. 2309
  785. 1305/--/-- Florentine painter Giotto begins his frescoes in the Arena Chapel in Padua. 2310
  786. 1305/--/-- Florentine painter Giotto begins his frescoes in the Arena Chapel in Padua. 7490
  787. 1306/--/-- Philip IV expels the Jews from France. 2312
  788. 1306/--/-- Robert the Bruce leads the Scots in a rebellion against English rule. 969
  789. 1306/--/-- Robert the Bruce leads the Scots in a rebellion against English rule. 2311
  790. 1307/--/-- Italian poet Dante begins his masterwork The Divine Comedy. 2313
  791. 1307/07/-- Edward II de-facto King of England. 8076
  792. 1308/--/-- Charles I becomes the first Angevin king of Hungary. 2314
  793. 1308/02/04 Edward II crowned King of England at Westminster Abbey by Henry Merewell (alias 8075
  794. 1309/--/-- Pope Clement V moves the papal court from Rome to Avignon in France. 2315
  795. 1312/--/-- Henry VII is crowned Holy Roman Emperor but dies one year later. 1425
  796. 1312/--/-- Henry VII is crowned Holy Roman Emperor but dies one year later. 2316
  797. 1312/--/-- Mansa Musa becomes emperor of Mali in West Africa. 2317
  798. 1312/--/-- Mansa Musa becomes emperor of Mali in West Africa. 7869
  799. 1314/--/-- Louis of Bavaria and Frederick of Austria contest the rule of the Holy Roman Empire. 2318
  800. 1314/--/-- The Scots defeat the English at the Battle of Bannockburn. 970
  801. 1314/--/-- The Scots defeat the English at the Battle of Bannockburn. 2319
  802. 1320/--/-- Poland is reunited under King Wladyslaw I. 2320
  803. 1322/--/-- English folk hero Robin Hood is first mentioned. 971
  804. 1322/--/-- English folk hero Robin Hood is first mentioned. 2322
  805. 1322/--/-- Louis IV defeats Frederick of Austria at the Battle of Muhldorf. 2321
  806. 1325/--/-- Arab geographer Ibn Battuta begins his explorations. 2323
  807. 1326/--/-- Edward II of England is deposed by Queen Isabella and Roger Mortimer. 972
  808. 1326/--/-- Edward II of England is deposed by Queen Isabella and Roger Mortimer. 2324
  809. 1327/--/-- Louis IV king of Germany invades Italy. 2325
  810. 1327/--/-- The city of Munich is destroyed by fire. 2326
  811. 1327/02/-- Edward III crowned King of England at Westminster Abbey by Walter Reynolds, Arch 8077
  812. 1328/--/-- Louis IV crowns himself as Holy Roman Emperor and installs an antipope. 2327
  813. 1328/--/-- Sienese artist Simone Martini portrays the warlord Guidoriccio da Fogliano. 2328
  814. 1328/--/-- Sienese artist Simone Martini portrays the warlord Guidoriccio da Fogliano. 7491
  815. 1331/--/-- The Moscow Kremlin (fortress) is mentioned for the first time. 2329
  816. 1333/--/-- The Minamoto shogunate comes to an end; civil war breaks out in Japan. 1260
  817. 1333/--/-- The Minamoto shogunate comes to an end; civil war breaks out in Japan. 2330
  818. 1333/--/-- The Minamoto shogunate comes to an end; civil war breaks out in Japan. 7968
  819. 1337/--/-- The Hundred Years' War begins between England and France. 973
  820. 1337/--/-- The Hundred Years' War begins between England and France. 2331
  821. 1338/--/-- The Ashikaga shogunate begins in Japan. 2332
  822. 1338/--/-- The Ashikaga shogunate begins in Japan. 7969
  823. 1340/--/-- A British fleet defeats the French at Sluys. 2333
  824. 1341/--/-- The Muslims rule Kashmir in India. 2334
  825. 1342/--/-- Italian poet Petrarch writes his Canzoniere love lyrics. 2335
  826. 1345/--/-- The Aztecs found Tenochtitlan (now Mexico City). 2336
  827. 1345/--/-- The building of the present Doge's Palace begins in Venice. 2337
  828. 1346/--/-- English archers defeat the French at Crecy; cannons (bombards) are used in the battle. 974
  829. 1346/--/-- English archers defeat the French at Crecy; cannons (bombards) are used in the battle. 2339
  830. 1346/--/-- Louis IV is deposed by Charles IV as king of Germany. 2338
  831. 1346/--/-- Stephen Dusan crowns himself emperor of Serbia and the Greeks. 2340
  832. 1347/--/-- The Black Death (bubonic plague) arrives in Europe, killing a third of the population. 1426
  833. 1347/--/-- The Black Death (bubonic plague) arrives in Europe, killing a third of the population. 1427
  834. 1347/--/-- The Black Death (bubonic plague) arrives in Europe, killing a third of the population. 2342
  835. 1347/--/-- The English capture the French port of Calais. 975
  836. 1347/--/-- The English capture the French port of Calais. 2341
  837. 1348/--/-- Italian writer Boccaccio begins the Decameron. 2343
  838. 1348/--/-- Prague University is founded in Czechoslovakia. 2344
  839. 1350/--/-- No drama develops in Japan about this time. 2345
  840. 1350/--/-- No drama develops in Japan about this time. 7970
  841. 1351/--/-- Zurich joins the Swiss Confederation. 2346
  842. 1352/--/-- Arab geographer Ibn Battuta explores Nigeria. 2347
  843. 1354/--/-- The Shroud of Turin is mentioned for the first time. 2348
  844. 1355/--/-- Charles IV is crowned Holy Roman Emperor. 2349
  845. 1356/--/-- Charles IV establishes the Golden Bull constitution for the Holy Roman Empire. 2351
  846. 1356/--/-- Edward the Black Prince defeats the French at Poitiers and captures King John II. 2350
  847. 1358/--/-- Lubeck becomes headquarters of the Hanseatic League. 2352
  848. 1360/--/-- Sir John Hawkwood leads his White Company of mercenaries into Italy. 2354
  849. 1360/--/-- The Treaty of Bretigny ends the first phase of The Hundred Years' War. 2353
  850. 1362/--/-- According to the Kensington Rune Stone, the Vikings reach Minnesota in America. 2355
  851. 1362/--/-- According to the Kensington Rune Stone, the Vikings reach Minnesota in America. 7055
  852. 1362/--/-- English poet William Langland writes Piers Plowman. 976
  853. 1362/--/-- English poet William Langland writes Piers Plowman. 2356
  854. 1364/--/-- Polish king Casimir III founds Krakow University. 2357
  855. 1368/--/-- The Ming dynasty begins in China. 2358
  856. 1368/--/-- The Ming dynasty begins in China. 7786
  857. 1369/--/-- The French renew the war against England and recapture most of Aquitaine. 977
  858. 1369/--/-- The French renew the war against England and recapture most of Aquitaine. 1261
  859. 1369/--/-- The French renew the war against England and recapture most of Aquitaine. 2359
  860. 1370/--/-- Mongol leader Timur (Tamerlane) begins his wars of conquest in Asia. 2360
  861. 1370/--/-- The building of the Bastille fortress begins in Paris. 2362
  862. 1370/--/-- The death of Casimir III ends the Piast dynasty in Poland. 1428
  863. 1370/--/-- The death of Casimir III ends the Piast dynasty in Poland. 2361
  864. 1370/--/-- The first modern perfume Hungary Water is made for Queen Elizabeth of Hungary. 2363
  865. 1377/--/-- Playing cards are described for the first time. 2365
  866. 1377/--/-- Pope Gregory XI returns the papacy to Rome. 2364
  867. 1377/07/06 Richard II crowned King of England at Westminster Abbey by Simon Sudbury, Archbi 8078
  868. 1378/--/-- The Great Schism begins; 2 Popes reign from Rome and Avignon. 2366
  869. 1379/--/-- Italian historian Muraroti describes the use of rockets during the siege of Chiozzia, Italy. 2367
  870. 1380/--/-- Russian Prince Dimitry Donskoi defeats the Mongols at Kulikovo. 2368
  871. 1380/--/-- Venice defeats Genoa and maintains sovereignty over the eastern Mediterranean. 2369
  872. 1381/--/-- The Peasants' Revolt begins in England. 978
  873. 1381/--/-- The Peasants' Revolt begins in England. 2370
  874. 1382/--/-- John Wycliffe translates the Bible into English. 979
  875. 1382/--/-- John Wycliffe translates the Bible into English. 2371
  876. 1384/--/-- The Lollard movement grows after the death of John Wycliffe. 1429
  877. 1384/--/-- The Lollard movement grows after the death of John Wycliffe. 2372
  878. 1386/--/-- English poet Geoffrey Chaucer begins The Canterbury Tales. 980
  879. 1386/--/-- English poet Geoffrey Chaucer begins The Canterbury Tales. 2375
  880. 1386/--/-- Heidelberg University is founded in Germany. 2374
  881. 1386/--/-- Poland and Lithuania are united by marriage; the Jagello dynasty is founded. 2373
  882. 1387/--/-- The Viscontis win the city-states of Verona and Vicenza from the Scala family. 2376
  883. 1387/--/-- Timur (Tamerlane) conquers the city of Isfahan in Persia (Iran). 2377
  884. 1389/--/-- The Ottoman Turks defeat the Hungarians at the Battle of Kosovo. 2378
  885. 1392/--/-- The Yi dynasty usurps power from the Koryos in Korea. 2379
  886. 1394/--/-- The Thais invade Cambodia (Kampuchea). 2380
  887. 1395/--/-- Claus Sluter begins the Well of Moses sculpture at Chartreuse in France. 2381
  888. 1395/--/-- Claus Sluter begins the Well of Moses sculpture at Chartreuse in France. 7492
  889. 1396/--/-- A Christian army is defeated by the Ottoman Turks at Nicopolis, Bulgaria. 2382
  890. 1397/--/-- The Kalmar Union unites Sweden, Denmark, and Norway. 2383
  891. 1398/--/-- Timur (Tamerlane) invades India and sacks the Kingdom of Delhi. 2384
  892. 1399/--/-- Bolingbroke (Henry IV) deposes Richard II and founds the House of Lancaster. 2385
  893. 1399/10/13 Henry IV crowned King of England at Westminster Abbey by Thomas Arundel, Archbis 8079
  894. 1400/--/-- Bedlam, England's first hospital for the mentally ill, is founded in London. 981
  895. 1400/--/-- Bedlam, England's first hospital for the mentally ill, is founded in London. 2389
  896. 1400/--/-- French historian Jean Froissart completes his Chronicles. 2391
  897. 1400/--/-- Norse settlers die out in Greenland. 2387
  898. 1400/--/-- Owen Glendower leads a Welsh revolt against English rule. 982
  899. 1400/--/-- Owen Glendower leads a Welsh revolt against English rule. 2386
  900. 1400/--/-- The first reported discovery is made of a frozen mammoth in Siberia. 2390
  901. 1400/--/-- The Hohokam culture dies out in the American southwest. 1430
  902. 1400/--/-- The Hohokam culture dies out in the American southwest. 2388
  903. 1400/--/-- The Hohokam culture dies out in the American southwest. 7056
  904. 1402/--/-- The building of Seville Cathedral begins in Spain. 2393
  905. 1402/--/-- Timur (Tamerlane) defeats the Ottomans at Ankara and captures Sultan Bayezid I. 2392
  906. 1403/--/-- Henry IV, King of England, defeats the Percy family at the Battle of Shrewsbury. 983
  907. 1403/--/-- Henry IV, King of England, defeats the Percy family at the Battle of Shrewsbury. 2394
  908. 1403/--/-- Italian sculptor Lorenzo Ghiberti begins the bronze doors for the Florence Baptistery. 2395
  909. 1403/--/-- Italian sculptor Lorenzo Ghiberti begins the bronze doors for the Florence Baptistery. 7493
  910. 1406/--/-- The city-state of Pisa is defeated by Florence. 2396
  911. 1407/--/-- The Chinese reoccupy Vietnam. 2398
  912. 1407/--/-- The Chinese reoccupy Vietnam. 7787
  913. 1407/--/-- The murder of Louis duc d'Orleans begins a civil war in France. 1262
  914. 1407/--/-- The murder of Louis duc d'Orleans begins a civil war in France. 1431
  915. 1407/--/-- The murder of Louis duc d'Orleans begins a civil war in France. 2397
  916. 1409/--/-- Czech religious reformer John Huss (Jan Hus) lectures at Prague University. 2399
  917. 1410/--/-- Flemish illuminators the Limbourg brothers begin the Belle Heures du Duc de Berry. 2401
  918. 1410/--/-- The Poles and the Lithuanians defeat the Teutonic Knights at the Battle of Tannenberg. 2400
  919. 1411/--/-- Open conflict breaks out between the Armagnacs and Burgundians in France. 2402
  920. 1413/04/-- Henry V crowned King of England at Westminster Abbey by Thomas Arundel, Archbish 8080
  921. 1415/--/-- Henry V invades France and defeats the French at the Battle of Agincourt. 2403
  922. 1415/--/-- John Huss (Jan Hus) is burned at the stake for heresy. 2406
  923. 1415/--/-- The Council of Constance is convened to end the Schism caused by 2 competing popes. 2405
  924. 1415/--/-- The Portuguese capture Ceuta, laying the foundations for Portugal's African Empire. 2404
  925. 1415/--/-- The Portuguese capture Ceuta, laying the foundations for Portugal's African Empire. 7870
  926. 1418/--/-- German author Thomas a Kempis writes The Imitation of Christ. 2409
  927. 1418/--/-- Prince Henry the Navigator dispatches the first Portuguese voyages of exploration. 2407
  928. 1418/--/-- The earliest known European woodcut illustration is made. 2408
  929. 1420/--/-- Henry V of England is acknowledged as heir to the French throne. 984
  930. 1420/--/-- Henry V of England is acknowledged as heir to the French throne. 2410
  931. 1421/--/-- The first known patent is issued in Florence. 2411
  932. 1425/--/-- Florentine sculptor Donatello begins his bronze statue of David around this time. 2412
  933. 1425/--/-- Florentine sculptor Donatello begins his bronze statue of David around this time. 7494
  934. 1427/--/-- Masaccio completes the Expulsion of Adam and Eve fresco in the Brancacci Chapel. 2415
  935. 1427/--/-- The first major witch hunt takes place in Switzerland. 2414
  936. 1427/--/-- The Portuguese discover the Azores. 2413
  937. 1428/--/-- Copenhagen becomes the residence of the Danish monarchs. 2416
  938. 1428/--/-- Le Loi defeats the Chinese and founds the Le dynasty in Vietnam. 2417
  939. 1428/--/-- Le Loi defeats the Chinese and founds the Le dynasty in Vietnam. 7788
  940. 1429/--/-- The French under Joan of Arc raise the siege of Orleans and defeat the English. 985
  941. 1429/--/-- The French under Joan of Arc raise the siege of Orleans and defeat the English. 2418
  942. 1431/--/-- Joan of Arc is burned as a witch by the English at Rouen in France. 986
  943. 1431/--/-- Joan of Arc is burned as a witch by the English at Rouen in France. 2419
  944. 1431/--/-- Luca della Robbia sculpts the Cantoria (Singing Gallery) for Florence Cathedral. 2422
  945. 1431/--/-- Luca della Robbia sculpts the Cantoria (Singing Gallery) for Florence Cathedral. 7495
  946. 1431/--/-- Tenochtitlan emerges as a dominant city-state in central Mexico under Aztec rule. 2420
  947. 1431/--/-- Thai forces destroy the Khmer capital of Angkor. 2421
  948. 1433/--/-- Sigismund king of Germany is crowned Holy Roman Emperor. 2423
  949. 1434/--/-- Cosimo de'Medici gains control of Florence. 2425
  950. 1434/--/-- Flemish artist Jan van Eyck paints the wedding portrait of Giovanni Arnolfini. 2427
  951. 1434/--/-- Flemish artist Jan van Eyck paints the wedding portrait of Giovanni Arnolfini. 7496
  952. 1434/--/-- Phnom Penh is established as the new Khmer capital. 2424
  953. 1434/--/-- The Portuguese explore the African coast south of Cape Bojador. 2426
  954. 1434/--/-- The Portuguese explore the African coast south of Cape Bojador. 7871
  955. 1435/--/-- Italian artist Leon Battista Alberti writes on the laws of perspective. 2428
  956. 1435/--/-- Italian artist Leon Battista Alberti writes on the laws of perspective. 7497
  957. 1436/--/-- The French end the English occupation of Paris. 987
  958. 1436/--/-- The French end the English occupation of Paris. 2429
  959. 1438/--/-- The Inca empire is established in Peru. 2430
  960. 1440/--/-- Hungary and Poland are united under Wladyslaw III to oppose the Turks. 2431
  961. 1440/--/-- King Henry VI founds Eton College in England. 988
  962. 1440/--/-- King Henry VI founds Eton College in England. 2433
  963. 1440/--/-- The Mayan city of Mayapan is destroyed in Mexico. 2432
  964. 1442/--/-- Florentine architect Filippo Brunelleschi begins work on the Pazzi Chapel. 2435
  965. 1442/--/-- The Kingdom of Naples comes under Aragonnese rule. 2434
  966. 1443/--/-- Flemish painter Rogier van der Weyden paints the Descent From the Cross. 2436
  967. 1443/--/-- Flemish painter Rogier van der Weyden paints the Descent From the Cross. 7498
  968. 1444/--/-- Wladyslaw III is killed by the Turks under Murad II at the Battle of Varna. 1432
  969. 1444/--/-- Wladyslaw III is killed by the Turks under Murad II at the Battle of Varna. 2437
  970. 1445/05/-- Henry VI crowned King of England at Westminster Abbey by John Stafford, Archbish 8081
  971. 1446/--/-- The building of the Chapel at King's College is begun in Cambridge, England. 989
  972. 1446/--/-- The building of the Chapel at King's College is begun in Cambridge, England. 2438
  973. 1448/--/-- The Hungarians are defeated by the Turks at the second battle of Kosovo. 2439
  974. 1450/--/-- German goldsmith Johann Gutenberg perfects printing by movable metal type. 2443
  975. 1450/--/-- The Arabian Nights are written about this time. 2444
  976. 1450/--/-- The Portuguese begin the West African slave trade about this time. 2441
  977. 1450/--/-- The Portuguese begin the West African slave trade about this time. 7872
  978. 1450/--/-- The Sforza family conquer the city-state of Milan. 2440
  979. 1450/--/-- The Thurn and Taxis families establish a postal service for the Holy Roman Empire. 2442
  980. 1452/--/-- Florentine painter Fra Filippo Lippi begins his frescoes for the Prato Cathedral. 2446
  981. 1452/--/-- Florentine painter Fra Filippo Lippi begins his frescoes for the Prato Cathedral. 7499
  982. 1452/--/-- Frederick III is crowned as the first Habsburg Holy Roman Emperor. 2445
  983. 1453/--/-- Ottoman Turks capture Constantinople (Istanbul), marking the end of the Byzantine Empire. 2448
  984. 1453/--/-- The French capture Bordeaux from the English, ending the Hundred Years' War. 990
  985. 1453/--/-- The French capture Bordeaux from the English, ending the Hundred Years' War. 2447
  986. 1454/--/-- The building of the Topkapi Palace begins in Constantinople (Istanbul). 2449
  987. 1455/--/-- Florentine artist Paolo Uccello begins painting The Battle of San Romano. 2452
  988. 1455/--/-- Florentine artist Paolo Uccello begins painting The Battle of San Romano. 7500
  989. 1455/--/-- The Gutenberg Bible becomes the first book to be printed with movable metal type. 2451
  990. 1455/--/-- The Wars of the Roses begin in England. 991
  991. 1455/--/-- The Wars of the Roses begin in England. 2450
  992. 1456/--/-- Hungarians under Janos Hunyadi defeat the Turks at Belgrade. 2454
  993. 1456/--/-- The Turks capture Athens. 2453
  994. 1456/--/-- Vlad the Impaler becomes Prince of Walachia. 2455
  995. 1457/--/-- The first printed almanac is published. 2456
  996. 1458/--/-- Matthias Corvinus becomes king of Hungary. 2457
  997. 1458/--/-- The building of the Pitti Palace begins in Florence. 2458
  998. 1459/--/-- The Turks conquer Serbia. 2459
  999. 1460/--/-- Italian artist Mantegna begins painting The Agony in the Garden. 2462
  1000. 1460/--/-- Italian artist Mantegna begins painting The Agony in the Garden. 7501
  1001. 1460/--/-- Richard of York defeats the royalist forces at Northampton, but is killed at Wakefield. 1433
  1002. 1460/--/-- Richard of York defeats the royalist forces at Northampton, but is killed at Wakefield. 2460
  1003. 1460/--/-- Woodcuts are in use for illustrating books. 2461
  1004. 1461/--/-- Richard of York's son Edward IV is crowned king of England. 992
  1005. 1461/--/-- Richard of York's son Edward IV is crowned king of England. 2463
  1006. 1461/03/-- Edward IV deposes Henry VI. 8085
  1007. 1461/06/09 Edward IV crowned King of England at Westminster Abbey by Cardinal Bourchier, Ar 8082
  1008. 1462/--/-- Spain captures Gibraltar from the Muslims. 2464
  1009. 1464/--/-- Sunni Ali founds the Songhai empire in West Africa. 2465
  1010. 1464/--/-- Sunni Ali founds the Songhai empire in West Africa. 7873
  1011. 1466/--/-- West Prussia is ceded to Poland by the Treaty of Torun. 2466
  1012. 1467/--/-- Charles the Bold becomes the Duke of Burgundy. 2467
  1013. 1467/--/-- The 10-year Onin War begins in Japan. 2468
  1014. 1467/--/-- The 10-year Onin War begins in Japan. 7971
  1015. 1469/--/-- Ferdinand of Aragon marries Isabella of Castile. 2470
  1016. 1469/--/-- Henry VI and the Earl of Warwick depose Edward IV of England. 993
  1017. 1469/--/-- Henry VI and the Earl of Warwick depose Edward IV of England. 2469
  1018. 1470/--/-- Sir Thomas Malory completes the Morte D'arthur. 2471
  1019. 1470/--/-- The first ballad appears about the Swiss hero William Tell. 2472
  1020. 1470/10/03 Henry VI deposes Edward IV and regains crown. 8083
  1021. 1471/--/-- Henry VI of England is murdered; Edward IV is restored to the throne. 994
  1022. 1471/--/-- Henry VI of England is murdered; Edward IV is restored to the throne. 1434
  1023. 1471/--/-- Henry VI of England is murdered; Edward IV is restored to the throne. 2474
  1024. 1471/--/-- The Portuguese capture Tangier from the Muslims. 2473
  1025. 1471/04/01 Edward IV deposes Henry VI and regains crown. 8084
  1026. 1473/--/-- The building of the Sistine Chapel begins in Rome. 2475
  1027. 1475/--/-- Burgundy is at the height of power under Charles the Bold. 2479
  1028. 1475/--/-- Stephen the Great defeats the Turks at the Battle of Vaslui. 2478
  1029. 1475/--/-- The English under Edward IV invade France. 995
  1030. 1475/--/-- The English under Edward IV invade France. 2476
  1031. 1475/--/-- The Turks conquer the Crimea. 2477
  1032. 1476/--/-- Copperplate (intaglio) engravings are developed. 2480
  1033. 1477/--/-- Louis XI establishes a royal postal service in France. 2482
  1034. 1477/--/-- William Caxton prints the first book in England. 996
  1035. 1477/--/-- William Caxton prints the first book in England. 2481
  1036. 1478/--/-- Lorenzo de'Medici rules Florence. 2483
  1037. 1479/--/-- Ferdinand II becomes king of Aragon, which unites with his wife's kingdom of Castile. 2484
  1038. 1480/--/-- Brussels becomes the center of the European tapestry industry about this time. 2488
  1039. 1480/--/-- Flemish artist Hans Memling is active about this time. 2489
  1040. 1480/--/-- Flemish artist Hans Memling is active about this time. 7502
  1041. 1480/--/-- Ivan III defeats the Tartars and begins the unification of Russia. 2485
  1042. 1480/--/-- Ludovico Sforza becomes the Duke of Milan. 2486
  1043. 1480/--/-- The Spanish Inquisition is established to interrogate heretics and converted Jews. 2487
  1044. 1481/--/-- Edward IV establishes a postal service in England. 997
  1045. 1481/--/-- Edward IV establishes a postal service in England. 2491
  1046. 1481/--/-- Mehmed II dies; Bayezid II becomes Sultan of the Ottoman Turks. 1435
  1047. 1481/--/-- Mehmed II dies; Bayezid II becomes Sultan of the Ottoman Turks. 2490
  1048. 1482/--/-- The Portuguese explore the Congo River and encounter the Kingdom of Kongo. 2493
  1049. 1482/--/-- The Portuguese settle on the African Gold Coast (Ghana). 2492
  1050. 1482/--/-- The Portuguese settle on the African Gold Coast (Ghana). 7874
  1051. 1483/--/-- Artist Giovanni Bellini is appointed as painter to the Venetian Republic. 2498
  1052. 1483/--/-- Artist Giovanni Bellini is appointed as painter to the Venetian Republic. 7503
  1053. 1483/--/-- Italian artist Leonardo da Vinci sketches an early helicopter design. 2497
  1054. 1483/--/-- Italian artist Leonardo da Vinci sketches an early helicopter design. 7504
  1055. 1483/--/-- Italian reformer Girolamo Savonarola is executed for heresy. 2495
  1056. 1483/--/-- Richard III usurps the throne of England; Edward V is murdered. 998
  1057. 1483/--/-- Richard III usurps the throne of England; Edward V is murdered. 1436
  1058. 1483/--/-- Richard III usurps the throne of England; Edward V is murdered. 2494
  1059. 1483/--/-- Torquemada becomes the grand inquisitor of the Spanish Inquisition. 2496
  1060. 1483/04/-- Edward V succeeds Edward IV but is never crowned. 8086
  1061. 1483/07/-- Richard III crowned King of England at Westminster Abbey by Cardinal Bourchier, 8087
  1062. 1485/--/-- English land owners begin enclosing their fields with hedges. 999
  1063. 1485/--/-- English land owners begin enclosing their fields with hedges. 2501
  1064. 1485/--/-- German playing card symbols (hearts, leaves, bells and acorns) are established. 2502
  1065. 1485/--/-- Henry Tudor defeats Richard III at the Battle of Bosworth Field. 2499
  1066. 1485/--/-- Portuguese explorers discover the Kingdom of Benin. 2500
  1067. 1485/--/-- Sandro Botticelli paints The Birth of Venus in Florence. 2503
  1068. 1485/--/-- Sandro Botticelli paints The Birth of Venus in Florence. 7505
  1069. 1485/08/02 Henry VII becomes de-facto King of England. 8089
  1070. 1485/10/30 Henry VII crowned King of England at Westminster Abbey by Cardinal Bourchier, Ar 8088
  1071. 1486/--/-- Henry VII of England unites the warring houses of York and Lancaster. 1000
  1072. 1486/--/-- Henry VII of England unites the warring houses of York and Lancaster. 2504
  1073. 1486/--/-- The Aztecs found the city of Oaxaca in Mexico. 2505
  1074. 1486/--/-- The first major book on witchcraft Hammer of Sorceresses is published in Germany. 2506
  1075. 1487/--/-- Quito becomes the northern capital of the Inca empire. 2507
  1076. 1488/--/-- Bartolomeu Dias becomes the first European to round the Cape of Good Hope. 2508
  1077. 1488/--/-- Italian philosopher Pico della Mirandola is imprisoned for heresy. 2509
  1078. 1489/--/-- Venice gains control of the island of Cyprus. 2510
  1079. 1490/--/-- Ballet originates in Italy about this time. 2512
  1080. 1490/--/-- Italian printer Aldus Manutius establishes the Aldine Press in Venice. 2511
  1081. 1490/--/-- Papal singer and composer Josquin des Prez is active during this period. 2513
  1082. 1492/--/-- Christopher Columbus sails from Spain to the New World. 2515
  1083. 1492/--/-- Ferdinand II conquers Granada, ending the Muslim influence in Spain. 2514
  1084. 1492/--/-- German geographer Martin Benhaim makes the first terrestrial globe. 2517
  1085. 1492/--/-- Spanish Jews are given 3 months to become Christians or to leave the country. 2516
  1086. 1493/--/-- Maximilian I succeeds Frederick III as Holy Roman Emperor. 2518
  1087. 1494/--/-- Charles VIII of France invades Italy, beginning the Italian Wars. 2519
  1088. 1494/--/-- German artist Albrecht Durer travels from Nuremberg to Italy. 2521
  1089. 1494/--/-- German artist Albrecht Durer travels from Nuremberg to Italy. 7506
  1090. 1494/--/-- German satirist Sebastian Brant writes the Ship of Fools. 2522
  1091. 1494/--/-- The Treaty of Tordesillas establishes a boundary between New World discoveries. 2520
  1092. 1495/--/-- French king Charles VIII is crowned at Naples. 2523
  1093. 1495/--/-- Leonardo da Vinci begins painting The Last Supper in Milan. 2525
  1094. 1495/--/-- Leonardo da Vinci begins painting The Last Supper in Milan. 7507
  1095. 1495/--/-- Printed editions of the Greek classics becomes available in Europe. 2526
  1096. 1495/--/-- The Jews are expelled from Portugal. 2524
  1097. 1496/--/-- The first description of the tobacco plant appears in Europe. 2527
  1098. 1497/--/-- Italian explorer John Cabot discovers Newfoundland for England. 1001
  1099. 1497/--/-- Italian explorer John Cabot discovers Newfoundland for England. 2528
  1100. 1498/--/-- Columbus lands on the coast of South America during his third voyage. 2531
  1101. 1498/--/-- Columbus lands on the coast of South America during his third voyage. 7057
  1102. 1498/--/-- Louis XII succeeds Charles VIII as king of France. 2530
  1103. 1498/--/-- Michelangelo begins sculpting the Pieta for St. Peter's Church in Rome. 2533
  1104. 1498/--/-- Michelangelo begins sculpting the Pieta for St. Peter's Church in Rome. 7508
  1105. 1498/--/-- Portuguese explorer Vasco da Gama reaches India. 2529
  1106. 1498/--/-- The toothbrush is invented by a Chinese dentist. 2532
  1107. 1498/--/-- The toothbrush is invented by a Chinese dentist. 7433
  1108. 1498/--/-- The toothbrush is invented by a Chinese dentist. 7789
  1109. 1499/--/-- French forces under Louis XII capture Milan. 2534
  1110. 1499/--/-- Perkin Warbeck, pretender to the English throne, is executed by Henry VII. 1002
  1111. 1499/--/-- Perkin Warbeck, pretender to the English throne, is executed by Henry VII. 2535
  1112. 1499/--/-- Venetian artist Giorgione paints Portrait of a Young Man. 2536
  1113. 1499/--/-- Venetian artist Giorgione paints Portrait of a Young Man. 7509
  1114. 1500/--/-- Dutch artist Hieronymus Bosch paints The Garden of Earthly Delights. 2538
  1115. 1500/--/-- Dutch artist Hieronymus Bosch paints The Garden of Earthly Delights. 7510
  1116. 1500/--/-- Portuguese navigator Pedro Cabral lays claim to Brazil for Portugal. 2537
  1117. 1501/--/-- France and Spain divide the Kingdom of Naples. 2539
  1118. 1501/--/-- Italian navigator Amerigo Vespucci explores Brazil. 2540
  1119. 1502/--/-- A peace treaty is established between Venice and the Ottoman Turks. 2541
  1120. 1502/--/-- A Portuguese trading post is established at Cochin in India. 2543
  1121. 1502/--/-- Columbus sails on his fourth voyage of discovery. 2544
  1122. 1502/--/-- Shah Ismail founds the Safavid dynasty; Shiism becomes the religion of Persia (Iran). 2542
  1123. 1503/--/-- Arquebuses (handguns) help the Spanish defeat the French in Italy. 2547
  1124. 1503/--/-- Juan Bermudez lands on the island of Bermuda, which is named for him. 2546
  1125. 1503/--/-- Leonardo da Vinci begins painting the Mona Lisa. 2549
  1126. 1503/--/-- Leonardo da Vinci begins painting the Mona Lisa. 7511
  1127. 1503/--/-- Spanish general Fernandez de Cordoba forces the French to abandon Naples. 2545
  1128. 1503/--/-- The Spanish crown approves encomienda (enforced slavery) in the American colonies. 2548
  1129. 1503/--/-- The Spanish crown approves encomienda (enforced slavery) in the American colonies. 7058
  1130. 1504/--/-- Babur occupies Kabul and establishes a kingdom in Afghanistan. 2550
  1131. 1504/--/-- Italian artist Raphael paints The Marriage of the Virgin. 2551
  1132. 1504/--/-- Italian artist Raphael paints The Marriage of the Virgin. 7512
  1133. 1505/--/-- Christian king Alfonso I (Nzinga Mbemba) rules the Kingdom of Kongo. 2553
  1134. 1505/--/-- The Portuguese colonize Mozambique and arrive at Ceylon (Sri Lanka). 2552
  1135. 1506/--/-- Christopher Columbus dies in poverty. 1437
  1136. 1506/--/-- Christopher Columbus dies in poverty. 2554
  1137. 1506/--/-- Italian architect Bramante begins the plans for St. Peters in Rome. 2555
  1138. 1507/--/-- Cartographer Martin Waldseemuller uses the word America on a map for the first time. 2556
  1139. 1507/--/-- Cartographer Martin Waldseemuller uses the word America on a map for the first time. 7059
  1140. 1508/--/-- Michelangelo begins painting the ceiling of the Sistine Chapel in Rome. 2558
  1141. 1508/--/-- Michelangelo begins painting the ceiling of the Sistine Chapel in Rome. 7513
  1142. 1508/--/-- The League of Cambrai is formed to oppose Venice. 2557
  1143. 1509/--/-- Dutch scholar Erasmus writes The Praise of Folly. 2562
  1144. 1509/--/-- Henry VIII succeeds his father Henry VII as king of England. 1003
  1145. 1509/--/-- Henry VIII succeeds his father Henry VII as king of England. 2560
  1146. 1509/--/-- The first sugar cane mill is established in the Americas. 2561
  1147. 1509/--/-- The first sugar cane mill is established in the Americas. 7060
  1148. 1509/--/-- Venice is defeated by the League of Cambrai at Agnadello. 2559
  1149. 1509/06/04 Henry VIII crowned King of England at Westminster Abbey by William Warham, Archb 8090
  1150. 1510/--/-- Spain conquers Tripoli in North Africa. 2563
  1151. 1510/--/-- Spain conquers Tripoli in North Africa. 7875
  1152. 1510/--/-- The English morality play Everyman is adapted from an earlier Dutch work. 1004
  1153. 1510/--/-- The English morality play Everyman is adapted from an earlier Dutch work. 2566
  1154. 1510/--/-- The Polygraphia, the first printed work on cryptology, is published in Germany. 2565
  1155. 1510/--/-- The Portuguese colony of Goa is founded on the coast of India. 2564
  1156. 1511/--/-- German artist Matthias Grunewald begins painting the Isenheim Altarpiece. 2570
  1157. 1511/--/-- German artist Matthias Grunewald begins painting the Isenheim Altarpiece. 7514
  1158. 1511/--/-- Pope Julius II organizes a Holy League against Louis XII of France. 2568
  1159. 1511/--/-- The Portuguese become the first Europeans to reach Siam (Thailand). 2569
  1160. 1511/--/-- The Portuguese capture Malacca (now Melaka) in Malaysia. 2567
  1161. 1512/--/-- Albrecht Durer is appointed court painter to Holy Roman Emperor Maximilian I. 2573
  1162. 1512/--/-- Albrecht Durer is appointed court painter to Holy Roman Emperor Maximilian I. 7515
  1163. 1512/--/-- Selim I becomes Sultan of the Ottoman Empire. 2572
  1164. 1512/--/-- The Habsburgs reinstate the Medicis as the rulers of Florence. 2571
  1165. 1513/--/-- Italian political theorist Niccolo Machiavelli writes The Prince. 2577
  1166. 1513/--/-- Louis XII is defeated by the Holy League; French forces are expelled from Italy. 2574
  1167. 1513/--/-- Spanish explorer Juan Ponce de Leon lands on the coast of Florida. 2576
  1168. 1513/--/-- Vasco Nunez de Balboa becomes the first European to sight the Pacific Ocean. 2575
  1169. 1514/--/-- Bartolome de Las Casas tries to improve the treatment of South American Indians. 2579
  1170. 1514/--/-- Bartolome de Las Casas tries to improve the treatment of South American Indians. 7061
  1171. 1514/--/-- Italian artist Raphael becomes the chief architect of St. Peter's in Rome. 2580
  1172. 1514/--/-- Italian artist Raphael becomes the chief architect of St. Peter's in Rome. 7516
  1173. 1514/--/-- Spanish conquistadors under Diego Velazquez de Cuellar conquer Cuba. 2581
  1174. 1514/--/-- The Turks defeat the Persians at the Battle of Chaldiran. 2578
  1175. 1515/--/-- Italian artist Michelangelo sculpts his monumental statue of Moses. 2585
  1176. 1515/--/-- Italian artist Michelangelo sculpts his monumental statue of Moses. 7517
  1177. 1515/--/-- The building of Hampton Court is begun in England. 1005
  1178. 1515/--/-- The building of Hampton Court is begun in England. 2584
  1179. 1515/--/-- The French defeat the Habsburgs and their allies at the Battle of Marignano. 2582
  1180. 1515/--/-- Thomas Wolsey is appointed Lord Chancellor of England. 1006
  1181. 1515/--/-- Thomas Wolsey is appointed Lord Chancellor of England. 2583
  1182. 1516/--/-- Charles I succeeds Ferdinand II as king of Spain. 2587
  1183. 1516/--/-- English intellectual and statesman Sir Thomas More writes Utopia. 1007
  1184. 1516/--/-- English intellectual and statesman Sir Thomas More writes Utopia. 2589
  1185. 1516/--/-- Milan is ceded to France by the Treaty of Noyon. 2586
  1186. 1516/--/-- The Ottoman Turks capture Algiers in North Africa. 2588
  1187. 1516/--/-- The Ottoman Turks capture Algiers in North Africa. 7876
  1188. 1517/--/-- Andrea del Sarto paints the Madonna of the Harpies. 2592
  1189. 1517/--/-- Andrea del Sarto paints the Madonna of the Harpies. 7518
  1190. 1517/--/-- The Turks defeat the Mamelukes for possession of Syria and Egypt. 2590
  1191. 1517/--/-- Theologian Martin Luther displays his 95 theses at Wittenberg in Germany. 2591
  1192. 1518/--/-- Spanish conquistador Pedro de Alvarado explores the Yucatan Peninsula. 2593
  1193. 1519/--/-- Charles I of Spain succeeds Maximilian I as Holy Roman Emperor Charles V. 2594
  1194. 1519/--/-- Chocolate is introduced into Spain as a beverage. 2598
  1195. 1519/--/-- Panama City is founded by the Spanish in Central America. 2596
  1196. 1519/--/-- Panama City is founded by the Spanish in Central America. 7062
  1197. 1519/--/-- Spanish conquistador Hernan Cortes meets the Aztec leader Montezuma in Mexico. 2595
  1198. 1519/--/-- Ulrich Zwingli leads the Reformation in Switzerland. 2597
  1199. 1520/--/-- Corn (Zea mays) is imported into Spain from the West Indies. 1438
  1200. 1520/--/-- Corn (Zea mays) is imported into Spain from the West Indies. 2604
  1201. 1520/--/-- Francis I meets Henry VIII at the Field of the Cloth of Gold in Calais, France. 2601
  1202. 1520/--/-- King Christian II of Denmark conquers Sweden. 2600
  1203. 1520/--/-- Portuguese navigator Ferdinand Magellan discovers the Strait of Magellan. 2602
  1204. 1520/--/-- Suleiman I (the Magnificent) succeeds Selim I as Sultan of the Ottoman Empire. 2599
  1205. 1520/--/-- The earliest state lottery is organized in France. 2603
  1206. 1521/--/-- Martin Luther is excommunicated as a heretic at the Diet of Worms. 2607
  1207. 1521/--/-- Portuguese navigator Ferdinand Magellan is killed by natives in the Philippines. 1439
  1208. 1521/--/-- Portuguese navigator Ferdinand Magellan is killed by natives in the Philippines. 2606
  1209. 1521/--/-- Spanish conquistador Hernan Cortes conquers the Aztec capital of Tenochtitlan. 2605
  1210. 1522/--/-- Jean Clouet becomes the court painter to Francis I of France. 2609
  1211. 1522/--/-- Jean Clouet becomes the court painter to Francis I of France. 7519
  1212. 1522/--/-- Magellan's crew aboard the Victoria complete the first global circumnavigation. 2608
  1213. 1523/--/-- Gustav I drives out the Danes to become King of Sweden. 2610
  1214. 1523/--/-- Spanish settlements are established in Venezuela. 2611
  1215. 1523/--/-- Venetian artist Titian paints Bacchus and Ariadne. 2612
  1216. 1523/--/-- Venetian artist Titian paints Bacchus and Ariadne. 7520
  1217. 1524/--/-- Giovanni da Verrazano discovers New York Bay and the Hudson River. 2614
  1218. 1524/--/-- The Peasants' War breaks out in central Europe. 2613
  1219. 1525/--/-- Holy Roman Emperor Charles V defeats and captures Francis I at the Battle of Pavia. 2615
  1220. 1526/--/-- Babur founds the Mogul dynasty in India, ending the Delhi Sultanate. 2619
  1221. 1526/--/-- Correggio paints the Assumption of the Virgin in Parma Cathedral. 2618
  1222. 1526/--/-- Correggio paints the Assumption of the Virgin in Parma Cathedral. 7521
  1223. 1526/--/-- The domains of Hungary and Bohemia are inherited by the Habsburgs. 2617
  1224. 1526/--/-- The Turks defeat the Hungarians at the Battle of Mohacs; King Louis II is killed. 1440
  1225. 1526/--/-- The Turks defeat the Hungarians at the Battle of Mohacs; King Louis II is killed. 2616
  1226. 1527/--/-- German physician Paracelsus lectures on medicine at Basel in Switzerland. 2621
  1227. 1527/--/-- Italian courtier Baldassare Castiglione writes The Book of the Courtier. 2622
  1228. 1527/--/-- Rome is sacked by the Spanish and Habsburg armies. 2620
  1229. 1528/--/-- The building of the Chateau de Fontainebleau is begun in France. 2623
  1230. 1529/--/-- Henry VIII dismisses Cardinal Wolsey for failing to secure his divorce. 2624
  1231. 1529/--/-- The Ottoman Turks besiege Vienna. 2625
  1232. 1530/--/-- Humayun succeeds Babur as Mogul emperor. 2627
  1233. 1530/--/-- The Hospitalers (Knights of St. John) are granted Malta by Charles V. 2626
  1234. 1530/--/-- The Lutheran confession of faith is issued at the Diet of Augsburg. 2628
  1235. 1531/--/-- Religious war begins in Switzerland; Protestant leader Zwingli is killed in battle. 1263
  1236. 1531/--/-- Religious war begins in Switzerland; Protestant leader Zwingli is killed in battle. 1441
  1237. 1531/--/-- Religious war begins in Switzerland; Protestant leader Zwingli is killed in battle. 2629
  1238. 1531/--/-- The League of Schmalkald is formed as an alliance of Protestant German rulers. 2630
  1239. 1532/--/-- French scholar Francois Rabelais begins the publication of Gargantua and Pantagruel. 2632
  1240. 1532/--/-- Thomas Cromwell becomes chief minister to Henry VIII of England. 1008
  1241. 1532/--/-- Thomas Cromwell becomes chief minister to Henry VIII of England. 2631
  1242. 1533/--/-- Catherine de Medicis introduces the Italian balleto into France as the ballet. 2637
  1243. 1533/--/-- Catherine de Medicis marries Henry II, the future king of France. 2633
  1244. 1533/--/-- Francisco Pizarro conquers the Incas in Peru; the Inca leader Atahulpa is executed. 2636
  1245. 1533/--/-- German artist Hans Holbein the Younger paints The Ambassadors. 2638
  1246. 1533/--/-- German artist Hans Holbein the Younger paints The Ambassadors. 7522
  1247. 1533/--/-- Henry VIII divorces Catherine of Aragon and marries Anne Boleyn. 2635
  1248. 1533/--/-- The Church of England breaks with Rome. 1009
  1249. 1533/--/-- The Church of England breaks with Rome. 2634
  1250. 1534/--/-- Anabaptists seize the city of Munster in Germany. 2639
  1251. 1534/--/-- Martin Luther completes his translation of the Bible into German. 2640
  1252. 1535/--/-- English humanist and statesman Thomas More is executed. 1010
  1253. 1535/--/-- English humanist and statesman Thomas More is executed. 2646
  1254. 1535/--/-- French explorer Jacques Cartier navigates the St. Lawrence River in Canada. 2643
  1255. 1535/--/-- Spanish conquistador Diego de Almagro discovers Chile. 2642
  1256. 1535/--/-- Spanish conquistador Francisco Pizarro founds the city of Lima in Peru. 2644
  1257. 1535/--/-- Suleiman I completes the conquest of the last Arab domains in Mesopotamia. 2641
  1258. 1535/--/-- The Spanish discover the Galapagos Islands. 2645
  1259. 1536/--/-- Christian III establishes the state Lutheran church of Denmark and Norway. 2647
  1260. 1536/--/-- Dissolution of the monasteries and nunneries begins in England. 1011
  1261. 1536/--/-- Dissolution of the monasteries and nunneries begins in England. 2650
  1262. 1536/--/-- English reformer William Tyndale is burned at the stake for heresy. 1012
  1263. 1536/--/-- English reformer William Tyndale is burned at the stake for heresy. 2651
  1264. 1536/--/-- French theologian John Calvin publishes his Institutes of the Christian Religion. 2652
  1265. 1536/--/-- Henry VIII executes Anne Boleyn and marries Jane Seymour. 2649
  1266. 1536/--/-- Spanish conquistador Pedro de Mendoza founds Buenos Aries in Argentina. 2648
  1267. 1537/--/-- Kempe Gowda founds the city of Bangalore in India. 2653
  1268. 1537/--/-- Niccolo Tartaglia publishes his work on ballistics The New Science. 2654
  1269. 1538/--/-- Italian artist Benvenuto Cellini begins his Autobiography. 2656
  1270. 1538/--/-- Italian artist Benvenuto Cellini begins his Autobiography. 7523
  1271. 1538/--/-- The Spanish found the city of Bogota in Columbia. 2655
  1272. 1539/--/-- Afghan ruler Sher Shah defeats the Mogul emperor Humayun. 2657
  1273. 1540/--/-- Coronado explores the American southwest in search of the fabled cities of Cibola. 2661
  1274. 1540/--/-- Coronado explores the American southwest in search of the fabled cities of Cibola. 7063
  1275. 1540/--/-- Henry VIII executes his principal minister Thomas Cromwell. 2659
  1276. 1540/--/-- Henry VIII marries Anne of Cleves; he is divorced and marries Catherine Howard. 2658
  1277. 1540/--/-- Hernando de Soto defeats the Choctaw Indians under Chief Tuscaloosa. 2660
  1278. 1540/--/-- The Grand Canyon is discovered by Garcia Lopez de Cardenas. 2662
  1279. 1540/--/-- The Order of Jesuits is inaugurated under Ignatius Loyola. 2663
  1280. 1541/--/-- Geneva becomes the center of Calvinism. 2664
  1281. 1541/--/-- Spanish conquistador Pedro de Valdivia founds the city of Santiago in Chile. 2665
  1282. 1541/--/-- Spanish explorer Hernando de Soto discovers the Mississippi River. 2666
  1283. 1542/--/-- Catherine Howard is executed by Henry VIII. 2669
  1284. 1542/--/-- Spanish explorer Francisco de Orellana discovers the Amazon River. 2668
  1285. 1542/--/-- The infant Mary Stuart succeeds James V as queen of Scotland. 2667
  1286. 1543/--/-- Anatomist Andreas Vesalius publishes On the Structure of the Human Body. 2674
  1287. 1543/--/-- Henry VIII marries Catherine Parr, his sixth wife. 2671
  1288. 1543/--/-- Nicolaus Copernicus' On the Revolutions of the Heavenly Spheres is published. 2673
  1289. 1543/--/-- Portuguese explorers land in Japan. 2670
  1290. 1543/--/-- Portuguese explorers land in Japan. 7972
  1291. 1543/--/-- The first botanical garden is founded in Pisa. 2672
  1292. 1543/--/-- The first single-cast cannon is made in England. 1013
  1293. 1543/--/-- The first single-cast cannon is made in England. 2675
  1294. 1544/--/-- French surgeon Ambroise Pare publishes his book on surgical treatments. 2676
  1295. 1545/--/-- Henry VIII's warship the Mary Rose sinks near Portsmouth in England. 1014
  1296. 1545/--/-- Henry VIII's warship the Mary Rose sinks near Portsmouth in England. 2680
  1297. 1545/--/-- Mathematician Gerolamo Cardano publishes his treatise The Great Art. 2679
  1298. 1545/--/-- Pope Paul III opens the Council of Trent to reform the Catholic Church. 2678
  1299. 1545/--/-- Silver mines are discovered in Bolivia; the city of Potosi is founded. 2677
  1300. 1546/--/-- Francis I commissions Pierre Lescot to begin the design of the Louvre art museum. 2682
  1301. 1546/--/-- German physician Georgius Agricola publishes On the Nature of Fossils. 2684
  1302. 1546/--/-- Physician Girolamo Fracastoro describes the transmission of disease by living germs. 2683
  1303. 1546/--/-- Turkish pirate leader Barbarossa dies. 1442
  1304. 1546/--/-- Turkish pirate leader Barbarossa dies. 2681
  1305. 1547/--/-- Antonio Torquemada publishes the first book on the game of checkers. 2688
  1306. 1547/--/-- Henry II succeeds Francis I as king of France. 2687
  1307. 1547/--/-- Henry VIII dies and is succeeded by Edward VI as king of England. 1015
  1308. 1547/--/-- Henry VIII dies and is succeeded by Edward VI as king of England. 1443
  1309. 1547/--/-- Henry VIII dies and is succeeded by Edward VI as king of England. 2685
  1310. 1547/--/-- Ivan IV (the Terrible) is crowned tsar of Russia. 2686
  1311. 1547/02/-- Edward VI crowned King of England at Westminster Abbey by Thomas Cramner, Archbi 8091
  1312. 1548/--/-- Francis Xavier founds the Jesuit mission in Japan. 2690
  1313. 1548/--/-- Francis Xavier founds the Jesuit mission in Japan. 7973
  1314. 1548/--/-- Sigismund II is crowned King of Poland. 2689
  1315. 1548/--/-- The Spanish found the city of La Paz in Bolivia. 2691
  1316. 1548/--/-- Venetian artist Tintoretto paints the Miracle of the Slave. 2692
  1317. 1548/--/-- Venetian artist Tintoretto paints the Miracle of the Slave. 7524
  1318. 1549/--/-- English theologian Thomas Cranmer promotes the Book of Common Prayer. 1016
  1319. 1549/--/-- English theologian Thomas Cranmer promotes the Book of Common Prayer. 2693
  1320. 1550/--/-- Commedia dell'arte performances evolve in Italy about this time. 2699
  1321. 1550/--/-- King Gustav I founds the city of Helsinki in Finland. 2696
  1322. 1550/--/-- Pedro de Valdivia founds the city of Concepcion in Chile. 2695
  1323. 1550/--/-- The sport of curling becomes popular in Scotland about his time. 2700
  1324. 1550/--/-- The violin evolves about this time from the medieval fiddle. 2698
  1325. 1550/--/-- Tobacco smoking is introduced into Spain and Portugal. 2697
  1326. 1550/--/-- Vasari writes the Lives of Most Eminent Painters, Sculptors, and Architects. 2701
  1327. 1550/--/-- Vasari writes the Lives of Most Eminent Painters, Sculptors, and Architects. 7525
  1328. 1550/--/-- Virtually all of Italy comes under the rule of Habsburg emperor Charles V. 2694
  1329. 1551/--/-- Italian architect Andrea Palladio completes the design of the Villa Rotunda. 2703
  1330. 1551/--/-- The University of Mexico is founded. 2702
  1331. 1552/--/-- Ivan IV conquers the Tatar khanate of Kazan. 2704
  1332. 1553/--/-- Edward VI dies; Lady Jane Grey rules England but is deposed after 9 days. 1017
  1333. 1553/--/-- Edward VI dies; Lady Jane Grey rules England but is deposed after 9 days. 1444
  1334. 1553/--/-- Edward VI dies; Lady Jane Grey rules England but is deposed after 9 days. 2705
  1335. 1553/--/-- Mary I (Bloody Mary) becomes queen of England. 1018
  1336. 1553/--/-- Mary I (Bloody Mary) becomes queen of England. 2706
  1337. 1553/--/-- The Araucanian Indian Lautaro kills Pedro de Valdivia during an uprising in Chile. 1445
  1338. 1553/--/-- The Araucanian Indian Lautaro kills Pedro de Valdivia during an uprising in Chile. 2707
  1339. 1553/--/-- The English Muscovy Company begin the search for a Northeast Passage to the Indies. 1019
  1340. 1553/--/-- The English Muscovy Company begin the search for a Northeast Passage to the Indies. 1446
  1341. 1553/--/-- The English Muscovy Company begin the search for a Northeast Passage to the Indies. 2708
  1342. 1553/--/-- Venetian artist Paolo Veronese paints the ceiling panels of the Doge's Palace. 2709
  1343. 1553/--/-- Venetian artist Paolo Veronese paints the ceiling panels of the Doge's Palace. 7526
  1344. 1553/07/-- Jane Dudley proclaimed Queen of England. 8092
  1345. 1553/07/09 Mary I dethroned Jane and assumed title of Queen of England. 8093
  1346. 1553/10/01 Mary I crowned Queen of England at Westminster Abbey by Stephen Gardiner, Bishop 8094
  1347. 1554/--/-- Italian composer Palestrina dedicates his Masses to Pope Julius III. 2713
  1348. 1554/--/-- Mary I, Queen of England, marries Philip, heir to the Spanish throne. 1020
  1349. 1554/--/-- Mary I, Queen of England, marries Philip, heir to the Spanish throne. 2711
  1350. 1554/--/-- The Catholic restoration begins in England under Mary I. 1021
  1351. 1554/--/-- The Catholic restoration begins in England under Mary I. 2712
  1352. 1554/--/-- The Turks conquer the Barbary States along the North African coast. 2710
  1353. 1554/--/-- The Turks conquer the Barbary States along the North African coast. 7877
  1354. 1554/--/-- Tomatoes from South America are cultivated in Europe. 2714
  1355. 1554/--/-- Tomatoes from South America are cultivated in Europe. 7064
  1356. 1555/--/-- 300 English Protestants are burned at the stake. 1022
  1357. 1555/--/-- 300 English Protestants are burned at the stake. 2715
  1358. 1555/--/-- French astrologer Nostradamus publishes the Centuries, a book of predictions. 2717
  1359. 1555/--/-- The building of St. Basil's Cathedral is begun in Moscow. 2718
  1360. 1555/--/-- The Peace of Augsburg gives German princes a right to chose Catholicism or Lutheranism. 2716
  1361. 1556/--/-- Agricola's treatise on mining and metallurgy De re mettalica is published. 2723
  1362. 1556/--/-- Akbar succeeds Humayun as Mogul emperor. 2719
  1363. 1556/--/-- An earthquake in China is the worst in history with a death toll of 830,000. 1447
  1364. 1556/--/-- An earthquake in China is the worst in history with a death toll of 830,000. 2722
  1365. 1556/--/-- An earthquake in China is the worst in history with a death toll of 830,000. 7790
  1366. 1556/--/-- Charles V abdicates; the Holy Roman Empire is divided between Philip II and Ferdinand I. 2720
  1367. 1556/--/-- Protestant theologian Thomas Cranmer is executed by Mary I. 2721
  1368. 1556/--/-- Turkish architect Sinan builds the Suleimaniye Mosque in Constantinople (Istanbul). 2724
  1369. 1557/--/-- Philip II of Spain defeats the French at Saint Quentin. 2725
  1370. 1557/--/-- The equals symbol (=) is first used. 2727
  1371. 1557/--/-- The Portuguese establish a settlement at Macao in China. 2726
  1372. 1557/--/-- The Portuguese establish a settlement at Macao in China. 7791
  1373. 1558/--/-- Elizabeth I succeeds Mary I as queen of England. 1023
  1374. 1558/--/-- Elizabeth I succeeds Mary I as queen of England. 2731
  1375. 1558/--/-- Ferdinand I is crowned Holy Roman Emperor. 2732
  1376. 1558/--/-- Mary, Queen of Scots, marries the French dauphin Francis II. 2730
  1377. 1558/--/-- The English lose Calais, their last French possession. 1024
  1378. 1558/--/-- The English lose Calais, their last French possession. 2729
  1379. 1558/--/-- The Trinh and Nguyen divide the Kingdom of Vietnam. 2728
  1380. 1558/01/05 Elizabeth I crowned Queen of England at Westminster Abbey by Owen Oglethorpe, Bi 8095
  1381. 1559/--/-- Calvinist preacher John Knox returns to Scotland to lead the Protestant struggle. 2733
  1382. 1559/--/-- Pope Paul IV issues the first index of forbidden books. 2735
  1383. 1559/--/-- The Treaty of Cateau-Cambresis ends the Italian Wars between France and Spain. 2734
  1384. 1560/--/-- Puritanism begins in England about this time. 1025
  1385. 1560/--/-- Puritanism begins in England about this time. 2736
  1386. 1560/--/-- The building of the Uffizi Palace is begun in Florence. 2738
  1387. 1560/--/-- Tulips are imported into Europe from Turkey about this time. 2737
  1388. 1561/--/-- Mary, Queen of Scots, returns from France to Scotland. 2740
  1389. 1561/--/-- Philip II makes Madrid the capital of Spain. 2739
  1390. 1561/--/-- Ruy Lopez de Segura analyzes chess movements. 2741
  1391. 1561/--/-- The building of the tomb of Humayun begins in Dehli. 2742
  1392. 1562/--/-- French Huguenots attempt to colonize Florida. 2746
  1393. 1562/--/-- Giuseppe Arcimboldo becomes court painter to Maximilian II. 2743
  1394. 1562/--/-- Giuseppe Arcimboldo becomes court painter to Maximilian II. 7527
  1395. 1562/--/-- Religious wars break out in France between Protestant Huguenots and Catholics. 2744
  1396. 1562/--/-- Sir John Hawkins begins the slave trade between Africa and the West Indies. 1448
  1397. 1562/--/-- Sir John Hawkins begins the slave trade between Africa and the West Indies. 2745
  1398. 1562/--/-- Sir John Hawkins begins the slave trade between Africa and the West Indies. 7878
  1399. 1563/--/-- Vientiane becomes the capital of the Lao kingdom (Laos). 2747
  1400. 1564/--/-- Ivan IV begins a reign of terror in Russia. 2751
  1401. 1564/--/-- Maximilian II succeeds Ferdinand I as Holy Roman Emperor. 2748
  1402. 1564/--/-- Spain founds the first European settlement in the U.S. at Saint Augustine in Florida. 2749
  1403. 1564/--/-- The first horse-drawn coaches come to England from Holland. 1026
  1404. 1564/--/-- The first horse-drawn coaches come to England from Holland. 2753
  1405. 1564/--/-- The manufacture of lead (graphite) pencils begins in England. 1027
  1406. 1564/--/-- The manufacture of lead (graphite) pencils begins in England. 2752
  1407. 1564/--/-- The Spanish found their first colony in the Philippines at Cebu. 2750
  1408. 1565/--/-- Muslims destroy the Hindu capital of Vijayanagar in southern India. 2755
  1409. 1565/--/-- The Spanish massacre French Huguenot settlers in Florida. 2754
  1410. 1566/--/-- A revolt begins in the Netherlands against Spanish rule. 2756
  1411. 1567/--/-- Mary, Queen of Scots, is forced to abdicate in favor of her son James VI. 2757
  1412. 1567/--/-- The Duque de Alba is sent to the Netherlands to quell the Dutch Revolt. 2759
  1413. 1567/--/-- The Portuguese oust Huguenot settlers and found the city of Rio de Janeiro in Brazil. 2758
  1414. 1568/--/-- Flemish painter Bruegel the Elder paints The Blind Leading the Blind. 2762
  1415. 1568/--/-- Flemish painter Bruegel the Elder paints The Blind Leading the Blind. 7528
  1416. 1568/--/-- Mary, Queen of Scots, is imprisoned in England for 19 years by Elizabeth I. 1028
  1417. 1568/--/-- Mary, Queen of Scots, is imprisoned in England for 19 years by Elizabeth I. 2760
  1418. 1568/--/-- Nobunaga seizes Kyoto and begins the reunification of Japan. 2761
  1419. 1568/--/-- Nobunaga seizes Kyoto and begins the reunification of Japan. 7974
  1420. 1569/--/-- Cartographer Gerardus Mercator uses the first cylindrical projection for a world map. 2766
  1421. 1569/--/-- Jacques Besson develops the first screw-cutting lathe. 2765
  1422. 1569/--/-- Mogul emperor Akbar establishes a new capital at Fatehpur Sikri in India. 2764
  1423. 1569/--/-- The Union of Lublin unites the Polish states under Sigismund II. 2763
  1424. 1570/--/-- Italian architect Andrea Palladio publishes The Four Books of Architecture. 2768
  1425. 1570/--/-- Nicholas Hilliard paints a miniature portrait of Elizabeth I. 2769
  1426. 1570/--/-- Nicholas Hilliard paints a miniature portrait of Elizabeth I. 7529
  1427. 1570/--/-- The Kanem-Bornu empire flourishes in West Africa. 2767
  1428. 1570/--/-- The Kanem-Bornu empire flourishes in West Africa. 7879
  1429. 1571/--/-- A calligraphy manual The Useful Writer is published in Italy. 2773
  1430. 1571/--/-- The allied fleet of Spain, Venice, and the papacy destroys the Turks at Lepanto. 2771
  1431. 1571/--/-- The Spanish found the city of Manila in the Philippines. 2772
  1432. 1571/--/-- The Turks conquer the island of Cyprus. 2770
  1433. 1572/--/-- Bogota University is founded in Columbia. 2778
  1434. 1572/--/-- Francisco de Toledo executes Tupac Amaru, ending Inca resistance in Peru. 2777
  1435. 1572/--/-- Huguenots are massacred in France on St. Bartholomew's Day. 2774
  1436. 1572/--/-- Sigismund II dies, ending the Jagello dynasty in Poland. 1449
  1437. 1572/--/-- Sigismund II dies, ending the Jagello dynasty in Poland. 2775
  1438. 1572/--/-- The Gujarat state is annexed by the Moguls in India. 2776
  1439. 1573/--/-- An era of castle building begins in Japan during the Momoyama period. 2779
  1440. 1573/--/-- An era of castle building begins in Japan during the Momoyama period. 7975
  1441. 1573/--/-- The potato is brought back from the Americas and cultivated in Spain. 2780
  1442. 1573/--/-- The potato is brought back from the Americas and cultivated in Spain. 7065
  1443. 1574/--/-- Henry III is crowned king of France. 2782
  1444. 1574/--/-- The Turks regain Tunis in North Africa from Spain. 2781
  1445. 1574/--/-- The Turks regain Tunis in North Africa from Spain. 7880
  1446. 1575/--/-- Indian leader Hiawatha allegedly founds the Iroquois League. 2784
  1447. 1575/--/-- Stephen Bathory is elected king of Poland. 2783
  1448. 1576/--/-- Danish astronomer Tycho Brahe builds an observatory on the island of Ven. 2789
  1449. 1576/--/-- Henry III outlaws Protestantism in France. 2788
  1450. 1576/--/-- Martin Frobisher commands an expedition to search for a Northwest Passage. 2787
  1451. 1576/--/-- Rudolf II is crowned Holy Roman Emperor; the imperial court moves to Prague. 2786
  1452. 1576/--/-- The Dutch provinces unite to drive out the Spanish. 2785
  1453. 1576/--/-- The first playhouse, the Theater, is erected by actor James Burbage in London. 2790
  1454. 1577/--/-- English explorer Francis Drake begins his voyage of circumnavigation. 1029
  1455. 1577/--/-- English explorer Francis Drake begins his voyage of circumnavigation. 2791
  1456. 1577/--/-- Ram Das founds the city of Amritsar, a Sikh religious center. 2792
  1457. 1578/--/-- English dramatist John Lyly writes Euphues, the Anatomy of Wit. 1030
  1458. 1578/--/-- English dramatist John Lyly writes Euphues, the Anatomy of Wit. 2795
  1459. 1578/--/-- King Sebastian of Portugal is killed by Muslims at Alcazrquivir in Morocco. 1450
  1460. 1578/--/-- King Sebastian of Portugal is killed by Muslims at Alcazrquivir in Morocco. 2793
  1461. 1578/--/-- The Christian catacombs are rediscovered in Rome. 2794
  1462. 1579/--/-- English explorer Francis Drake discovers San Francisco Bay. 1031
  1463. 1579/--/-- English explorer Francis Drake discovers San Francisco Bay. 2796
  1464. 1580/--/-- French writer Michel de Montaigne publishes his Essays. 2799
  1465. 1580/--/-- Philip II of Spain invades Portugal. 2797
  1466. 1580/--/-- Witches are persecuted throughout western Europe. 2798
  1467. 1581/--/-- Beaujoyeux's Ballet Comique de la Reigne is performed in Paris. 2802
  1468. 1581/--/-- The Dutch Republic is founded after the Union of Utrecht. 2800
  1469. 1581/--/-- The Russian conquest of Siberia begins with the expedition of Yermak Timofeyevich. 2801
  1470. 1582/--/-- Geographer Richard Hakluyt publishes an account of the discovery of America. 2804
  1471. 1582/--/-- Geographer Richard Hakluyt publishes an account of the discovery of America. 7066
  1472. 1582/--/-- The Gregorian calendar is introduced into Catholic countries by Pope Gregory XIII. 2803
  1473. 1583/--/-- Edinburgh University is founded in Scotland. 2806
  1474. 1583/--/-- Japanese leader Hideyoshi builds Osaka castle. 2807
  1475. 1583/--/-- Japanese leader Hideyoshi builds Osaka castle. 7976
  1476. 1583/--/-- Sir Humphrey Gilbert claims Newfoundland for England. 1032
  1477. 1583/--/-- Sir Humphrey Gilbert claims Newfoundland for England. 2805
  1478. 1584/--/-- Russian tsar Ivan the Terrible dies. 1452
  1479. 1584/--/-- Russian tsar Ivan the Terrible dies. 2808
  1480. 1584/--/-- Walter Raleigh and Richard Grenville organize English colonizing ventures to North America. 1033
  1481. 1584/--/-- Walter Raleigh and Richard Grenville organize English colonizing ventures to North America. 2810
  1482. 1584/--/-- Walter Raleigh and Richard Grenville organize English colonizing ventures to North America. 7067
  1483. 1584/--/-- William I, leader of the Dutch Revolt, is assassinated. 1451
  1484. 1584/--/-- William I, leader of the Dutch Revolt, is assassinated. 2809
  1485. 1585/--/-- England is at war with Spain (until 1604). 1034
  1486. 1585/--/-- England is at war with Spain (until 1604). 1264
  1487. 1585/--/-- England is at war with Spain (until 1604). 2811
  1488. 1585/--/-- John Davis discovers Davis Strait between Greenland and North America. 2813
  1489. 1585/--/-- John Davis discovers Davis Strait between Greenland and North America. 7068
  1490. 1585/--/-- Roanoke Island in North Carolina is settled as the first English colony in Virginia. 1035
  1491. 1585/--/-- Roanoke Island in North Carolina is settled as the first English colony in Virginia. 2812
  1492. 1586/--/-- Mary, Queen of Scots, is found guilty of treason and executed (1587). 2814
  1493. 1586/--/-- Pipe smoking is introduced into England. 1036
  1494. 1586/--/-- Pipe smoking is introduced into England. 2815
  1495. 1587/--/-- Francis Drake attacks the Spanish fleet in Cadiz harbor. 2816
  1496. 1587/--/-- Japanese leader Hideyoshi bans Christian missionaries. 2817
  1497. 1587/--/-- Japanese leader Hideyoshi bans Christian missionaries. 7977
  1498. 1588/--/-- Christian IV succeeds Frederick II as king of Denmark. 2819
  1499. 1588/--/-- The Catholic League expels Henry III from Paris. 2820
  1500. 1588/--/-- The Spanish Armada is defeated by the English navy. 1037
  1501. 1588/--/-- The Spanish Armada is defeated by the English navy. 2818
  1502. 1588/--/-- Timothy Bright composes the first manual of shorthand. 2821
  1503. 1589/--/-- Galileo Galilei is made professor of mathematics at Pisa. 2823
  1504. 1589/--/-- Henry III is assassinated; he is succeeded by Henry IV as king of France. 1453
  1505. 1589/--/-- Henry III is assassinated; he is succeeded by Henry IV as king of France. 2822
  1506. 1590/--/-- Christopher Marlowe's drama Tamburlaine the Great is published in London. 2827
  1507. 1590/--/-- English poet Edmund Spenser begins The Faerie Queene. 1038
  1508. 1590/--/-- English poet Edmund Spenser begins The Faerie Queene. 2826
  1509. 1590/--/-- Hideyoshi completes the unification of Japan. 2824
  1510. 1590/--/-- Hideyoshi completes the unification of Japan. 7978
  1511. 1590/--/-- Viete, inventor of symbolic algebra, writes his Introduction to the Analytic Art. 2825
  1512. 1590/--/-- Viete, inventor of symbolic algebra, writes his Introduction to the Analytic Art. 7434
  1513. 1590/--/-- William Shakespeare begins writing plays about this time. 2828
  1514. 1591/--/-- The Roanoke colony dies out in North Carolina. 1454
  1515. 1591/--/-- The Roanoke colony dies out in North Carolina. 2830
  1516. 1591/--/-- The Songhai Empire is destroyed by the Moroccan army. 2829
  1517. 1592/--/-- Elizabeth I founds Trinity College in Dublin. 2831
  1518. 1592/--/-- Italian philosopher Giordano Bruno is imprisoned for heresy. 2832
  1519. 1592/--/-- London theaters are closed because of the plague. 2835
  1520. 1592/--/-- Playwright Christopher Marlowe writes Doctor Faustus. 2834
  1521. 1592/--/-- Thomas Kyd writes his revenge play The Spanish Tragedy. 2833
  1522. 1593/--/-- English theologian Richard Hooker publishes his Laws of Ecclesiastical Polity. 1039
  1523. 1593/--/-- English theologian Richard Hooker publishes his Laws of Ecclesiastical Polity. 2837
  1524. 1593/--/-- Henry IV of France converts to Catholicism. 2836
  1525. 1594/--/-- Henry IV of France captures Paris. 2838
  1526. 1594/--/-- Jacopo Peri's Dafne, the first opera, is performed in Italy about this time. 2839
  1527. 1594/--/-- Jacopo Peri's Dafne, the first opera, is performed in Italy about this time. 7530
  1528. 1595/--/-- Hugh O'Neill leads a rebellion against the English in Ireland. 1040
  1529. 1595/--/-- Hugh O'Neill leads a rebellion against the English in Ireland. 2840
  1530. 1596/--/-- Warsaw is established as the capital of Poland. 2841
  1531. 1597/--/-- English composer John Dowland publishes his First Booke of Songes. 1041
  1532. 1597/--/-- English composer John Dowland publishes his First Booke of Songes. 2843
  1533. 1597/--/-- Spanish artist El Greco paints The Agony in the Garden. 2842
  1534. 1597/--/-- Spanish artist El Greco paints The Agony in the Garden. 7531
  1535. 1598/--/-- Abbas I of Persia (Iran) defeats the Uzbeks at Herat. 2845
  1536. 1598/--/-- Boris Godunov becomes tsar of Russia; the Time of Troubles begin. 2847
  1537. 1598/--/-- English playwright Ben Jonson writes Every Man in His Humour. 1042
  1538. 1598/--/-- English playwright Ben Jonson writes Every Man in His Humour. 2849
  1539. 1598/--/-- John Florio produces an Italian-English dictionary. 1043
  1540. 1598/--/-- John Florio produces an Italian-English dictionary. 2848
  1541. 1598/--/-- Philip III succeeds Philip II as king of Spain. 2846
  1542. 1598/--/-- The Edict of Nantes grants French Huguenots equal rights with Catholics. 2844
  1543. 1599/--/-- The Earl of Essex is imprisoned for negotiating a truce with the Irish rebels. 2850
  1544. 1599/--/-- The Globe theater is built in London. 2851
  1545. 1600/--/-- A charter is granted to the East India Company by Queen Elizabeth I. 2854
  1546. 1600/--/-- Giordano Bruno is burned at the stake in Rome for heretical writing. 2853
  1547. 1600/--/-- Hans and Zacharias Jannsen construct the first microscope about this time. 2856
  1548. 1600/--/-- Maurice of Nassau defeats the Austrian army at Nieuport. 2852
  1549. 1600/--/-- The Baroque period in art and architecture begins in Italy about this time. 2858
  1550. 1600/--/-- Wigs become fashionable at European courts about this time. 2855
  1551. 1600/--/-- William Gilbert publishes his treatise on magnetism. 2857
  1552. 1601/--/-- Italian artist Caravaggio paints the Conversion of St. Paul. 2863
  1553. 1601/--/-- Italian artist Caravaggio paints the Conversion of St. Paul. 7532
  1554. 1601/--/-- Jesuit missionary Matteo Ricci arrives in Peking. 2861
  1555. 1601/--/-- Manchurian leader Nurhachi unites the Manchu tribes under the banner system. 2860
  1556. 1601/--/-- The Earl of Essex is executed by Elizabeth I after his rebellion fails. 2859
  1557. 1601/--/-- The Gobelins tapestry factory is established in Paris. 2862
  1558. 1602/--/-- Abbas I leads Persia (Iran) in a holy war against the Ottoman Turks. 1265
  1559. 1602/--/-- Abbas I leads Persia (Iran) in a holy war against the Ottoman Turks. 2865
  1560. 1602/--/-- Bartholomew Gosnold explores the New England coast and names Cape Cod. 1044
  1561. 1602/--/-- Bartholomew Gosnold explores the New England coast and names Cape Cod. 2866
  1562. 1602/--/-- The Bodleian Library, the first public library in Europe, opens in Oxford, England 1045
  1563. 1602/--/-- The Bodleian Library, the first public library in Europe, opens in Oxford, England 2864
  1564. 1602/--/-- The Dutch East India Company is founded. 2867
  1565. 1603/--/-- Ieyasu founds the Tokugawa shogunate in Japan. 2868
  1566. 1603/--/-- Ieyasu founds the Tokugawa shogunate in Japan. 7979
  1567. 1603/--/-- Queen Elizabeth I dies; she is succeeded by James I (James IV of Scotland). 1455
  1568. 1603/--/-- Queen Elizabeth I dies; she is succeeded by James I (James IV of Scotland). 2869
  1569. 1603/--/-- The first Kabuki performance is given in Japan. 2871
  1570. 1603/--/-- The first Kabuki performance is given in Japan. 7980
  1571. 1603/--/-- William Shakespeare's play Hamlet is performed for the first time. 2870
  1572. 1603/07/05 James I crowned King of England at Westminster Abbey by John Whitgift, Archbisho 8096
  1573. 1604/--/-- A false Dmitry lays claim to the Russian throne during the "Time of Troubles." 2873
  1574. 1604/--/-- Charles IX is crowned king of Sweden. 2874
  1575. 1604/--/-- England and Spain are at peace after 19 years of war. 1046
  1576. 1604/--/-- England and Spain are at peace after 19 years of war. 2872
  1577. 1604/--/-- Flemish artist Carel van Mander publishes a handbook for painters Het Schilderboeck. 2878
  1578. 1604/--/-- Flemish artist Carel van Mander publishes a handbook for painters Het Schilderboeck. 7533
  1579. 1604/--/-- Hieronymus Fabricius writes De formata foctu, a study of human embryology. 2877
  1580. 1604/--/-- The French East India Company is founded. 2876
  1581. 1604/--/-- The Spanish capture the Dutch city of Ostend after a 3-year siege. 2875
  1582. 1605/--/-- English philosopher Francis Bacon publishes The Advancement of Learning. 1047
  1583. 1605/--/-- English philosopher Francis Bacon publishes The Advancement of Learning. 2883
  1584. 1605/--/-- Jahangir succeeds Akbar as Mogul emperor of India. 2880
  1585. 1605/--/-- Spanish writer Cervantes publishes part one of Don Quixote. 2884
  1586. 1605/--/-- The English claim Barbados in the West Indies. 1048
  1587. 1605/--/-- The English claim Barbados in the West Indies. 1456
  1588. 1605/--/-- The English claim Barbados in the West Indies. 2882
  1589. 1605/--/-- The first French settlement in North America is founded at Port Royal in Nova Scotia. 2881
  1590. 1605/--/-- The first French settlement in North America is founded at Port Royal in Nova Scotia. 7069
  1591. 1605/--/-- The Gunpowder Plot to blow up the English Parliament is discovered. 1049
  1592. 1605/--/-- The Gunpowder Plot to blow up the English Parliament is discovered. 2879
  1593. 1606/--/-- Ben Jonson's play Volpone is performed for the first time. 2885
  1594. 1607/--/-- Claudio Monteverdi's first opera Orfeo is performed. 2887
  1595. 1607/--/-- Claudio Monteverdi's first opera Orfeo is performed. 7534
  1596. 1607/--/-- John Smith founds the first English colony at Jamestown in Virginia. 1050
  1597. 1607/--/-- John Smith founds the first English colony at Jamestown in Virginia. 2886
  1598. 1608/--/-- Emperor Rudolf II cedes Hungary to his brother Matthias. 2888
  1599. 1608/--/-- Girolamo Frescobaldi is appointed as organist at St. Peter's in Rome. 2892
  1600. 1608/--/-- Italian scientist Galileo Galilei assembles an astronomical telescope. 2891
  1601. 1608/--/-- Samuel de Champlain founds a French settlement in Quebec. 2889
  1602. 1608/--/-- The first telescope is invented by Dutch optician Hans Lippershey. 2890
  1603. 1608/--/-- The first telescope is invented by Dutch optician Hans Lippershey. 7435
  1604. 1609/--/-- A truce with Spain gives the United Provinces (the Netherlands) virtual independence. 2893
  1605. 1609/--/-- Johannes Kepler publishes his first law of planetary motion in New Astronomy. 2896
  1606. 1609/--/-- Spanish playwright Lope de Vega publishes The New Art of Writing Plays. 2897
  1607. 1609/--/-- The English colonize Bermuda. 1051
  1608. 1609/--/-- The English colonize Bermuda. 2895
  1609. 1609/--/-- The Spanish found Santa Fe in New Mexico. 2894
  1610. 1610/--/-- Ben Jonson's play The Alchemist is performed for the first time. 2903
  1611. 1610/--/-- English navigator Henry Hudson becomes the first European to explore Hudson Bay. 1052
  1612. 1610/--/-- English navigator Henry Hudson becomes the first European to explore Hudson Bay. 2902
  1613. 1610/--/-- Galileo Galilei publishes his first stellar observations in The Starry Messenger. 2901
  1614. 1610/--/-- Henry IV of France is assassinated; he is succeeded by his son Louis XIII. 1457
  1615. 1610/--/-- Henry IV of France is assassinated; he is succeeded by his son Louis XIII. 2898
  1616. 1610/--/-- Maximilian of Bavaria forms the Catholic League to oppose the Protestant Union. 2899
  1617. 1610/--/-- The Polish army of Sigismund III invades Russia and captures Moscow. 2900
  1618. 1611/--/-- An edition of the Bible authorized by King James I is completed in England. 1053
  1619. 1611/--/-- An edition of the Bible authorized by King James I is completed in England. 2907
  1620. 1611/--/-- Christian IV of Denmark declares war on Sweden. 1266
  1621. 1611/--/-- Christian IV of Denmark declares war on Sweden. 2905
  1622. 1611/--/-- English and Scottish Protestants settle in Ireland under the Ulster Plantation. 1054
  1623. 1611/--/-- English and Scottish Protestants settle in Ireland under the Ulster Plantation. 2904
  1624. 1611/--/-- Gustav II Adolf succeeds Charles IX as king of Sweden. 2906
  1625. 1612/--/-- John Webster's tragedy The White Devil is produced. 2909
  1626. 1612/--/-- Matthias succeeds his brother Rudolf II as Holy Roman Emperor. 2908
  1627. 1613/--/-- Gabor Bethlen becomes Prince of Transylvania. 2912
  1628. 1613/--/-- Gustav II Adolf ends the War of Kalmar with Denmark and attacks Russia. 2913
  1629. 1613/--/-- Michael becomes tsar of Russia, founding the Romanov dynasty. 2910
  1630. 1613/--/-- Virginia colonists destroy French settlements in Maine and Nova Scotia. 2911
  1631. 1614/--/-- James I dissolves the Addled Parliament in England. 1055
  1632. 1614/--/-- James I dissolves the Addled Parliament in England. 2914
  1633. 1614/--/-- Pocahontas, a North American Indian princess, marries English settler John Rolfe. 1056
  1634. 1614/--/-- Pocahontas, a North American Indian princess, marries English settler John Rolfe. 2915
  1635. 1614/--/-- Pocahontas, a North American Indian princess, marries English settler John Rolfe. 7070
  1636. 1614/--/-- Scottish mathematician John Napier publishes Marvelous Canon of Logarithms. 2917
  1637. 1614/--/-- Sir Walter Raleigh writes his History of the World. 2916
  1638. 1615/--/-- Coffee is introduced into Italy from Turkey. 2921
  1639. 1615/--/-- Manchu tribes in China expand to eight banners (military regions) under Nurhachi. 2918
  1640. 1615/--/-- Manchu tribes in China expand to eight banners (military regions) under Nurhachi. 7792
  1641. 1615/--/-- The Dutch seize the Spice Islands (the Moluccas) from the Portuguese. 2919
  1642. 1615/--/-- The first English language reference is made to tea. 1057
  1643. 1615/--/-- The first English language reference is made to tea. 2920
  1644. 1616/--/-- A smallpox epidemic decimates the Indian population in New England. 1058
  1645. 1616/--/-- A smallpox epidemic decimates the Indian population in New England. 2925
  1646. 1616/--/-- Cardinal Richelieu becomes Minister of State for Foreign Affairs in France. 2922
  1647. 1616/--/-- Emperor Ieyasu of Japan dies; he is succeeded by his son Hidetada. 1458
  1648. 1616/--/-- Emperor Ieyasu of Japan dies; he is succeeded by his son Hidetada. 2923
  1649. 1616/--/-- Emperor Ieyasu of Japan dies; he is succeeded by his son Hidetada. 7981
  1650. 1616/--/-- The Catholic church issues an edict against Copernicanism. 2926
  1651. 1616/--/-- William Baffin searches for the Northwest Passage and discovers Baffin Bay. 2924
  1652. 1617/--/-- The Treaty of Stolbovo ends the war between Russia and Sweden. 1267
  1653. 1617/--/-- The Treaty of Stolbovo ends the war between Russia and Sweden. 2927
  1654. 1617/--/-- Tobacco is established as the major industry in North America. 2928
  1655. 1617/--/-- Tobacco is established as the major industry in North America. 7071
  1656. 1618/--/-- Conflict between Catholic and Protestant states begins the Thirty Years' War. 2929
  1657. 1618/--/-- James I orders the execution of Sir Walter Raleigh. 2930
  1658. 1619/--/-- Dutch ships bring the first Negro slaves to the colony of Virginia. 2932
  1659. 1619/--/-- Ferdinand II is elected Holy Roman Emperor and king of Bohemia. 2933
  1660. 1619/--/-- Inigo Jones designs the Banqueting House at Whitehall, London. 2935
  1661. 1619/--/-- Louis XIII of France defeats the supporters of his mother Maria de Medicis. 2931
  1662. 1619/--/-- Spanish artist Diego Velazquez paints The Water Seller of Seville. 2936
  1663. 1619/--/-- Spanish artist Diego Velazquez paints The Water Seller of Seville. 7535
  1664. 1619/--/-- The Bohemians depose Ferdinand and elect Frederick V (Elector Palatine) as king. 2934
  1665. 1620/--/-- Catholic League forces under Graf von Tilly defeat the Bohemians under Frederick V. 2938
  1666. 1620/--/-- Cornelis Drebbel demonstrates a submarine on the River Thames. 2941
  1667. 1620/--/-- Ferdinand II is restored to the throne of Bohemia. 2939
  1668. 1620/--/-- Gustavus II Adolf begins a war with Poland and captures Livonia. 1268
  1669. 1620/--/-- Gustavus II Adolf begins a war with Poland and captures Livonia. 2940
  1670. 1620/--/-- The Pilgrim Fathers arrive at Cape Cod and found the Plymouth Colony. 2937
  1671. 1621/--/-- A Huguenot (Protestant) revolt begins against Louis XIII in France. 2942
  1672. 1621/--/-- English scholar Robert Burton publishes Anatomy of Melancholy. 1059
  1673. 1621/--/-- English scholar Robert Burton publishes Anatomy of Melancholy. 2946
  1674. 1621/--/-- Philip IV becomes king of Spain and Portugal. 2943
  1675. 1621/--/-- The Dutch West India Company is founded. 2945
  1676. 1621/--/-- War is renewed between Spain and the United Provinces (the Netherlands). 2944
  1677. 1622/--/-- Indian Massacres begin, VA 1269
  1678. 1622/--/-- Indians massacre 347 settlers in Virginia. 2947
  1679. 1623/--/-- Abbas I, shah of Persia (Iran), captures Bagdhad from the Turks. 2948
  1680. 1623/--/-- Catholic League and Imperial forces overrun the Palatinate in Germany. 2949
  1681. 1623/--/-- Diego Velazquez is made court painter to Philip IV of Spain. 2952
  1682. 1623/--/-- Diego Velazquez is made court painter to Philip IV of Spain. 7536
  1683. 1623/--/-- Philosopher Francis Bacon publishes On the Dignity and Growth of Sciences. 2951
  1684. 1623/--/-- The first English settlement is founded in New Hampshire. 1060
  1685. 1623/--/-- The first English settlement is founded in New Hampshire. 2950
  1686. 1624/--/-- Dutch artist Frans Hals paints the Laughing Cavalier. 2954
  1687. 1624/--/-- Dutch artist Frans Hals paints the Laughing Cavalier. 7537
  1688. 1624/--/-- English poet John Donne publishes Devotions upon Emergent Occasions. 1061
  1689. 1624/--/-- English poet John Donne publishes Devotions upon Emergent Occasions. 2955
  1690. 1624/--/-- Flemish chemist Johannes Baptista van Helmont names compressible fluid gas. 2953
  1691. 1625/--/-- Albrecht Wenzel von Wallenstein is made general of Ferdinand II's Imperial armies. 2958
  1692. 1625/--/-- Charles I succeeds James I as king of England. 1062
  1693. 1625/--/-- Charles I succeeds James I as king of England. 2956
  1694. 1625/--/-- Flemish baroque artist Peter Paul Rubens paints The Judgement of Paris. 2960
  1695. 1625/--/-- Flemish baroque artist Peter Paul Rubens paints The Judgement of Paris. 7538
  1696. 1625/--/-- Peter Minuit founds the Dutch colony of New Amsterdam (now New York). 2959
  1697. 1625/--/-- The Spanish capture Breda from the Dutch. 2957
  1698. 1626/--/-- Graf von Tilly's Catholic army routs the Danes under Christian IV. 2963
  1699. 1626/--/-- Imperial forces under Wallenstein defeat Graf von Mansfield at Dessau. 2962
  1700. 1626/--/-- The Dutch purchase Manhattan Island from the Indians for the equivalent of $24. 2961
  1701. 1626/02/-- Charles I crowned King of England and Scotland at Westminster Abbey by Georg Abb 8097
  1702. 1627/--/-- Shah Jahan succeeds Jahangir as Mogul emperor of India. 2965
  1703. 1627/--/-- The Huguenots (Protestants) revolt against Cardinal Richelieu at La Rochelle. 2964
  1704. 1627/--/-- The Manchus (Ch'ing) begin their conquest of Korea. 2966
  1705. 1628/--/-- English physician William Harvey publishes On the Motions of the Heart and Blood. 1063
  1706. 1628/--/-- English physician William Harvey publishes On the Motions of the Heart and Blood. 2972
  1707. 1628/--/-- French philosopher Rene Descartes begins Rules For the Direction of the Mind. 2970
  1708. 1628/--/-- King Charles I is forced to accept Parliament's Petition of Right. 2967
  1709. 1628/--/-- Puritans under John Endecott settle at Salem in Massachusetts. 2971
  1710. 1628/--/-- The Duke of Buckingham, a supporter of the French Huguenots, is assassinated. 1459
  1711. 1628/--/-- The Duke of Buckingham, a supporter of the French Huguenots, is assassinated. 2968
  1712. 1628/--/-- The Huguenots surrender La Rochelle after a 14-month siege. 2969
  1713. 1629/--/-- Charles I dissolves Parliament and rules England directly. 1064
  1714. 1629/--/-- Charles I dissolves Parliament and rules England directly. 2973
  1715. 1629/--/-- Ferdinand II's Edict of Restitution restores Catholic properties taken by Protestants. 2974
  1716. 1630/--/-- Bhutan becomes independent from Tibet about this time. 2979
  1717. 1630/--/-- Dutch landscape artist Salomon van Ruisdael paints River Landscape. 2980
  1718. 1630/--/-- Dutch landscape artist Salomon van Ruisdael paints River Landscape. 7539
  1719. 1630/--/-- Gustav II Adolf invades Germany in support of the Protestant cause. 2976
  1720. 1630/--/-- John Winthrop founds a Puritan settlement at Boston in Massachusetts. 2978
  1721. 1630/--/-- Spanish artist Francisco de Zubaran paints the Holy House of Nazareth. 2977
  1722. 1630/--/-- Spanish artist Francisco de Zubaran paints the Holy House of Nazareth. 7540
  1723. 1630/--/-- The Ottoman Turks capture Hamadan in Persia (Iran). 2975
  1724. 1631/--/-- Baldassarre Longhena begins building the church of Santa Maria della Salute in Venice. 2981
  1725. 1631/--/-- Gustav II Adolf defeats Graf von Tilly's Imperial forces at Breitenfeld. 2983
  1726. 1631/--/-- Marie de Medicis goes into exile after a plot to remove Cardinal Richelieu fails. 2982
  1727. 1631/--/-- Navigation Act affecting Colonies 1270
  1728. 1631/--/-- The building of the Taj Mahal begins at Agra in India. 2984
  1729. 1631/--/-- The first newspaper, the Gazette de France, is published in Paris. 2985
  1730. 1632/--/-- Antony Van Dyck settles in London and becomes court painter to King Charles I. 2990
  1731. 1632/--/-- Antony Van Dyck settles in London and becomes court painter to King Charles I. 7541
  1732. 1632/--/-- Bernal Diaz del Castillo's True Story of the Conquest of Mexico is published. 2992
  1733. 1632/--/-- Charles I grants a charter for the English colony of Maryland. 1065
  1734. 1632/--/-- Charles I grants a charter for the English colony of Maryland. 2986
  1735. 1632/--/-- Christina becomes queen of Sweden at age 6; Count Oxenstierna rules as regent. 2989
  1736. 1632/--/-- Dutch artist Rembrandt Harmenszoon van Rijn paints The Anatomy Lesson. 2991
  1737. 1632/--/-- Dutch artist Rembrandt Harmenszoon van Rijn paints The Anatomy Lesson. 7542
  1738. 1632/--/-- Gustavus II Adolf defeats Wallenstein at Lutzen but is killed during the battle. 1460
  1739. 1632/--/-- Gustavus II Adolf defeats Wallenstein at Lutzen but is killed during the battle. 2988
  1740. 1632/--/-- Imperial general Graf von Tilly is mortally wounded at the Battle of Lech. 2987
  1741. 1633/--/-- An English colony is established in Connecticut. 1066
  1742. 1633/--/-- An English colony is established in Connecticut. 2993
  1743. 1633/--/-- French artist Nicolas Poussin paints The Adoration of the Golden Calf. 2994
  1744. 1633/--/-- French artist Nicolas Poussin paints The Adoration of the Golden Calf. 7543
  1745. 1633/--/-- Galileo Galilei is imprisoned for "vehement suspicion of heresy." 2995
  1746. 1634/--/-- Ferdinand II declares General Wallenstein a traitor; Wallenstein is assassinated. 1461
  1747. 1634/--/-- Ferdinand II declares General Wallenstein a traitor; Wallenstein is assassinated. 2996
  1748. 1634/--/-- French fur trader Jean Nicolet explores Wisconsin. 2998
  1749. 1634/--/-- Hackney carriages are in use in London for public transport. 2999
  1750. 1634/--/-- Imperial forces under Ferdinand III defeat the Swedes at Nordlingen. 2997
  1751. 1635/--/-- Cardinal Richelieu founds the Academie Francaise in Paris. 3003
  1752. 1635/--/-- Claybourne's Rebellion begins, MD 1271
  1753. 1635/--/-- France forms an alliance with Sweden and enters the Thirty Years' War. 3002
  1754. 1635/--/-- Spanish playwright Pedro Calderon de la Barca writes Life Is a Dream. 3004
  1755. 1635/--/-- The Dutch occupy parts of Formosa (Taiwan). 3000
  1756. 1635/--/-- The Peace of Prague is signed between Ferdinand II and Protestant German princes. 3001
  1757. 1636/--/-- Harvard University is founded in Boston. 3007
  1758. 1636/--/-- Pequot Indian War, MASS, CONN, RI 1272
  1759. 1636/--/-- Radical Puritan Roger Williams establishes the town of Providence, Rhode Island. 3006
  1760. 1636/--/-- The Dutch settle in Ceylon (Sri Lanka). 3005
  1761. 1637/--/-- French dramatist Pierre Corneille writes le Cid. 3013
  1762. 1637/--/-- Holy Roman Emperor Ferdinand II dies; he is succeeded by his son Ferdinand III. 1462
  1763. 1637/--/-- Holy Roman Emperor Ferdinand II dies; he is succeeded by his son Ferdinand III. 3009
  1764. 1637/--/-- Pequot Indians are decimated during the first Indian war in New England. 1067
  1765. 1637/--/-- Pequot Indians are decimated during the first Indian war in New England. 1273
  1766. 1637/--/-- Pequot Indians are decimated during the first Indian war in New England. 3008
  1767. 1637/--/-- Religious radical Anne Hutchinson is tried for heresy in Massachusetts. 3011
  1768. 1637/--/-- Rene Descartes publishes his concepts of analytic geometry Discourse on Method. 3010
  1769. 1637/--/-- The first opera house Teatro San Cassiano opens in Venice. 3012
  1770. 1637/--/-- The first opera house Teatro San Cassiano opens in Venice. 7544
  1771. 1638/--/-- John Davenport and Theophilus Eaton found New Haven, Connecticut. 3015
  1772. 1638/--/-- Swedish and Protestant forces defeat the Imperial army at Breisach. 3017
  1773. 1638/--/-- Swedish settlers found Fort Christina (now Wilmington) on the Delaware River. 3016
  1774. 1638/--/-- The Turks under Murad IV conquer Baghdad. 3014
  1775. 1639/--/-- Charles I concedes to Scottish demands after the First Bishops' War. 3020
  1776. 1639/--/-- Persia (Iran) and the Ottoman Empire sign a peace treaty. 3019
  1777. 1639/--/-- Spanish artist Jusepe de Ribera paints The Martyrdom of Saint Bartholomew. 3022
  1778. 1639/--/-- Spanish artist Jusepe de Ribera paints The Martyrdom of Saint Bartholomew. 7545
  1779. 1639/--/-- The first North American printing press is established in Cambridge, Mass.. 3021
  1780. 1639/--/-- The first North American printing press is established in Cambridge, Mass.. 7072
  1781. 1639/--/-- Tokugawa begins a period of isolation in Japan; only Nagasaki is open to foreigners. 3018
  1782. 1639/--/-- Tokugawa begins a period of isolation in Japan; only Nagasaki is open to foreigners. 7982
  1783. 1640/--/-- Coke is made from coal for the first time. 3026
  1784. 1640/--/-- Dutch Indian Troubles, NY 1274
  1785. 1640/--/-- Russian explorers cross Siberia and arrive at the Pacific Ocean. 3025
  1786. 1640/--/-- Scots invade England during the Second Bishops' War; Charles I sues for peace. 1068
  1787. 1640/--/-- Scots invade England during the Second Bishops' War; Charles I sues for peace. 3023
  1788. 1640/--/-- The Portuguese rebel against Spanish rule; John IV is crowned king. 3024
  1789. 1641/--/-- Irish Catholics revolt against the Protestants in Ulster. 3028
  1790. 1641/--/-- The Dutch seize Melaka and deny the British access to the Moluccas. 3027
  1791. 1642/--/-- Cardinal Richelieu dies; he is succeeded by Cardinal Mazarin as first minister of France. 1463
  1792. 1642/--/-- Cardinal Richelieu dies; he is succeeded by Cardinal Mazarin as first minister of France. 3033
  1793. 1642/--/-- Dutch artist Rembrandt paints the Night Watch. 3035
  1794. 1642/--/-- Dutch artist Rembrandt paints the Night Watch. 7546
  1795. 1642/--/-- Dutch navigator Abel Tasman discovers Tasmania and New Zealand. 3031
  1796. 1642/--/-- English Parliamentarians close the London theaters. 1069
  1797. 1642/--/-- English Parliamentarians close the London theaters. 3034
  1798. 1642/--/-- Montreal is founded by the French nobleman Sieur de Maisonneuve. 3032
  1799. 1642/--/-- The English Civil War begins between the Parliamentarians and the Royalists. 1070
  1800. 1642/--/-- The English Civil War begins between the Parliamentarians and the Royalists. 3029
  1801. 1642/--/-- The Swedes under Torstenson defeat the Imperial forces at Breitenfeld. 3030
  1802. 1643/--/-- Christian IV of Denmark renews the war against Sweden. 1275
  1803. 1643/--/-- Christian IV of Denmark renews the war against Sweden. 3038
  1804. 1643/--/-- Italian physicist Torricelli demonstrates the principles of the barometer. 3040
  1805. 1643/--/-- Louis XIV ascends to the French throne at age 5; Anne of Austria rules as regent. 3037
  1806. 1643/--/-- Roger Williams publishes A Key into the Language of America. 3042
  1807. 1643/--/-- Roger Williams publishes A Key into the Language of America. 7073
  1808. 1643/--/-- The building of the Potala palace, residence of the Dalai Lama, is begun in Lhasa, Tibet. 3041
  1809. 1643/--/-- The first French settlement is founded on Madagascar. 3039
  1810. 1643/--/-- The New England Confederation is formed against the Indians, Dutch and French. 1071
  1811. 1643/--/-- The New England Confederation is formed against the Indians, Dutch and French. 3036
  1812. 1644/--/-- End of Indian Massacres, VA 1276
  1813. 1644/--/-- French landscape artist Claude Lorrain paints the Embarkation of Saint Ursula. 3043
  1814. 1644/--/-- French landscape artist Claude Lorrain paints the Embarkation of Saint Ursula. 7547
  1815. 1644/--/-- French philosopher Descartes proclaims Cogito, ergo sum (I think, therefore I am). 3047
  1816. 1644/--/-- Italian artist Giovanni Bernini sculpts the Ecstasy of St. Teresa. 3048
  1817. 1644/--/-- Italian artist Giovanni Bernini sculpts the Ecstasy of St. Teresa. 7548
  1818. 1644/--/-- Oliver Cromwell's Model Army defeats a Royalist army at Marston Moor. 3046
  1819. 1644/--/-- Queen Christina begins her reign in Sweden. 3045
  1820. 1644/--/-- The Manchus seize Peking and establish the Ch'ing dynasty. 3044
  1821. 1645/--/-- Alexis succeeds Michael as the Romanov tsar of Russia. 3053
  1822. 1645/--/-- Claybourne's Rebellion ends, MD 1277
  1823. 1645/--/-- French philosopher and scientist Blaise Pascal invents the first adding machine. 3052
  1824. 1645/--/-- French philosopher and scientist Blaise Pascal invents the first adding machine. 7436
  1825. 1645/--/-- Oliver Cromwell defeats Charles I at the Battle of Naseby. 3049
  1826. 1645/--/-- The Swedes defeat Denmark and later defeat the Imperial forces at Jankau. 3050
  1827. 1645/--/-- William Laud archbishop of Canterbury is executed. 3051
  1828. 1646/--/-- Flemish painter Teniers the Younger paints the Village Fete. 3056
  1829. 1646/--/-- Flemish painter Teniers the Younger paints the Village Fete. 7549
  1830. 1646/--/-- Spanish artist Bartolome Esteban Murillo paints Holy Family With a Bird. 3057
  1831. 1646/--/-- Spanish artist Bartolome Esteban Murillo paints Holy Family With a Bird. 7550
  1832. 1646/--/-- The English Civil War ends when Charles I surrenders to the Parliamentarians. 1072
  1833. 1646/--/-- The English Civil War ends when Charles I surrenders to the Parliamentarians. 3054
  1834. 1646/--/-- The Swedes capture Prague and invade Bavaria with their French allies. 3055
  1835. 1647/--/-- Charles I escapes from England and concludes a treaty with the Scots. 1073
  1836. 1647/--/-- Charles I escapes from England and concludes a treaty with the Scots. 3058
  1837. 1647/--/-- Peter Stuyvesant becomes governor of the Dutch colony of the New Netherlands. 3059
  1838. 1648/--/-- Dutch architect Jacob van Campen designs the Amsterdam City Hall. 3070
  1839. 1648/--/-- Frederick III succeeds Christian IV as king of Denmark. 3066
  1840. 1648/--/-- George Fox founds the Society of Friends (Quakers) about this time. 3068
  1841. 1648/--/-- Margaret Jones becomes the first person executed as a witch in North America. 3069
  1842. 1648/--/-- Margaret Jones becomes the first person executed as a witch in North America. 7074
  1843. 1648/--/-- Naples is restored to Spanish rule after a brief uprising. 3065
  1844. 1648/--/-- Russian explorer Semyon Dezhnev discovers the Bering Strait. 3067
  1845. 1648/--/-- The Dutch and Swiss republics achieve independence. 3062
  1846. 1648/--/-- The English settle in the Bahamas. 1074
  1847. 1648/--/-- The English settle in the Bahamas. 3060
  1848. 1648/--/-- The Fronde revolt begins in France against Anne of Austria and Cardinal Mazarin. 3064
  1849. 1648/--/-- The Scots renew the Civil War but are defeated at Preston; Charles I is captured. 3063
  1850. 1648/--/-- The Treaty of Westphalia ends the Thirty Years' War. 3061
  1851. 1649/--/-- Charles I is executed; the English Commonwealth (republic) begins. 1075
  1852. 1649/--/-- Charles I is executed; the English Commonwealth (republic) begins. 3071
  1853. 1649/--/-- French artist Georges de La Tour paints Saint Irene Mourning Saint Sebastian. 3072
  1854. 1649/--/-- French artist Georges de La Tour paints Saint Irene Mourning Saint Sebastian. 7551
  1855. 1649/--/-- Oliver Cromwell suppresses a Catholic rebellion in Ireland. 3073
  1856. 1649/01/-- Cromwellian interregnum begins. 8098
  1857. 1650/--/-- Charles II lands in Scotland to renew the English Civil War. 1076
  1858. 1650/--/-- Charles II lands in Scotland to renew the English Civil War. 3075
  1859. 1650/--/-- Dutch landscape artist Aelbert Cuyp paints the View of Dordrecht. 3080
  1860. 1650/--/-- Dutch landscape artist Aelbert Cuyp paints the View of Dordrecht. 7552
  1861. 1650/--/-- Irish Bishop James Ussher establishes the date of creation at 4004 BC. 3076
  1862. 1650/--/-- Oratorios become a popular form of musical performance in Italy. 3079
  1863. 1650/--/-- Oratorios become a popular form of musical performance in Italy. 7553
  1864. 1650/--/-- The first coffeehouses are opened in London about this time. 3078
  1865. 1650/--/-- The Holy Roman Empire and Sweden sign the Treaty of Nuremberg. 3074
  1866. 1650/--/-- The Ukiyo-e school of art begins to flourish in Japan about this time. 3081
  1867. 1650/--/-- The Ukiyo-e school of art begins to flourish in Japan about this time. 7983
  1868. 1650/--/-- Whaling becomes an important industry in New England about this time. 1077
  1869. 1650/--/-- Whaling becomes an important industry in New England about this time. 3077
  1870. 1651/--/-- Charles II is crowned by the Scots; defeated at Worcester, he escapes to France. 3082
  1871. 1651/--/-- Navigation Acts affecting Colonies 1278
  1872. 1651/--/-- Thomas Hobbes publishes Leviathan, a defense of absolute monarchy. 3083
  1873. 1652/--/-- Cape Town is founded by the Dutch in South Africa. 3084
  1874. 1652/--/-- Cape Town is founded by the Dutch in South Africa. 7881
  1875. 1652/--/-- The English Navigation Acts (1651) lead to the first Anglo-Dutch War. 1078
  1876. 1652/--/-- The English Navigation Acts (1651) lead to the first Anglo-Dutch War. 3085
  1877. 1653/--/-- English writer Izaak Walton publishes The Compleat Angler. 1079
  1878. 1653/--/-- English writer Izaak Walton publishes The Compleat Angler. 3089
  1879. 1653/--/-- French composer Jean Baptiste Lully writes the first minuet. 3088
  1880. 1653/--/-- Louis XIV becomes known as the Sun King after his role in the Ballet de la Nuit. 3087
  1881. 1653/--/-- Oliver Cromwell becomes the lord protector of England. 1080
  1882. 1653/--/-- Oliver Cromwell becomes the lord protector of England. 3086
  1883. 1654/--/-- Blaise Pascal and Pierre de Fermat collaborate on theories of probability. 3095
  1884. 1654/--/-- French philosopher Blaise Pascal joins the Jansenist sect at Port-Royal. 3094
  1885. 1654/--/-- Poland and Russia are at war over possession of the Ukraine. 1279
  1886. 1654/--/-- Poland and Russia are at war over possession of the Ukraine. 3092
  1887. 1654/--/-- Queen Christina of Sweden abdicates and becomes a Roman Catholic. 3093
  1888. 1654/--/-- The Portuguese drive the Dutch from Brazil. 3090
  1889. 1654/--/-- The Treaty of Westminster ends the first Anglo-Dutch War. 3091
  1890. 1655/--/-- Civil War, MD (Catholic & Protestant) 1280
  1891. 1655/--/-- Conquest of New Sweden, DL 1281
  1892. 1655/--/-- Dutch colonists under Peter Stuyvesant seize Swedish settlements in Delaware. 3097
  1893. 1655/--/-- The English capture Jamaica from Spain. 1081
  1894. 1655/--/-- The English capture Jamaica from Spain. 3096
  1895. 1655/--/-- The Little Northern War begins with Sweden invading Poland and capturing Warsaw. 3098
  1896. 1656/--/-- Diego Velazquez paints The Maids of Honor at the court of Spain. 3102
  1897. 1656/--/-- Diego Velazquez paints The Maids of Honor at the court of Spain. 7554
  1898. 1656/--/-- Dutch philosopher Baruch Spinoza is expelled from the synagogue at Amsterdam. 3101
  1899. 1656/--/-- Dutch philosopher Christiaan Huygens patents the first pendulum clock. 3104
  1900. 1656/--/-- England joins France in the war against Spain. 1082
  1901. 1656/--/-- England joins France in the war against Spain. 1282
  1902. 1656/--/-- England joins France in the war against Spain. 3100
  1903. 1656/--/-- Italian artist and architect Giovanni Bernini designs the Piazza of St. Peter's, Rome. 3103
  1904. 1656/--/-- Italian artist and architect Giovanni Bernini designs the Piazza of St. Peter's, Rome. 7555
  1905. 1656/--/-- Quaker Persecution, MASS, VA, CONN 1284
  1906. 1656/--/-- The Holy Roman Empire, Russia and Denmark declare war on Sweden. 1283
  1907. 1656/--/-- The Holy Roman Empire, Russia and Denmark declare war on Sweden. 3099
  1908. 1657/--/-- Otto von Guericke demonstrates that it is possible for a vacuum to exist. 3105
  1909. 1657/--/-- The Swedes attack Denmark and besiege Copenhagen. 3106
  1910. 1658/--/-- Aurangzeb deposes his father Shah Jahan as Mogul emperor of India. 3109
  1911. 1658/--/-- Dutch genre artist Jan Vermeer paints The Milkmaid. 3112
  1912. 1658/--/-- Dutch genre artist Jan Vermeer paints The Milkmaid. 7556
  1913. 1658/--/-- Dutch naturalist Jan Swammerdam describes red blood cells. 3111
  1914. 1658/--/-- French colonists found the city of Saint-Louis on the Senegal River in Africa. 3110
  1915. 1658/--/-- French colonists found the city of Saint-Louis on the Senegal River in Africa. 7882
  1916. 1658/--/-- Leopold I succeeds Ferdinand III as Holy Roman Emperor. 3107
  1917. 1658/--/-- Oliver Cromwell dies; he is succeeded by his son Richard as lord protector of England. 1083
  1918. 1658/--/-- Oliver Cromwell dies; he is succeeded by his son Richard as lord protector of England. 1464
  1919. 1658/--/-- Oliver Cromwell dies; he is succeeded by his son Richard as lord protector of England. 3108
  1920. 1659/--/-- French explorers Radisson and Groseilliers explore Minnesota. 3115
  1921. 1659/--/-- Richard Cromwell resigns as lord protector of England. 1084
  1922. 1659/--/-- Richard Cromwell resigns as lord protector of England. 3113
  1923. 1659/--/-- The Peace of the Pyrenees ends a 24-year war between France and Spain. 1285
  1924. 1659/--/-- The Peace of the Pyrenees ends a 24-year war between France and Spain. 3114
  1925. 1660/--/-- Charles II is restored to the English throne by Parliament. 1085
  1926. 1660/--/-- Charles II is restored to the English throne by Parliament. 3116
  1927. 1660/--/-- Dutch farmers (Boers) settle in South Africa. 3119
  1928. 1660/--/-- Dutch farmers (Boers) settle in South Africa. 7883
  1929. 1660/--/-- Dutch genre artist Gabriel Metsu paints The Sick Child. 3124
  1930. 1660/--/-- Dutch genre artist Gabriel Metsu paints The Sick Child. 7557
  1931. 1660/--/-- English public servant Samuel Pepys begins his Diary. 1086
  1932. 1660/--/-- English public servant Samuel Pepys begins his Diary. 3126
  1933. 1660/--/-- Frederick William, Elector of Brandenburg, gains control of Prussia from Poland. 3121
  1934. 1660/--/-- Louis XIV of France marries Marie Therese of Spain. 3118
  1935. 1660/--/-- Peter Stuyvesant founds the first permanent settlement in New Jersey at Bergen (Jersey City). 3125
  1936. 1660/--/-- The Bambara kingdom begins to flourish on the upper Niger about this time. 3117
  1937. 1660/--/-- The Peace of Copenhagen ends the war between Sweden and Denmark. 1286
  1938. 1660/--/-- The Peace of Copenhagen ends the war between Sweden and Denmark. 3122
  1939. 1660/--/-- The Peace of Oliva ends the war between Sweden, Poland, Austria and Brandenburg. 3120
  1940. 1660/--/-- The Peace of Oliva ends the war between Sweden, Poland, Austria and Brandenburg. 1287
  1941. 1660/--/-- Theaters are reopened in England; the period of Restoration drama begins. 1087
  1942. 1660/--/-- Theaters are reopened in England; the period of Restoration drama begins. 3123
  1943. 1660/05/09 Charles Stuart restored to throne of England as Charles II. 8099
  1944. 1661/--/-- Charles II orders that Cromwell's corpse be disinterred, hanged and beheaded. 3127
  1945. 1661/--/-- Chinese pirate Koxinga drives the Dutch from Formosa (Taiwan). 3129
  1946. 1661/--/-- Chinese pirate Koxinga drives the Dutch from Formosa (Taiwan). 7793
  1947. 1661/--/-- Dutch-born artist Peter Lely is made court painter to Charles II. 3132
  1948. 1661/--/-- Dutch-born artist Peter Lely is made court painter to Charles II. 7558
  1949. 1661/--/-- Emperor K'ang-hsi succeeds to the throne in China. 3130
  1950. 1661/--/-- Emperor K'ang-hsi succeeds to the throne in China. 7794
  1951. 1661/--/-- The English acquire Bombay from Portugal. 1088
  1952. 1661/--/-- The English acquire Bombay from Portugal. 3128
  1953. 1661/--/-- The first Bible printed in North America is John Elliot's translation into Algonquian. 3131
  1954. 1661/--/-- The first Bible printed in North America is John Elliot's translation into Algonquian. 7075
  1955. 1661/04/03 Charles II crowned King of England and Scotland at Westminster Abbey by William 8100
  1956. 1662/--/-- Charles II grants a charter to the Royal Society of London for Natural Knowledge. 3135
  1957. 1662/--/-- France purchases Dunkerque from England. 1089
  1958. 1662/--/-- France purchases Dunkerque from England. 3134
  1959. 1662/--/-- French architect Andre Le Notre designs the gardens for the Palace of Versailles. 3137
  1960. 1662/--/-- Robert Boyle develops his theory of gases (now known as Boyle's Law). 3136
  1961. 1662/--/-- The Portuguese surrender Tangier to England. 1090
  1962. 1662/--/-- The Portuguese surrender Tangier to England. 3133
  1963. 1662/--/-- The Theatre Royal is built in Drury Lane, London. 3138
  1964. 1663/--/-- Dutch genre artist Jan Steen paints the Woman Undressing. 3141
  1965. 1663/--/-- Dutch genre artist Jan Steen paints the Woman Undressing. 7559
  1966. 1663/--/-- The first turnpike (toll) roads are established in England. 1091
  1967. 1663/--/-- The first turnpike (toll) roads are established in England. 3140
  1968. 1663/--/-- The Ottoman Turks invade Hungary. 3139
  1969. 1664/--/-- England seizes New Amsterdam from the Dutch, renaming it New York. 1092
  1970. 1664/--/-- England seizes New Amsterdam from the Dutch, renaming it New York. 3142
  1971. 1664/--/-- The Austrians defeat the Turks at Saint Gotthard and conclude a 20-year truce. 3143
  1972. 1664/--/-- The French East India Company is founded. 3144
  1973. 1664/--/-- The Trappists order of monks is founded at La Trappe in France. 3145
  1974. 1665/--/-- An outbreak of the Great Plague begins in London. 3151
  1975. 1665/--/-- Charles II succeeds Philip IV as king of Spain. 3149
  1976. 1665/--/-- Dutch genre artist Gerard Ter Borch paints the Flea Hunt. 3154
  1977. 1665/--/-- Dutch genre artist Gerard Ter Borch paints the Flea Hunt. 7560
  1978. 1665/--/-- England and Portugal defeat Spain and establish Portuguese independence. 1093
  1979. 1665/--/-- England and Portugal defeat Spain and establish Portuguese independence. 3148
  1980. 1665/--/-- Jean Baptiste Colbert becomes minister of finance for Louis XIV. 3146
  1981. 1665/--/-- Robert Hooke publishes his microscope observations in Micrographia. 3152
  1982. 1665/--/-- The first horse race track in North America is constructed on Long Island. 3153
  1983. 1665/--/-- The first horse race track in North America is constructed on Long Island. 7076
  1984. 1665/--/-- The Portuguese invade the Kingdom of Kongo and kill the monarch Antonio I. 1465
  1985. 1665/--/-- The Portuguese invade the Kingdom of Kongo and kill the monarch Antonio I. 3150
  1986. 1665/--/-- The Second Anglo-Dutch War begins. 3147
  1987. 1666/--/-- British scientist Isaac Newton completes his theory of fluxional calculus. 3160
  1988. 1666/--/-- Large sections of London are destroyed in the Great Fire. 3158
  1989. 1666/--/-- Moliere's play The Misanthrope is performed for the first time. 3161
  1990. 1666/--/-- Puritans from Connecticut settle in New Jersey. 3157
  1991. 1666/--/-- Sabbatai Zevi claims to be the messiah and founds a Jewish sect. 3159
  1992. 1666/--/-- The Alawite dynasty assumes power in Morocco. 3155
  1993. 1666/--/-- The French join the Dutch in the war with England. 1094
  1994. 1666/--/-- The French join the Dutch in the war with England. 1288
  1995. 1666/--/-- The French join the Dutch in the war with England. 3156
  1996. 1667/--/-- English poet John Milton writes Paradise Lost. 1095
  1997. 1667/--/-- English poet John Milton writes Paradise Lost. 3171
  1998. 1667/--/-- Japanese poet Basho begins to compose his haiku poetry. 3170
  1999. 1667/--/-- Japanese poet Basho begins to compose his haiku poetry. 7984
  2000. 1667/--/-- Louis XIV begins the War of Devolution and captures the Spanish Netherlands. 3164
  2001. 1667/--/-- Louis XIV sponsors the first official Salon art exhibition at the Louvre. 3169
  2002. 1667/--/-- Mexico City Cathedral is completed. 3168
  2003. 1667/--/-- Suleiman succeeds Abbas II as shah of Persia (Iran). 3165
  2004. 1667/--/-- The building of the Paris Observatory is begun. 3167
  2005. 1667/--/-- The Dutch acquire Suriname from the British in exchange for Manhattan. 3166
  2006. 1667/--/-- The Dutch destroy the English fleet at anchor in the Medway. 1096
  2007. 1667/--/-- The Dutch destroy the English fleet at anchor in the Medway. 3162
  2008. 1667/--/-- The Peace of Breda ends the war between the English, French and Dutch. 1097
  2009. 1667/--/-- The Peace of Breda ends the war between the English, French and Dutch. 1289
  2010. 1667/--/-- The Peace of Breda ends the war between the English, French and Dutch. 3163
  2011. 1668/--/-- A Triple Alliance of England, Sweden, and the Dutch Republic is formed against France. 1098
  2012. 1668/--/-- A Triple Alliance of England, Sweden, and the Dutch Republic is formed against France. 3172
  2013. 1668/--/-- By the Treaty of Aix-la-Chapelle France gives up its conquests but keeps Flanders. 3173
  2014. 1668/--/-- By the Treaty of Lisbon Spain recognizes the independence of Portugal. 3174
  2015. 1668/--/-- French fabulist Jean de La Fontaine begins publishing his Fables. 3177
  2016. 1668/--/-- Jacques Marquette founds the first settlement in Michigan at Sault Saint Marie. 3176
  2017. 1668/--/-- King John II of Poland abdicates; he is succeeded by Michael Wisniowiecki. 3175
  2018. 1669/--/-- French courtesan Madame de Sevigne begins writing her Letters. 3182
  2019. 1669/--/-- German Alchemist Hennig Brandt makes phosphorus for the first time. 3180
  2020. 1669/--/-- Louis Le Vau begins the expansion of the Palace of Versailles for Louis XIV. 3181
  2021. 1669/--/-- Mount Etna erupts in Italy, killing 20,000. 1466
  2022. 1669/--/-- Mount Etna erupts in Italy, killing 20,000. 3179
  2023. 1669/--/-- Venice surrenders Crete to the Ottoman Turks. 3178
  2024. 1670/--/-- English architect Sir Christopher Wren begins rebuilding Saint Paul's Cathedral. 1099
  2025. 1670/--/-- English architect Sir Christopher Wren begins rebuilding Saint Paul's Cathedral. 3186
  2026. 1670/--/-- The Don Cossacks under Stenka Razin rebel against Russian rule. 3184
  2027. 1670/--/-- The English establish a settlement at Charles Towne (Charleston), South Carolina. 1100
  2028. 1670/--/-- The English establish a settlement at Charles Towne (Charleston), South Carolina. 3183
  2029. 1670/--/-- The Hudson's Bay Company is founded. 3185
  2030. 1671/--/-- Buccaneers under Sir Henry Morgan capture the city of Panama. 3187
  2031. 1672/--/-- Astronomer Giovanni Cassini becomes the first director of the Paris Observatory. 3192
  2032. 1672/--/-- Grenades become an important weapon; the French army forms grenadier companies. 3190
  2033. 1672/--/-- Jean Baptiste Lully produces the first French operas. 3193
  2034. 1672/--/-- Jean Baptiste Lully produces the first French operas. 7561
  2035. 1672/--/-- Sebastien Le Prestre de Vauban founds the French army engineering corps. 3191
  2036. 1672/--/-- The French and British declare war on the Dutch. 1290
  2037. 1672/--/-- The French and British declare war on the Dutch. 3189
  2038. 1672/--/-- William III prince of Orange leads the defense of the Netherlands. 3188
  2039. 1673/--/-- Leibniz begins to develop his theories of differential and integral calculus. 3198
  2040. 1673/--/-- Marquette and Jolliet explore the Great Lakes region and the Mississippi River. 3196
  2041. 1673/--/-- The first mail service in North America is established between New York and Boston. 3197
  2042. 1673/--/-- The first mail service in North America is established between New York and Boston. 7077
  2043. 1673/--/-- The Polish army under John Sobieski defeats the Turks at Cochim (Khotin). 3194
  2044. 1673/--/-- The Test Act excludes Catholics from public office in England. 1101
  2045. 1673/--/-- The Test Act excludes Catholics from public office in England. 3195
  2046. 1674/--/-- Early American artist the Freake limner paints portraits of the Freake family. 3204
  2047. 1674/--/-- Early American artist the Freake limner paints portraits of the Freake family. 7078
  2048. 1674/--/-- Early American artist the Freake limner paints portraits of the Freake family. 7562
  2049. 1674/--/-- Holy Roman Emperor Leopold I declares war on France. 1291
  2050. 1674/--/-- Holy Roman Emperor Leopold I declares war on France. 3202
  2051. 1674/--/-- John Sobieski is elected as King John III of Poland. 3201
  2052. 1674/--/-- Maratha leader Sivaji establishes a kingdom in Maharashtra, India. 3200
  2053. 1674/--/-- The Dutch under William III make peace with England. 1102
  2054. 1674/--/-- The Dutch under William III make peace with England. 3203
  2055. 1674/--/-- The Treaty of Westminster establishes New Yorkers as British subjects. 3199
  2056. 1675/--/-- Conflict begins between the Indians under King Philip and New England settlers . 1103
  2057. 1675/--/-- Conflict begins between the Indians under King Philip and New England settlers . 3205
  2058. 1675/--/-- Dutch-Jewish philosopher Baruch Spinoza finishes his Ethics. 3208
  2059. 1675/--/-- English dramatist William Wycherley writes The Country Wife. 1104
  2060. 1675/--/-- English dramatist William Wycherley writes The Country Wife. 3209
  2061. 1675/--/-- King Philip's War (Indian) MASS, RI 1292
  2062. 1675/--/-- The Prussians under Frederick William defeat the Swedes at Fehrbellin. 3206
  2063. 1675/--/-- The Royal Observatory is established at Greenwich. 3207
  2064. 1676/--/-- Bacon's Rebellion, VA 1293
  2065. 1676/--/-- English playwright Sir George Etherege writes Man of Mode. 1105
  2066. 1676/--/-- English playwright Sir George Etherege writes Man of Mode. 3214
  2067. 1676/--/-- German astronomer Ole Romer discovers the velocity of light. 3213
  2068. 1676/--/-- Indians in New England are subdued after the year-long King Philip's War. 1106
  2069. 1676/--/-- Indians in New England are subdued after the year-long King Philip's War. 3211
  2070. 1676/--/-- The Sikhs under Guru Gobind Singh revolt against Mogul rule in India. 3210
  2071. 1676/--/-- The Swedes defeat the Danes at the Battle of Lunden. 3212
  2072. 1677/--/-- Charles II appoints Henry Purcell as court composer. 3216
  2073. 1677/--/-- English author John Dryden writes the tragedy All for Love. 1107
  2074. 1677/--/-- English author John Dryden writes the tragedy All for Love. 3217
  2075. 1677/--/-- French dramatist Jean Racine writes the tragedy of Phedre. 3218
  2076. 1677/--/-- William III prince of Orange marries Mary, daughter of the Duke of York. 3215
  2077. 1678/--/-- Charles Le Brun designs the Hall of Mirrors for the Palace of Versailles. 3221
  2078. 1678/--/-- Comtesse de La Fayette writes the novel La Princesse de Cleves. 3223
  2079. 1678/--/-- French explorer Louis Hennepin discovers Niagara Falls. 3220
  2080. 1678/--/-- John Bunyan publishes the first part of The Pilgrim's Progress. 3224
  2081. 1678/--/-- The Hungarians rebel against Habsburg rule. 3222
  2082. 1678/--/-- The Treaty of Nijmegen establishes peace between France, the Dutch and Spain. 3219
  2083. 1679/--/-- The English Parliament passes the Habeas Corpus Act. 1108
  2084. 1679/--/-- The English Parliament passes the Habeas Corpus Act. 3225
  2085. 1680/--/-- Antonio Stradivari opens his violin workshop in Cremona, Italy. 3226
  2086. 1680/--/-- Sadler's Wells theater opens in London. 3227
  2087. 1680/--/-- The Comedie Francaise is founded in Paris. 3228
  2088. 1681/--/-- Aurangzeb suppresses a Rajput revolt and campaigns against Hindu kingdoms in India. 3229
  2089. 1681/--/-- English Quaker William Penn is granted the Providence of Pennsylvania. 1109
  2090. 1681/--/-- English Quaker William Penn is granted the Providence of Pennsylvania. 3230
  2091. 1681/--/-- John Dryden publishes his satirical poem Absalom and Achitophel. 3232
  2092. 1681/--/-- The dodo, a large flightless bird, becomes extinct. 3231
  2093. 1682/--/-- Edmund Halley observes the Great Comet, which is later named for him. 3237
  2094. 1682/--/-- French explorer La Salle navigates the Mississippi River to the Gulf of Mexico. 3235
  2095. 1682/--/-- Peter the Great succeeds Fyodor III as tsar of Russia. 3233
  2096. 1682/--/-- The Palace of Versailles becomes the French royal residence. 3238
  2097. 1682/--/-- The Spanish establish the first settlement in Texas at Yselta (near El Paso). 3236
  2098. 1682/--/-- William Penn founds the city of Philadelphia. 3234
  2099. 1683/--/-- Chinese emperor K'ang-hsi conquers Formosa (Taiwan). 3241
  2100. 1683/--/-- Chinese emperor K'ang-hsi conquers Formosa (Taiwan). 7795
  2101. 1683/--/-- Louis XIV secretly marries Madame de Maintenon . 3240
  2102. 1683/--/-- The Turks lay siege to Vienna but are defeated by Imperial and Polish forces. 3239
  2103. 1683/--/-- Van Leeuwenhoek's microscope drawings of Protozoa are published. 3243
  2104. 1683/--/-- William Penn makes a peace treaty with the Delaware Indians. 3242
  2105. 1684/--/-- England abandons Tangier to the Moroccans. 1110
  2106. 1684/--/-- England abandons Tangier to the Moroccans. 3244
  2107. 1684/--/-- La Salle claims Louisiana, a region from Quebec to the Gulf of Mexico, for France. 3245
  2108. 1684/--/-- The Dutch whaling fleet at Spitsbergen (Svalbard) numbers 246 vessels. 3246
  2109. 1685/--/-- Charles II of England dies; he is succeeded by his brother James II. 1111
  2110. 1685/--/-- Charles II of England dies; he is succeeded by his brother James II. 1467
  2111. 1685/--/-- Charles II of England dies; he is succeeded by his brother James II. 3247
  2112. 1685/--/-- Increase Mather becomes president of Harvard College. 3252
  2113. 1685/--/-- Japanese Bunraku (puppet theater) is performed in Osaka about this time. 3253
  2114. 1685/--/-- Japanese Bunraku (puppet theater) is performed in Osaka about this time. 7985
  2115. 1685/--/-- Louis XIV revokes the Edict of Nantes and exiles thousands of French Huguenots. 3249
  2116. 1685/--/-- Rice cultivation begins in North America. 3251
  2117. 1685/--/-- Rice cultivation begins in North America. 7080
  2118. 1685/--/-- The Duke of Monmouth rebels against James II; he is captured and executed. 3248
  2119. 1685/--/-- The Huguenots begin a silk industry in London and settle in the American colonies. 3250
  2120. 1685/--/-- The Huguenots begin a silk industry in London and settle in the American colonies. 7079
  2121. 1685/04/03 James II crowned King of England and Scotland at Westminster Abbey by William Sa 8101
  2122. 1686/--/-- Henri de Tonty establishes the first European settlement in Arkansas. 3256
  2123. 1686/--/-- The League of Augsburg is formed as a coalition of European states against France. 3255
  2124. 1686/--/-- The Turks are expelled from Budapest by a Habsburg army. 3254
  2125. 1687/--/-- English actress and royal mistress Nell Gwynne dies. 1112
  2126. 1687/--/-- English actress and royal mistress Nell Gwynne dies. 1468
  2127. 1687/--/-- English actress and royal mistress Nell Gwynne dies. 3259
  2128. 1687/--/-- Isaac Newton publishes Principia, establishing his laws of motion and gravity. 3260
  2129. 1687/--/-- James II issues a Declaration of Indulgence suspending the laws against Catholics. 3258
  2130. 1687/--/-- The city of Lima, Peru, is virtually destroyed by an earthquake. 3257
  2131. 1688/--/-- English Protestants demand a Glorious Revolution against Catholicism. 1113
  2132. 1688/--/-- English Protestants demand a Glorious Revolution against Catholicism. 3261
  2133. 1688/--/-- Insurance underwriters begin meeting at Lloyd's Coffee House in London. 3264
  2134. 1688/--/-- Louis XIV declares war on the Holy Roman Empire and captures Heidelberg. 1294
  2135. 1688/--/-- Louis XIV declares war on the Holy Roman Empire and captures Heidelberg. 3263
  2136. 1688/--/-- William of Orange is invited to England as king; James II escapes to France. 1114
  2137. 1688/--/-- William of Orange is invited to England as king; James II escapes to France. 3262
  2138. 1689/--/-- British composer Henry Purcell writes the opera Dido and Aeneas. 3269
  2139. 1689/--/-- British composer Henry Purcell writes the opera Dido and Aeneas. 7563
  2140. 1689/--/-- Chinese emperor K'ang-hsi establishes diplomatic relations with Russia. 3268
  2141. 1689/--/-- Chinese emperor K'ang-hsi establishes diplomatic relations with Russia. 7796
  2142. 1689/--/-- England and the Netherlands join the Grand Alliance against France. 1115
  2143. 1689/--/-- England and the Netherlands join the Grand Alliance against France. 3266
  2144. 1689/--/-- French and Indian allies attack English colonists during King William's War. 1116
  2145. 1689/--/-- French and Indian allies attack English colonists during King William's War. 3267
  2146. 1689/--/-- William and Mary are proclaimed king and queen of England. 1117
  2147. 1689/--/-- William and Mary are proclaimed king and queen of England. 3265
  2148. 1689/01/08 James II declared to have abdicated by Parliament. 8102
  2149. 1689/02/03 William III and Mary II proclaimed King and Queen of England, Scotland, and Irel 8103
  2150. 1689/04/01 William III and Mary II crowned King and Queen of England, Scotland, and Ireland 8104
  2151. 1690/--/-- Benjamin Harris publishes the first American newspaper in Boston. 3276
  2152. 1690/--/-- Benjamin Harris publishes the first American newspaper in Boston. 7081
  2153. 1690/--/-- Carlos de Siguenza y Gongora publishes The Misadventures of Alfonso Ramirez. 3275
  2154. 1690/--/-- Jose Churriguera becomes court architect to Philip V of Spain. 3274
  2155. 1690/--/-- Philosopher John Locke publishes his Essay Concerning Human Understanding. 3273
  2156. 1690/--/-- Spain joins the War of Grand Alliance against France. 3272
  2157. 1690/--/-- The French defeat the English fleet at the Battle of Beachy Head. 1118
  2158. 1690/--/-- The French defeat the English fleet at the Battle of Beachy Head. 3271
  2159. 1690/--/-- William III defeats James II at the Battle of the Boyne in Ireland. 3270
  2160. 1691/--/-- Juana Ines de la Cruz writes a defense of women's rights Reply to Sister Philotea. 3278
  2161. 1691/--/-- The Irish rebellion ends with the Treaty of Limerick. 3277
  2162. 1692/--/-- Port Royal in Jamaica is destroyed by an earthquake; the city of Kingston is founded. 3280
  2163. 1692/--/-- Salem Witchcraft Trials, MASS 1295
  2164. 1692/--/-- The first English patent for a wallpaper design is issued. 1119
  2165. 1692/--/-- The first English patent for a wallpaper design is issued. 3282
  2166. 1692/--/-- The Macdonald clan are massacred by the Campbells at Glencoe in Scotland. 3279
  2167. 1692/--/-- Witchcraft trials are held at Salem in New England. 1120
  2168. 1692/--/-- Witchcraft trials are held at Salem in New England. 3281
  2169. 1693/--/-- James Blair founds William and Mary College in Williamsburg, Virginia. 3284
  2170. 1693/--/-- John Ray publishes the first major classification of animals. 3283
  2171. 1694/--/-- The Academie Francaise introduces the first French national dictionary. 3286
  2172. 1694/--/-- The Bank of England is founded. 1121
  2173. 1694/--/-- The Bank of England is founded. 3285
  2174. 1694/12/28 William III rules as sole King. 8105
  2175. 1696/--/-- Russia annexes the Kamchatka Peninsula. 3289
  2176. 1696/--/-- Russian tsar Peter the Great captures Azov from the Turks. 3287
  2177. 1696/--/-- The Chinese under K'ang-hsi defeat the Dzungar Mongol chieftain Galdan. 3290
  2178. 1696/--/-- The Chinese under K'ang-hsi defeat the Dzungar Mongol chieftain Galdan. 7797
  2179. 1696/--/-- William III campaigns in Holland against the French. 3288
  2180. 1697/--/-- Augustus II elector of Saxony becomes king of Poland. 3292
  2181. 1697/--/-- French poet Charles Perrault publishes the Tales From Mother Goose. 3295
  2182. 1697/--/-- Russian tsar Peter the Great sets out to study the European way of life. 3294
  2183. 1697/--/-- Sir John Vanbrugh's play The Relapse is produced in London. 3296
  2184. 1697/--/-- The Habsburg army under Eugene of Savoy defeats the Turks at Zenta. 3291
  2185. 1697/--/-- The Treaty of Ryswick ends the War of the Grand Alliance. 3293
  2186. 1698/--/-- Calcutta is founded by the British East India Company. 3297
  2187. 1698/--/-- Russian tsar Peter the Great imposes a tax on beards. 3298
  2188. 1698/--/-- Thomas Savery invents a water pump -- the first practical application of steam power. 3299
  2189. 1698/--/-- Thomas Savery invents a water pump -- the first practical application of steam power. 7437
  2190. 1699/--/-- Austria, Russia, Poland and Venice sign the Peace of Karlowitz treaty with Turkey. 3300
  2191. 1699/--/-- Francis Moore's Vox stellarum, known as Old Moore's Almanac, is published. 3304
  2192. 1699/--/-- Japanese master ceramicist Ogata Kenzan opens his kiln at Narutaki. 3303
  2193. 1699/--/-- Japanese master ceramicist Ogata Kenzan opens his kiln at Narutaki. 7986
  2194. 1699/--/-- Peter the Great changes the Russian New Year from September 1 to January 1. 3301
  2195. 1699/--/-- William Dampier explores the northwest coast of Australia. 3302
  2196. 1700/--/-- Charles II of Spain dies, ending the Spanish Habsburg line. 1469
  2197. 1700/--/-- Charles II of Spain dies, ending the Spanish Habsburg line. 3308
  2198. 1700/--/-- Johann Denner invents the clarinet about this time. 3310
  2199. 1700/--/-- Johann Denner invents the clarinet about this time. 7438
  2200. 1700/--/-- Kabuki Theater develops in Japan about this time. 3312
  2201. 1700/--/-- Kabuki Theater develops in Japan about this time. 7987
  2202. 1700/--/-- Peter the Great's Russian army is defeated by the Swedes at the Battle of Narva. 3307
  2203. 1700/--/-- Philip V, grandson of Louis XIV, becomes the first Bourbon king of Spain. 3309
  2204. 1700/--/-- The Great Northern War begins; Denmark, Poland and Russia attack Sweden. 3305
  2205. 1700/--/-- The rococo style is introduced into French architecture about this time. 3311
  2206. 1700/--/-- The Swedes under Charles XII defeat the Danes. 3306
  2207. 1700/--/-- William Congreve's comedy The Way of the World is produced in London. 3313
  2208. 1701/--/-- Captain Kidd is hanged for piracy. 3317
  2209. 1701/--/-- Frederick I Elector of Saxony proclaims himself the first king of Prussia. 3315
  2210. 1701/--/-- French artist Hyacinthe Rigaud paints a portrait of Louis XIV. 3319
  2211. 1701/--/-- French artist Hyacinthe Rigaud paints a portrait of Louis XIV. 7564
  2212. 1701/--/-- The Act of Settlement in Britain establishes the Hanoverian succession to the throne. 3314
  2213. 1701/--/-- The War of the Spanish Succession begins. 3316
  2214. 1701/--/-- Yale University is founded in New Haven, Connecticut. 3318
  2215. 1702/--/-- Anne succeeds William III as queen of England. 1122
  2216. 1702/--/-- Anne succeeds William III as queen of England. 3320
  2217. 1702/--/-- England declares war on France and Spain. 1123
  2218. 1702/--/-- England declares war on France and Spain. 1296
  2219. 1702/--/-- England declares war on France and Spain. 3321
  2220. 1702/--/-- French fur traders found Vincennes, the first permanent European settlement in Indiana. 3327
  2221. 1702/--/-- Queen Anne's War begins in America; the British attack Saint Augustine in Florida. 3322
  2222. 1702/--/-- Queen Anne's War begins in America; the British attack Saint Augustine in Florida. 7082
  2223. 1702/--/-- The Camisards (French Huguenots) rebel in southern France. 3323
  2224. 1702/--/-- The first daily newspaper The Daily Courant is published in London. 3326
  2225. 1702/--/-- The French under the duc de Villars defeat the Grand Alliance at Friedlingen. 3324
  2226. 1702/--/-- The royal colony of New Jersey is founded in America. 3325
  2227. 1702/--/-- The royal colony of New Jersey is founded in America. 7083
  2228. 1702/04/03 Anne crowned Queen of England, Scotland, and Ireland at Westminster Abbey by Tho 8106
  2229. 1703/--/-- Archduke Charles of Austria claims the Spanish throne for the Habsburgs. 3328
  2230. 1703/--/-- Buckingham Palace is rebuilt for the Duke of Buckingham in London. 3330
  2231. 1703/--/-- Peter the Great lays the foundations of St. Petersburg (Leningrad). 3329
  2232. 1704/--/-- Augustus II is deposed; Stanislaw I is crowned king of Poland. 3332
  2233. 1704/--/-- Issac Newton publishes his theory of color and light in Opticks. 3335
  2234. 1704/--/-- John Campbell founds the Boston News-Letter, the first successful American newspaper. 3336
  2235. 1704/--/-- John Campbell founds the Boston News-Letter, the first successful American newspaper. 7084
  2236. 1704/--/-- The Duke of Marlborough and Eugene of Savoy defeat the French at Blenheim. 3331
  2237. 1704/--/-- The English capture Gibraltar from Spain. 1124
  2238. 1704/--/-- The English capture Gibraltar from Spain. 3334
  2239. 1704/--/-- The Indians and the French massacre British settlers in Deerfield, Mass. 3333
  2240. 1705/--/-- Edmund Halley predicts that the comet of 1682 will return in 1758. 3338
  2241. 1705/--/-- Nicolas Hawksmoor designs Blenheim Palace for the Duke of Marlborough. 3339
  2242. 1705/--/-- The English Navy occupies Barcelona. 1125
  2243. 1705/--/-- The English Navy occupies Barcelona. 3337
  2244. 1706/--/-- Eugene of Savoy defeats the French at Turin and drives them from Italy. 3341
  2245. 1706/--/-- George Farquhar's comedy The Recruiting Officer is produced. 3342
  2246. 1706/--/-- The Duke of Marlborough conquers the Spanish Netherlands. 3340
  2247. 1707/--/-- Emperor Aurangzeb dies; the Mogul empire begins to decline in India. 1470
  2248. 1707/--/-- Emperor Aurangzeb dies; the Mogul empire begins to decline in India. 3346
  2249. 1707/--/-- Great Britain is formed by the Act of Union between England and Scotland. 1126
  2250. 1707/--/-- Great Britain is formed by the Act of Union between England and Scotland. 3345
  2251. 1707/--/-- John V succeeds Peter II as king of Portugal. 3343
  2252. 1707/--/-- Mount Fuji erupts in Japan; an earthquake kills 200,000 in Tokyo. 1471
  2253. 1707/--/-- Mount Fuji erupts in Japan; an earthquake kills 200,000 in Tokyo. 3348
  2254. 1707/--/-- Mount Fuji erupts in Japan; an earthquake kills 200,000 in Tokyo. 7988
  2255. 1707/--/-- The British attack the French colony of Acadia (Nova Scotia). 3347
  2256. 1707/--/-- The Duke of Berwick routs the allied forces at Almanza in Spain. 3344
  2257. 1707/03/-- Act of Union combines England and Scotland as Kingdom of Great Britain. 8107
  2258. 1708/--/-- French forces under Vendome are defeated by Marlborough at Oudenarde. 3350
  2259. 1708/--/-- Sikh leader Guru Gobind Singh is assassinated; the Moguls persecute the Sikhs. 1472
  2260. 1708/--/-- Sikh leader Guru Gobind Singh is assassinated; the Moguls persecute the Sikhs. 3351
  2261. 1708/--/-- The British capture the island of Minorca from Spain. 3349
  2262. 1709/--/-- Abraham Darby builds a blast furnace using coke for casting iron. 3356
  2263. 1709/--/-- Charles XII of Sweden flees to the Ottoman Empire. 3353
  2264. 1709/--/-- Italian musician Bartolommeo Cristofori invents the piano. 3357
  2265. 1709/--/-- Italian musician Bartolommeo Cristofori invents the piano. 7439
  2266. 1709/--/-- Italian musician Bartolommeo Cristofori invents the piano. 7565
  2267. 1709/--/-- Peter the Great defeats the Swedes at the Battle of Poltava. 3352
  2268. 1709/--/-- Steele and Addison's periodical The Tatler is published in London. 3358
  2269. 1709/--/-- The Duke of Marlborough defeats the French at the Battle of Malplaquet. 3354
  2270. 1709/--/-- The first Copyright Act becomes law in Britain. 3355
  2271. 1710/--/-- Augustus II regains the Polish throne. 3359
  2272. 1710/--/-- Charles XII persuades the Turks to attack Russia. 3361
  2273. 1710/--/-- French forces under Vendome defeat the allies at Villaviciosa in Spain. 3360
  2274. 1710/--/-- George Berkeley publishes a Treatise Concerning the Principles of Human Knowledge. 3364
  2275. 1710/--/-- The British seize Acadia (Nova Scotia) from the French. 3362
  2276. 1710/--/-- The Meissen porcelain factory is founded near Dresden in Germany. 3363
  2277. 1711/--/-- Joseph I dies; Charles VI is crowned Holy Roman Emperor. 1473
  2278. 1711/--/-- Joseph I dies; Charles VI is crowned Holy Roman Emperor. 3365
  2279. 1711/--/-- Publication of The Tatler ceases; Steele and Addison introduce The Spectator. 3369
  2280. 1711/--/-- The building of the baroque Zwinger complex begins in Dresden, Germany. 3368
  2281. 1711/--/-- The French found the first permanent settlement in Alabama at Mobile. 3367
  2282. 1711/--/-- The Tuscarora War begins in North Carolina when Indians massacre 130 colonists. 3366
  2283. 1712/--/-- Carolina is divided into north and south colonies. 3370
  2284. 1712/--/-- English poet Alexander Pope publishes The Rape of the Lock. 1127
  2285. 1712/--/-- English poet Alexander Pope publishes The Rape of the Lock. 3372
  2286. 1712/--/-- The New England whaling industry expands rapidly with the hunting of sperm whales. 1128
  2287. 1712/--/-- The New England whaling industry expands rapidly with the hunting of sperm whales. 3371
  2288. 1713/--/-- Emperor Charles VI issues the Pragmatic Sanction, allowing for a female heir. 3378
  2289. 1713/--/-- France cedes Acadia (Nova Scotia) and Newfoundland to Britain. 3375
  2290. 1713/--/-- Frederick William I succeeds Frederick I as king of Prussia. 3377
  2291. 1713/--/-- Sicily is ceded to the House of Savoy; Victor Amadeus II is crowned as king. 3376
  2292. 1713/--/-- Spain cedes Gibraltar and Minorca to Britain. 3374
  2293. 1713/--/-- The Asiento Treaty establishes British rights to the African slave trade. 3379
  2294. 1713/--/-- The Asiento Treaty establishes British rights to the African slave trade. 7884
  2295. 1713/--/-- The Peace of Utrecht ends the War of Spanish Succession. 3373
  2296. 1714/--/-- German composer George Frideric Handel makes London his permanent home. 3381
  2297. 1714/--/-- Grinling Gibbons is appointed as master carver in wood to George I. 3382
  2298. 1714/--/-- Queen Anne of England dies; she is succeeded by George I, Elector of Hanover. 1129
  2299. 1714/--/-- Queen Anne of England dies; she is succeeded by George I, Elector of Hanover. 1474
  2300. 1714/--/-- Queen Anne of England dies; she is succeeded by George I, Elector of Hanover. 3380
  2301. 1714/10/20 George I crowned King of Great Britain at Westminster Abbey by Thomas Tenison, A 8108
  2302. 1715/--/-- A Jacobite uprising supports James Edward as the Old Pretender to the British throne. 3383
  2303. 1715/--/-- French author Alain Rene Lesage publishes the Adventures of Gil Blas. 3388
  2304. 1715/--/-- French King Louis XIV dies; he is succeeded by his five-year-old great-grandson Louis XV. 1475
  2305. 1715/--/-- French King Louis XIV dies; he is succeeded by his five-year-old great-grandson Louis XV. 3384
  2306. 1715/--/-- Japan's leading playwright Chikamatsu Monzaemon writes The Battles of Coxinga. 3387
  2307. 1715/--/-- Japan's leading playwright Chikamatsu Monzaemon writes The Battles of Coxinga. 7989
  2308. 1715/--/-- Phillipe II Duc d'Orleans becomes regent of France. 3385
  2309. 1715/--/-- The Yamasee Indians rebel against British settlers in South Carolina. 3386
  2310. 1716/--/-- Emperor Charles VI declares war on the Ottoman Empire. 1297
  2311. 1716/--/-- Emperor Charles VI declares war on the Ottoman Empire. 3389
  2312. 1717/--/-- Eugene of Savoy captures Belgrade from the Turks. 3390
  2313. 1717/--/-- French artist Antoine Watteau paints the Pilgrimage to Cythera. 3394
  2314. 1717/--/-- French artist Antoine Watteau paints the Pilgrimage to Cythera. 7566
  2315. 1717/--/-- John Law forms the Mississippi Company in France. 3392
  2316. 1717/--/-- Spain seizes Sardinia and Sicily. 3391
  2317. 1717/--/-- The first freemason lodge is formed in London. 3393
  2318. 1718/--/-- Charles XII of Sweden is killed during a campaign against Norway. 1476
  2319. 1718/--/-- Charles XII of Sweden is killed during a campaign against Norway. 3396
  2320. 1718/--/-- Spain establishes the Viceroyalty of New Granada in South America. 3398
  2321. 1718/--/-- Spain establishes the Viceroyalty of New Granada in South America. 7085
  2322. 1718/--/-- Sultan Ahmed III concludes the Treaty of Passarowitz with the Holy Roman Empire. 3397
  2323. 1718/--/-- The English pirate Blackbeard is killed by the Virginia militia. 1130
  2324. 1718/--/-- The English pirate Blackbeard is killed by the Virginia militia. 1477
  2325. 1718/--/-- The English pirate Blackbeard is killed by the Virginia militia. 3399
  2326. 1718/--/-- The French found New Orleans in Louisiana. 3400
  2327. 1718/--/-- The Quadruple Alliance of Austria, Britain, France and the Dutch declare war on Spain. 1298
  2328. 1718/--/-- The Quadruple Alliance of Austria, Britain, France and the Dutch declare war on Spain. 3395
  2329. 1718/--/-- Voltaire writes the tragedy of Oedipe while imprisoned in the Bastille. 3401
  2330. 1719/--/-- English writer Daniel Defoe publishes Robinson Crusoe. 1131
  2331. 1719/--/-- English writer Daniel Defoe publishes Robinson Crusoe. 3405
  2332. 1719/--/-- James Figg becomes the first heavyweight boxing champion of England. 1132
  2333. 1719/--/-- James Figg becomes the first heavyweight boxing champion of England. 3403
  2334. 1719/--/-- Liechtenstein becomes an independent principality of the Holy Roman Empire. 3402
  2335. 1719/--/-- Teams from London and Kent play one of the first cricket matches. 3404
  2336. 1720/--/-- The Mississippi Scheme speculation craze collapses in France. 3410
  2337. 1720/--/-- The Quadruple Alliance defeats Spain; Spain renounces all claims to Sicily and Sardinia. 3406
  2338. 1720/--/-- The South Sea Bubble speculation craze collapses in England. 1133
  2339. 1720/--/-- The South Sea Bubble speculation craze collapses in England. 3409
  2340. 1720/--/-- Tibet becomes a protectorate of China. 3408
  2341. 1720/--/-- Tibet becomes a protectorate of China. 7798
  2342. 1720/--/-- Victor Amadeus II surrenders Sicily to Austria in exchange for Sardinia. 3407
  2343. 1721/--/-- German composer Johann Sebastian Bach writes the Brandenburg Concertos. 3415
  2344. 1721/--/-- Italian composer Alessandro Scarlatti writes his opera Griselda. 3414
  2345. 1721/--/-- Italian composer Alessandro Scarlatti writes his opera Griselda. 7567
  2346. 1721/--/-- Prime minister Robert Walpole restores public confidence in Britain's finances. 3412
  2347. 1721/--/-- The French settle on the island of Mauritius. 3413
  2348. 1721/--/-- The Great Northern War ends; Sweden loses most of her overseas possessions. 3411
  2349. 1722/--/-- Dutch explorer Jacob Roggeveen discovers Samoa and Easter Island. 3417
  2350. 1722/--/-- English author Daniel Defoe publishes Moll Flanders. 1134
  2351. 1722/--/-- English author Daniel Defoe publishes Moll Flanders. 3418
  2352. 1722/--/-- The Afghans invade Persia (Iran) and overthrow the Safavid rulers. 3416
  2353. 1724/--/-- The British build Fort Dummer, the first permanent European settlement in Vermont. 3419
  2354. 1724/--/-- The Quakers make a statement opposing slavery. 3420
  2355. 1725/--/-- Danish explorer Vitus Bering begins his voyage in search of a Northeast Passage. 3422
  2356. 1725/--/-- Francisco Romero establishes the current style of Spanish bullfighting. 3423
  2357. 1725/--/-- Peter the Great dies; his wife Catherine I succeeds him as Empress of Russia. 1478
  2358. 1725/--/-- Peter the Great dies; his wife Catherine I succeeds him as Empress of Russia. 3421
  2359. 1726/--/-- Alexander Pope completes his translation of Homer's Odyssey. 3426
  2360. 1726/--/-- Cardinal Andre Fleury becomes chief advisor to Louis XV. 3424
  2361. 1726/--/-- English satirist Jonathan Swift publishes Gulliver's Travels. 1135
  2362. 1726/--/-- English satirist Jonathan Swift publishes Gulliver's Travels. 3427
  2363. 1726/--/-- The Spanish found Montevideo in Uruguay. 3425
  2364. 1727/--/-- Catherine I dies; Peter II succeeds her as Emperor of Russia. 1479
  2365. 1727/--/-- Catherine I dies; Peter II succeeds her as Emperor of Russia. 3430
  2366. 1727/--/-- George II succeeds his father George I as king of Great Britain and Ireland. 3429
  2367. 1727/--/-- The Spanish lay siege to Gibraltar. 3428
  2368. 1727/10/11 George II crowned King of Great Britain at Westminster Abbey by William Wake, Ar 8109
  2369. 1728/--/-- Chambers's Cyclopedia; or an Universal Dictionary of Arts and Sciences is issued. 3435
  2370. 1728/--/-- Danish navigator Vitus Bering explores Bering Strait. 3431
  2371. 1728/--/-- English poet and playwright John Gay writes The Beggar's Opera. 1136
  2372. 1728/--/-- English poet and playwright John Gay writes The Beggar's Opera. 3434
  2373. 1728/--/-- English poet and playwright John Gay writes The Beggar's Opera. 7568
  2374. 1728/--/-- James Gibbs' Book of Architecture influences Colonial American designs. 3433
  2375. 1728/--/-- James Gibbs' Book of Architecture influences Colonial American designs. 7086
  2376. 1728/--/-- John Harrison begins his development of an accurate chronometer. 3432
  2377. 1729/--/-- Corsica rebels against Genoese rule. 3437
  2378. 1729/--/-- Denmark assumes control of Greenland. 3436
  2379. 1729/--/-- English actress Kitty Clive establishes her reputation at the Drury Lane Theatre. 1137
  2380. 1729/--/-- English actress Kitty Clive establishes her reputation at the Drury Lane Theatre. 3440
  2381. 1729/--/-- The city of Baltimore is founded in Maryland. 3439
  2382. 1729/--/-- The city of Karachi is founded in India (now in Pakistan). 3438
  2383. 1730/--/-- Canaletto paints the Basin of San Marco, one of his many views of Venice. 3443
  2384. 1730/--/-- Canaletto paints the Basin of San Marco, one of his many views of Venice. 7569
  2385. 1730/--/-- Construction of the Province-hall (now Independence Hall) begins in Philadelphia. 3442
  2386. 1730/--/-- Peter II dies; he is succeeded by Anna as Empress of Russia. 1480
  2387. 1730/--/-- Peter II dies; he is succeeded by Anna as Empress of Russia. 3441
  2388. 1731/--/-- French novelist Abbe Prevost writes Manon Lescaut. 3445
  2389. 1731/--/-- John Hadley invents the quadrant for navigating at sea. 3444
  2390. 1731/--/-- John Hadley invents the quadrant for navigating at sea. 7440
  2391. 1731/--/-- The Gentleman's Magazine, the first magazine, is published in London. 3446
  2392. 1732/--/-- Benjamin Franklin publishes Poor Richard's Almanack in Philadelphia. 3451
  2393. 1732/--/-- Covent Garden Opera House opens in London. 3448
  2394. 1732/--/-- Covent Garden Opera House opens in London. 7570
  2395. 1732/--/-- Nadir Shah expels the Afghans from Persia (Iran) and reinstates Safavid rule. 3447
  2396. 1732/--/-- Nicola Salvi designs the Trevi Fountain in Rome. 3449
  2397. 1732/--/-- William Hogarth completes his series of engravings The Harlot's Progress. 3450
  2398. 1733/--/-- James Oglethorpe founds the colony of Georgia and the city of Savannah. 3455
  2399. 1733/--/-- John Kay invents the flying shuttle to increase the speed of weaving machines. 3456
  2400. 1733/--/-- John Kay invents the flying shuttle to increase the speed of weaving machines. 7441
  2401. 1733/--/-- Nadir Shah defeats the Turks and occupies Bagdhad. 3452
  2402. 1733/--/-- Stanislaw I is elected king of Poland with the support of Louis XV of France. 3453
  2403. 1733/--/-- The War of Polish Succession begins. 3454
  2404. 1734/--/-- Stanislaw I is deposed; Augustus III is installed as king of Poland. 3457
  2405. 1735/--/-- Antonio de Ulloa discovers the element platinum in South America. 3459
  2406. 1735/--/-- Antonio de Ulloa discovers the element platinum in South America. 7087
  2407. 1735/--/-- George Hadley proposes the Hadley cell, a circulation system for the atmosphere. 3458
  2408. 1736/--/-- Ch'ien-lung becomes emperor of China. 3460
  2409. 1736/--/-- Ch'ien-lung becomes emperor of China. 7799
  2410. 1736/--/-- French artist Maurice Quentin de La Tour paints his Portrait of Voltaire. 3464
  2411. 1736/--/-- French artist Maurice Quentin de La Tour paints his Portrait of Voltaire. 7571
  2412. 1736/--/-- Nadir assumes the title of Shah of Persia and founds the Afshar dynasty. 3461
  2413. 1736/--/-- Parliament passes the Gin Act to discourage public drunkenness in England. 1138
  2414. 1736/--/-- Parliament passes the Gin Act to discourage public drunkenness in England. 3462
  2415. 1736/--/-- Swiss mathematician Leonhard Euler begins writing his Mechanica. 3463
  2416. 1737/--/-- William Mayo founds the city of Richmond, Virginia. 3465
  2417. 1738/--/-- A porcelain factory is established in France at Vincennes; it moves later to Sevres. 3470
  2418. 1738/--/-- Bernoulli publishes Hydrodynamica, stating his law of hydrodynamics. 3468
  2419. 1738/--/-- George Whitefield precipitates the Great Awakening religious revival in America. 3467
  2420. 1738/--/-- George Whitefield precipitates the Great Awakening religious revival in America. 7088
  2421. 1738/--/-- The excavation of Herculaneum begins in Italy. 3469
  2422. 1738/--/-- The Treaty of Vienna concludes the War of the Polish Succession; Stanislaw I abdicates. 3466
  2423. 1739/--/-- John Wesley founds the Methodist religious movement. 3474
  2424. 1739/--/-- Mutilation of an English sea captain by the Spanish leads to the War of Jenkins' Ear. 1139
  2425. 1739/--/-- Mutilation of an English sea captain by the Spanish leads to the War of Jenkins' Ear. 3472
  2426. 1739/--/-- The British under Admiral Vernon raid Spanish settlements in the West Indies. 1481
  2427. 1739/--/-- The British under Admiral Vernon raid Spanish settlements in the West Indies. 3473
  2428. 1739/--/-- The Persians under Nadir Shah defeat the Mogul army and destroy Delhi. 3471
  2429. 1740/--/-- Anna Empress of Russia dies; she is succeeded by Elizabeth in 1741. 1482
  2430. 1740/--/-- Anna Empress of Russia dies; she is succeeded by Elizabeth in 1741. 3480
  2431. 1740/--/-- Charles VI's daughter Maria Theresa succeeds to the Austrian Habsburg empire. 3477
  2432. 1740/--/-- English novelist Samuel Richardson writes Pamela; or Virtue Rewarded. 1140
  2433. 1740/--/-- English novelist Samuel Richardson writes Pamela; or Virtue Rewarded. 3482
  2434. 1740/--/-- Frederick II (Frederick the Great) assumes the Prussian throne. 3475
  2435. 1740/--/-- Frederick II of Prussia invades the Habsburg province of Silesia. 3478
  2436. 1740/--/-- Holy Roman Emperor Charles VI dies; the War of the Austrian Succession begins. 1483
  2437. 1740/--/-- Holy Roman Emperor Charles VI dies; the War of the Austrian Succession begins. 3476
  2438. 1740/--/-- Scottish philosopher David Hume writes his Treatise of Human Nature. 3481
  2439. 1740/--/-- The British under James Oglethorpe attack Spanish possessions in Florida. 3479
  2440. 1741/--/-- George Frideric Handel composes the Messiah. 3484
  2441. 1741/--/-- Prussia forms an anti-Habsburg coalition with Bavaria, Spain and France. 3483
  2442. 1742/--/-- A Spanish invasion of Georgia is defeated by British forces under James Oglethorpe. 3486
  2443. 1742/--/-- Maria Theresa makes peace with Frederick II; Silesia is ceded to Prussia. 3487
  2444. 1742/--/-- Swedish astronomer Anders Celsius invents the Celsius scale for temperature. 3488
  2445. 1742/--/-- Swedish astronomer Anders Celsius invents the Celsius scale for temperature. 7442
  2446. 1742/--/-- The Anti-Habsburg coalition elects Charles VII as Holy Roman Emperor. 3485
  2447. 1742/--/-- The cast iron Franklin stove is invented by Benjamin Franklin. 3489
  2448. 1742/--/-- The cast iron Franklin stove is invented by Benjamin Franklin. 7443
  2449. 1743/--/-- An English porcelain factory is established at Chelsea in London. 1141
  2450. 1743/--/-- An English porcelain factory is established at Chelsea in London. 3490
  2451. 1743/--/-- The first permanent bullring is built in Madrid. 3491
  2452. 1744/--/-- King George's War begins in North America between Britain and France. 3492
  2453. 1744/--/-- King George's War begins in North America between Britain and France. 7089
  2454. 1744/--/-- Muhammad ibn Abd al-Wahhab founds the Wahhabi Muslim sect about this time. 3493
  2455. 1745/--/-- Charles Edward Stuart (Bonnie Prince Charlie) leads a second Jacobite rebellion. 3495
  2456. 1745/--/-- Giovanni Piranesi begins his etchings of Carceri d'Invenzione (Imaginary Prisons). 3500
  2457. 1745/--/-- Louis XV installs the Marquise de Pompadour as his official mistress. 3499
  2458. 1745/--/-- Maria Theresa's husband Francis succeeds Charles VII as Holy Roman Emperor. 3498
  2459. 1745/--/-- The British under Pepperrell capture the French fortress of Louisburg in Canada. 3494
  2460. 1745/--/-- The French under the Comte de Saxe defeat Austrian, English and Dutch forces at Fontenoy. 1142
  2461. 1745/--/-- The French under the Comte de Saxe defeat Austrian, English and Dutch forces at Fontenoy. 3496
  2462. 1745/--/-- The Treaty of Dresden confirms Prussian control of Silesia. 3497
  2463. 1746/--/-- Britain and France struggle for the domination of India; France seizes Madras. 3503
  2464. 1746/--/-- Charles Edward Stuart (Bonnie Prince Charlie) is defeated at Culloden. 3501
  2465. 1746/--/-- English actor David Garrick becomes the manager of the Drury Lane Theatre. 1143
  2466. 1746/--/-- English actor David Garrick becomes the manager of the Drury Lane Theatre. 3505
  2467. 1746/--/-- Ferdinand VI succeeds Philip V as king of Spain. 3502
  2468. 1746/--/-- Princeton University is founded in New Jersey. 3504
  2469. 1747/--/-- Nadir Shah of Persia (Iran) is assassinated. 1484
  2470. 1747/--/-- Nadir Shah of Persia (Iran) is assassinated. 3507
  2471. 1747/--/-- The Ohio Company is formed to promote settlement west of the Appalachians. 3508
  2472. 1747/--/-- The Pathans defeat the Persians; Ahmad Shah Sadozai founds a new dynasty. 3506
  2473. 1748/--/-- English artist Thomas Gainsborough paints Robert Andrews and Mary, His Wife. 1144
  2474. 1748/--/-- English artist Thomas Gainsborough paints Robert Andrews and Mary, His Wife. 3511
  2475. 1748/--/-- English artist Thomas Gainsborough paints Robert Andrews and Mary, His Wife. 7572
  2476. 1748/--/-- French political philosopher Montesquieu writes The Spirit of the Laws. 3510
  2477. 1748/--/-- The Treaty of Aix-la-Chapelle ends the War of the Austrian Succession. 3509
  2478. 1749/--/-- English novelist Henry Fielding writes Tom Jones. 1145
  2479. 1749/--/-- English novelist Henry Fielding writes Tom Jones. 3514
  2480. 1749/--/-- Italian dramatist Carlo Goldoni writes La Putta honorata (The Respectable Girl). 3513
  2481. 1749/--/-- The British found Halifax in Nova Scotia as a military base. 3512
  2482. 1750/--/-- American frontiersman Christopher Gist explores the Ohio River region. 3518
  2483. 1750/--/-- American frontiersman Christopher Gist explores the Ohio River region. 7090
  2484. 1750/--/-- Baal Shem Tov founds the Jewish sect of Hasidism about this time. 3516
  2485. 1750/--/-- Poona becomes the capital of the Maratha confederacy in India. 3517
  2486. 1750/--/-- The Afshars are replaced by the Zand dynasty in Persia (Iran); Shiraz becomes the capital. 3515
  2487. 1750/--/-- The Conestoga wagon develops in Pennsylvania about this time. 3519
  2488. 1750/--/-- The neoclassical movement in art develops in Europe about this time. 3521
  2489. 1750/--/-- The waltz becomes a popular dance in Europe about this time. 3520
  2490. 1751/--/-- English novelist Tobias Smollett writes The Expedition of Humphrey Clinker. 1146
  2491. 1751/--/-- English novelist Tobias Smollett writes The Expedition of Humphrey Clinker. 3526
  2492. 1751/--/-- English soldier Robert Clive captures Arcot in India. 1147
  2493. 1751/--/-- English soldier Robert Clive captures Arcot in India. 3522
  2494. 1751/--/-- Jean Etienne Guettard produces the first geological maps of France. 3524
  2495. 1751/--/-- The first volume of Diderot's Encyclopedie is published. 3525
  2496. 1751/--/-- The Worcester Royal Porcelain Company is founded in England. 1148
  2497. 1751/--/-- The Worcester Royal Porcelain Company is founded in England. 3523
  2498. 1752/--/-- Benjamin Franklin invents the lightning conductor. 3527
  2499. 1752/--/-- Benjamin Franklin invents the lightning conductor. 7444
  2500. 1752/--/-- French artist Francois Boucher paints Mademoiselle O'Murphy. 3529
  2501. 1752/--/-- French artist Francois Boucher paints Mademoiselle O'Murphy. 7573
  2502. 1752/--/-- Italian artist Tiepolo paints the Marriage of Frederick Barbarossa. 3528
  2503. 1752/--/-- Italian artist Tiepolo paints the Marriage of Frederick Barbarossa. 7574
  2504. 1753/--/-- Swedish biologist Carolus Linnaeus publishes his system of plant classification. 3530
  2505. 1753/--/-- The British Museum is founded in London. 3531
  2506. 1754/--/-- French attacks against the English in Ohio lead to the last French and Indian War. 1149
  2507. 1754/--/-- French attacks against the English in Ohio lead to the last French and Indian War. 3532
  2508. 1754/--/-- Italian architect Rastrelli designs the Winter Palace in Saint Petersburg (Leningrad). 3533
  2509. 1754/--/-- The Royal and Ancient Golf Club is founded at Saint Andrews in Scotland. 3534
  2510. 1754/--/-- Thomas Chippendale publishes The Gentleman and Cabinet Maker's Directory. 3535
  2511. 1755/--/-- Adventurer and lover Casanova is arrested in Venice for witchcraft. 3539
  2512. 1755/--/-- Pasquale Paoli founds an independent state in Corsica. 3538
  2513. 1755/--/-- Samuel Johnson publishes his Dictionary of the English Language. 1150
  2514. 1755/--/-- Samuel Johnson publishes his Dictionary of the English Language. 3541
  2515. 1755/--/-- The British under Braddock are defeated by the French at Fort Duquesne. 3536
  2516. 1755/--/-- The French population of Acadia (Nova Scotia) is deported by the British. 3537
  2517. 1755/--/-- The Lisbon earthquake kills 50,000. 1485
  2518. 1755/--/-- The Lisbon earthquake kills 50,000. 3540
  2519. 1756/--/-- 123 British soldiers are alleged to have died in the Black Hole of Calcutta in Bengal, India. 3545
  2520. 1756/--/-- French general Montcalm captures Fort Oswego and dominates the Great Lakes. 3543
  2521. 1756/--/-- The Seven Years' War begins with a Prussian attack on Austria. 3542
  2522. 1756/--/-- William Pitt (the Elder) becomes prime minister of Britain. 3544
  2523. 1757/--/-- Frederick II of Prussia defeats the Franco-Austrian army at Rossbach. 3547
  2524. 1757/--/-- Robert Clive defeats the nawab of Bengal at the Battle of Plassey in India. 3546
  2525. 1758/--/-- Americans and British regulars under General Forbes capture Fort Duquesne. 3548
  2526. 1758/--/-- Americans and British regulars under General Forbes capture Fort Duquesne. 7091
  2527. 1758/--/-- The Burmese overthrow the Mons; Rangoon becomes the new capital of Burma. 3550
  2528. 1758/--/-- The French under Montcalm defeat the British at Fort Ticonderoga. 3549
  2529. 1759/--/-- French poet and dramatist Voltaire publishes his philosophical novel Candide. 3556
  2530. 1759/--/-- Josiah Wedgwood establishes his first pottery works. 3555
  2531. 1759/--/-- The Botanical Gardens are founded at Kew in London. 3554
  2532. 1759/--/-- The British defeat the French at Niagara; Amherst captures Fort Ticonderoga. 3551
  2533. 1759/--/-- The British under Wolfe defeat Montcalm at Quebec; Wolfe dies from his wounds. 1486
  2534. 1759/--/-- The British under Wolfe defeat Montcalm at Quebec; Wolfe dies from his wounds. 3552
  2535. 1759/--/-- The Russians defeat Frederick II at Kunersdorf. 3553
  2536. 1760/--/-- English architect Robert Adam begins the design of Syon House. 1151
  2537. 1760/--/-- English architect Robert Adam begins the design of Syon House. 3560
  2538. 1760/--/-- English novelist Laurence Sterne publishes the first volumes of Tristram Shandy. 1152
  2539. 1760/--/-- English novelist Laurence Sterne publishes the first volumes of Tristram Shandy. 3561
  2540. 1760/--/-- George II dies; he is succeeded by his grandson George III as king of England. 1153
  2541. 1760/--/-- George II dies; he is succeeded by his grandson George III as king of England. 1487
  2542. 1760/--/-- George II dies; he is succeeded by his grandson George III as king of England. 3559
  2543. 1760/--/-- The British under Amherst capture Montreal, ending French resistance in North America. 3557
  2544. 1760/--/-- The British under Amherst capture Montreal, ending French resistance in North America. 7092
  2545. 1760/--/-- The Russians invade Prussia and burn Berlin. 3558
  2546. 1761/--/-- Franz Josef Haydn becomes court composer to Prince Esterhazy. 3562
  2547. 1761/09/02 George III crowned King of Great Britain and Ireland at Westminster Abbey by Tho 8110
  2548. 1762/--/-- American Indian religious leader, the Delaware Prophet, is active in the Ohio Valley. 3567
  2549. 1762/--/-- American Indian religious leader, the Delaware Prophet, is active in the Ohio Valley. 7093
  2550. 1762/--/-- Britain seizes Cuba and the Philippines from Spain. 3563
  2551. 1762/--/-- British animal painter George Stubbs completes the Horse Attacked by a Lion. 3571
  2552. 1762/--/-- British animal painter George Stubbs completes the Horse Attacked by a Lion. 7575
  2553. 1762/--/-- Catherine II (Catherine the Great) succeeds her husband as empress of Russia. 3565
  2554. 1762/--/-- France cedes Louisiana to Spain to prevent British control of the region. 3568
  2555. 1762/--/-- French philosopher Rousseau publishes The Social Contract and Emile. 3569
  2556. 1762/--/-- Peter III succeeds Elizabeth as emperor of Russia, but is deposed and murdered. 1488
  2557. 1762/--/-- Peter III succeeds Elizabeth as emperor of Russia, but is deposed and murdered. 3564
  2558. 1762/--/-- The Russians end their alliance with Austria against Prussia. 3566
  2559. 1762/--/-- Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart performs at the Imperial court in Vienna at age 6. 3570
  2560. 1763/--/-- Augustus III dies; he is succeeded (1764) by Stanislaw II, the last king of Poland. 1489
  2561. 1763/--/-- Augustus III dies; he is succeeded (1764) by Stanislaw II, the last king of Poland. 3580
  2562. 1763/--/-- Britain returns Cuba and the Philippines to Spain in exchange for Florida. 3577
  2563. 1763/--/-- France cedes Canada and all territories east of the Mississippi River to Britain. 3575
  2564. 1763/--/-- France recognizes British dominance in India. 3576
  2565. 1763/--/-- French forces withdraw from Germany; Prussia retains Silesia. 3574
  2566. 1763/--/-- James Boswell meets Samuel Johnson for the first time. 3579
  2567. 1763/--/-- The Ottawa chief Pontiac leads an uprising against the British. 3578
  2568. 1763/--/-- The Treaty of Paris ends the Seven Years' War and the French and Indian Wars. 3573
  2569. 1763/--/-- The Wahhabi Saudis begin to establish control over Arabia. 3572
  2570. 1764/--/-- German historian Johann Winckelmann publishes his History of the Art of Antiquity. 3581
  2571. 1764/--/-- Thomas Chatterton forges the Rowley poems at the age of 12. 3582
  2572. 1765/--/-- Francis I dies; he is succeeded by Joseph II as Holy Roman Emperor. 1490
  2573. 1765/--/-- Francis I dies; he is succeeded by Joseph II as Holy Roman Emperor. 3583
  2574. 1765/--/-- French artist Francois Boucher is appointed court painter to Louis XV. 3589
  2575. 1765/--/-- French artist Francois Boucher is appointed court painter to Louis XV. 7576
  2576. 1765/--/-- George Grenville's Stamp Act imposes a tax on all publications in the American colonies. 3585
  2577. 1765/--/-- George Grenville's Stamp Act imposes a tax on all publications in the American colonies. 7094
  2578. 1765/--/-- Horace Walpole publishes his Gothic novel The Castle of Otranto. 3590
  2579. 1765/--/-- Lancelot Capability Brown designs the gardens at Blenheim Palace. 3588
  2580. 1765/--/-- Robert Clive is appointed governor of Bengal in India. 3584
  2581. 1765/--/-- Samuel Adams helps to found the Sons of Liberty to oppose the Stamp Act. 3586
  2582. 1765/--/-- Sir William Blackstone begins his Commentaries on the Laws of England. 1154
  2583. 1765/--/-- Sir William Blackstone begins his Commentaries on the Laws of England. 3587
  2584. 1766/--/-- Anglo-Irish author Oliver Goldsmith publishes The Vicar of Wakefield. 3597
  2585. 1766/--/-- English chemist Henry Cavendish isolates hydrogen gas for the first time. 1155
  2586. 1766/--/-- English chemist Henry Cavendish isolates hydrogen gas for the first time. 3593
  2587. 1766/--/-- French artist Jean Honore Fragonard paints The Swing. 3596
  2588. 1766/--/-- French artist Jean Honore Fragonard paints The Swing. 7577
  2589. 1766/--/-- German dramatist and critic Gotthold Ephraim Lessing publishes Laocoon. 3595
  2590. 1766/--/-- The Declaratory Act imposes Parliament's right to make laws in the colonies. 3592
  2591. 1766/--/-- The Nautical Almanac provides the first practical method for determining longitude. 3594
  2592. 1766/--/-- The Stamp Act is repealed after strong opposition from American colonists. 3591
  2593. 1766/--/-- The Stamp Act is repealed after strong opposition from American colonists. 7095
  2594. 1767/--/-- German-Jewish philosopher Moses Mendelssohn publishes Phaedon. 3601
  2595. 1767/--/-- German composer Christoph Willibald Gluck writes his opera Alceste. 3602
  2596. 1767/--/-- German composer Christoph Willibald Gluck writes his opera Alceste. 7578
  2597. 1767/--/-- The Burmese destroy the Siam capital of Ayutthaya; the Bangkok Period begins. 3598
  2598. 1767/--/-- The Mason-Dixon line establishes the Pennsylvania-Maryland boundary. 3599
  2599. 1767/--/-- The Townshend Acts impose a tax on imports to North America. 3600
  2600. 1767/--/-- The Townshend Acts impose a tax on imports to North America. 7096
  2601. 1768/--/-- Genoa sells its rights in Corsica to France. 3603
  2602. 1768/--/-- Joshua Reynolds becomes the first president of the Royal Academy in London. 3606
  2603. 1768/--/-- Louis Antoine de Bougainville claims the Pacific island of Tahiti for France. 3604
  2604. 1768/--/-- The first weekly numbers of the Encyclopaedia Britannica are issued. 3607
  2605. 1768/--/-- The Russo-Turkish War is renewed. 3605
  2606. 1769/--/-- American pioneer Daniel Boone explores a route through the Cumberland Gap. 3611
  2607. 1769/--/-- American pioneer Daniel Boone explores a route through the Cumberland Gap. 7097
  2608. 1769/--/-- French forces in Corsica defeat Pasquale Paoli; Corsica becomes a province of France. 3608
  2609. 1769/--/-- James Watt patents a condenser to improve the performance of steam engines. 3613
  2610. 1769/--/-- Ottawa Indian chief Pontiac is assassinated by a Peoria Indian. 1491
  2611. 1769/--/-- Ottawa Indian chief Pontiac is assassinated by a Peoria Indian. 3610
  2612. 1769/--/-- Richard Arkwright invents a spinning frame to mechanize cotton weaving. 3614
  2613. 1769/--/-- Richard Arkwright invents a spinning frame to mechanize cotton weaving. 7445
  2614. 1769/--/-- The Comtesse du Barry becomes the official mistress to Louis XV. 3612
  2615. 1769/--/-- The Gurkhas conquer Nepal. 3609
  2616. 1770/--/-- A brawl between British troops and colonists leads to the Boston Massacre. 3618
  2617. 1770/--/-- British explorer James Bruce discovers the source of the Blue Nile. 3620
  2618. 1770/--/-- English artist Thomas Gainsborough paints The Blue Boy. 1156
  2619. 1770/--/-- English artist Thomas Gainsborough paints The Blue Boy. 3622
  2620. 1770/--/-- English artist Thomas Gainsborough paints The Blue Boy. 7579
  2621. 1770/--/-- English navigator James Cook explores New Zealand and the east coast of Australia. 1157
  2622. 1770/--/-- English navigator James Cook explores New Zealand and the east coast of Australia. 3619
  2623. 1770/--/-- Lord North becomes prime minister of Britain. 3615
  2624. 1770/--/-- Louis, the future king of France, marries Marie Antoinette. 3617
  2625. 1770/--/-- The British Parliament repeals the Townshend Acts. 3616
  2626. 1770/--/-- Thomas Jefferson begins building Monticello, his house in Virginia. 3621
  2627. 1771/--/-- Governor Tyron defeats the Regulators (dissident farmers) in North Carolina. 3623
  2628. 1771/--/-- Gustav III succeeds his father as king of Sweden. 3624
  2629. 1772/--/-- American artist Benjamin West paints The Death of Wolfe. 1492
  2630. 1772/--/-- American artist Benjamin West paints The Death of Wolfe. 3627
  2631. 1772/--/-- American artist Benjamin West paints The Death of Wolfe. 7098
  2632. 1772/--/-- American artist Benjamin West paints The Death of Wolfe. 7580
  2633. 1772/--/-- English artist Joshua Reynolds paints a Portrait of Samuel Johnson. 1158
  2634. 1772/--/-- English artist Joshua Reynolds paints a Portrait of Samuel Johnson. 3626
  2635. 1772/--/-- English artist Joshua Reynolds paints a Portrait of Samuel Johnson. 7581
  2636. 1772/--/-- Poland is partitioned among Russia, Prussia and Austria. 3625
  2637. 1773/--/-- American colonists throw British tea into Boston Harbor during the Boston Tea Party. 3631
  2638. 1773/--/-- American colonists throw British tea into Boston Harbor during the Boston Tea Party. 7099
  2639. 1773/--/-- Anglo-Irish author Oliver Goldsmith writes the play She Stoops to Conquer. 3632
  2640. 1773/--/-- Calcutta is established as the capital of British India. 3629
  2641. 1773/--/-- Don Cossack Yemelian Pugachev leads the Peasant's Revolt in Russia. 3628
  2642. 1773/--/-- Pope Clement XIV persecutes the Jesuits. 3630
  2643. 1774/--/-- Britain passes the Intolerable Acts and closes the port of Boston. 3635
  2644. 1774/--/-- British scientist Joseph Priestley discovers oxygen. 3641
  2645. 1774/--/-- Edmund Burke's speech On American Taxation defends the colony's rights. 3637
  2646. 1774/--/-- Edmund Burke's speech On American Taxation defends the colony's rights. 7100
  2647. 1774/--/-- Johann Wolfgang von Goethe publishes The Sorrows of Young Werther. 3642
  2648. 1774/--/-- Louis XV dies; he is succeeded by his grandson Louis XVI as king of France. 1493
  2649. 1774/--/-- Louis XV dies; he is succeeded by his grandson Louis XVI as king of France. 3634
  2650. 1774/--/-- Rhode Island becomes the first state to abolish slavery. 3639
  2651. 1774/--/-- The first Continental Congress meets and condemns Britain's Intolerable Acts. 3638
  2652. 1774/--/-- The Quebec Act grants religious liberty to Roman Catholics in Canada. 3640
  2653. 1774/--/-- The Treaty of Kuchuk Kainarji ends the Russo-Turkish War. 3633
  2654. 1774/--/-- Warren Hastings is appointed as the first Governor-General of British India. 3636
  2655. 1775/--/-- American patriot Patrick Henry states "Give me liberty, or give me death." 1494
  2656. 1775/--/-- American patriot Patrick Henry states "Give me liberty, or give me death." 3643
  2657. 1775/--/-- American patriot Patrick Henry states "Give me liberty, or give me death." 7001
  2658. 1775/--/-- American patriot Patrick Henry states "Give me liberty, or give me death." 7101
  2659. 1775/--/-- Americans under Montgomery occupy Montreal, but fail to capture Quebec. 3648
  2660. 1775/--/-- Americans under Montgomery occupy Montreal, but fail to capture Quebec. 7103
  2661. 1775/--/-- British troops and colonial militia clash at Lexington, starting the American Revolution. 3645
  2662. 1775/--/-- British troops and colonial militia clash at Lexington, starting the American Revolution. 7102
  2663. 1775/--/-- British troops suffer heavy losses at the Battle of Bunker Hill. 3646
  2664. 1775/--/-- French dramatist Caron de Beaumarchais writes the Barber of Seville. 3649
  2665. 1775/--/-- Paul Revere rides to Lexington to warn of approaching British troops. 3644
  2666. 1775/--/-- Revolutionary War Begins 1299
  2667. 1775/--/-- The Continental Congress chooses George Washington to head the Continental Army. 3647
  2668. 1776/--/-- American General Charles Lee is captured by the British. 3659
  2669. 1776/--/-- American General Charles Lee is captured by the British. 7104
  2670. 1776/--/-- Ann Lee establishes a Shaker community at Wartervliet in New York. 3661
  2671. 1776/--/-- British forces are evacuated from Boston. 3653
  2672. 1776/--/-- British forces under Sir Henry Clinton bombard Charleston harbor. 3658
  2673. 1776/--/-- Charles Burney publishes the first volume of A General History of Music. 3664
  2674. 1776/--/-- Charles Burney publishes the first volume of A General History of Music. 7582
  2675. 1776/--/-- David Bushnell's submarine the Turtle makes an abortive attack on British ships. 3657
  2676. 1776/--/-- Economist Adam Smith publishes the Wealth of Nations. 3662
  2677. 1776/--/-- Edward Gibbon publishes the first volume of Decline and Fall of the Roman Empire. 3663
  2678. 1776/--/-- Grigory Aleksandrovich Potemkin organizes the Russian Black Sea fleet. 3650
  2679. 1776/--/-- Howe defeats Washington at White Plains; Washington retreats across the Delaware. 3660
  2680. 1776/--/-- Nathan Hale is executed by the British as a spy. 3656
  2681. 1776/--/-- Swiss banker Jacques Necker is appointed director of the treasury by Louis XVI. 3651
  2682. 1776/--/-- The British under Howe defeat Washington on Long Island and occupy New York. 3655
  2683. 1776/--/-- The Continental Congress adopts the Declaration of Independence. 3654
  2684. 1776/--/-- The Sturm und Drang (Storm and Stress) literary movement begins in Germany. 3665
  2685. 1776/--/-- Thomas Paine publishes his Revolutionary War pamphlet Common Sense. 3652
  2686. 1776/--/-- Washington defeats British forces at Trenton and Princeton (1777). 3666
  2687. 1777/--/-- Burgoyne capitulates to Horatio Gates' American forces at Saratoga. 3670
  2688. 1777/--/-- Burgoyne capitulates to Horatio Gates' American forces at Saratoga. 7106
  2689. 1777/--/-- Christianity is introduced into Korea. 3674
  2690. 1777/--/-- French chemist Lavoisier proves that air is composed of oxygen and nitrogen. 3675
  2691. 1777/--/-- General Burgoyne captures Ticonderoga and defeats the Americans in Pennsylvania. 3668
  2692. 1777/--/-- General Burgoyne captures Ticonderoga and defeats the Americans in Pennsylvania. 7105
  2693. 1777/--/-- Richard Brinsley Sheridan's comedy The School for Scandal is produced. 3676
  2694. 1777/--/-- The British under Howe capture Philadelphia, forcing Congress to flee. 3669
  2695. 1777/--/-- The British under Howe defeat Washington's Continental Army at Brandywine Creek. 3671
  2696. 1777/--/-- The Continental Congress adopts the Stars and Stripes as the American flag. 3672
  2697. 1777/--/-- The Continental Congress adopts the Stars and Stripes as the American flag. 7107
  2698. 1777/--/-- The Marquis de Lafayette offers his services to the Continental Congress. 3667
  2699. 1777/--/-- Washington's Continental Army spends a hard winter at Valley Forge. 3673
  2700. 1778/--/-- English novelist Fanny Burney writes Evelina. 1159
  2701. 1778/--/-- English novelist Fanny Burney writes Evelina. 3683
  2702. 1778/--/-- France enters the American War of Independence in support of the colonies. 3677
  2703. 1778/--/-- France enters the American War of Independence in support of the colonies. 7108
  2704. 1778/--/-- Franz Anton Mesmer opens a Paris practice to treat patients using magnetism. 3680
  2705. 1778/--/-- John Singleton Copley paints Watson and the Shark. 3682
  2706. 1778/--/-- John Singleton Copley paints Watson and the Shark. 7583
  2707. 1778/--/-- La Scala opera house opens in Milan, Italy. 3681
  2708. 1778/--/-- La Scala opera house opens in Milan, Italy. 7584
  2709. 1778/--/-- Portugal transfers its rights in Equatorial Guinea to Spain. 3679
  2710. 1778/--/-- Washington clashes with British forces under Clinton at Monmouth, N.J. 3678
  2711. 1779/--/-- American forces under Sullivan campaign against the Iroquois on the New York border. 3687
  2712. 1779/--/-- American forces under Sullivan campaign against the Iroquois on the New York border. 7110
  2713. 1779/--/-- An American squadron led by John Paul Jones attacks British shipping. 3686
  2714. 1779/--/-- An American squadron led by John Paul Jones attacks British shipping. 7109
  2715. 1779/--/-- British explorer James Cook is killed by natives on Hawaii. 1495
  2716. 1779/--/-- British explorer James Cook is killed by natives on Hawaii. 3689
  2717. 1779/--/-- George Rogers Clark recaptures Vincennes from the British. 3684
  2718. 1779/--/-- Samuel Crompton develops his spinning mule for England's cotton industry. 1160
  2719. 1779/--/-- Samuel Crompton develops his spinning mule for England's cotton industry. 3690
  2720. 1779/--/-- Samuel Johnson begins writing The Lives of the Poets 3691
  2721. 1779/--/-- Spain declares war on Britain and lays siege to Gibraltar. 1300
  2722. 1779/--/-- Spain declares war on Britain and lays siege to Gibraltar. 3685
  2723. 1779/--/-- War breaks out between Dutch settlers and the Xhosas in South Africa. 3688
  2724. 1779/--/-- War breaks out between Dutch settlers and the Xhosas in South Africa. 7885
  2725. 1780/--/-- Americans under Horatio Gates are defeated by Cornwallis at Camden, S.C. 3695
  2726. 1780/--/-- Americans under Horatio Gates are defeated by Cornwallis at Camden, S.C. 7112
  2727. 1780/--/-- Andre's capture exposes Benedict Arnold's plot to surrender West Point. 3693
  2728. 1780/--/-- English spy John Andre is caught and executed by the Americans. 1161
  2729. 1780/--/-- English spy John Andre is caught and executed by the Americans. 3692
  2730. 1780/--/-- English spy John Andre is caught and executed by the Americans. 7111
  2731. 1780/--/-- Francis Marion and Thomas Sumter lead guerrilla forces against the British. 3696
  2732. 1780/--/-- Luigi Galvani begins experiments on the effect of electricity on nerves and muscles. 3700
  2733. 1780/--/-- Maria Theresa dies; Joseph II inherits the crown of Bohemia and Hungary. 1496
  2734. 1780/--/-- Maria Theresa dies; Joseph II inherits the crown of Bohemia and Hungary. 3697
  2735. 1780/--/-- Peruvian Indians under Tupac Amaru revolt against Spainish rule. 3698
  2736. 1780/--/-- The British under Clinton occupy Charleston, S.C. and capture the garrison. 3694
  2737. 1780/--/-- The Derby horse race is established in England. 1162
  2738. 1780/--/-- The Derby horse race is established in England. 3701
  2739. 1780/--/-- The Gordon Riots begin in London against Catholic emancipation. 3699
  2740. 1780/--/-- Venetian artist Francesco Guardi paints the Gondola on the Lagoon. 3702
  2741. 1780/--/-- Venetian artist Francesco Guardi paints the Gondola on the Lagoon. 7585
  2742. 1781/--/-- American forces under Daniel Morgan defeat the British at the Battle of Cowpens. 3703
  2743. 1781/--/-- American forces under Daniel Morgan defeat the British at the Battle of Cowpens. 7113
  2744. 1781/--/-- English astronomer William Herschel discovers the planet Uranus. 1163
  2745. 1781/--/-- English astronomer William Herschel discovers the planet Uranus. 3707
  2746. 1781/--/-- German philosopher Immanuel Kant publishes his Critique of Pure Reason. 3708
  2747. 1781/--/-- The British defeat Hyder Ali the Muslim ruler of Mysore (now Karnataka) in India. 3706
  2748. 1781/--/-- The British under Cornwallis surrender to the Americans at Yorktown. 3705
  2749. 1781/--/-- The British under Cornwallis surrender to the Americans at Yorktown. 7114
  2750. 1781/--/-- The French aid Washington in the siege of Yorktown. 3704
  2751. 1782/--/-- Henry Grattan's Patriot party achieves legislative independence for Ireland. 3713
  2752. 1782/--/-- Kamehameha I begins a ten-year war for control of Hawaii. 1301
  2753. 1782/--/-- Kamehameha I begins a ten-year war for control of Hawaii. 3712
  2754. 1782/--/-- Peace talks open in Paris between Britain and America. 3710
  2755. 1782/--/-- Peace talks open in Paris between Britain and America. 7115
  2756. 1782/--/-- Pierre Choderlos de Laclos writes Les Liaisons Dangereuses. 3715
  2757. 1782/--/-- Rama I founds the Chakkri dynasty in Siam (Thailand) with Bangkok as its capital. 3711
  2758. 1782/--/-- The design for the Great Seal of the United States is adopted by the Continental Congress. 3714
  2759. 1782/--/-- The design for the Great Seal of the United States is adopted by the Continental Congress. 7002
  2760. 1782/--/-- Tippu Sultan succeeds his father as ruler of Mysore (now Karnataka) in India. 3709
  2761. 1783/--/-- An earthquake kills 30,000 people at Calabria in Italy. 1497
  2762. 1783/--/-- An earthquake kills 30,000 people at Calabria in Italy. 3721
  2763. 1783/--/-- Britain cedes all lands west to Mississippi River 6744
  2764. 1783/--/-- Britain recognizes the independence of the United States at the Treaty of Paris. 3717
  2765. 1783/--/-- Britain recognizes the independence of the United States at the Treaty of Paris. 7003
  2766. 1783/--/-- British forces abandon New York, their last stronghold in North America. 3716
  2767. 1783/--/-- British forces abandon New York, their last stronghold in North America. 7116
  2768. 1783/--/-- French scientist Jacques Charles demonstrates the first hydrogen-inflated balloon. 3723
  2769. 1783/--/-- Peace Treaty ends Revolutionary War 6742
  2770. 1783/--/-- Revolutionary War Ends 1302
  2771. 1783/--/-- Russia gains control of the Crimea after three centuries of Turkish rule. 3720
  2772. 1783/--/-- The British return Florida to Spain under the terms of the Treaty of Paris. 3718
  2773. 1783/--/-- The Montgolfier brothers make the first manned flight in a hot air balloon. 3722
  2774. 1783/--/-- William Pitt (the Younger) becomes prime minister of Britain at age 24. 3719
  2775. 1783/--/-- William Pitt II becomes English Prime Minister at 24 6743
  2776. 1784/--/-- American inventor Oliver Evans develops the first automated flour mill. 3726
  2777. 1784/--/-- American inventor Oliver Evans develops the first automated flour mill. 7118
  2778. 1784/--/-- American inventor Oliver Evans develops the first automated flour mill. 7446
  2779. 1784/--/-- Ben Franklin invents bifocal eyeglasses 6745
  2780. 1784/--/-- French dramatist Caron de Beaumarchais writes the Marriage of Figaro. 3728
  2781. 1784/--/-- French neoclassical artist Jacques Louis David paints The Oath of Horatii. 3727
  2782. 1784/--/-- French neoclassical artist Jacques Louis David paints The Oath of Horatii. 7586
  2783. 1784/--/-- Grigory Shelekhov founds the first Russian colony in America at Kodiak Island, Alaska. 3725
  2784. 1784/--/-- Grigory Shelekhov founds the first Russian colony in America at Kodiak Island, Alaska. 7117
  2785. 1784/--/-- Thomas Jefferson's proposes a ban on slavery in the western territories. 3724
  2786. 1785/--/-- English poet William Cowper publishes The Task. 1164
  2787. 1785/--/-- English poet William Cowper publishes The Task. 3733
  2788. 1785/--/-- French navigator La Perouse sails to the Pacific to find the Northwest Passage. 3730
  2789. 1785/--/-- Jean Pierre Blanchard makes the first balloon flight across the English Channel. 1165
  2790. 1785/--/-- Jean Pierre Blanchard makes the first balloon flight across the English Channel. 3731
  2791. 1785/--/-- New York City becomes the temporary capital of the United States. 3729
  2792. 1785/--/-- New York City becomes the temporary capital of the United States. 7004
  2793. 1785/--/-- Newspaper publisher John Walter founds The Times of London. 3732
  2794. 1786/--/-- Daniel Shays leads a rebellion against the state government in Massachusetts. 3735
  2795. 1786/--/-- Daniel Shays leads a rebellion against the state government in Massachusetts. 7005
  2796. 1786/--/-- First ice cream made commercially in NYC 6746
  2797. 1786/--/-- Francisco de Goya becomes court painter to Charles III of Spain. 3739
  2798. 1786/--/-- Francisco de Goya becomes court painter to Charles III of Spain. 7587
  2799. 1786/--/-- Frederick II dies; he is succeeded by his son Frederick William II as king of Prussia. 1498
  2800. 1786/--/-- Frederick II dies; he is succeeded by his son Frederick William II as king of Prussia. 3737
  2801. 1786/--/-- Lord Cornwallis succeeds Warren Hastings as governor-general of India. 3734
  2802. 1786/--/-- Robert Burns publishes Poems, Chiefly in the Scottish dialect. 3740
  2803. 1786/--/-- Shay's Rebellion, MASS 1303
  2804. 1786/--/-- Singapore, Penang and Melaka are ceded to Britain as the Straits Settlements. 3736
  2805. 1786/--/-- Swiss climbers make the first ascent of Mount Blanc. 3738
  2806. 1787/--/-- Alexander Hamilton, John Jay and James Madison write the first Federalist essays. 3746
  2807. 1787/--/-- American inventor John Fitch launches a steam-powered ferry boat on the Delaware. 3749
  2808. 1787/--/-- American inventor John Fitch launches a steam-powered ferry boat on the Delaware. 7119
  2809. 1787/--/-- American inventor John Fitch launches a steam-powered ferry boat on the Delaware. 7447
  2810. 1787/--/-- Austrian composer Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart writes the opera Don Giovanni. 3751
  2811. 1787/--/-- Austrian composer Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart writes the opera Don Giovanni. 7588
  2812. 1787/--/-- British reformer William Wilberforce declares his aims to abolish slavery. 3747
  2813. 1787/--/-- Constitutional Convention 6747
  2814. 1787/--/-- Henry Holland builds the first Royal Pavilion at Brighton for the Prince Regent. 3750
  2815. 1787/--/-- Royall Tyler's The Contrast becomes the first stage comedy to be produced in the U.S. 3752
  2816. 1787/--/-- The Assembly of Notables is summoned by Louis XVI to reform French taxation. 3742
  2817. 1787/--/-- The British found Freetown and establish Sierra Leone as a colony for freed slaves. 3743
  2818. 1787/--/-- The Constitutional Convention meets in Philadelphia to draw up a U.S. Constitution. 3744
  2819. 1787/--/-- The Continental Congress excludes slavery from the Northwest Territory. 3745
  2820. 1787/--/-- The Marylebone Cricket Club (M.C.C.) is formed in London, England. 1166
  2821. 1787/--/-- The Marylebone Cricket Club (M.C.C.) is formed in London, England. 3748
  2822. 1787/--/-- Turkey declares war on Russia, beginning a new Russo-Turkish War. 1304
  2823. 1787/--/-- Turkey declares war on Russia, beginning a new Russo-Turkish War. 3741
  2824. 1788/--/-- "The Federalist" published 6748
  2825. 1788/--/-- A crop failure in France leads to bread riots. 3754
  2826. 1788/--/-- Austria joins Russia in the war against Turkey. 1305
  2827. 1788/--/-- Austria joins Russia in the war against Turkey. 3756
  2828. 1788/--/-- Captain Arthur Phillip founds the first Australian penal colony at Sydney Cove. 3753
  2829. 1788/--/-- Constitution ratified 6749
  2830. 1788/--/-- French physicist Lagrange publishes his Analytical Mechanics. 3759
  2831. 1788/--/-- George III of England has his first attack of mental illness. 1167
  2832. 1788/--/-- George III of England has his first attack of mental illness. 3755
  2833. 1788/--/-- Mozart composes 3 symphonies: E-flat, G minor and Jupiter in less than 7 weeks. 3760
  2834. 1788/--/-- Swedish forces under Gustav III attack Russia. 3757
  2835. 1788/--/-- Warren Hastings is impeached for maladministration in India. 3758
  2836. 1789/--/-- A National Assembly is declared in France, ending the power of the States-General. 3761
  2837. 1789/--/-- Alexander Hamilton becomes the first U.S. secretary of the treasury. 3769
  2838. 1789/--/-- Austrian forces capture Belgrade from the Turks. 3765
  2839. 1789/--/-- Bill of Rights adopted 6750
  2840. 1789/--/-- English poet and artist William Blake publishes Songs of Innocence. 1168
  2841. 1789/--/-- English poet and artist William Blake publishes Songs of Innocence. 3776
  2842. 1789/--/-- English poet and artist William Blake publishes Songs of Innocence. 7589
  2843. 1789/--/-- French Revolution begins 6751
  2844. 1789/--/-- French sculptor Jean Antoine Houdon makes busts of Jefferson and Washington. 3774
  2845. 1789/--/-- French sculptor Jean Antoine Houdon makes busts of Jefferson and Washington. 7590
  2846. 1789/--/-- George Washington (Federalist) becomes president of the United States 280
  2847. 1789/--/-- Jeremy Bentham publishes An Introduction to the Principles of Morals and Legislation. 3775
  2848. 1789/--/-- Louis XVI is forced to capitulate; France becomes a constitutional monarchy. 3764
  2849. 1789/--/-- Mutinous sailors seize H.M.S. Bounty and take refuge on Pitcairn Island. 3773
  2850. 1789/--/-- The Federalist party is formed by supporters of the ratification of the U.S. Constitution. 3767
  2851. 1789/--/-- The first national Thanksgiving Day is celebrated in the U.S. 3771
  2852. 1789/--/-- The French National Assembly formulates a Declaration of the Rights of Man. 3763
  2853. 1789/--/-- The French Revolution begins with an attack on the Bastille. 3762
  2854. 1789/--/-- The Supreme Court of the United States is founded with John Jay as Chief Justice. 3770
  2855. 1789/--/-- The Tammany Hall political organization is founded in New York. 3772
  2856. 1789/--/-- Tippu Sultan begins the Third Mysore War against the British in India. 3766
  2857. 1789/--/-- Washington is elected as the first U.S. president; John Adams becomes vice-president. 3768
  2858. 1789/--/-- Wm. Blake publishes "Songs of Innocence" 6752
  2859. 1790/--/-- Leopold II succeeds Joseph II as Holy Roman Emperor. 3777
  2860. 1790/--/-- New England captains extend whaling into the Pacific Ocean about this time. 1169
  2861. 1790/--/-- New England captains extend whaling into the Pacific Ocean about this time. 3781
  2862. 1790/--/-- Philadelphia replaces New York as the temporary capital of the U.S. 3779
  2863. 1790/--/-- Seat of government moves from NYC to Philadelphia 6753
  2864. 1790/--/-- Sweden and Russia sign a peace treaty. 3778
  2865. 1790/--/-- The bolero Spanish dance is introduced about this time. 3782
  2866. 1790/--/-- The New York Stock Exchange is founded. 3780
  2867. 1790/--/-- Thomas Jefferson proposes a decimal (metric) system; Congress rejects the suggestion. 3783
  2868. 1791/--/-- Austria returns Belgrade to the Turks. 3785
  2869. 1791/--/-- Chinese author Ts'ao Hsueh-ch'in publishes The Dream of the Red Chamber. 3799
  2870. 1791/--/-- Chinese author Ts'ao Hsueh-ch'in publishes The Dream of the Red Chamber. 7800
  2871. 1791/--/-- Emperor Joseph II ends the war between Austria and Turkey. 1306
  2872. 1791/--/-- Emperor Joseph II ends the war between Austria and Turkey. 3787
  2873. 1791/--/-- James Boswell publishes his Life of Samuel Johnson. 3797
  2874. 1791/--/-- Louis XVI and Marie Antoinette are captured while trying to leave France. 3784
  2875. 1791/--/-- Marquis de Sade writes the novel Justine from his prison cell. 3798
  2876. 1791/--/-- Miami Indian chief Little Turtle defeats an American force under General Arthur St. Clair. 3789
  2877. 1791/--/-- Miami Indian chief Little Turtle defeats an American force under General Arthur St. Clair. 7120
  2878. 1791/--/-- Mozart's opera The Magic Flute is performed for the first time. 3796
  2879. 1791/--/-- Mozart's opera The Magic Flute is performed for the first time. 7591
  2880. 1791/--/-- Pierre Charles L'Enfant designs the new U.S. capital of Washington, D.C. 3794
  2881. 1791/--/-- The Bill of Rights (the first ten amendments to the U.S. Constitution) is ratified. 3790
  2882. 1791/--/-- The First Bank of the United States is founded. 3792
  2883. 1791/--/-- The Province of Quebec is divided into Upper Canada and Lower Canada. 3788
  2884. 1791/--/-- Thomas Paine publishes The Rights of Man in defense of the French revolution. 3793
  2885. 1791/--/-- Thomas Sheraton publishes The Cabinet Maker and Upholsterer's Drawing Book. 3795
  2886. 1791/--/-- Tom Paine "The Rights of Man" 6754
  2887. 1791/--/-- Toussaint l'Ouverture leads a slave revolt in Haiti against the French. 3786
  2888. 1791/--/-- Vermont becomes the 14th state of the Union. 3791
  2889. 1791/--/-- Vermont becomes the 14th state of the Union. 7006
  2890. 1792/--/-- Architect James Hoban wins the competition to design the White House. 3815
  2891. 1792/--/-- Charles Bulfinch designs the Connecticut State House (now Hartford City Hall). 3816
  2892. 1792/--/-- First U.S. Trade Union of shoemakers 6755
  2893. 1792/--/-- France declares war on Austria and Prussia, beginning the French Revolutionary Wars. 1307
  2894. 1792/--/-- France declares war on Austria and Prussia, beginning the French Revolutionary Wars. 3805
  2895. 1792/--/-- Francis II succeeds Leopold II to become the last Holy Roman Emperor. 3803
  2896. 1792/--/-- George Washington is reelected as president. 3811
  2897. 1792/--/-- German philosopher Fichte writes an Essay toward a Critique of All Revelations. 3818
  2898. 1792/--/-- Gustav III of Sweden is assassinated at a masquerade in Stockholm. 1499
  2899. 1792/--/-- Gustav III of Sweden is assassinated at a masquerade in Stockholm. 3802
  2900. 1792/--/-- Jefferson leads the Democratic-Republican party in opposition to the Federalists. 3810
  2901. 1792/--/-- Kentucky becomes the 15th state of the Union. 3812
  2902. 1792/--/-- Kentucky becomes the 15th state of the Union. 7007
  2903. 1792/--/-- Mary Wollstonecraft publishes A Vindication of the Rights of Women. 3819
  2904. 1792/--/-- New insurrections begin in France; Louis XVI is imprisoned by the Commune of Paris. 3806
  2905. 1792/--/-- Russia and Prussia invade Poland, which is still recovering from the Partition of 1772. 3804
  2906. 1792/--/-- Swiss scientist Aime Argand develops a practical oil lamp using a tubular wick. 3800
  2907. 1792/--/-- The Columbia River is discovered by Boston trader Robert Gray. 3813
  2908. 1792/--/-- The dollar is selected as the U.S. unit of currency. 3814
  2909. 1792/--/-- The French Republic adopts the guillotine as a uniform method of execution. 3808
  2910. 1792/--/-- The French under Dumouriez halt the Prussians and defeat the Austrians at Jemappes. 3809
  2911. 1792/--/-- The National Convention proclaims France a Republic. 3807
  2912. 1792/--/-- The Treaty of Jasso ends the Russo-Turkish War. 3801
  2913. 1792/--/-- Thomas Paine publishes the Rights of Man and is outlawed for treason in England. 1170
  2914. 1792/--/-- Thomas Paine publishes the Rights of Man and is outlawed for treason in England. 3817
  2915. 1793/--/-- Britain, Holland, Spain and Sardinia form a new anti-French coalition. 3821
  2916. 1793/--/-- Eli Whitney invents cotton gin; revives dying slave economy of South 6756
  2917. 1793/--/-- Eli Whitney invents the cotton gin. 3826
  2918. 1793/--/-- Eli Whitney invents the cotton gin. 7448
  2919. 1793/--/-- France adopts the metric system of measurement. 3825
  2920. 1793/--/-- France raises the first national army of conscripts to oppose the Coalition forces. 3822
  2921. 1793/--/-- French King Louis XVI and Queen Marie Antoinette executed 6757
  2922. 1793/--/-- French revolutionary Jean Paul Marat is murdered by Charlotte Corday. 1500
  2923. 1793/--/-- French revolutionary Jean Paul Marat is murdered by Charlotte Corday. 3824
  2924. 1793/--/-- Fugitive Slave Act 6758
  2925. 1793/--/-- George Washington lays the cornerstone for the Capitol building in Washington D.C. 3828
  2926. 1793/--/-- J.-L. David paints "The Dead Marat" 6759
  2927. 1793/--/-- Jean Pierre Blanchard makes the first U.S. balloon flight in Philadelphia. 3827
  2928. 1793/--/-- Louis XVI and Marie Antoinette are executed; the Reign of Terror begins in France. 3820
  2929. 1793/--/-- Russia and Prussia seize Polish lands as part of the Second Partition of Poland. 3823
  2930. 1794/--/-- Ann Ward Radcliffe publishes her gothic novel The Mysteries of Udolpho. 3837
  2931. 1794/--/-- French engineer Claude Chappe invents the semaphore signaling system. 3836
  2932. 1794/--/-- French engineer Claude Chappe invents the semaphore signaling system. 7449
  2933. 1794/--/-- Jay's Treaty settles disputes between Britain and the U.S. 3835
  2934. 1794/--/-- Militia under General Henry Lee suppress the Whiskey Rebellion in Pennsylvania. 3834
  2935. 1794/--/-- Robespierre's execution ends the Reign of Terror in France; the Thermidorian Reaction begins. 3829
  2936. 1794/--/-- Tadeusz Kosciuszko leads a revolt of Polish peasants against Russia. 3831
  2937. 1794/--/-- The British occupy the French island of Corsica for a two-year period. 3830
  2938. 1794/--/-- The Qajar (Kajar) dynasty is founded in Persia (Iran). 3832
  2939. 1794/--/-- U.S. forces under Anthony Wayne defeat the Indians at the Battle of Fallen Timbers. 3833
  2940. 1795/--/-- American artist Charles Wilson Peale paints the Staircase group. 3849
  2941. 1795/--/-- American artist Charles Wilson Peale paints the Staircase group. 7121
  2942. 1795/--/-- American artist Charles Wilson Peale paints the Staircase group. 7592
  2943. 1795/--/-- Austrian composer Franz Josef Haydn completes the 12 London symphonies. 3848
  2944. 1795/--/-- France claims the island of Hispaniola. 3845
  2945. 1795/--/-- Napoleon Bonaparte defeats the insurrectionists in Paris. 3842
  2946. 1795/--/-- Prussia and Spain sue for peace with France. 3843
  2947. 1795/--/-- Scottish explorer Mungo Park reaches the Gambia and Niger Rivers. 3846
  2948. 1795/--/-- Scottish geologist James Hutton publishes his Theory of the Earth. 3850
  2949. 1795/--/-- Spain recognizes U.S. claims to West Florida (Mississippi). 3844
  2950. 1795/--/-- Stanislaw II abdicates as the last king of Poland. 3841
  2951. 1795/--/-- The British capture Cape Province (South Africa) from the Dutch. 3839
  2952. 1795/--/-- The British capture Cape Province (South Africa) from the Dutch. 7886
  2953. 1795/--/-- The Constitution of 1795 establishes a Directory to rule France. 3838
  2954. 1795/--/-- The final Partition of Poland is made among Russia, Prussia and Austria. 3840
  2955. 1795/--/-- The Methodists separate from the Church of England. 1171
  2956. 1795/--/-- The Methodists separate from the Church of England. 3847
  2957. 1796/--/-- English novelist Fanny Burney publishes Camilla. 1172
  2958. 1796/--/-- English novelist Fanny Burney publishes Camilla. 3862
  2959. 1796/--/-- English physician Edward Jenner develops vaccination against smallpox. 1173
  2960. 1796/--/-- English physician Edward Jenner develops vaccination against smallpox. 3860
  2961. 1796/--/-- George Washington declines to serve as president for a third term. 3856
  2962. 1796/--/-- Gilbert Stuart paints a portrait of Washington (used later on the dollar bill). 3861
  2963. 1796/--/-- Gilbert Stuart paints a portrait of Washington (used later on the dollar bill). 7593
  2964. 1796/--/-- John Adams is elected as the 2nd U.S. president; Jefferson becomes vice-president. 3857
  2965. 1796/--/-- Napoleon defeats the Austrian and Sardinian armies in Italy. 3853
  2966. 1796/--/-- Napoleon marries Josephine, the widow of the vicomte de Beauharnais. 3852
  2967. 1796/--/-- Napoleon restores Corsica to French rule. 3854
  2968. 1796/--/-- Samuel Hahnemann publishes his findings on homeopathic treatment. 3859
  2969. 1796/--/-- Spain sides with France in the war against Britain. 1308
  2970. 1796/--/-- Spain sides with France in the war against Britain. 3855
  2971. 1796/--/-- Tennessee becomes the 16th state of the Union. 3858
  2972. 1796/--/-- Tennessee becomes the 16th state of the Union. 7008
  2973. 1796/--/-- The British seize Ceylon (Sri Lanka) from the Dutch. 3851
  2974. 1797/--/-- Austria cedes the Austrian Netherlands (present-day Belgium) to France. 3868
  2975. 1797/--/-- British wood engraver Thomas Bewick publishes A History of British Birds. 3870
  2976. 1797/--/-- David Thompson surveys the Mississippi headwaters for the North West Company. 3869
  2977. 1797/--/-- John Adams (Federalist) becomes president of the United States 281
  2978. 1797/--/-- Nelson defeats the Spanish fleet at Cape St. Vincent, and the Dutch at Camperdown. 3863
  2979. 1797/--/-- The British capture the Spanish colony of Trinidad. 3864
  2980. 1797/--/-- The Directory appoint Talleyrand as minister of foreign affairs for France. 3865
  2981. 1797/--/-- The Treaty of Campo Formio ends the war of the First Coalition against France. 1309
  2982. 1797/--/-- The Treaty of Campo Formio ends the war of the First Coalition against France. 3866
  2983. 1797/--/-- The Venetian Republic is dissolved; Venice is ruled by Austria. 3867
  2984. 1798/--/-- Alien and Sedition Act 6760
  2985. 1798/--/-- America's first professional author Charles Brockden Brown publishes Wieland. 3882
  2986. 1798/--/-- America's first professional author Charles Brockden Brown publishes Wieland. 7122
  2987. 1798/--/-- Britain, Austria, Russia and Turkey form a Second Coalition against France. 3874
  2988. 1798/--/-- Economist Thomas Malthus publishes An Essay on the Principle of Population. 3881
  2989. 1798/--/-- Eli Whitney uses early mass production techniques to manufacture muskets. 3880
  2990. 1798/--/-- French armies occupy Rome and invade Switzerland, creating the Helvetic Republic. 3871
  2991. 1798/--/-- Haydn composes "The Creation" 6761
  2992. 1798/--/-- Lord Wellesley becomes governor-general of India. 3875
  2993. 1798/--/-- Napoleon's army invades Egypt and defeats the Mamelukes at the Battle of the Pyramids. 3872
  2994. 1798/--/-- The French fleet is destroyed by Nelson at Abukir Bay, cutting off Napoleon's forces in Egypt. 3873
  2995. 1798/--/-- The territory of Mississippi becomes part of the United States. 3879
  2996. 1798/--/-- The territory of Mississippi becomes part of the United States. 7009
  2997. 1798/--/-- The U.S. Congress passes the controversial Alien and Sedition Acts. 3878
  2998. 1798/--/-- The XYZ Affair leads to the Quasi War between France and the U.S. 3877
  2999. 1798/--/-- William Wordsworth publishes Lyrical Ballads with Samuel Taylor Coleridge. 3883
  3000. 1798/--/-- Wolfe Tone leads a revolt against the British by the Society of United Irishmen. 3876
  3001. 1799/--/-- A 33,000 year-old frozen mammoth is discovered at the Lena River in Russia. 3893
  3002. 1799/--/-- Britain becomes the first nation to introduce a national income tax. 3890
  3003. 1799/--/-- City Hotel, the first American structure designed as a hotel, opens in New York. 3891
  3004. 1799/--/-- City Hotel, the first American structure designed as a hotel, opens in New York. 7124
  3005. 1799/--/-- Humboldt and Bonpland begin their scientific expedition in South American. 3894
  3006. 1799/--/-- Humboldt and Bonpland begin their scientific expedition in South American. 7125
  3007. 1799/--/-- Napoleon attacks Syria to prevent a Turkish invasion of Egypt, but is defeated at Acre. 3884
  3008. 1799/--/-- Napoleon becomes Consul 6762
  3009. 1799/--/-- Napoleon returns to France as first consul; the Consulate replaces the Directory. 3885
  3010. 1799/--/-- Ranjit Singh establishes a Sikh kingdom in northwest India. 3888
  3011. 1799/--/-- Russian forces under Suvorov defeat the French in Italy, but are held at Zurich. 3886
  3012. 1799/--/-- The Rosetta Stone, the key to deciphering hieroglyphics, is discovered in Egypt. 3892
  3013. 1799/--/-- The Russian-American Company is founded to administer the Alaskan fur trade. 3889
  3014. 1799/--/-- The Russian-American Company is founded to administer the Alaskan fur trade. 7123
  3015. 1799/--/-- Tippu Sultan is killed in battle with the British; the Mysore empire is destroyed. 1501
  3016. 1799/--/-- Tippu Sultan is killed in battle with the British; the Mysore empire is destroyed. 3887
  3017. 1800/--/-- Black slave Gabriel leads an abortive uprising near Richmond, Virginia. 3900
  3018. 1800/--/-- France regains Louisiana from Spain under the secret Treaty of San Ildefonso. 3897
  3019. 1800/--/-- Italian physicist Alessandro Volta invents the first electric battery. 3902
  3020. 1800/--/-- Italian physicist Alessandro Volta invents the first electric battery. 7450
  3021. 1800/--/-- Jefferson defeats Adams in the U.S. presidential election, but ties with Burr. 3898
  3022. 1800/--/-- Johnny Appleseed (John Chapman) arrives in the Ohio River valley around this time. 3901
  3023. 1800/--/-- Library of Congress founded 6763
  3024. 1800/--/-- Madame de Stael publishes The Influence of Literature Upon Society. 3904
  3025. 1800/--/-- Napoleon commissions Cambaceres to develop the Napoleonic Code of law. 3896
  3026. 1800/--/-- Napoleon defeats the Austrians at the Battle of Marengo. 3895
  3027. 1800/--/-- Seat of government moves from Philadelphia to Washington, DC 6764
  3028. 1800/--/-- The Library of Congress is founded in Washington D.C. 3903
  3029. 1800/--/-- The seat of U.S. government is transferred to Washington, D.C. 3899
  3030. 1800/--/-- Volta invents electric battery 6765
  3031. 1801/--/-- Alexander I becomes emperor of Russia after the murder of his father Paul I. 1502
  3032. 1801/--/-- Alexander I becomes emperor of Russia after the murder of his father Paul I. 3906
  3033. 1801/--/-- Barbary pirates begin the Tripolitan War; a U.S. squadron sails to the Mediterranean. 3911
  3034. 1801/--/-- Castlereagh secures passage of the Act of Union, which unites Britain and Ireland. 3907
  3035. 1801/--/-- Chemists Proust and Berthollet debate the constancy of chemical composition. 3914
  3036. 1801/--/-- Jefferson is selected as the 3rd U.S. president; Burr becomes vice-president. 3905
  3037. 1801/--/-- Nelson defeats the Danish fleet at Copenhagen. 3909
  3038. 1801/--/-- Robert Fulton demonstrates his 3-man submarine the Nautilus. 3913
  3039. 1801/--/-- The British defeat Napoleon's army of Egypt at Alexandria. 3910
  3040. 1801/--/-- The Peace of Luneville ends the war between France and Austria. 1310
  3041. 1801/--/-- The Peace of Luneville ends the war between France and Austria. 3908
  3042. 1801/--/-- The Union Jack becomes the official flag of the United Kingdom. 3912
  3043. 1801/--/-- Thomas Jefferson (Democratic Republican) becomes president of the United States 282
  3044. 1802/--/-- Alexander von Humboldt climbs Mt. Chimborazo, setting a world height record. 3919
  3045. 1802/--/-- American artist Benjamin West paints Death on a Pale Horse. 1503
  3046. 1802/--/-- American artist Benjamin West paints Death on a Pale Horse. 3920
  3047. 1802/--/-- American artist Benjamin West paints Death on a Pale Horse. 7126
  3048. 1802/--/-- American artist Benjamin West paints Death on a Pale Horse. 7594
  3049. 1802/--/-- Britain returns the island of Minorca to Spain. 3918
  3050. 1802/--/-- Napoleon is created First Consul for life. 3915
  3051. 1802/--/-- The French capture Haitian leader Toussaint, but are defeated by Christophe. 3916
  3052. 1802/--/-- The Treaty of Amiens brings a temporary halt to the French Revolutionary Wars. 3917
  3053. 1803/--/-- Britain declares war on France, beginning the Napoleonic Wars. 1311
  3054. 1803/--/-- Britain declares war on France, beginning the Napoleonic Wars. 3922
  3055. 1803/--/-- Britain establishes a new penal colony on Van Diemen's Land (Tasmania). 3923
  3056. 1803/--/-- Dalton devises table of elements 6766
  3057. 1803/--/-- English scientist John Dalton describes his atomic theory. 1174
  3058. 1803/--/-- English scientist John Dalton describes his atomic theory. 3927
  3059. 1803/--/-- France sells Louisiana to the U.S. 3921
  3060. 1803/--/-- Matthew Flinders completes the first circumnavigation of Australia. 3926
  3061. 1803/--/-- Ohio is inaugurated as the l7th state of the Union. 3925
  3062. 1803/--/-- Ohio is inaugurated as the l7th state of the Union. 7010
  3063. 1803/--/-- Robert Emmet leads an Irish rebellion in Dublin; he is captured and executed. 3924
  3064. 1804/--/-- American politician Aaron Burr kills Alexander Hamilton in a duel. 1504
  3065. 1804/--/-- American politician Aaron Burr kills Alexander Hamilton in a duel. 3935
  3066. 1804/--/-- American politician Aaron Burr kills Alexander Hamilton in a duel. 7127
  3067. 1804/--/-- Dessalines declares Haitian independence and names himself Emperor Jacques I. 3933
  3068. 1804/--/-- English engineer Richard Trevithick builds the first steam locomotive. 1175
  3069. 1804/--/-- English engineer Richard Trevithick builds the first steam locomotive. 3937
  3070. 1804/--/-- Francis II assumes the title of emperor of Austria. 3928
  3071. 1804/--/-- Fulani leader Usman dan Fodio leads a holy war against the Hausa in Nigeria. 1312
  3072. 1804/--/-- Fulani leader Usman dan Fodio leads a holy war against the Hausa in Nigeria. 3932
  3073. 1804/--/-- Jefferson is reelected as U.S. president; Clinton becomes vice-president. 3934
  3074. 1804/--/-- Lewis and Clark expedition encounters Native Americans 6767
  3075. 1804/--/-- Lewis and Clarke Expedition 6768
  3076. 1804/--/-- Meriwether Lewis and William Clark begin exploring the American north-west. 3936
  3077. 1804/--/-- Meriwether Lewis and William Clark begin exploring the American north-west. 7128
  3078. 1804/--/-- Napoleon becomes Emperor 6769
  3079. 1804/--/-- Napoleon crowns himself emperor of France. 3929
  3080. 1804/--/-- Serbian nationalists revolt against the Turks. 3930
  3081. 1804/--/-- Stephen Decatur leads a U.S. navy skirmish into Tripoli harbor. 3931
  3082. 1805/--/-- American explorers Lewis and Clark reach the Pacific Ocean. 3943
  3083. 1805/--/-- American explorers Lewis and Clark reach the Pacific Ocean. 7129
  3084. 1805/--/-- Austria sues for peace with France at the Treaty of Pressburg. 3942
  3085. 1805/--/-- Britain, Austria, Russia and Sweden form a Third Coalition against France. 3938
  3086. 1805/--/-- Muhammad Ali is appointed Pasha (governor) of Egypt by the Ottoman sultan. 3940
  3087. 1805/--/-- Nelson defeats the Franco-Spanish fleet at Trafalgar, but is killed during the action. 1505
  3088. 1805/--/-- Nelson defeats the Franco-Spanish fleet at Trafalgar, but is killed during the action. 3939
  3089. 1805/--/-- The French defeat Austro-Russian forces at the Battle of Austerlitz. 3941
  3090. 1805/--/-- The Shawnee Prophet, brother of Tecumseh, begins planning an Indian uprising. 3944
  3091. 1806/--/-- Emperor Jacques I is assassinated; Haiti is divided between Christophe and Petion. 1506
  3092. 1806/--/-- Emperor Jacques I is assassinated; Haiti is divided between Christophe and Petion. 3949
  3093. 1806/--/-- Napoleon begins the Continental System, closing European ports to British vessels. 3947
  3094. 1806/--/-- Napoleon forces the abdication of Francis II; the Holy Roman Empire is dissolved. 3945
  3095. 1806/--/-- Noah Webster publishes "Compendious" Dictionary of the English Language" 6770
  3096. 1806/--/-- Prussia joins the Coalition against France, but is defeated at Jena-Auerstadt. 3946
  3097. 1806/--/-- Revolutionary leader Francisco de Miranda makes an abortive invasion of Venezuela. 3950
  3098. 1806/--/-- The British employ Congreve rockets against a French invasion fleet. 3948
  3099. 1806/--/-- U.S. explorer Zebulon Pike is sent west to descend the Red River. 3951
  3100. 1806/--/-- William Murdock installs gas lighting in a Manchester cotton mill. 3952
  3101. 1807/--/-- Aaron Burr is tried for treason and acquitted. 3958
  3102. 1807/--/-- Beethoven completes his Fifth Symphony and begins the Sixth (Pastoral). 3962
  3103. 1807/--/-- Beethoven completes his Fifth Symphony and begins the Sixth (Pastoral). 7595
  3104. 1807/--/-- British chemist Humphry Davy discovers the elements potassium and sodium. 3961
  3105. 1807/--/-- Congress passes the Embargo Act in response to interference with U.S. shipping. 3957
  3106. 1807/--/-- German philosopher Hegel publishes The Phenomenology of the Spirit. 3963
  3107. 1807/--/-- Napoleon defeats the Russian armies; Russia and Prussia sue for peace at Tilsit. 3953
  3108. 1807/--/-- Portugal refuses to observe the blockade against England; France invades Portugal. 1176
  3109. 1807/--/-- Portugal refuses to observe the blockade against England; France invades Portugal. 3955
  3110. 1807/--/-- Robert Fulton's steamship the Clermont makes its maiden voyage. 3960
  3111. 1807/--/-- Sir Humphry Davy discovers the elements potassium and sodium 6771
  3112. 1807/--/-- The Janissaries depose Sultan Selim III and place Mustafa IV on the Ottoman throne. 3954
  3113. 1807/--/-- The slave trade is outlawed throughout the British Empire. 3959
  3114. 1807/--/-- The U.S. frigate Chesapeake is involved in an incident with a British man-of-war. 3956
  3115. 1808/--/-- Beethoven composes "Fifth Symphony" 6772
  3116. 1808/--/-- Congress prohibits importing of African slaves 6773
  3117. 1808/--/-- Francisco de Goya paints The Third of May, depicting the cruelty of war. 3968
  3118. 1808/--/-- Francisco de Goya paints The Third of May, depicting the cruelty of war. 7596
  3119. 1808/--/-- French chemist Joseph Louis Gay-Lussac isolates the element boron. 3967
  3120. 1808/--/-- German artist Caspar David Friedrich exhibits The Cross in the Mountains. 3970
  3121. 1808/--/-- German artist Caspar David Friedrich exhibits The Cross in the Mountains. 7597
  3122. 1808/--/-- Japanese artist Buncho paints True View of Mount Hiko. 3969
  3123. 1808/--/-- Japanese artist Buncho paints True View of Mount Hiko. 7598
  3124. 1808/--/-- Japanese artist Buncho paints True View of Mount Hiko. 7990
  3125. 1808/--/-- John Jacob Astor founds the American Fur Company. 3966
  3126. 1808/--/-- John Jacob Astor founds the American Fur Company. 7130
  3127. 1808/--/-- Napoleon appoints his brother Joseph as king of Spain. 3964
  3128. 1808/--/-- Napoleon occupys Spain 6774
  3129. 1808/--/-- The British under Wellington aid Portugal against France in the Peninsular War. 3965
  3130. 1809/--/-- Frenchman Nicolas Appert develops the first effective method for canning food. 3977
  3131. 1809/--/-- German artists Overbeck and Pforr found the Nazarenes. 3978
  3132. 1809/--/-- German artists Overbeck and Pforr found the Nazarenes. 7599
  3133. 1809/--/-- James Madison (Democratic Republican) becomes president of the United States 283
  3134. 1809/--/-- John Stevens' steamboat the Phoenix makes the first ocean-going voyage. 3976
  3135. 1809/--/-- Lamarck publishes his theories of evolution in Zoological Philosophy. 3975
  3136. 1809/--/-- Metternich draws Austria into the War of the Fifth Coalition against France. 3971
  3137. 1809/--/-- Napoleon annexes the Papal States and takes Pope Pius VII prisoner. 3972
  3138. 1809/--/-- Russia seizes Finland from Sweden; King Gustav IV Adolf abdicates. 3974
  3139. 1809/--/-- The French defeat the Austrians at Wagram; Francis II accepts the Treaty of Schonbrunn. 3973
  3140. 1810/--/-- A rebellion against Spain breaks out in Buenos Aires, Argentina. 3981
  3141. 1810/--/-- American settlers rebel against the Spanish in West Florida. 3982
  3142. 1810/--/-- American settlers rebel against the Spanish in West Florida. 7131
  3143. 1810/--/-- Kamehameha I becomes ruler of Hawaii and establishes the Kamehameha dynasty. 3983
  3144. 1810/--/-- Mexican priest Miguel Hidalgo y Costilla leads a rebellion against Spanish rule. 3980
  3145. 1810/--/-- Revolutions in Latin America lead to independent nations 6775
  3146. 1810/--/-- Separatists movements in Latin America 6776
  3147. 1810/--/-- The Krupp arms factory is established at Essen in Germany. 3984
  3148. 1810/--/-- Wellington's Anglo-Portuguese army holds the French on the outskirts of Lisbon. 3979
  3149. 1811/--/-- Bolivar and Miranda lead the Venezuelan congress in a declaration of independence. 3986
  3150. 1811/--/-- First steamboat to sail down Mississippi reaches New Orleans 6778
  3151. 1811/--/-- George III becomes mentally unstable; the Prince of Wales assumes power as regent. 3990
  3152. 1811/--/-- Henri Christophe declares himself king of northern Haiti. 3989
  3153. 1811/--/-- Italian chemist Amedeo Avogadro develops the concept known as Avogadro's law. 3993
  3154. 1811/--/-- Jane Austen "Sense and Sensibility" 6777
  3155. 1811/--/-- Jose Artigas raises a force to expel the Spanish from the Banda Oriental (Uruguay). 3987
  3156. 1811/--/-- Mexican rebel leader Hidalgo y Costilla is captured and executed. 3985
  3157. 1811/--/-- Native Americans defeated in Battle of Tippecanoe in Indiana Territory 6779
  3158. 1811/--/-- The building of the National Road, the first U.S. federal highway, begins in Maryland. 3992
  3159. 1811/--/-- The first rowing race in the United States is held in New York. 3994
  3160. 1811/--/-- The Luddites riot in England against the mechanization of the textile industry. 1177
  3161. 1811/--/-- The Luddites riot in England against the mechanization of the textile industry. 3991
  3162. 1811/--/-- The ruling Mameluke aristocracy is massacred in Cairo by Muhammad Ali. 3988
  3163. 1811/--/-- William Henry Harrison defeats the Shawnee Indians at the Battle of Tippecanoe. 3995
  3164. 1812/--/-- An earthquake destroys Caracas in Venezuela, killing 12,000. 1507
  3165. 1812/--/-- An earthquake destroys Caracas in Venezuela, killing 12,000. 4007
  3166. 1812/--/-- English caricaturist Thomas Rowlandson illustrates the Tour of Dr. Syntax. 1178
  3167. 1812/--/-- English caricaturist Thomas Rowlandson illustrates the Tour of Dr. Syntax. 4013
  3168. 1812/--/-- General William Hull surrenders Detroit to the British. 4000
  3169. 1812/--/-- Georges Cuvier develops his theory of catastrophism through the study of fossils. 4009
  3170. 1812/--/-- Grimm's Fairy Tales are published in Germany. 4014
  3171. 1812/--/-- John Nash begins the oriental conversion of the Royal Pavilion at Brighton. 4011
  3172. 1812/--/-- Louisiana is inaugurated as the 18th state of the Union. 4006
  3173. 1812/--/-- Louisiana is inaugurated as the 18th state of the Union. 7011
  3174. 1812/--/-- Napoleon's army retreats from Moscow; only 40,000 men reach France. 4005
  3175. 1812/--/-- Napoleon defeated in Russia 6780
  3176. 1812/--/-- Napoleon invades Russia with 450,000 men. 3996
  3177. 1812/--/-- Rebel leader Morelos y Pavon defeats the Mexican royalist forces at Oaxaca. 4003
  3178. 1812/--/-- Spanish forces defeat Bolivar and Miranda in Venezuela; Miranda is imprisoned. 4004
  3179. 1812/--/-- Stephen Decatur's frigate United States defeats the British frigate Macedonian. 4002
  3180. 1812/--/-- Swiss explorer Jakob Burckhardt rediscovers the ancient city of Petra. 4008
  3181. 1812/--/-- Territorial and shipping disputes lead to the War of 1812 between the U.S. and Britain. 3999
  3182. 1812/--/-- The ancient city of Petra (now in present-day Jordan) is rediscovered by Johann Burckhardt. 4010
  3183. 1812/--/-- The first coal gas generating station is chartered in London to provide gas lighting. 4012
  3184. 1812/--/-- The French defeat the Russians at Borodino; Napoleon occupies Moscow. 3998
  3185. 1812/--/-- The U.S. Navy frigate Constitution defeats 2 British frigates. 4001
  3186. 1812/--/-- War of 1812 Begins 1313
  3187. 1812/--/-- Wellington defeats the French at the Battle of Salamanca in Spain. 3997
  3188. 1813/--/-- 14 Luddites are hanged at York in England. 1179
  3189. 1813/--/-- 14 Luddites are hanged at York in England. 4022
  3190. 1813/--/-- English novelist Jane Austen publishes Pride and Prejudice. 1180
  3191. 1813/--/-- English novelist Jane Austen publishes Pride and Prejudice. 4024
  3192. 1813/--/-- James Wilkinson captures a fort at Mobile, the last Spanish possession in West Florida. 4020
  3193. 1813/--/-- Napoleon is defeated at the Battle of Leipzig by the Sixth Coalition. 4015
  3194. 1813/--/-- Oliver Hazard Perry's ships destroy the British fleet on Lake Erie. 4017
  3195. 1813/--/-- Pro-British Indian leader Tecumseh is killed in the Battle of the Thames. 1508
  3196. 1813/--/-- Pro-British Indian leader Tecumseh is killed in the Battle of the Thames. 4019
  3197. 1813/--/-- Rebel forces invade Venezuela and capture Caracas; Bolivar is declared the Liberator. 4021
  3198. 1813/--/-- Robert Southey is made poet laureate of England. 1181
  3199. 1813/--/-- Robert Southey is made poet laureate of England. 4023
  3200. 1813/--/-- Wellington defeats the French in Spain at Vitoria and invades southern France. 4016
  3201. 1813/--/-- William Henry Harrison defeats the British at the Battle of the Thames. 4018
  3202. 1814/--/-- Actor Edmund Kean makes his debut as Shylock in The Merchant of Venice. 4034
  3203. 1814/--/-- Andrew Jackson annihilates the Creek Indians at the Battle of Horseshoe Bend. 4026
  3204. 1814/--/-- Andrew Jackson crushes Creek Resistance in South 6781
  3205. 1814/--/-- British forces burn Washington, D.C., but are repulsed at Fort McHenry. 4028
  3206. 1814/--/-- Coalition armies invade France; Napoleon abdicates and is exiled to the island of Elba. 4025
  3207. 1814/--/-- French artist Ingres paints The Grand Odalisque. 4035
  3208. 1814/--/-- French artist Ingres paints The Grand Odalisque. 7600
  3209. 1814/--/-- George Stephenson constructs his first steam locomotive. 4033
  3210. 1814/--/-- Louis XVIII assumes the French throne. 4027
  3211. 1814/--/-- New England states discuss their secession from the Union at the Hartford Convention. 1182
  3212. 1814/--/-- New England states discuss their secession from the Union at the Hartford Convention. 4030
  3213. 1814/--/-- Pope Pius VII returns to Rome; the Jesuit order is reestablished. 4032
  3214. 1814/--/-- The Treaty of Ghent ends the War of 1812 between the U.S. and Britain. 4031
  3215. 1814/--/-- Treaty of Ghent 6782
  3216. 1814/--/-- U.S. forces under Thomas Macdonough destroy the British fleet on Lake Champlain. 4029
  3217. 1815/--/-- French Monarchy re-established 6783
  3218. 1815/--/-- Napoleon escapes from Elba and marches on Paris during the Hundred Days. 4037
  3219. 1815/--/-- Napoleon is defeated at the Battle of Waterloo; he is exiled to the island of Saint Helena. 4039
  3220. 1815/--/-- The Americans defeat the British at New Orleans before news of peace arrives. 4036
  3221. 1815/--/-- The Americans defeat the British at New Orleans before news of peace arrives. 7132
  3222. 1815/--/-- The Barbary States sue for peace with the U.S. 4040
  3223. 1815/--/-- The first Gurkha regiment is formed by the British army. 4042
  3224. 1815/--/-- The Spanish army reconquers Venezuela; Bolivar flees to Jamaica. 4038
  3225. 1815/--/-- The Spanish capture and execute the Mexican rebel leader Morelos y Pavon. 4041
  3226. 1815/--/-- War of 1812 Ends 1314
  3227. 1816/--/-- Gioacchino Rossini's opera The Barber of Seville is performed in Rome. 4048
  3228. 1816/--/-- Gioacchino Rossini's opera The Barber of Seville is performed in Rome. 7601
  3229. 1816/--/-- Indiana is inaugurated as the 19th state of the Union. 4046
  3230. 1816/--/-- Indiana is inaugurated as the 19th state of the Union. 7012
  3231. 1816/--/-- Maria I of Portugal dies; she is succeeded by John VI who remains in exile in Brazil. 1509
  3232. 1816/--/-- Maria I of Portugal dies; she is succeeded by John VI who remains in exile in Brazil. 4049
  3233. 1816/--/-- Nepal is made a protectorate of British India. 4043
  3234. 1816/--/-- Shaka begins establishing the Zulu empire in South Africa. 4045
  3235. 1816/--/-- Shaka begins establishing the Zulu empire in South Africa. 7887
  3236. 1816/--/-- The British Museum buys the Elgin Marbles (smuggled from Greece by Lord Elgin). 4047
  3237. 1816/--/-- The United Provinces of the Rio de la Plata (Argentina) declare independence. 4044
  3238. 1817/--/-- Construction begins on Erie Canal in New York 6784
  3239. 1817/--/-- Construction of the Erie Canal begins in New York State. 4053
  3240. 1817/--/-- First Seminole War 6785
  3241. 1817/--/-- French physician Rene Laennec invents the stethoscope. 4054
  3242. 1817/--/-- French physician Rene Laennec invents the stethoscope. 7451
  3243. 1817/--/-- James Monroe (Democratic Republican) becomes president of the United States 284
  3244. 1817/--/-- Jose de San Martin and Bernardo O'Higgins defeat the Spanish in Chile. 4051
  3245. 1817/--/-- Mississippi is inaugurated as the 20th state of the Union. 4052
  3246. 1817/--/-- Mississippi is inaugurated as the 20th state of the Union. 7013
  3247. 1817/--/-- Monroe is inaugurated as the 5th U.S. president; Tompkins becomes vice-president. 4050
  3248. 1817/--/-- Sir Walter Scott writes the Scottish adventure novel Rob Roy. 4055
  3249. 1818/--/-- Arthur Schopenhauer publishes The World as Will and Representation. 4060
  3250. 1818/--/-- Bernardo O'Higgins becomes the supreme director of independent Chile. 4056
  3251. 1818/--/-- Composer Franz Schubert becomes the music teacher to Count Esterhazy's family. 4061
  3252. 1818/--/-- Composer Franz Schubert becomes the music teacher to Count Esterhazy's family. 7602
  3253. 1818/--/-- English chemist Sir Humphry Davy invents the miner's safety lamp. 1183
  3254. 1818/--/-- English chemist Sir Humphry Davy invents the miner's safety lamp. 4059
  3255. 1818/--/-- English chemist Sir Humphry Davy invents the miner's safety lamp. 7452
  3256. 1818/--/-- Illinois is inaugurated as the 21st state of the Union. 4057
  3257. 1818/--/-- Illinois is inaugurated as the 21st state of the Union. 7014
  3258. 1818/--/-- John Keats "Endymion" 6786
  3259. 1818/--/-- Mary Wollstonecroft Shelley publishes the horror novel Frankenstein. 4063
  3260. 1818/--/-- Sir John Ross sails in search of the Northwest Passage. 4058
  3261. 1818/--/-- Thomas Love Peacock publishes his comic novel Nightmare Abbey. 4062
  3262. 1818/--/-- Treaty with Britain sets 49th parallel 6787
  3263. 1819/--/-- Alabama is inaugurated as the 22nd state of the Union. 4067
  3264. 1819/--/-- Alabama is inaugurated as the 22nd state of the Union. 7015
  3265. 1819/--/-- American artist Washington Allston paints Moonlit Landscape. 4070
  3266. 1819/--/-- American artist Washington Allston paints Moonlit Landscape. 7133
  3267. 1819/--/-- American artist Washington Allston paints Moonlit Landscape. 7603
  3268. 1819/--/-- Bolivar defeats the Spanish in Colombia at the Battle of Boyaca. 4065
  3269. 1819/--/-- Lord Byron begins his satirical poem Don Juan. 4071
  3270. 1819/--/-- Sir Thomas Stamford Raffles acquires Singapore for the East India Company. 4066
  3271. 1819/--/-- Spain surrenders East and West Florida to the U.S. in the Adams-Onis Treaty. 4064
  3272. 1819/--/-- The Prado Museum is inaugurated in Madrid. 4069
  3273. 1819/--/-- The Savannah becomes the first steamship to cross the Atlantic. 4068
  3274. 1819/--/-- Treaty with Spain sets boundaries 6788
  3275. 1820/--/-- Carbonari Italian nationalists rebel against the rule of Ferdinand I in Naples. 4080
  3276. 1820/--/-- English poet John Keats writes Ode To a Nightingale. 1184
  3277. 1820/--/-- English poet John Keats writes Ode To a Nightingale. 4084
  3278. 1820/--/-- English poet Percy Bysshe Shelley writes Prometheus Unbound. 1185
  3279. 1820/--/-- English poet Percy Bysshe Shelley writes Prometheus Unbound. 4086
  3280. 1820/--/-- Fed offers land at $1.25 an acre 6789
  3281. 1820/--/-- French navigator Dumont d'Urville discovers the Venus de Milo on the island of Melos. 4083
  3282. 1820/--/-- French poet Alphonse de Lamartine publishes Meditations Poetiques. 4085
  3283. 1820/--/-- Henri Christophe commits suicide; Haiti is united under Jean Pierre Boyer. 1510
  3284. 1820/--/-- Henri Christophe commits suicide; Haiti is united under Jean Pierre Boyer. 4075
  3285. 1820/--/-- Juan Manuel de Rosas becomes the virtual dictator of Argentina. 4072
  3286. 1820/--/-- Maine is inaugurated as the 23rd state of the Union. 4076
  3287. 1820/--/-- Maine is inaugurated as the 23rd state of the Union. 7016
  3288. 1820/--/-- Missouri Compromise 6790
  3289. 1820/--/-- Percy Bysshe Shelly "Prometheus Unbound" 6791
  3290. 1820/--/-- Russian Admiral Fabian von Bellingshausen sights land in the Antarctic. 4082
  3291. 1820/--/-- Stephen H. Long explores the Rocky Mountain region. 4078
  3292. 1820/--/-- The first American missionaries are admitted to Hawaii. 4081
  3293. 1820/--/-- The first American missionaries are admitted to Hawaii. 7135
  3294. 1820/--/-- The first free American slaves to be resettled in Africa land in Liberia. 4073
  3295. 1820/--/-- The first free American slaves to be resettled in Africa land in Liberia. 7134
  3296. 1820/--/-- The first free American slaves to be resettled in Africa land in Liberia. 7888
  3297. 1820/--/-- The Missouri Compromise admits Missouri to the Union as a slave state. 4079
  3298. 1820/--/-- The Prince Regent becomes King George IV on the death of George III. 1511
  3299. 1820/--/-- The Prince Regent becomes King George IV on the death of George III. 4074
  3300. 1820/--/-- U.S. navy hero Stephen Decatur is killed in a duel. 1512
  3301. 1820/--/-- U.S. navy hero Stephen Decatur is killed in a duel. 4077
  3302. 1820/--/-- Washington Irving publishes Rip Van Winkle and The Legend of Sleepy Hollow. 4087
  3303. 1821/--/-- American captain John Davis is the first to land on the continent of Antarctica. 4097
  3304. 1821/--/-- American captain John Davis is the first to land on the continent of Antarctica. 7136
  3305. 1821/--/-- Bolivar forms Gran Colombia (Ecuador, Colombia, Venezuela and Panama). 4092
  3306. 1821/--/-- Brazil annexes the Banda Oriental (Uruguay). 4094
  3307. 1821/--/-- English landscape artist John Constable paints The Hay Wain. 1186
  3308. 1821/--/-- English landscape artist John Constable paints The Hay Wain. 4099
  3309. 1821/--/-- English landscape artist John Constable paints The Hay Wain. 7604
  3310. 1821/--/-- King John VI is reinstated on the Portuguese throne. 4089
  3311. 1821/--/-- Mexican Independence 6792
  3312. 1821/--/-- Michael Faraday discovers electromagnetic rotation 6793
  3313. 1821/--/-- Missouri Compromise 6794
  3314. 1821/--/-- Missouri is inaugurated as the 24th state of the Union. 4096
  3315. 1821/--/-- Missouri is inaugurated as the 24th state of the Union. 7017
  3316. 1821/--/-- Napoleon dies on Saint Helena. 1513
  3317. 1821/--/-- Napoleon dies on Saint Helena. 4095
  3318. 1821/--/-- Revolutionary general San Martin enters Lima and declares Peru independent. 4093
  3319. 1821/--/-- Revolutionary leader Iturbide declares Mexican independence from Spain. 4090
  3320. 1821/--/-- Simon Bolivar defeats the Spanish forces in Venezuela and Ecuador. 4091
  3321. 1821/--/-- The Cherokee Indian Sequoya develops the Cherokee written language. 4098
  3322. 1821/--/-- The Greek War of Independence begins against Turkey. 4088
  3323. 1821/--/-- Thomas de Quincey's Confessions of an English Opium Eater is published. 1187
  3324. 1821/--/-- Thomas de Quincey's Confessions of an English Opium Eater is published. 4100
  3325. 1821/07/09 George IV crowned King of Great Britain and Ireland at Westminster Abbey by Char 8111
  3326. 1822/--/-- American surgeon William Beaumont begins his study of the gastric process. 4106
  3327. 1822/--/-- American surgeon William Beaumont begins his study of the gastric process. 7137
  3328. 1822/--/-- Antonio Jose de Sucre defeats the Spanish in Ecuador at the Battle of Pichincha. 4104
  3329. 1822/--/-- British statesman Lord Castlereagh commits suicide. 1514
  3330. 1822/--/-- British statesman Lord Castlereagh commits suicide. 4103
  3331. 1822/--/-- Denmark Vesey leads a slave revolt in Charleston; 35 blacks are executed. 4105
  3332. 1822/--/-- Dom Pedro, son of Portuguese King John VI, declares Brazil independent. 4102
  3333. 1822/--/-- Egyptian leader Muhammad Ali completes the conquest of northern Sudan. 4101
  3334. 1822/--/-- French scholar Jean Francois Champollion deciphers the Rosetta Stone hieroglyphics. 4107
  3335. 1823/--/-- Charles Babbage begins work on his difference engine, a precursor of the computer. 4110
  3336. 1823/--/-- Charles Lamb publishes his Essays of Elia in The London Magazine. 4116
  3337. 1823/--/-- Charles Macintosh patents the waterproof fabric used in mackintosh raincoats. 4111
  3338. 1823/--/-- General Santa Anna leads a coup against Mexican Emperor Agustin I (Iturbide). 4108
  3339. 1823/--/-- James Fenimore Cooper publishes the first volume of The Leatherstocking Tales. 4115
  3340. 1823/--/-- Japanese artist Hokusai begins a series of Thirty-six Views of Mount Fuji. 4112
  3341. 1823/--/-- Japanese artist Hokusai begins a series of Thirty-six Views of Mount Fuji. 7605
  3342. 1823/--/-- Japanese artist Hokusai begins a series of Thirty-six Views of Mount Fuji. 7991
  3343. 1823/--/-- Ludwig van Beethoven completes his 9th Symphony. 4114
  3344. 1823/--/-- Ludwig van Beethoven completes his 9th Symphony. 7606
  3345. 1823/--/-- Monroe Doctrine 6795
  3346. 1823/--/-- Rugby football originates at Rugby School in England. 875
  3347. 1823/--/-- Rugby football originates at Rugby School in England. 1188
  3348. 1823/--/-- Rugby football originates at Rugby School in England. 4113
  3349. 1823/--/-- The Monroe Doctrine warns Europe not to interfere in the Americas. 4109
  3350. 1823/--/-- The Monroe Doctrine warns Europe not to interfere in the Americas. 7138
  3351. 1824/--/-- De Sucre defeats the Spanish at the Battle of Ayacucho, liberating Peru. 4119
  3352. 1824/--/-- Disputes over the border of India lead to war between Britain and Burma. 1315
  3353. 1824/--/-- Disputes over the border of India lead to war between Britain and Burma. 4117
  3354. 1824/--/-- English poet Lord Byron travels to Greece to aid the patriots but dies of a fever. 1189
  3355. 1824/--/-- English poet Lord Byron travels to Greece to aid the patriots but dies of a fever. 1515
  3356. 1824/--/-- English poet Lord Byron travels to Greece to aid the patriots but dies of a fever. 4121
  3357. 1824/--/-- Jons Jakob Berzelius discovers the element silicon about this time. 4123
  3358. 1824/--/-- Sadi Carnot lays the foundations for the second law of thermodynamics. 4122
  3359. 1824/--/-- The Ashanti begin a war of resistance against Britain in the Gold Coast (Ghana). 4118
  3360. 1824/--/-- The Ashanti begin a war of resistance against Britain in the Gold Coast (Ghana). 1316
  3361. 1824/--/-- The National Gallery is founded in London. 4120
  3362. 1825/--/-- Adams is inaugurated as the 6th U.S. president; Calhoun becomes vice-president. 4124
  3363. 1825/--/-- American painter Thomas Cole founds the Hudson River School about this time. 4130
  3364. 1825/--/-- American painter Thomas Cole founds the Hudson River School about this time. 7140
  3365. 1825/--/-- American painter Thomas Cole founds the Hudson River School about this time. 7607
  3366. 1825/--/-- English literary critic William Hazlitt publishes The Spirit of the Age. 1190
  3367. 1825/--/-- English literary critic William Hazlitt publishes The Spirit of the Age. 4131
  3368. 1825/--/-- John Quincy Adams (Democratic Republican) becomes president of the United States 285
  3369. 1825/--/-- Kappa Alpha, the first social fraternity, is formed at Union College, New York. 4132
  3370. 1825/--/-- Mountain man James Bridger discovers the Great Salt Lake. 4129
  3371. 1825/--/-- Nicholas I is made emperor of Russia; the Decembrists revolt breaks out. 4127
  3372. 1825/--/-- The Central American Federation declares its independence from Mexico. 4126
  3373. 1825/--/-- The Central American Federation declares its independence from Mexico. 7139
  3374. 1825/--/-- Thomas Cole establishes Hudson River school of landscape painting 6796
  3375. 1825/--/-- Uruguayan leader Lavalleja precipitates a war between Brazil and Argentina. 1317
  3376. 1825/--/-- Uruguayan leader Lavalleja precipitates a war between Brazil and Argentina. 4125
  3377. 1825/--/-- Welsh reformer Robert Owen founds a community at New Harmony, Indiana. 4128
  3378. 1826/--/-- American engineer John Stevens builds the first U.S. steam locomotive. 4137
  3379. 1826/--/-- American engineer John Stevens builds the first U.S. steam locomotive. 7141
  3380. 1826/--/-- Andre Ampere publishes his Theory of Electrodynamic Phenomenon. 4136
  3381. 1826/--/-- British engineer Thomas Telford builds the Menai suspension bridge in Wales. 4135
  3382. 1826/--/-- Felix Mendelssohn composes his overture to A Midsummer Night's Dream at age 17. 4138
  3383. 1826/--/-- German poet Heine begins the publication of Reisebilder (Travel Pictures). 4139
  3384. 1826/--/-- Ohm's law establishes the relationship of electrical voltage, current and resistance. 4134
  3385. 1826/--/-- Revolutionary leader Antonio Jose de Sucre is elected first president of Bolivia. 4133
  3386. 1827/--/-- American frontiersman Davy Crockett is elected to Congress. 4143
  3387. 1827/--/-- American frontiersman Davy Crockett is elected to Congress. 7142
  3388. 1827/--/-- Audubon publishes " Birds of America" 6797
  3389. 1827/--/-- Britain, France and Russia demand that Turkey ends the war with Greece. 1318
  3390. 1827/--/-- Britain, France and Russia demand that Turkey ends the war with Greece. 4140
  3391. 1827/--/-- English inventor John Walker introduces the first friction matches. 1191
  3392. 1827/--/-- English inventor John Walker introduces the first friction matches. 4144
  3393. 1827/--/-- English inventor John Walker introduces the first friction matches. 7453
  3394. 1827/--/-- French landscape artist Camille Corot paints the Bridge at Narni. 4146
  3395. 1827/--/-- French landscape artist Camille Corot paints the Bridge at Narni. 7608
  3396. 1827/--/-- Mountain man Jedediah Smith pioneers an overland route to California. 4142
  3397. 1827/--/-- Ornithologist John James Audubon begins the publication of his Birds of America. 4145
  3398. 1827/--/-- Ornithologist John James Audubon begins the publication of his Birds of America. 7143
  3399. 1827/--/-- The Allied navies destroy the Turkish and Egyptian fleet at Navarino in Greece. 4141
  3400. 1828/--/-- Composer Frederic Chopin begins concert tours at age 18. 4151
  3401. 1828/--/-- Greeks win War of Independence from Ottoman Empire 6798
  3402. 1828/--/-- Lavalleja's Thirty-three Immortals achieve Uruguayan independence from Brazil. 4147
  3403. 1828/--/-- Noah Webster publishes his American Dictionary of the English Language. 1192
  3404. 1828/--/-- Noah Webster publishes his American Dictionary of the English Language. 4152
  3405. 1828/--/-- Noah Webster publishes his American Dictionary of the English Language. 7144
  3406. 1828/--/-- Rammohun Roy founds the Brahmo Samaj religious society in India. 4149
  3407. 1828/--/-- The Duke of Wellington becomes prime minister of Britain. 4148
  3408. 1828/--/-- Virtuoso violin player Niccolo Paganini performs in Vienna. 4150
  3409. 1829/--/-- Andrew Jackson (Democrat) becomes president of the United States 286
  3410. 1829/--/-- Delacroix paints "Death of Sardanapalus" 6799
  3411. 1829/--/-- Explorer Charles Sturt charts the Murray River in Australia. 4157
  3412. 1829/--/-- Jackson introduces spoils system 6800
  3413. 1829/--/-- Jackson is inaugurated as the 7th U.S. president; Calhoun continues as vice-president. 4153
  3414. 1829/--/-- Lord Bentinck bans the Indian custom of suttee (the burning of widows). 4159
  3415. 1829/--/-- Louis Braille publishes his braille system of writing for the blind. 4160
  3416. 1829/--/-- Serbia becomes an autonomous principality under Prince Milos. 4154
  3417. 1829/--/-- Sir Robert Peel reorganizes the London police; his policemen are nicknamed Bobbies. 4158
  3418. 1829/--/-- Sir Robert Peel sponsers the Catholic Emancipation Act in Britain. 4155
  3419. 1829/--/-- The convict-free British colony of Western Australia is founded. 4156
  3420. 1829/--/-- The first U.S. encyclopedia, the Encyclopedia Americana, is begun. 4161
  3421. 1829/--/-- The first U.S. encyclopedia, the Encyclopedia Americana, is begun. 7145
  3422. 1830/--/-- Belgium asserts its independence from the Netherlands. 4167
  3423. 1830/--/-- British geologist Charles Lyell begins publishing his Principles of Geology. 4173
  3424. 1830/--/-- Fructuoso Rivera is elected as first president of Uruguay. 4162
  3425. 1830/--/-- George Catlin begins his paintings of North American Indians about this time. 4174
  3426. 1830/--/-- George Catlin begins his paintings of North American Indians about this time. 7146
  3427. 1830/--/-- George Catlin begins his paintings of North American Indians about this time. 7609
  3428. 1830/--/-- Greece becomes independent from Turkey. 4166
  3429. 1830/--/-- Hector Berlioz composes his first major work the Symphonie Fantastique. 4176
  3430. 1830/--/-- Indian Removal Act moves eastern Indians west of Mississippi 6801
  3431. 1830/--/-- Joseph Smith founds the Mormon church at Fayette, New York. 4171
  3432. 1830/--/-- Louis Philippe is chosen as the citizen king of France. 4165
  3433. 1830/--/-- Philipon publishes the satirical weekly La Caricature, with contributions by Daumier. 4175
  3434. 1830/--/-- Polish rebellions are suppressed by Russia. 4168
  3435. 1830/--/-- Simon Bolivar resigns as dictator of Gran Colombia, he dies later in the year. 1516
  3436. 1830/--/-- Simon Bolivar resigns as dictator of Gran Colombia, he dies later in the year. 4169
  3437. 1830/--/-- The Indian Removal Act is passed to move the southeastern tribes to Indian Territory. 4170
  3438. 1830/--/-- The July Revolution in France forces the abdication of Charles X. 4164
  3439. 1830/--/-- The locomotive Best Friend of Charleston is in use on the first U.S. railroad. 4172
  3440. 1830/--/-- The Women's magazine Godey's Lady's Book is published in the U.S. 4177
  3441. 1830/--/-- William IV succeeds George IV as king of England, Scotland, and Ireland. 1193
  3442. 1830/--/-- William IV succeeds George IV as king of England, Scotland, and Ireland. 4163
  3443. 1831/--/-- British naturalist Charles Darwin sails to South America aboard H.M.S. Beagle. 4184
  3444. 1831/--/-- British naturalist Charles Darwin sails to South America aboard H.M.S. Beagle. 7147
  3445. 1831/--/-- Cyrus McCormick invents a mechanical reaper. 4187
  3446. 1831/--/-- Cyrus McCormick invents a mechanical reaper. 7454
  3447. 1831/--/-- Explorer James Clark Ross determines the position of the north magnetic pole. 4183
  3448. 1831/--/-- Italian revolutionary Giuseppe Mazzini founds the Young Italy movement. 4180
  3449. 1831/--/-- Jose Antonio Paez becomes the first president of Venezuela. 4179
  3450. 1831/--/-- King Louis Philippe founds the French foreign legion. 4185
  3451. 1831/--/-- Leopold I is selected as the first king of Belgium. 4178
  3452. 1831/--/-- Michael Faraday demonstrates his theory of electromagnetic induction. 4188
  3453. 1831/--/-- Nat Turner leads a black slave revolt in Virginia; he is captured and hanged. 4182
  3454. 1831/--/-- Russian poet Aleksandr Pushkin completes his masterpiece Eugene Onegin. 4189
  3455. 1831/--/-- The crown colony of British Guiana (Guyana) is formed. 4181
  3456. 1831/--/-- Victor Hugo "Hunchback of Notre Dame" 6802
  3457. 1831/--/-- William Lloyd Garrison publishes the abolitionist newspaper the Liberator. 4186
  3458. 1832/--/-- George Sand (Aurore Dudevant) publishes her first novel Indiana. 4193
  3459. 1832/--/-- Japanese artist Hiroshige begins work on Fifty-three Stages of the Tokaido. 4192
  3460. 1832/--/-- Japanese artist Hiroshige begins work on Fifty-three Stages of the Tokaido. 7610
  3461. 1832/--/-- Japanese artist Hiroshige begins work on Fifty-three Stages of the Tokaido. 7992
  3462. 1832/--/-- Samuel F.B. Morse designs improved electromagnetic telegraph 6803
  3463. 1832/--/-- The Black Hawk War is the last major Indian conflict east of the Mississippi River. 4190
  3464. 1832/--/-- The Democratic party is formally established as a national organization. 4191
  3465. 1833/--/-- A Bavarian prince becomes King Otto of Greece. 4197
  3466. 1833/--/-- Britain occupies the Falkland Islands. 4194
  3467. 1833/--/-- Carl von Clausewitz's classic study of warfare On War is published. 4200
  3468. 1833/--/-- General Santa Anna becomes president of Mexico. 4196
  3469. 1833/--/-- Isabella II succeeds Ferdinand VII, King of Spain; the Carlist Wars begin. 4195
  3470. 1833/--/-- President Jackson withdraws federal deposits from the Bank of the United States. 4198
  3471. 1833/--/-- Santa Anna elected President of Mexico 6804
  3472. 1833/--/-- The American Anti-Slavery Society is inaugurated in Philadelphia. 4199
  3473. 1833/--/-- The American Anti-Slavery Society is inaugurated in Philadelphia. 7148
  3474. 1833/--/-- Victor Hugo's novel The Hunchback of Notre Dame is published in English. 1194
  3475. 1833/--/-- Victor Hugo's novel The Hunchback of Notre Dame is published in English. 4201
  3476. 1834/--/-- A Quadruple Alliance is formed to aid Isabella II of Spain and Maria II of Portugal. 4203
  3477. 1834/--/-- American inventor Jacob Perkins patents the first practical ice-making machine. 4207
  3478. 1834/--/-- American inventor Jacob Perkins patents the first practical ice-making machine. 7149
  3479. 1834/--/-- American inventor Jacob Perkins patents the first practical ice-making machine. 7455
  3480. 1834/--/-- British politician Sir Robert Peel founds the Conservative Party. 4204
  3481. 1834/--/-- Indian Territory founded 6805
  3482. 1834/--/-- Slavery abolished in British Empire 6806
  3483. 1834/--/-- The Carlist Wars resume in Spain. 4202
  3484. 1834/--/-- The Hansom cab is designed; it becomes the standard horse-drawn cab in London. 4206
  3485. 1834/--/-- The Whig party is formed to oppose Andrew Jackson and the Democratic party. 4205
  3486. 1835/--/-- American settlers begin the Texas Revolution against Mexican rule. 4209
  3487. 1835/--/-- American settlers begin the Texas Revolution against Mexican rule. 7150
  3488. 1835/--/-- Attempts to move the Seminole Indians begins the second Seminole War. 4208
  3489. 1835/--/-- Danish writer Hans Christian Andersen publishes Tales Told for Children. 4212
  3490. 1835/--/-- French politician Alexis de Tocqueville publishes Democracy in America. 4210
  3491. 1835/--/-- French politician Alexis de Tocqueville publishes Democracy in America. 7151
  3492. 1835/--/-- James Gordon Bennett founds the New York Herald newspaper. 4211
  3493. 1835/--/-- Second Seminole War in Florida 6807
  3494. 1836/--/-- American educator William Holmes McGuffey begins editing his Readers. 4222
  3495. 1836/--/-- American educator William Holmes McGuffey begins editing his Readers. 7153
  3496. 1836/--/-- American inventor Samuel Colt begins manufacturing the first revolver. 4219
  3497. 1836/--/-- American inventor Samuel Colt begins manufacturing the first revolver. 7152
  3498. 1836/--/-- American inventor Samuel Colt begins manufacturing the first revolver. 7456
  3499. 1836/--/-- American literary figure Ralph Waldo Emerson founds the Transcendental Club. 4224
  3500. 1836/--/-- American literary figure Ralph Waldo Emerson founds the Transcendental Club. 7154
  3501. 1836/--/-- Arkansas is inaugurated as the 25th state of the Union. 4217
  3502. 1836/--/-- Arkansas is inaugurated as the 25th state of the Union. 7018
  3503. 1836/--/-- Boer (Afrikaner) settlers begin the Great Trek into the South African interior. 4214
  3504. 1836/--/-- Boer (Afrikaner) settlers begin the Great Trek into the South African interior. 7889
  3505. 1836/--/-- Bolivian president Santa Cruz invades Peru and forms the Peru-Bolivian Confederation. 4213
  3506. 1836/--/-- Charles Barry designs Westminster Palace in the Gothic Revival style. 4221
  3507. 1836/--/-- Charles Dickens publishes his first popular work The Pickwick Papers. 4225
  3508. 1836/--/-- John C. Calhoun supports the gag rules to prevent Congress debating slavery. 4218
  3509. 1836/--/-- Republic of Texas forms 1319
  3510. 1836/--/-- Russian author Nikolai Gogol writes his play The Inspector General. 4223
  3511. 1836/--/-- Santa Anna's army storms the Alamo in Texas, killing the defenders. 1517
  3512. 1836/--/-- Santa Anna's army storms the Alamo in Texas, killing the defenders. 4215
  3513. 1836/--/-- Texans under Sam Houston defeat Santa Anna at the San Jacinto River. 4216
  3514. 1836/--/-- Texas Revolution 6808
  3515. 1836/--/-- The Arc de Triomphe, the world's largest triumphal arch, is completed in Paris. 4220
  3516. 1837/--/-- Britain's refusal to grant more home rule in Canada leads to the Rebellions of 1837. 4228
  3517. 1837/--/-- British scientist Charles Wheatstone designs an electric telegraph system. 4231
  3518. 1837/--/-- Charles Dickens "Oliver Twist" 6809
  3519. 1837/--/-- Louis Daguerre invents the daguerreotype method for taking permanent photographs. 4232
  3520. 1837/--/-- Louis Daguerre invents the daguerreotype method for taking permanent photographs. 7457
  3521. 1837/--/-- Martin Van Buren (Democrat) becomes president of the United States 287
  3522. 1837/--/-- Michigan is inaugurated as the 26th state of the Union. 4229
  3523. 1837/--/-- Michigan is inaugurated as the 26th state of the Union. 7019
  3524. 1837/--/-- Mikhail Lermontov writes the Death of a Poet, inspired by the death of Pushkin. 1518
  3525. 1837/--/-- Mikhail Lermontov writes the Death of a Poet, inspired by the death of Pushkin. 4235
  3526. 1837/--/-- Russian poet Aleksandr Pushkin is killed in a duel. 1519
  3527. 1837/--/-- Russian poet Aleksandr Pushkin is killed in a duel. 4234
  3528. 1837/--/-- Scottish historian Thomas Carlyle publishes The French Revolution. 4233
  3529. 1837/--/-- Seminole Indian leader Osceola is captured. 4230
  3530. 1837/--/-- Van Buren is inaugurated as the 8th U.S. president; Johnson becomes vice-president. 4226
  3531. 1837/--/-- William IV dies; Victoria succeeds him as Queen of England, Scotland, and Ireland. 1195
  3532. 1837/--/-- William IV dies; Victoria succeeds him as Queen of England, Scotland, and Ireland. 1520
  3533. 1837/--/-- William IV dies; Victoria succeeds him as Queen of England, Scotland, and Ireland. 4227
  3534. 1837/06/-- Victoria succeeds as Queen of Great Britain and Ireland. 8112
  3535. 1838/--/-- Boer (Afrikaner) leader Andries Pretorius defeats the Zulus at the Battle of Blood River. 4236
  3536. 1838/--/-- British artist Joseph Mallord William Turner paints the Fighting Temeraire. 4242
  3537. 1838/--/-- British artist Joseph Mallord William Turner paints the Fighting Temeraire. 7611
  3538. 1838/--/-- Charles Wilkes heads a U.S. Navy expedition to Antarctica. 4237
  3539. 1838/--/-- Cherokee "Trail of Tears" 6810
  3540. 1838/--/-- French philosopher Auguste Comte inaugurates the science of sociology. 4241
  3541. 1838/--/-- Iowa Territory organized 6811
  3542. 1838/--/-- John Deere develops a steel-tipped plow capable of turning heavy prairie soil. 4240
  3543. 1838/--/-- Samuel F.B. Morse develops the Morse code for electric telegraph systems. 4238
  3544. 1838/--/-- Scottish blacksmith Kirkpatrick Macmillan makes the first pedal-driven bicycle. 4239
  3545. 1838/06/08 Victoria crowned Queen of Great Britain and Ireland at Westminster Abbey by Will 8113
  3546. 1839/--/-- American inventor Charles Goodyear develops the vulcanization of rubber. 4247
  3547. 1839/--/-- American inventor Charles Goodyear develops the vulcanization of rubber. 7156
  3548. 1839/--/-- American inventor Charles Goodyear develops the vulcanization of rubber. 7458
  3549. 1839/--/-- Chile defeats Santa Cruz's Peru-Bolivian Confederation at the Battle of Yungay. 4243
  3550. 1839/--/-- Daguerre invents first form of photography 6812
  3551. 1839/--/-- French novelist Stendhal writes The Charterhouse of Parma. 4251
  3552. 1839/--/-- Hungarian composer and pianist Franz Liszt embarks on a concert tour of Europe. 4250
  3553. 1839/--/-- Jose Rafael Carrera captures Guatemala; the Central American Federation is dissolved. 4244
  3554. 1839/--/-- Jose Rafael Carrera captures Guatemala; the Central American Federation is dissolved. 7155
  3555. 1839/--/-- Stephens and Catherwood explore Maya ruins in the Yucatan. 4249
  3556. 1839/--/-- The Anglo-Afghan Wars begin in Afghanistan. 4246
  3557. 1839/--/-- The Opium Wars begin between Britain and China. 4245
  3558. 1839/--/-- The Opium Wars begin between Britain and China. 7801
  3559. 1839/--/-- Theodor Schwann and Matthias Jakob Schleiden formulate the cell theory. 4248
  3560. 1840/--/-- Civil War breaks out in Uruguay between the Colorados (reds) and Blancos (whites). 4252
  3561. 1840/--/-- Edgar Allen Poe: "Tales of the Grotesque and Arabesque" 6813
  3562. 1840/--/-- French philosopher and anarchist Pierre Joseph Proudhon writes What is Property. 4261
  3563. 1840/--/-- Horatio Greenough's classical statue of George Washington is strongly criticized. 4262
  3564. 1840/--/-- Maori chiefs sign over their tribal lands to Queen Victoria in the Treaty of Waitangi. 4255
  3565. 1840/--/-- Queen Victoria marries Prince Albert of Saxe-Coburg. 4254
  3566. 1840/--/-- Swiss-American naturalist Louis Agassiz postulates his theory of ice ages. 4260
  3567. 1840/--/-- Swiss-American naturalist Louis Agassiz postulates his theory of ice ages. 7157
  3568. 1840/--/-- The first adhesive postage stamp, the Penny Black, is issued in London. 4259
  3569. 1840/--/-- The Liberty party is founded in Albany, N.Y. based exclusively on an antislavery platform. 4257
  3570. 1840/--/-- The metric system of measurement is reinstated in France. 4258
  3571. 1840/--/-- The Underground Railroad is active in helping escaping slaves in the U.S. 4256
  3572. 1840/--/-- Upper and Lower Canada are united in the single Province of Canada. 4253
  3573. 1840/--/-- Upper and lower Canada united 6814
  3574. 1841/--/-- Edgar Allan Poe writes an early detective story The Murders in the Rue Morgue. 1521
  3575. 1841/--/-- Edgar Allan Poe writes an early detective story The Murders in the Rue Morgue. 4272
  3576. 1841/--/-- George Grey is appointed governor of South Australia to help save the colony. 4265
  3577. 1841/--/-- Harrison is inaugurated as the 9th U.S. president; Tyler becomes vice-president. 4263
  3578. 1841/--/-- Horace Greeley founds the New York Tribune newspaper. 4271
  3579. 1841/--/-- Italian ballerina Carlotta Grisi creates the role of Giselle. 4270
  3580. 1841/--/-- John Tyler (Whig) becomes president of the United States 289
  3581. 1841/--/-- Muhammad Ali defeats the Ottomans and becomes the hereditary ruler of Egypt. 4266
  3582. 1841/--/-- New Zealand is established as a separate British colony. 4264
  3583. 1841/--/-- President Harrison dies; John Tyler is inaugurated as the 10th U.S. president 1522
  3584. 1841/--/-- President Harrison dies; John Tyler is inaugurated as the 10th U.S. president 4268
  3585. 1841/--/-- Whig prime minister Lord Melbourne resigns; he is succeeded by Sir Robert Peel. 4267
  3586. 1841/--/-- William Henry Harrison (Whig) becomes president of the United States 288
  3587. 1841/--/-- William Henry Talbot patents the calotype photographic process. 4269
  3588. 1842/--/-- 10-hour day for children under 12 in Massachusetts 6815
  3589. 1842/--/-- American explorer John C. Fremont begins surveying the Oregon Trail. 4276
  3590. 1842/--/-- American explorer John C. Fremont begins surveying the Oregon Trail. 7158
  3591. 1842/--/-- American showman P.T. Barnum discovers the 40-inch midget Tom Thumb. 4277
  3592. 1842/--/-- American showman P.T. Barnum discovers the 40-inch midget Tom Thumb. 7159
  3593. 1842/--/-- Austrian physicist Christian Johann Doppler predicts the Doppler effect. 4275
  3594. 1842/--/-- China cedes Hong Kong to Britain. 4274
  3595. 1842/--/-- China cedes Hong Kong to Britain. 7802
  3596. 1842/--/-- China is defeated in the first Opium War; Chinese ports are opened to British trade. 4273
  3597. 1842/--/-- China is defeated in the first Opium War; Chinese ports are opened to British trade. 7803
  3598. 1842/--/-- China is defeated in the first Opium War; Chinese ports are opened to British trade. 7804
  3599. 1842/--/-- Italian composer Gaetano Donizetti writes his opera Don Pasquale. 4278
  3600. 1842/--/-- Italian composer Gaetano Donizetti writes his opera Don Pasquale. 7612
  3601. 1843/--/-- A coup in Greece forces King Otto to accept a constitutional monarchy. 4279
  3602. 1843/--/-- Black American Sojourner Truth begins her reform mission. 4280
  3603. 1843/--/-- Black American Sojourner Truth begins her reform mission. 7160
  3604. 1843/--/-- Danish philosopher Soren Kierkegaard publishes Either/Or. 4281
  3605. 1843/--/-- English art critic John Ruskin begins publishing Modern Painters. 1196
  3606. 1843/--/-- English art critic John Ruskin begins publishing Modern Painters. 4282
  3607. 1843/--/-- English art critic John Ruskin begins publishing Modern Painters. 7613
  3608. 1843/--/-- German astronomer Samuel Schwabe discovers the sunspot cycle. 4283
  3609. 1844/--/-- Alexander Dumas "The Three Muskateers" 6816
  3610. 1844/--/-- Eastern Hispaniola declares independence from Haiti as the Dominican Republic. 4284
  3611. 1844/--/-- French author Alexandre Dumas (Dumas pere) publishes The Three Musketeers. 4290
  3612. 1844/--/-- Joseph Smith, founder of the Mormons, is killed by a lynch mob. 1523
  3613. 1844/--/-- Joseph Smith, founder of the Mormons, is killed by a lynch mob. 4286
  3614. 1844/--/-- Samuel F.B. Morse establishes the first U.S. telegraph link. 4288
  3615. 1844/--/-- Settlers in New South Wales force Britain to stop sending convicts to the colony. 4285
  3616. 1844/--/-- The Young Men's Christian Association (YMCA) is founded in England. 1197
  3617. 1844/--/-- The Young Men's Christian Association (YMCA) is founded in England. 4287
  3618. 1844/--/-- William Henry Talbot begins his Pencil of Nature, the first book of photographs. 4289
  3619. 1845/--/-- American author Margaret Fuller publishes Women in the Nineteenth Century. 4304
  3620. 1845/--/-- American author Margaret Fuller publishes Women in the Nineteenth Century. 7161
  3621. 1845/--/-- British archaeologist Austen Layard excavates the sites of Nimrud and Nineveh. 4300
  3622. 1845/--/-- Civil War ends in Peru; Castilla Ramon is elected as president. 4294
  3623. 1845/--/-- Failure of the potato crop leads to a famine in Ireland. 4297
  3624. 1845/--/-- Florida is inaugurated as the 27th state of the Union. 4295
  3625. 1845/--/-- Florida is inaugurated as the 27th state of the Union. 7020
  3626. 1845/--/-- French artists Gavarni and Grandville begin designing the first elaborate posters. 4303
  3627. 1845/--/-- French artists Gavarni and Grandville begin designing the first elaborate posters. 7614
  3628. 1845/--/-- German composer Robert Schumann writes his Piano Concerto in A minor. 4302
  3629. 1845/--/-- German scientist Alexander von Humboldt publishes the first volume of his Kosmos. 4301
  3630. 1845/--/-- James K. Polk (Democrat) becomes president of the United States 290
  3631. 1845/--/-- Polk is inaugurated as the 11th U.S. president; Dallas becomes vice-president 4291
  3632. 1845/--/-- Sir John Franklin leads an ill-fated expedition in search of the Northwest Passage. 4298
  3633. 1845/--/-- The first clipper ship the Rainbow is built in New York. 4299
  3634. 1845/--/-- The Republic of Texas becomes the 28th state of the Union. 7021
  3635. 1845/--/-- The Republic of Texas is annexed by the U.S.; it becomes the 28th state of the Union. 4296
  3636. 1845/--/-- The Sikh Wars begin in British India. 4293
  3637. 1845/--/-- The term Manifest Destiny is first used in defense of U.S. territorial ambitions. 4292
  3638. 1846/--/-- Adolphe Sax patents the saxophone in Paris. 4315
  3639. 1846/--/-- American dentist William Morton extracts a tooth using ether as an anesthetic. 4313
  3640. 1846/--/-- American dentist William Morton extracts a tooth using ether as an anesthetic. 7162
  3641. 1846/--/-- German astronomer Johann Galle makes the first observation of the planet Neptune. 4311
  3642. 1846/--/-- German philosopher Ludwig Feuerbach publishes The Essence of Religion. 4314
  3643. 1846/--/-- Henry Creswicke Rawlinson deciphers the Mesopotamian cuneiform script. 4312
  3644. 1846/--/-- Iowa is inaugurated as the 29th state of the Union. 7022
  3645. 1846/--/-- Mexican War 1320
  3646. 1846/--/-- Mormon trek from Navoo to Salt Lake City 6817
  3647. 1846/--/-- Oregon boundary with Canada established at 49th parallel 6818
  3648. 1846/--/-- The border between the U.S. and Canada is established, settling the Oregon Question. 4305
  3649. 1846/--/-- The Christy Minstrels begin performing in New York. 4316
  3650. 1846/--/-- The Mexican government collapses; Santa Anna is reelected as president. 4308
  3651. 1846/--/-- The Mexican War begins over the U.S. annexation of Texas. 4306
  3652. 1846/--/-- The Smithsonian Institution is created by Congress. 4310
  3653. 1846/--/-- U.S. forces under Stephen Watts Kearny occupy New Mexico. 4309
  3654. 1846/--/-- U.S. forces under Zachary Taylor defeat the Mexicans at Palo Alto and Monterrey. 4307
  3655. 1846/--/-- Writer and artist Edward Lear publishes A Book of Nonsense. 4317
  3656. 1846/--/-- Writer and artist Edward Lear publishes A Book of Nonsense. 7615
  3657. 1847/--/-- American missionary Marcus Whitman is killed by Cayuse Indians in Oregon. 1524
  3658. 1847/--/-- American missionary Marcus Whitman is killed by Cayuse Indians in Oregon. 4323
  3659. 1847/--/-- American missionary Marcus Whitman is killed by Cayuse Indians in Oregon. 7163
  3660. 1847/--/-- American oceanographer Matthew Maury publishes his first Wind and Current Charts. 4326
  3661. 1847/--/-- American oceanographer Matthew Maury publishes his first Wind and Current Charts. 7165
  3662. 1847/--/-- Charlotte Bronte publishes Jane Eyre; Emily Bronte publishes Wuthering Heights. 4331
  3663. 1847/--/-- English novelist William Makepeace Thackeray begins Vanity Fair. 1198
  3664. 1847/--/-- English novelist William Makepeace Thackeray begins Vanity Fair. 4330
  3665. 1847/--/-- Honore de Balzac completes La Comedie humaine, a collection of over 100 novels. 4329
  3666. 1847/--/-- Italian statesman Cavour founds the liberal newspaper Il Risorgimento (resurgence). 4328
  3667. 1847/--/-- Maria Mitchell, the first woman astronomer in America, discovers a new comet. 4325
  3668. 1847/--/-- Maria Mitchell, the first woman astronomer in America, discovers a new comet. 7164
  3669. 1847/--/-- Mormons and the Indians 6819
  3670. 1847/--/-- Scott enters Mexico City after a series of battles; Mexico sues for peace. 4321
  3671. 1847/--/-- Sir James Simpson uses chloroform for childbirth 6820
  3672. 1847/--/-- Taylor defeats Santa Anna's Mexican army at the Battle of Buena Vista. 4319
  3673. 1847/--/-- The African slave colony of Liberia is declared independent. 4322
  3674. 1847/--/-- The African slave colony of Liberia is declared independent. 7890
  3675. 1847/--/-- The American Medical Association is founded. 4332
  3676. 1847/--/-- The American Medical Association is founded. 7166
  3677. 1847/--/-- The Mormons under Brigham Young found Salt Lake City. 4324
  3678. 1847/--/-- The U.S. post office begins using adhesive postage stamps. 4327
  3679. 1847/--/-- U.S. forces under Stockton, Fremont and Kearny occupy California. 4318
  3680. 1847/--/-- U.S. forces under Winfield Scott land at Veracruz and advance on Mexico City. 4320
  3681. 1848/--/-- A Czech uprising under Frantisek Palacky is suppressed by Austria. 4338
  3682. 1848/--/-- American engineer James Bogardus begins using cast-iron for building construction. 4345
  3683. 1848/--/-- American engineer James Bogardus begins using cast-iron for building construction. 7167
  3684. 1848/--/-- February Revolution by French workers makes Louis Napoleon III President of 2nd Reublic 6822
  3685. 1848/--/-- Ferdinand I abdicates; Francis Joseph becomes Emperor of Austria. 4340
  3686. 1848/--/-- French author Alexandre Dumas (Dumas fils) publishes his novel Camille. 4349
  3687. 1848/--/-- French Barbizon artist Theodore Rousseau paints the Forest at Fontainebleau. 4347
  3688. 1848/--/-- French Barbizon artist Theodore Rousseau paints the Forest at Fontainebleau. 7616
  3689. 1848/--/-- Gold discovered in California 6821
  3690. 1848/--/-- Holman Hunt, Millais and Rossetti form the Pre-Raphaelite Brotherhood in Britain. 4348
  3691. 1848/--/-- Karl Marx and Friedrich Engels publish the Communist Manifesto. 4344
  3692. 1848/--/-- Karl Marx and Friedrick Engels publish "Communist Manifesto" 6823
  3693. 1848/--/-- Louis Philippe abdicates; a Second Republic is declared in France. 4336
  3694. 1848/--/-- Mexican Cession 6824
  3695. 1848/--/-- Risorgimento leader Garibaldi returns to Italy to fight in the war of independence. 1321
  3696. 1848/--/-- Risorgimento leader Garibaldi returns to Italy to fight in the war of independence. 4334
  3697. 1848/--/-- Scottish physicist William Thomson Kelvin proposes an absolute temperature scale. 4346
  3698. 1848/--/-- The Austrian revolution begins in Vienna; chancellor Metternich resigns. 4339
  3699. 1848/--/-- The discovery of gold at Sutter's Mill begins the California gold rush. 4343
  3700. 1848/--/-- The first U.S. women's rights assembly meets at the Seneca Falls Convention. 4342
  3701. 1848/--/-- The Revolutions of 1848 break out in Europe. 4333
  3702. 1848/--/-- The Treaty of Guadalupe Hidalgo ratifies the cession of California and New Mexico. 4335
  3703. 1848/--/-- Uprisings in Berlin force Frederick William IV to summon a constitutional assembly. 4337
  3704. 1848/--/-- Wisconsin is inaugurated as the 30th state of the Union. 4341
  3705. 1848/--/-- Wisconsin is inaugurated as the 30th state of the Union. 7023
  3706. 1849/--/-- Amelia Bloomer publicizes bloomers (baggy trousers for women) in the Lily magazine. 4357
  3707. 1849/--/-- Austrian forces crush the Italian revolution; Mazzini and Garibaldi flee from Italy. 4351
  3708. 1849/--/-- Austrian premier Felix Schwarzenberg uses the Russian army to defeat the Hungarians. 4354
  3709. 1849/--/-- Black slave Harriet Tubman escapes and begins her Underground Railway work. 4355
  3710. 1849/--/-- Elizabeth Blackwell becomes the first woman to obtain a medical degree. 4356
  3711. 1849/--/-- Francois Rene de Chateaubriand publishes Memoirs From Beyond the Tomb. 4359
  3712. 1849/--/-- French physicist Armand Fizeau measures the velocity of light. 4358
  3713. 1849/--/-- Lajos Kossuth declares Hungarian independence from Austria. 4353
  3714. 1849/--/-- Russian anarchist Mikhail Bakunin is deported to Siberia. 4352
  3715. 1849/--/-- Taylor is inaugurated as the 12th U.S. president; Fillmore becomes vice-president 4350
  3716. 1849/--/-- Zachary Taylor (Whig) becomes president of the United States 291
  3717. 1850/--/-- Allan Pinkerton founds the Pinkerton National Detective Agency. 4365
  3718. 1850/--/-- American author Nathaniel Hawthorne writes The Scarlet Letter. 4371
  3719. 1850/--/-- American author Nathaniel Hawthorne writes The Scarlet Letter. 7170
  3720. 1850/--/-- American popular songwriter Stephen Foster publishes Camptown Races. 4367
  3721. 1850/--/-- American popular songwriter Stephen Foster publishes Camptown Races. 7169
  3722. 1850/--/-- California is inaugurated as the 31st state of the Union. 4364
  3723. 1850/--/-- California is inaugurated as the 31st state of the Union. 7024
  3724. 1850/--/-- Congress reinforces the Fugitive Slave Law for the return of escaped slaves. 4363
  3725. 1850/--/-- Elizabeth Barrett Browning publishes her Sonnets From the Portuguese. 4373
  3726. 1850/--/-- English author Charles Dickens writes David Copperfield. 1199
  3727. 1850/--/-- English author Charles Dickens writes David Copperfield. 4372
  3728. 1850/--/-- French realist artist Gustave Courbet paints The Stone Breakers. 4369
  3729. 1850/--/-- French realist artist Gustave Courbet paints The Stone Breakers. 7617
  3730. 1850/--/-- Jenny Lind the Swedish nightingale begins her U.S. tour. 4368
  3731. 1850/--/-- Millard Fillmore (Whig) becomes president of the United States 292
  3732. 1850/--/-- Nathanial Hawthorne "The Scarlet Letter" 6825
  3733. 1850/--/-- Photographer Mathew Brady publishes The Gallery of Illustrious Americans. 4366
  3734. 1850/--/-- Photographer Mathew Brady publishes The Gallery of Illustrious Americans. 7168
  3735. 1850/--/-- Plains Indians cede land in exchange for reservations 6826
  3736. 1850/--/-- President Taylor dies; Millard Fillmore is inaugurated as the 13th U.S. president. 1525
  3737. 1850/--/-- President Taylor dies; Millard Fillmore is inaugurated as the 13th U.S. president. 4361
  3738. 1850/--/-- The Compromise of 1850 establishes California as a non-slavery state. 4362
  3739. 1850/--/-- The first issue of Harper's magazine is published. 4370
  3740. 1850/--/-- The Taiping Rebellion breaks out in China against the Ch'ing dynasty. 4360
  3741. 1850/--/-- The Taiping Rebellion breaks out in China against the Ch'ing dynasty. 7805
  3742. 1850/--/-- Utah and New Mexico Territories 6827
  3743. 1851/--/-- A gold rush begins in Victoria, Australia; Victoria becomes a separate colony. 4375
  3744. 1851/--/-- American author Herman Melville publishes Moby-Dick. 4383
  3745. 1851/--/-- American author Herman Melville publishes Moby-Dick. 7172
  3746. 1851/--/-- Giuseppe Verdi's opera Rigoletto is produced in Venice. 4382
  3747. 1851/--/-- Giuseppe Verdi's opera Rigoletto is produced in Venice. 7618
  3748. 1851/--/-- Harriet Beecher Stowe begins publishing Uncle Tom's Cabin. 4384
  3749. 1851/--/-- Henry Jarvis Raymond and George Jones found the New York Times. 4376
  3750. 1851/--/-- Isaac Merrit Singer invents the first practical sewing machine. 4379
  3751. 1851/--/-- Isaac Merrit Singer invents the first practical sewing machine. 7459
  3752. 1851/--/-- Jacob Fussell begins making ice cream in commercial quantities in Baltimore. 4378
  3753. 1851/--/-- Melville "Moby Dick" 6829
  3754. 1851/--/-- Mongkut (Rama IV) becomes king of Siam (Thailand). 4374
  3755. 1851/--/-- Singer patents sewing machine 6828
  3756. 1851/--/-- The Crystal Palace is built in London to house the Great Exhibition. 4380
  3757. 1851/--/-- The first college sorority is established at Wesleyan College, Georgia. 4377
  3758. 1851/--/-- The U.S. yacht America defeats 17 British yachts in the first America's Cup contest. 4381
  3759. 1851/--/-- The U.S. yacht America defeats 17 British yachts in the first America's Cup contest. 7171
  3760. 1852/--/-- Argentinean dictator Rosas is defeated by forces under Urquiza at Monte Caseros. 4386
  3761. 1852/--/-- Britain gains control of the Irrawaddy delta after the second Anglo-Burma War. 4387
  3762. 1852/--/-- The Grimms begin publication of their Deutsches Worterbuch (German Dictionary). 4388
  3763. 1852/--/-- The Second Empire begins in France under Napoleon III. 4385
  3764. 1853/--/-- A U.S. naval squadron under Matthew Perry enters Tokyo Bay to negotiate a treaty. 4393
  3765. 1853/--/-- Chinese rebels capture Nanking and make it the capital of the Taiping kingdom. 4391
  3766. 1853/--/-- Chinese rebels capture Nanking and make it the capital of the Taiping kingdom. 7806
  3767. 1853/--/-- Crimean War between Turkey, France & Britain against Russia 6830
  3768. 1853/--/-- Franklin Pierce (Democrat) becomes president of the United States 293
  3769. 1853/--/-- Franklin Pierce is inaugurated as the 14th U.S. president; King becomes vice-president. 4389
  3770. 1853/--/-- General Santa Anna becomes dictator of Mexico for the last time. 4392
  3771. 1853/--/-- Georges Haussmann begins the reconstruction of Paris. 4397
  3772. 1853/--/-- Napoleon III marries the Empress Eugenie. 4390
  3773. 1853/--/-- Richard Wagner begins his cycle of four operas The Ring of The Nibelung. 4398
  3774. 1853/--/-- Richard Wagner begins his cycle of four operas The Ring of The Nibelung. 7619
  3775. 1853/--/-- Russia occupies the Turkish principalities of Moldavia and Walachia. 4394
  3776. 1853/--/-- The U.S. adds land to New Mexico and Arizona with the Gadsden Purchase. 4396
  3777. 1853/--/-- Turkey issues an ultimatum to Russia; the Russians destroy the Turkish fleet at Sinope. 4395
  3778. 1854/--/-- A commercial treaty is signed between the U.S. and Japan, ending Japanese isolation. 4400
  3779. 1854/--/-- A commercial treaty is signed between the U.S. and Japan, ending Japanese isolation. 7993
  3780. 1854/--/-- American writer and naturalist Henry David Thoreau publishes Walden. 4409
  3781. 1854/--/-- American writer and naturalist Henry David Thoreau publishes Walden. 7173
  3782. 1854/--/-- An Anglo-French-Turkish expeditionary force lands at Sevastopol in the Crimea. 4402
  3783. 1854/--/-- Britain and France declare war on Russia, beginning the Crimean War. 1322
  3784. 1854/--/-- Britain and France declare war on Russia, beginning the Crimean War. 4399
  3785. 1854/--/-- Nebraska and Kansas Territories 6831
  3786. 1854/--/-- Pope Pius IX proclaims the dogma of the Immaculate Conception of the Virgin Mary. 4407
  3787. 1854/--/-- Pre-Raphaelite artist Holman Hunt paints The Scapegoat. 4408
  3788. 1854/--/-- Pre-Raphaelite artist Holman Hunt paints The Scapegoat. 7620
  3789. 1854/--/-- Republican Party formed for abolition of slavery 6832
  3790. 1854/--/-- Smith & Wesson invent revolver 6833
  3791. 1854/--/-- The Allied armies defeat the Russians at the Battle of Inkerman. 4404
  3792. 1854/--/-- The British grant independence to the Orange Free State in South Africa. 4401
  3793. 1854/--/-- The British grant independence to the Orange Free State in South Africa. 7891
  3794. 1854/--/-- The Charge of the Light Brigade is made by the British during the Battle of Balaklava. 4403
  3795. 1854/--/-- The Kansas-Nebraska Act reopens the controversy over the spread of slavery. 4405
  3796. 1854/--/-- The Republican party is formed after the passage of the Kansas-Nebraska Act. 4406
  3797. 1854/--/-- Upper half of Indian Territory becomes part of Kansas Territory 6834
  3798. 1855/--/-- British photographer Roger Fenton documents the Crimean War. 4416
  3799. 1855/--/-- Florence Nightingale reforms hygienic standards in Crimean hospitals. 4417
  3800. 1855/--/-- Henry Wadsworth Longfellow publishes The Songs of Hiawatha. 4420
  3801. 1855/--/-- Lord Palmerston becomes prime minister of Great Britain for the first time. 4413
  3802. 1855/--/-- Matthew Fontaine Maury publishes The Physical Geography of the Sea. 4415
  3803. 1855/--/-- Mexican dictator Santa Anna is overthrown. 4410
  3804. 1855/--/-- Nicholas I, Emperor of Russia dies; he is succeeded by his son Alexander II. 1526
  3805. 1855/--/-- Nicholas I, Emperor of Russia dies; he is succeeded by his son Alexander II. 4412
  3806. 1855/--/-- Robert Browning publishes his poetry collection Men and Women. 4419
  3807. 1855/--/-- Scottish explorer David Livingstone discovers the Victoria Falls in Africa. 4414
  3808. 1855/--/-- Scottish explorer David Livingstone discovers the Victoria Falls in Africa. 7892
  3809. 1855/--/-- The Allies occupy the Russian fortress at Sevastapol in the Crimea. 4411
  3810. 1855/--/-- The first formal ice hockey game is played in Kingston, Ontario. 908
  3811. 1855/--/-- The first formal ice hockey game is played in Kingston, Ontario. 4418
  3812. 1855/--/-- Walt Whitman publishes his first book of poetry, the Leaves of Grass. 4421
  3813. 1856/--/-- A new Opium War begins between China, Britain and France. 4423
  3814. 1856/--/-- A new Opium War begins between China, Britain and France. 7807
  3815. 1856/--/-- English chemist William Perkin discovers synthetic dyes. 1200
  3816. 1856/--/-- English chemist William Perkin discovers synthetic dyes. 4424
  3817. 1856/--/-- The first Neanderthaler (prehistoric human) skeleton is discovered in Germany. 4425
  3818. 1856/--/-- The Treaty of Paris ends the Crimean War. 4422
  3819. 1856/--/-- Victor Hugo writes Les Miserables during his exile from France. 4426
  3820. 1857/--/-- Buchanan is inaugurated as the 15th U.S. president; Breckinridge becomes vice-president. 4427
  3821. 1857/--/-- Disputes between Mormons and non-Mormon settlers leads to the Utah War. 4428
  3822. 1857/--/-- Elisha Graves Otis installs the first passenger elevator in a New York City store. 4431
  3823. 1857/--/-- English author Thomas Hughes publishes Tom Brown's Schooldays. 1201
  3824. 1857/--/-- English author Thomas Hughes publishes Tom Brown's Schooldays. 4435
  3825. 1857/--/-- French novelist Gustave Flaubert publishes Madame Bovary. 4433
  3826. 1857/--/-- French poet Baudelaire publishes Flowers of Evil and is arrested for immorality. 4434
  3827. 1857/--/-- James Buchanan (Democrat) becomes president of the United States 294
  3828. 1857/--/-- Kansas ratifies anti-slavery constitution 6835
  3829. 1857/--/-- Mormons and Paiute Indians kill 120 settlers in the Mountain Meadows Massacre. 1527
  3830. 1857/--/-- Mormons and Paiute Indians kill 120 settlers in the Mountain Meadows Massacre. 4430
  3831. 1857/--/-- The Indian Mutiny begins when Indian troops rebel against the British in Meerut. 4429
  3832. 1857/--/-- The Oxford English Dictionary is begun in England. 1202
  3833. 1857/--/-- The Oxford English Dictionary is begun in England. 1203
  3834. 1857/--/-- The Oxford English Dictionary is begun in England. 4432
  3835. 1858/--/-- Benito Juarez becomes the first Mexican president of Indian descent. 4441
  3836. 1858/--/-- Bernadette Soubirous sees visions of the Vigin Mary in a grotto near Lourdes, France. 4451
  3837. 1858/--/-- Britain and France impose the Tientsin Treaty on China. 4440
  3838. 1858/--/-- Britain and France impose the Tientsin Treaty on China. 7808
  3839. 1858/--/-- British explorer John Hanning Speke discovers Lake Victoria in Africa. 4443
  3840. 1858/--/-- British explorer John Hanning Speke discovers Lake Victoria in Africa. 7893
  3841. 1858/--/-- British naturalist Alfred Russel Wallace outlines his theories of evolution. 4445
  3842. 1858/--/-- Charles Frederick Worth establishes his Paris fashion house. 4448
  3843. 1858/--/-- Cyrus W. Field lays the first transatlantic telegraph cable. 4446
  3844. 1858/--/-- Federal forces end the Utah War; Brigham Young is replaced as governor of Utah Territory. 4436
  3845. 1858/--/-- French photographer Nadar takes the first aerial photograph from a balloon. 4444
  3846. 1858/--/-- German-American artist Albert Bierstadt begins his landscapes of the American west. 4449
  3847. 1858/--/-- German-American artist Albert Bierstadt begins his landscapes of the American west. 7174
  3848. 1858/--/-- German-American artist Albert Bierstadt begins his landscapes of the American west. 7621
  3849. 1858/--/-- Jacques Offenbach's operetta Orpheus in the Underworld premiers in Paris. 4450
  3850. 1858/--/-- James Renwick begins the design of Saint Patrick's Cathedral in New York City. 4447
  3851. 1858/--/-- Minnesota is inaugurated as the 32nd state of the Union. 4442
  3852. 1858/--/-- Minnesota is inaugurated as the 32nd state of the Union. 7025
  3853. 1858/--/-- The Fenians (Irish Republican Brotherhood) are founded to overthrow British rule. 4439
  3854. 1858/--/-- The government of India is transferred from the East India Company to the British crown. 4438
  3855. 1858/--/-- The Indian Mutiny is suppressed by the British Army and loyal Indian troops. 4437
  3856. 1859/--/-- Abolitionist John Brown leads an attack on Harpers Ferry; he is captured and executed. 4455
  3857. 1859/--/-- Charles Darwin "Origin of Species" 6836
  3858. 1859/--/-- Charles Darwin publishes On the Origin of Species by Means of Natural Selection. 4458
  3859. 1859/--/-- Ferdinand de Lesseps begins building the Suez Canal in Egypt. 4457
  3860. 1859/--/-- French inventor Ferdinand Carre develops a refrigeration system. 4456
  3861. 1859/--/-- French inventor Ferdinand Carre develops a refrigeration system. 7460
  3862. 1859/--/-- Napoleon III assists the Italian statesman Cavour in a war against Austria. 1323
  3863. 1859/--/-- Napoleon III assists the Italian statesman Cavour in a war against Austria. 4452
  3864. 1859/--/-- Oregon is inaugurated as the 33rd state of the Union. 4453
  3865. 1859/--/-- Oregon is inaugurated as the 33rd state of the Union. 7026
  3866. 1859/--/-- Queensland becomes a separate colony of Australia. 4454
  3867. 1860/--/-- Abraham Lincoln is elected as the first Republican president of the United States. 4463
  3868. 1860/--/-- China resists the Tientsin Treaty; Anglo-French forces occupy Peking. 4461
  3869. 1860/--/-- China resists the Tientsin Treaty; Anglo-French forces occupy Peking. 7809
  3870. 1860/--/-- English novelist Wilkie Collins writes The Woman in White. 1204
  3871. 1860/--/-- English novelist Wilkie Collins writes The Woman in White. 4470
  3872. 1860/--/-- Florence Nightingale establishes a school for training nurses. 4468
  3873. 1860/--/-- George Eliot (Mary Anne Evans) publishes The Mill on the Floss. 4469
  3874. 1860/--/-- Italian patriot Garibaldi invades Sicily and Naples with his 1,000 Redshirts. 4459
  3875. 1860/--/-- Jean Joseph Etienne Lenoir patents the first internal-combustion engine. 4467
  3876. 1860/--/-- Sardinia-Piedmont seizes the Papal States in Italy. 4460
  3877. 1860/--/-- South Carolina becomes the first Southern state to secede from the Union. 4465
  3878. 1860/--/-- The Crittenden Compromise tries to prevent a split between slave and free states. 4464
  3879. 1860/--/-- The Maori Wars begin against the British in New Zealand. 4462
  3880. 1860/--/-- The pony express is inaugurated to deliver mail from Missouri to California. 4466
  3881. 1861/--/-- Abraham Lincoln (Republican) becomes president of the United States 295
  3882. 1861/--/-- American locksmith Linus Yale Jr. patents the cylinder lock. 4484
  3883. 1861/--/-- American locksmith Linus Yale Jr. patents the cylinder lock. 7176
  3884. 1861/--/-- Civil War Begins 1324
  3885. 1861/--/-- CONFEDERACY 6838
  3886. 1861/--/-- English designer William Morris starts the Arts and Crafts Movement. 1205
  3887. 1861/--/-- English designer William Morris starts the Arts and Crafts Movement. 4486
  3888. 1861/--/-- Explorers Burke and Wills die during their north-south crossing of Australia. 4481
  3889. 1861/--/-- French artist Eugene Delacroix paints the Lion Hunt. 4485
  3890. 1861/--/-- French artist Eugene Delacroix paints the Lion Hunt. 7622
  3891. 1861/--/-- General George B. McClellan is made commander of the Union forces. 4479
  3892. 1861/--/-- Italy is unified under Victor Emmanuel II. 4471
  3893. 1861/--/-- John Ericsson designs the Monitor, the first ship with a revolving gun-turret. 4483
  3894. 1861/--/-- Kansas is inaugurated as the 34th state of the Union. 4474
  3895. 1861/--/-- Kansas is inaugurated as the 34th state of the Union. 7027
  3896. 1861/--/-- Lincoln is inaugurated as the 16th U.S. president; Hamlin becomes vice-president. 4473
  3897. 1861/--/-- Nicholas II abolishes serfdom in Russia. 4472
  3898. 1861/--/-- The bombardment of Fort Sumter in Charleston Harbor begins the U.S. Civil War. 4477
  3899. 1861/--/-- The Confederate States of America declare their independence from the U.S. 4476
  3900. 1861/--/-- The Confederate States of America declare their independence from the U.S. 7028
  3901. 1861/--/-- The Confederate States of America declare their independence from the U.S. 7175
  3902. 1861/--/-- The Confederates defeat the Union army in the First Battle of Bull Run. 4478
  3903. 1861/--/-- The Southern states meet to draft a constitution; Davis is selected as president. 4475
  3904. 1861/--/-- The Trent Affair begins when a Union ship intercepts a British steamer. 4480
  3905. 1861/--/-- The United States introduce the first national income tax. 4482
  3906. 1861/--/-- Unification of Italy 6839
  3907. 1861/--/-- Western territories reorganized by Republican Congresses 6837
  3908. 1862/--/-- A Union fleet under David G. Farragut captures New Orleans. 4493
  3909. 1862/--/-- Bartolome Mitre unites Argentina and is elected president. 4489
  3910. 1862/--/-- Brady, O'Sullivan and Gardner document the Civil War in photographs. 4501
  3911. 1862/--/-- Explorer John McDouall Stuart makes the first south to north crossing of Australia. 4498
  3912. 1862/--/-- Foucault measures speed of light 6840
  3913. 1862/--/-- French actress Sarah Bernhardt makes her debut at the Comedie Francaise. 4503
  3914. 1862/--/-- French impressionist artist Edouard Manet paints Le Dejeuner sur l'Herbe. 4504
  3915. 1862/--/-- French impressionist artist Edouard Manet paints Le Dejeuner sur l'Herbe. 7623
  3916. 1862/--/-- French physicist Jean Foucault successfully measures the speed of light. 4499
  3917. 1862/--/-- French writer Victor Hugo completes his social novel Les Miserables. 4506
  3918. 1862/--/-- Lee's Confederate invasion of Maryland is halted at the Battle of Antietam. 4496
  3919. 1862/--/-- Lee defeats the Union army in the Second Battle of Bull Run. 4495
  3920. 1862/--/-- McClellan is defeated in the Seven Days Battle and retreats from the peninsular. 4494
  3921. 1862/--/-- Napoleon III imposes the Austrian prince Maximilian as emperor of Mexico. 4488
  3922. 1862/--/-- Richard J. Gatling invents the first practical machine gun. 4500
  3923. 1862/--/-- Richard J. Gatling invents the first practical machine gun. 7461
  3924. 1862/--/-- Russian novelist Ivan Turgenev publishes Fathers and Sons. 4505
  3925. 1862/--/-- The first recorded ski competition is held near Oslo in Norway. 4502
  3926. 1862/--/-- The ironclad warships Monitor and Merrimack clash at Hampton Roads, Va. 4490
  3927. 1862/--/-- Union forces under Burnside are defeated at the Battle of Fredricksburg. 4497
  3928. 1862/--/-- Union forces under Grant defeat the Confederates at the Battle of Shiloh. 4492
  3929. 1862/--/-- Union forces under McClellan begin the Peninsular Campaign to capture Richmond. 4491
  3930. 1862/--/-- William I appoints Otto von Bismarck as minister president of Prussia. 4487
  3931. 1863/--/-- Cambodia (Kampuchea) becomes a French protectorate. 4507
  3932. 1863/--/-- English philosopher John Stuart Mill publishes Utilitarianism. 1206
  3933. 1863/--/-- English philosopher John Stuart Mill publishes Utilitarianism. 4518
  3934. 1863/--/-- French impressionist artist Camille Pissarro exhibits at the Salon des Refuses. 4520
  3935. 1863/--/-- French impressionist artist Camille Pissarro exhibits at the Salon des Refuses. 7624
  3936. 1863/--/-- George I succeeds Otto as king of Greece. 4510
  3937. 1863/--/-- Grant defeats the Confederates in the Vicksburg Campaign. 4514
  3938. 1863/--/-- Ismail Pasha rules Egypt under the suzerainty of the Ottoman Empire. 4508
  3939. 1863/--/-- Lincoln's Emancipation Proclamation abolishes slavery in the Confederate states. 4511
  3940. 1863/--/-- London's Metropolitan Railway becomes the first underground subway. 4517
  3941. 1863/--/-- The Confederate guerrilla band Quantrill's Raiders pillage Lawrence, Kansas. 4512
  3942. 1863/--/-- The Confederates defeat the Union army at Chancellorsville; Jackson is killed. 1528
  3943. 1863/--/-- The Confederates defeat the Union army at Chancellorsville; Jackson is killed. 4513
  3944. 1863/--/-- The Confederates under Lee are defeated at the Battle of Gettysburg. 4515
  3945. 1863/--/-- The French occupy Mexico City in support of Maximilian, Emperor of Mexico. 4509
  3946. 1863/--/-- The London Football Association issues the first soccer rules. 876
  3947. 1863/--/-- The London Football Association issues the first soccer rules. 902
  3948. 1863/--/-- The London Football Association issues the first soccer rules. 4519
  3949. 1863/--/-- West Virginia is inaugurated as the 35th state of the Union. 4516
  3950. 1863/--/-- West Virginia is inaugurated as the 35th state of the Union. 7029
  3951. 1864/--/-- A Chinese army under Gordon recaptures Nanking and ends the Taiping Rebellion. 4522
  3952. 1864/--/-- A Chinese army under Gordon recaptures Nanking and ends the Taiping Rebellion. 7810
  3953. 1864/--/-- A Union army under Sherman invades Georgia, begining the Atlanta campaign. 4527
  3954. 1864/--/-- Cheyenne and Arapaho families massacred at Sand Creek, Colorado 6841
  3955. 1864/--/-- Denmark is defeated by Prussia; Schleswig-Holstein is ceded to Germany. 4521
  3956. 1864/--/-- Nevada is inaugurated as the 36th state of the Union. 4532
  3957. 1864/--/-- Nevada is inaugurated as the 36th state of the Union. 7030
  3958. 1864/--/-- Paraguayan dictator Francisco Solano Lopez begins the War of the Triple Alliance. 4524
  3959. 1864/--/-- Sherman defeats the Confederates at Atlanta and begins his march to the sea. 4529
  3960. 1864/--/-- The Colorado militia massacre Cheyenne Indians at Sand Creek. 4530
  3961. 1864/--/-- The Confederate submarine Hunley sinks a Federal ship but is sunk in the process. 4528
  3962. 1864/--/-- The Geneva Convention sets standards of humane treatment in time of war. 4531
  3963. 1864/--/-- The Ionian Islands are ceded to Greece by Britain. 4523
  3964. 1864/--/-- The Union launches a drive on Richmond but falters in the Wilderness Campaign. 4526
  3965. 1864/--/-- Ulysses S. Grant is made general in chief of all the Union armies. 4525
  3966. 1865/--/-- Andrew Johnson (Republican) becomes president of the United States 296
  3967. 1865/--/-- Andrew Johnson becomes the 17th President of the U.S. 4536
  3968. 1865/--/-- Civil War Ends 1325
  3969. 1865/--/-- Confederate forces under Lee surrender to Grant at Appomattox Court House. 4534
  3970. 1865/--/-- Count Leo Tolstoi begins his monumental Russian novel War and Peace. 4540
  3971. 1865/--/-- English author Lewis Carroll writes Alice's Adventures in Wonderland. 1207
  3972. 1865/--/-- English author Lewis Carroll writes Alice's Adventures in Wonderland. 4539
  3973. 1865/--/-- Johnston surrenders the last Confederate army to Sherman, ending the U.S. Civil War. 4537
  3974. 1865/--/-- Leo Tolstoy "War and Peace" 6842
  3975. 1865/--/-- Lincoln assassinated 6843
  3976. 1865/--/-- Lincoln is assassinated by John Wilkes Booth at Ford's Theatre in Washington D.C. 1529
  3977. 1865/--/-- Lincoln is assassinated by John Wilkes Booth at Ford's Theatre in Washington D.C. 4535
  3978. 1865/--/-- Russian author Fyodor Dostoevsky publishes Crime and Punishment. 4541
  3979. 1865/--/-- The 13th Amendment to the U.S. Constitution abolishes slavery. 4538
  3980. 1865/--/-- The Petersburg Campaign is won by Union forces; Lee evacuates Richmond. 4533
  3981. 1866/--/-- British engineer Robert Whitehead invents the first self-propelled torpedo. 4545
  3982. 1866/--/-- British engineer Robert Whitehead invents the first self-propelled torpedo. 7462
  3983. 1866/--/-- Congress authorize (but do not mandate) the use of the metric system in the U.S. 4546
  3984. 1866/--/-- Mendel publishes his genetic research in Experiments With Plant Hybrids. 4544
  3985. 1866/--/-- Prussia and Italy defeat Austria in the Seven Weeks' War. 4542
  3986. 1866/--/-- The Ku Klux Klan is founded in the southern United States. 4543
  3987. 1867/--/-- Alfred Nobel patents dynamite 6844
  3988. 1867/--/-- Bismark forms the North German Confederation under Prussian leadership. 4548
  3989. 1867/--/-- Diamond fields are discovered in South Africa. 4553
  3990. 1867/--/-- Diamond fields are discovered in South Africa. 7894
  3991. 1867/--/-- English photographer Julia Margaret Cameron takes Sir John Herschel's portrait. 1208
  3992. 1867/--/-- English photographer Julia Margaret Cameron takes Sir John Herschel's portrait. 4555
  3993. 1867/--/-- French troops withdraw from Mexico; Emperor Maximilian is executed by Juarez. 4547
  3994. 1867/--/-- Karl Marx publishes the first volume of Das Kapital. 4554
  3995. 1867/--/-- Nebraska is inaugurated as the 37th state of the Union. 4552
  3996. 1867/--/-- Nebraska is inaugurated as the 37th state of the Union. 7031
  3997. 1867/--/-- Sir John A. Macdonald becomes Canada's first prime minister. 4551
  3998. 1867/--/-- The Compromise (Ausgleich) of 1867 creates the Dual Monarchy of Austria-Hungary. 4549
  3999. 1867/--/-- The Dominion of Canada is established by the British North America Act. 4550
  4000. 1867/--/-- The Dominion of Canada is established by the British North America Act. 7177
  4001. 1868/--/-- A military coup led by General Juan Prim deposes Queen Isabella II of Spain. 4558
  4002. 1868/--/-- A skeleton of Cro-Magnon man is discovered in southern France. 4564
  4003. 1868/--/-- British labor unions form the Trades Union Congress. 4563
  4004. 1868/--/-- Christopher Sholes patents the first practical typewriter. 4565
  4005. 1868/--/-- Chulalongkorn succeeds his father Mongkut as the king of Siam (Thailand). 4561
  4006. 1868/--/-- Feminists Susan B. Anthony and Elizabeth Cady Stanton publish Revolution. 4567
  4007. 1868/--/-- Johannes Brahms' A German Requiem is performed for the first time. 4566
  4008. 1868/--/-- Ndebele king Mzilikazi dies in Africa; he is succeeded (1870) by his son Lobengula. 1530
  4009. 1868/--/-- Ndebele king Mzilikazi dies in Africa; he is succeeded (1870) by his son Lobengula. 4562
  4010. 1868/--/-- Ndebele king Mzilikazi dies in Africa; he is succeeded (1870) by his son Lobengula. 7895
  4011. 1868/--/-- The Meiji dynasty is restored in Japan; the Tokugawa shogunate is abolished. 4556
  4012. 1868/--/-- The Meiji dynasty is restored in Japan; the Tokugawa shogunate is abolished. 7994
  4013. 1868/--/-- The Ten Years' War begins in Cuba against Spanish rule. 4559
  4014. 1868/--/-- U.S. President Andrew Johnson is impeached by Congress but acquitted by the Senate. 4560
  4015. 1868/--/-- William Gladstone becomes Liberal prime minister of Britain for the first time. 4557
  4016. 1869/--/-- 200 pitched battles between Indians and U.S. Calvary 6845
  4017. 1869/--/-- English author Matthew Arnold publishes Culture and Anarchy. 1209
  4018. 1869/--/-- English author Matthew Arnold publishes Culture and Anarchy. 4581
  4019. 1869/--/-- French artist Eugene Louis Boudin paints On the Beach at Deauville. 4580
  4020. 1869/--/-- French artist Eugene Louis Boudin paints On the Beach at Deauville. 7625
  4021. 1869/--/-- Grant is inaugurated as the 18th U.S. president; Colfax becomes vice-president. 4568
  4022. 1869/--/-- James Gordon Bennett Jr. commissions Stanley to search for Livingston in Africa. 4575
  4023. 1869/--/-- James Gordon Bennett Jr. commissions Stanley to search for Livingston in Africa. 7896
  4024. 1869/--/-- John Roebling designs the Brooklyn Bridge but dies after a construction accident. 1531
  4025. 1869/--/-- John Roebling designs the Brooklyn Bridge but dies after a construction accident. 4572
  4026. 1869/--/-- Louis Riel leads the Red River Rebellion in Canada. 4570
  4027. 1869/--/-- Ludwig II (Mad Ludwig) begins building his fantasy castles in Bavaria. 4579
  4028. 1869/--/-- Philadelphia garment workers organize the Knights of Labor, an early labor union. 4573
  4029. 1869/--/-- Pope Pius IX calls the First Vatican Council to discuss the dogma of papal infallibility. 4574
  4030. 1869/--/-- Russian composer Modest Mussorgsky begins work on his opera Boris Gudunov. 4578
  4031. 1869/--/-- Russian composer Modest Mussorgsky begins work on his opera Boris Gudunov. 7626
  4032. 1869/--/-- Suez Canal opens 6846
  4033. 1869/--/-- The Cincinnati Red Stockings become the first professional baseball team. 859
  4034. 1869/--/-- The Cincinnati Red Stockings become the first professional baseball team. 4577
  4035. 1869/--/-- The first manufacturing patent is issued for chewing gum. 4576
  4036. 1869/--/-- The Suez Canal is opened in Egypt. 4569
  4037. 1869/--/-- The transcontinental railroad is completed at Promontory Point, Utah. 4571
  4038. 1869/--/-- Ulysses S. Grant (Republican) becomes president of the United States 297
  4039. 1869/--/-- Union Pacific meets Central Pacific 6847
  4040. 1870/--/-- American industrialist John D. Rockefeller founds the Standard Oil Company. 4589
  4041. 1870/--/-- American industrialist John D. Rockefeller founds the Standard Oil Company. 7178
  4042. 1870/--/-- French war minister Leon Gambetta escapes from besieged Paris in a balloon. 1326
  4043. 1870/--/-- French war minister Leon Gambetta escapes from besieged Paris in a balloon. 4585
  4044. 1870/--/-- German archaeologist Heinrich Schliemann excavates the ancient city of Troy. 4590
  4045. 1870/--/-- Paraguayan dictator Solano Lopez dies, ending the War of the Triple Alliance. 1532
  4046. 1870/--/-- Paraguayan dictator Solano Lopez dies, ending the War of the Triple Alliance. 4586
  4047. 1870/--/-- Rome becomes the capital of the Kingdom of Italy. 4588
  4048. 1870/--/-- The city of Miami is founded in Florida. 4587
  4049. 1870/--/-- The Franco-Prussian War begins over a diplomatic incident engineered by Bismark. 4582
  4050. 1870/--/-- The Prussians defeat the French at Sedan; Napoleon III is taken prisoner. 4583
  4051. 1870/--/-- The Third Republic is formed in France; a Government of National Defense is established. 4584
  4052. 1871/--/-- American explorer Henry Morton Stanley finds Dr. Livingston in central Africa. 4597
  4053. 1871/--/-- American explorer Henry Morton Stanley finds Dr. Livingston in central Africa. 7179
  4054. 1871/--/-- American explorer Henry Morton Stanley finds Dr. Livingston in central Africa. 7897
  4055. 1871/--/-- Charles Taze Russell founds the Jehovah's Witnesses about this time. 4595
  4056. 1871/--/-- Fire destroys one-third of the city of Chicago. 4596
  4057. 1871/--/-- P.T Barnum launches a traveling circus, museum and menagerie. 4598
  4058. 1871/--/-- The Franco-Prussian War ends; Alsace and Lorraine are ceded to Germany. 4592
  4059. 1871/--/-- The French surrender to Prussia incites the Commune of Paris uprising. 4593
  4060. 1871/--/-- The German Empire is formally proclaimed at the Palace of Versailles. 4591
  4061. 1871/--/-- The Paris Commune is suppressed by government troops after a 2-month siege. 4594
  4062. 1871/--/-- Trade Unions legalized in Britain 6848
  4063. 1872/--/-- American artist James McNeill Whistler paints the Portrait of the Artist's Mother. 4604
  4064. 1872/--/-- American artist James McNeill Whistler paints the Portrait of the Artist's Mother. 7180
  4065. 1872/--/-- American artist James McNeill Whistler paints the Portrait of the Artist's Mother. 7627
  4066. 1872/--/-- English author George Eliot (Mary Anne Evans) publishes Middlemarch. 1210
  4067. 1872/--/-- English author George Eliot (Mary Anne Evans) publishes Middlemarch. 4607
  4068. 1872/--/-- Indian leader Kintpuash leaves the Modoc reservation; the Modoc Wars begin. 4600
  4069. 1872/--/-- Monet paints Impression: Sunrise; the term impressionism is derived from the title. 4605
  4070. 1872/--/-- Monet paints Impression: Sunrise; the term impressionism is derived from the title. 7628
  4071. 1872/--/-- Photographer Eadweard Muybridge begins his series of motion studies. 1533
  4072. 1872/--/-- Photographer Eadweard Muybridge begins his series of motion studies. 4603
  4073. 1872/--/-- The Challenger Expedition begins the first systematic oceanographic survey. 4602
  4074. 1872/--/-- The cities of Buda and Pest unite to form Budapest (the capital of Hungary from 1918). 4601
  4075. 1872/--/-- The death of Kamehameha V ends the Kamehameha dynasty of Hawaiian kings. 1534
  4076. 1872/--/-- The death of Kamehameha V ends the Kamehameha dynasty of Hawaiian kings. 4599
  4077. 1872/--/-- The first woman impressionist artist Berthe Morisot paints The Cradle. 4606
  4078. 1872/--/-- The first woman impressionist artist Berthe Morisot paints The Cradle. 7629
  4079. 1873/--/-- Englishman Maj. Walter Clopton Wingfield invents lawn tennis. 879
  4080. 1873/--/-- Englishman Maj. Walter Clopton Wingfield invents lawn tennis. 1211
  4081. 1873/--/-- Englishman Maj. Walter Clopton Wingfield invents lawn tennis. 4610
  4082. 1873/--/-- Englishman Maj. Walter Clopton Wingfield invents lawn tennis. 7463
  4083. 1873/--/-- French novelist Jules Verne publishes Around the World in Eighty Days. 4611
  4084. 1873/--/-- The Pacific Scandal in Canada causes the collapse of the Conservative government. 4608
  4085. 1873/--/-- The Panic of 1873 leads to 5 years of economic depression in the U.S. 4609
  4086. 1874/--/-- Benjamin Disraeli becomes the Conservative prime minister of Britain. 4612
  4087. 1874/--/-- English author Thomas Hardy publishes Far from the Madding Crowd. 1212
  4088. 1874/--/-- English author Thomas Hardy publishes Far from the Madding Crowd. 4617
  4089. 1874/--/-- First impressionist exhibit in Paris 6849
  4090. 1874/--/-- French impressionist artist Pierre Auguste Renoir paints La Loge (The Box). 4615
  4091. 1874/--/-- French impressionist artist Pierre Auguste Renoir paints La Loge (The Box). 7630
  4092. 1874/--/-- The Comanche, Kiowa and other Indian tribes attack Adobe Walls in Texas. 4613
  4093. 1874/--/-- The first exhibition of impressionist paintings is held in Paris. 4616
  4094. 1874/--/-- The first exhibition of impressionist paintings is held in Paris. 7631
  4095. 1874/--/-- The Greenback party advocates currency reform in the U.S. 4614
  4096. 1875/--/-- American author Mark Twain publishes Tom Sawyer. 4622
  4097. 1875/--/-- American author Mark Twain publishes Tom Sawyer. 7181
  4098. 1875/--/-- Britain buys Suez Canal shares from the bankrupt Egyptian leader Ismail Pasha. 4619
  4099. 1875/--/-- Charles Stewart Parnell begins movement for Irish independence 6850
  4100. 1875/--/-- Georges Bizet's opera Carmen is performed in Paris. 4621
  4101. 1875/--/-- Georges Bizet's opera Carmen is performed in Paris. 7632
  4102. 1875/--/-- Mary Baker Eddy, founder of Christian Science, publishes Science and Health. 4620
  4103. 1875/--/-- The Bourbon monarchy is restored in Spain under Alfonso XII. 4618
  4104. 1876/--/-- Abd al-Hamid II assumes his rule as the last Ottoman sultan. 4625
  4105. 1876/--/-- Alexander Graham Bell patents his invention of the telephone. 4629
  4106. 1876/--/-- Alexander Graham Bell patents his invention of the telephone. 7464
  4107. 1876/--/-- Alexander Graham Bell patents the telephone 6851
  4108. 1876/--/-- British philosopher Herbert Spencer begins publishing the Principles of Sociology. 4635
  4109. 1876/--/-- Colorado is inaugurated as the 38th state of the Union. 4628
  4110. 1876/--/-- Colorado is inaugurated as the 38th state of the Union. 7032
  4111. 1876/--/-- General Porfirio Diaz seizes power as the dictator of Mexico. 4624
  4112. 1876/--/-- German archaeologist Heinrich Schliemann excavates the ancient city of Mycenae. 4630
  4113. 1876/--/-- Impressionist artist Alfred Sisley paints Flood at the Port of Marly. 4634
  4114. 1876/--/-- Impressionist artist Alfred Sisley paints Flood at the Port of Marly. 7633
  4115. 1876/--/-- Japan forces Korea to open up to foreign trade, countering the influence of China. 4627
  4116. 1876/--/-- Japan forces Korea to open up to foreign trade, countering the influence of China. 7811
  4117. 1876/--/-- Japan forces Korea to open up to foreign trade, countering the influence of China. 7995
  4118. 1876/--/-- Johann Strauss Jr. composes his waltz The Beautiful Blue Danube. 4632
  4119. 1876/--/-- National League founded (baseball) 6852
  4120. 1876/--/-- Queen Victoria assumes the title of Empress of India. 4626
  4121. 1876/--/-- Sioux and Cheyenne defeat Custer at Little Big Horn, Montanna 6853
  4122. 1876/--/-- Sioux Indians defeat General Custer at the Battle of Little Bighorn. 4623
  4123. 1876/--/-- The Bayreuth musical festival opens with a performance of Wagner's Ring cycle. 4633
  4124. 1876/--/-- The Bayreuth musical festival opens with a performance of Wagner's Ring cycle. 7634
  4125. 1876/--/-- The U.S. Centennial Exposition of 1876 is held in Fairmount Park, Philadelphia. 4631
  4126. 1877/--/-- Britain annexes Transvaal in South Africa. 4638
  4127. 1877/--/-- Britain annexes Transvaal in South Africa. 7898
  4128. 1877/--/-- Chief Joseph leads the Nez Perce tribe against the U.S. Army. 4640
  4129. 1877/--/-- Hayes is inaugurated as the 19th U.S. president; Wheeler becomes vice-president 4636
  4130. 1877/--/-- Italian astronomer Giovanni Schiaparelli observes canali (channels) on Mars. 4642
  4131. 1877/--/-- Nez Perce leave Idaho for Canada 6854
  4132. 1877/--/-- Rutherford B. Hayes (Republican) becomes president of the United States 298
  4133. 1877/--/-- Tchaikovsky's Swan Lake is performed by the Bolshoi Ballet in Moscow. 4644
  4134. 1877/--/-- The All-England lawn tennis championship is played at Wimbledon for the first time. 880
  4135. 1877/--/-- The All-England lawn tennis championship is played at Wimbledon for the first time. 1213
  4136. 1877/--/-- The All-England lawn tennis championship is played at Wimbledon for the first time. 4643
  4137. 1877/--/-- The Japanese army suppresses a samurai revolt led by Saigo Takamori. 4637
  4138. 1877/--/-- The Japanese army suppresses a samurai revolt led by Saigo Takamori. 7996
  4139. 1877/--/-- Thomas Edison invents the phonograph. 4641
  4140. 1877/--/-- Thomas Edison invents the phonograph. 7465
  4141. 1877/--/-- Turkish suppression of Balkan nationalists leads to a new Russo-Turkish War. 4639
  4142. 1878/--/-- Ismail Pasha presents Cleopatra's Needles to Britain (1878) and the U.S. (1880). 4650
  4143. 1878/--/-- Northern Cheyenne escape Indian Territory 6855
  4144. 1878/--/-- Serbia, Montenegro and Romania are granted independence from Turkey. 4647
  4145. 1878/--/-- The Congress of Berlin reverses Russian gains from the San Stefano Treaty. 4646
  4146. 1878/--/-- The D'Oyly Carte Opera Company performs Gilbert and Sullivan's H.M.S. Pinafore. 4651
  4147. 1878/--/-- The D'Oyly Carte Opera Company performs Gilbert and Sullivan's H.M.S. Pinafore. 7635
  4148. 1878/--/-- The Russo-Turkish War ends; The Treaty of San Stefano is imposed on Turkey. 4645
  4149. 1878/--/-- The second Anglo-Afghan War begins. 4649
  4150. 1878/--/-- Turkey's provinces of Bosnia and Hercegovina are placed under Austrian administration. 4648
  4151. 1879/--/-- Belgian king Leopold II sponsors Henry Morton Stanley's expedition to the Congo. 4654
  4152. 1879/--/-- Cetewayo's Zulus defeat the British at Isandhlwana, but are beaten at Ulundi. 4652
  4153. 1879/--/-- Charles Stewart Parnell leads the Home Rule for Ireland party. 4655
  4154. 1879/--/-- General Roca defeats the Patagonian Indians, opening the Pampas for settlement. 4657
  4155. 1879/--/-- Impressionist artist Edgar Degas paints Ballerina Posing for a Photograph. 4659
  4156. 1879/--/-- Impressionist artist Edgar Degas paints Ballerina Posing for a Photograph. 7636
  4157. 1879/--/-- Norwegian playwright Henrik Ibsen writes A Doll's House. 4660
  4158. 1879/--/-- Tawfiq Pasha succeeds his father Ismail Pasha as khedive (viceroy) of Egypt. 4653
  4159. 1879/--/-- Territorial disputes lead to the War of the Pacific between Chile and Peru. 4656
  4160. 1879/--/-- Thomas Edison develops the first workable incandescent lamp (light bulb). 4658
  4161. 1879/--/-- Thomas Edison invents incandescent light 6856
  4162. 1880/--/-- American impressionist artist Mary Cassatt exhibits A Woman in Black at the Opera. 4665
  4163. 1880/--/-- American impressionist artist Mary Cassatt exhibits A Woman in Black at the Opera. 7182
  4164. 1880/--/-- American impressionist artist Mary Cassatt exhibits A Woman in Black at the Opera. 7637
  4165. 1880/--/-- Australian bushranger Ned Kelly is hanged for murder. 1535
  4166. 1880/--/-- Australian bushranger Ned Kelly is hanged for murder. 4664
  4167. 1880/--/-- Boer (Afrikaner) uprisings begin against the British in Transvaal, South Africa. 4661
  4168. 1880/--/-- Boer (Afrikaner) uprisings begin against the British in Transvaal, South Africa. 7899
  4169. 1880/--/-- France annexes the Pacific island of Tahiti. 4663
  4170. 1880/--/-- French novelist Emile Zola writes Nana, a portrait of a prostitute. 4668
  4171. 1880/--/-- German composer Jacques Offenbach writes the opera Tales of Hoffmann. 4666
  4172. 1880/--/-- German composer Jacques Offenbach writes the opera Tales of Hoffmann. 7638
  4173. 1880/--/-- Gladstone succeeds Disraeli as British prime minister. 4662
  4174. 1880/--/-- Russian composer Peter Ilich Tchaikovsky writes the 1812 Overture. 4667
  4175. 1881/--/-- Alexander II is assassinated by narodniki revolutionaries in Russia. 1536
  4176. 1881/--/-- Alexander II is assassinated by narodniki revolutionaries in Russia. 4673
  4177. 1881/--/-- Chester A. Arthur (Republican) becomes president of the United States 300
  4178. 1881/--/-- Chester A. Arthur is inaugurated as the 21st U.S. president. 4672
  4179. 1881/--/-- Ferdinand de Lesseps begins an abortive attempt to build the Panama Canal. 4675
  4180. 1881/--/-- Garfield is inaugurated as the 20th U.S. president; Arthur becomes vice-president. 4669
  4181. 1881/--/-- James A. Garfield (Republican) becomes president of the United States 299
  4182. 1881/--/-- Japanese statesman Itagaki Taisuke founds the Jiyuto (Liberal party). 4670
  4183. 1881/--/-- Japanese statesman Itagaki Taisuke founds the Jiyuto (Liberal party). 7997
  4184. 1881/--/-- Lillie Langtry, mistress of the Prince of Wales, makes her acting debut. 4677
  4185. 1881/--/-- President Garfield is assassinated by Charles J. Guiteau. 1537
  4186. 1881/--/-- President Garfield is assassinated by Charles J. Guiteau. 4671
  4187. 1881/--/-- The first U.S. tennis championship is held in Newport, R.I. 881
  4188. 1881/--/-- The first U.S. tennis championship is held in Newport, R.I. 4676
  4189. 1881/--/-- The Sudanese under Mahdi Muhammad Ahmad overthrow Egyptian rule. 4674
  4190. 1882/--/-- A Triple Alliance is established between Austria, Italy and Germany. 4678
  4191. 1882/--/-- Edison's New York plant begins supplying 59 customers with electricity. 4682
  4192. 1882/--/-- Impressionist artist Edouard Manet completes the Bar at the Folies-Bergere. 4683
  4193. 1882/--/-- Impressionist artist Edouard Manet completes the Bar at the Folies-Bergere. 7639
  4194. 1882/--/-- Japanese statesman Okuma Shigenobu founds the Kaishinto, or Progressive, party. 4681
  4195. 1882/--/-- Japanese statesman Okuma Shigenobu founds the Kaishinto, or Progressive, party. 7998
  4196. 1882/--/-- The British take control of Egypt, suppressing uprisings against Tawfiq Pasha. 4679
  4197. 1882/--/-- The U.S. begins to restrict immigration with the Chinese Exclusion Acts. 4680
  4198. 1882/--/-- The U.S. begins to restrict immigration with the Chinese Exclusion Acts. 7812
  4199. 1883/--/-- Buffalo Bill Cody organizes his Wild West show. 4689
  4200. 1883/--/-- Civil Service established 6857
  4201. 1883/--/-- Cyrus H. K. Curtis publishes the Lady's Home Journal magazine. 4692
  4202. 1883/--/-- German philosopher Frederich Wilhelm Nietzsche begins Thus Spake Zarathustra. 4691
  4203. 1883/--/-- Maxim invents machine gun 6858
  4204. 1883/--/-- Paul Kruger becomes president of the Boer republic of the Transvaal in South Africa. 4684
  4205. 1883/--/-- Paul Kruger becomes president of the Boer republic of the Transvaal in South Africa. 7900
  4206. 1883/--/-- Russian scientist Tsiolkovsky proves that a rocket could work in the vacuum of space. 4690
  4207. 1883/--/-- Russian scientist Tsiolkovsky proves that a rocket could work in the vacuum of space. 7388
  4208. 1883/--/-- The Brooklyn Bridge is completed in New York. 4687
  4209. 1883/--/-- The Fabian Society is founded in London to spread socialist ideas. 4685
  4210. 1883/--/-- The first skyscraper (10 stories) is built in Chicago by William LeBaron Jenney. 4688
  4211. 1883/--/-- The Island volcano of Krakatoa explodes in Indonesia, causing 36,000 deaths. 1538
  4212. 1883/--/-- The Island volcano of Krakatoa explodes in Indonesia, causing 36,000 deaths. 4686
  4213. 1884/--/-- 15 European nations partition Africa for "spheres of influence" 6859
  4214. 1884/--/-- American author Mark Twain publishes the Adventures of Huckleberry Finn. 4697
  4215. 1884/--/-- American author Mark Twain publishes the Adventures of Huckleberry Finn. 7183
  4216. 1884/--/-- Belva Lockwood becomes the first woman nominated as a U.S. presidential candidate. 4695
  4217. 1884/--/-- German East Africa is formed from Rwanda, Mozambique,Tanzania and Burundi. 4694
  4218. 1884/--/-- German East Africa is formed from Rwanda, Mozambique,Tanzania and Burundi. 7902
  4219. 1884/--/-- Germany occupies South West Africa (Namibia). 4693
  4220. 1884/--/-- Germany occupies South West Africa (Namibia). 7901
  4221. 1884/--/-- Lewis E. Waterman invents the first fountain pen with an ink reservoir. 4696
  4222. 1884/--/-- Lewis E. Waterman invents the first fountain pen with an ink reservoir. 7466
  4223. 1885/--/-- Boston Symphony Orchestra organizes its Promenade Concerts (the Boston Pops). 4705
  4224. 1885/--/-- Boston Symphony Orchestra organizes its Promenade Concerts (the Boston Pops). 7640
  4225. 1885/--/-- Cleveland is inaugurated as the 22nd U.S. president; Hendricks becomes vice-president. 4698
  4226. 1885/--/-- French chemist Louis Pasteur develops a vaccine for rabies. 4702
  4227. 1885/--/-- General Gordon is killed by Mahdist forces at the siege of Khartoum in Sudan. 1539
  4228. 1885/--/-- General Gordon is killed by Mahdist forces at the siege of Khartoum in Sudan. 4699
  4229. 1885/--/-- Gottlieb Daimler develops the first motorcycle. 4703
  4230. 1885/--/-- Grover Cleveland (Democrat) becomes president of the United States 301
  4231. 1885/--/-- J. K. Stanley introduces his safety cycle, the basic model for the modern bicycle. 4704
  4232. 1885/--/-- Louis Pasteur administers successful rabies vaccination 6860
  4233. 1885/--/-- The Congo Free State (Zaire) becomes the possession of King Leopold II of Belgium. 4701
  4234. 1885/--/-- The Indian National Congress movement is founded in Bombay. 4700
  4235. 1886/--/-- Apache Indian chief Geronimo surrenders to General Nelson Miles. 4710
  4236. 1886/--/-- Britain makes Burma a province of India after winning the Anglo-Burma War. 4707
  4237. 1886/--/-- British prime minister Gladstone introduces an unsuccessful Home Rule bill for Ireland. 4706
  4238. 1886/--/-- French sculptor Auguste Rodin completes The Kiss. 4714
  4239. 1886/--/-- French sculptor Auguste Rodin completes The Kiss. 7641
  4240. 1886/--/-- Gold is discovered in Transvaal, South Africa. 4709
  4241. 1886/--/-- Gold is discovered in Transvaal, South Africa. 7903
  4242. 1886/--/-- Haymarket Square labor riot in Chicago kills eleven people 6861
  4243. 1886/--/-- Jose Balmaceda becomes president of Chile. 4712
  4244. 1886/--/-- Samuel Gompers organizes the American Federation of Labor. 4711
  4245. 1886/--/-- Samuel Gompers organizes the American Federation of Labor. 7184
  4246. 1886/--/-- The Anglo-German Agreement recognizes German control over Tanganyika (Tanzania). 4708
  4247. 1886/--/-- The Statue of Liberty is unveiled in New York Harbor. 4713
  4248. 1887/--/-- Arthur Conan Doyle publishes the first Sherlock Holmes story. 4717
  4249. 1887/--/-- France creates the Union of Indochina (most of modern day Vietnam and Kampuchea). 4715
  4250. 1887/--/-- France creates the Union of Indochina (most of modern day Vietnam and Kampuchea). 7813
  4251. 1887/--/-- The Michelson-Morley experiment confirms the absence of ether. 4716
  4252. 1888/--/-- A patent is issued to American inventor John H. Loud for the first ball-point pen. 4721
  4253. 1888/--/-- A patent is issued to American inventor John H. Loud for the first ball-point pen. 7186
  4254. 1888/--/-- A patent is issued to American inventor John H. Loud for the first ball-point pen. 7468
  4255. 1888/--/-- American inventor George Eastman introduces the Kodak box camera. 4720
  4256. 1888/--/-- American inventor George Eastman introduces the Kodak box camera. 7185
  4257. 1888/--/-- American inventor George Eastman introduces the Kodak box camera. 7467
  4258. 1888/--/-- Britain unites its Caribbean colonies of Trinidad and Tobago. 4719
  4259. 1888/--/-- Dutch artist Vincent van Gogh paints Still Life With Sunflowers. 4724
  4260. 1888/--/-- Dutch artist Vincent van Gogh paints Still Life With Sunflowers. 7642
  4261. 1888/--/-- Eastman's Kodak camera begins amateur photography 6862
  4262. 1888/--/-- Jack the Ripper murders seven women in London. 1540
  4263. 1888/--/-- Jack the Ripper murders seven women in London. 4722
  4264. 1888/--/-- Russian composer Nikolai Rimsky-Korsakov writes Scheherazade. 4723
  4265. 1888/--/-- The National Geographic Magazine is published for the first time. 4725
  4266. 1888/--/-- William II succeeds Frederick III as emperor of Germany. 4718
  4267. 1889/--/-- Benjamin Harrison (Republican) becomes president of the United States 302
  4268. 1889/--/-- Benjamin Harrison is inaugurated as the 23rd U.S. president. 4726
  4269. 1889/--/-- Crown Prince Rudolf of Austria commits suicide at Mayerling. 1541
  4270. 1889/--/-- Crown Prince Rudolf of Austria commits suicide at Mayerling. 4727
  4271. 1889/--/-- German revolutionary Rosa Luxemburg is exiled in Switzerland. 4728
  4272. 1889/--/-- Gustave Eiffel designs the Eiffel Tower for the Paris Exposition. 4733
  4273. 1889/--/-- Japan's first prime minister Ito Hirobumi introduces the Meiji Constitution. 4729
  4274. 1889/--/-- Japan's first prime minister Ito Hirobumi introduces the Meiji Constitution. 7999
  4275. 1889/--/-- Montana is inaugurated as the 41st state. 7035
  4276. 1889/--/-- Montana is inaugurated as the 41st state; Washington is inaugurated as the 42nd state. 4732
  4277. 1889/--/-- North Dakota and South Dakota are inaugurated as the 39th and 40th states. 4730
  4278. 1889/--/-- North Dakota is inaugurated as the 39th state of the Union. 7033
  4279. 1889/--/-- Pedro II emperor of Brazil is overthrown in a coup; Brazil is declared a republic. 4731
  4280. 1889/--/-- South Dakota is inaugurated as the 40th state of the Union. 7034
  4281. 1889/--/-- Washington is inaugurated as the 42nd state. 7036
  4282. 1890/--/-- AFL founded by S Gompers 6863
  4283. 1890/--/-- American naval officer Alfred Mahan publishes The Influence of Sea Power upon History. 4745
  4284. 1890/--/-- American naval officer Alfred Mahan publishes The Influence of Sea Power upon History. 7188
  4285. 1890/--/-- American psychologist William James publishes The Principles of Psychology. 4741
  4286. 1890/--/-- American psychologist William James publishes The Principles of Psychology. 7187
  4287. 1890/--/-- Cecil Rhodes becomes prime minister of the Cape Colony in South Africa. 4737
  4288. 1890/--/-- Cecil Rhodes becomes prime minister of the Cape Colony in South Africa. 7904
  4289. 1890/--/-- Claude Debussy begins composing Suite Bergamasque, including Clair de lune. 4742
  4290. 1890/--/-- Dutch artist Vincent van Gogh commits suicide. 1542
  4291. 1890/--/-- Dutch artist Vincent van Gogh commits suicide. 4744
  4292. 1890/--/-- Dutch artist Vincent van Gogh commits suicide. 7643
  4293. 1890/--/-- German chancellor Otto von Bismarck is dismissed by Emperor William II. 4734
  4294. 1890/--/-- Idaho is inaugurated as the 43rd state. 7037
  4295. 1890/--/-- Idaho is inaugurated as the 43rd state; Wyoming is inaugurated as the 44th state. 4739
  4296. 1890/--/-- Indian poet Rabindranath Tagore publishes Manasi (The Mind's Embodiment). 4746
  4297. 1890/--/-- Photographer Jacob Riis documents New York's poor in How the Other Half Lives. 4743
  4298. 1890/--/-- Sherman Antitrust Act 6864
  4299. 1890/--/-- Sioux Indians are massacred at the Battle of Wounded Knee. 4736
  4300. 1890/--/-- The British South Africa Company occupies Zimbabwe; conflicts begin with the Ndebele. 4738
  4301. 1890/--/-- The British South Africa Company occupies Zimbabwe; conflicts begin with the Ndebele. 7905
  4302. 1890/--/-- The Forth Railway Bridge is opened, replacing the Brooklyn Bridge as the longest span. 4740
  4303. 1890/--/-- Wyoming is inaugurated as the 44th state. 7038
  4304. 1890/--/-- Zanzibar becomes a British protectorate. 4735
  4305. 1891/--/-- Anglo-Irish author Oscar Wilde publishes his only novel The Picture of Dorian Gray. 4752
  4306. 1891/--/-- English novelist Thomas Hardy writes Tess of the D'Urbervilles. 1214
  4307. 1891/--/-- English novelist Thomas Hardy writes Tess of the D'Urbervilles. 4751
  4308. 1891/--/-- Eugene Dubois discovers the first Homo erectus remains on Java in Indonesia. 4748
  4309. 1891/--/-- French postimpressionist artist Paul Gauguin travels to Tahiti. 4750
  4310. 1891/--/-- French postimpressionist artist Paul Gauguin travels to Tahiti. 7644
  4311. 1891/--/-- James Naismith devises the game of basketball in Springfield, Mass. 869
  4312. 1891/--/-- James Naismith devises the game of basketball in Springfield, Mass. 4749
  4313. 1891/--/-- The American Express Company introduces the first traveler's checks. 4747
  4314. 1891/--/-- The American Express Company introduces the first traveler's checks. 7189
  4315. 1892/--/-- French artist Henri de Toulouse-Lautrec paints At the Moulin Rouge. 4757
  4316. 1892/--/-- French artist Henri de Toulouse-Lautrec paints At the Moulin Rouge. 7645
  4317. 1892/--/-- Impressionist artist Paul Cezanne completes the Card Players. 4756
  4318. 1892/--/-- Impressionist artist Paul Cezanne completes the Card Players. 7646
  4319. 1892/--/-- James J. Corbett wins the heavyweight boxing championship from John L. Sullivan. 4754
  4320. 1892/--/-- Strike at Carnegie Steel results in ten deaths 6865
  4321. 1892/--/-- The San Francisco Examiner begins printing the first newspaper comic strip. 4755
  4322. 1892/--/-- Writer and political revolutionary Jose Marti founds the Cuban Revolutionary party. 4753
  4323. 1893/--/-- American artist Louis Comfort Tiffany begins producing Art Nouveau glassware. 4764
  4324. 1893/--/-- American artist Louis Comfort Tiffany begins producing Art Nouveau glassware. 7190
  4325. 1893/--/-- American artist Louis Comfort Tiffany begins producing Art Nouveau glassware. 7647
  4326. 1893/--/-- Cleveland is inaugurated as the 24th U.S. president; Hendricks becomes vice-president. 4758
  4327. 1893/--/-- France adds Laos to "protectorate" of Indochina 6866
  4328. 1893/--/-- France adds Laos to the Union of Indochina. 4761
  4329. 1893/--/-- France adds Laos to the Union of Indochina. 7814
  4330. 1893/--/-- Gladstone's second Irish Home Rule Bill is vetoed by the House of Lords in Britain. 4760
  4331. 1893/--/-- Grover Cleveland (Democrat) becomes president of the United States 303
  4332. 1893/--/-- Queen Liliuokalani is ousted in Hawaii; Sanford B. Dole, is elected president (1894). 4762
  4333. 1893/--/-- The Ivory Coast becomes a French colony. 4759
  4334. 1893/--/-- Victor Horta's Tassel House in Brussels initiates the Art Nouveau architectural style. 4763
  4335. 1894/--/-- Britain establishes a protectorate over Buganda and conquers the rest of Uganda. 4766
  4336. 1894/--/-- Czech decorative artist Alfons Mucha designs a poster of Sarah Bernhardt. 4771
  4337. 1894/--/-- Czech decorative artist Alfons Mucha designs a poster of Sarah Bernhardt. 7648
  4338. 1894/--/-- Dreyfus case splits France 6867
  4339. 1894/--/-- English artist Aubrey Beardsley illustrates Oscar Wilde's Salome. 1215
  4340. 1894/--/-- English artist Aubrey Beardsley illustrates Oscar Wilde's Salome. 4770
  4341. 1894/--/-- English artist Aubrey Beardsley illustrates Oscar Wilde's Salome. 7649
  4342. 1894/--/-- English author Rudyard Kipling publishes The Jungle Book. 1216
  4343. 1894/--/-- English author Rudyard Kipling publishes The Jungle Book. 4772
  4344. 1894/--/-- Percival Lowell builds an observatory to study the Martian canals. 4769
  4345. 1894/--/-- Rebellion in Korea begins the First Sino-Japanese War. 4765
  4346. 1894/--/-- Rebellion in Korea begins the First Sino-Japanese War. 8000
  4347. 1894/--/-- The arrest of army captain Albert Dreyfus creates a political crisis in France. 4768
  4348. 1894/--/-- Thousands of Armenians are massacred in Turkey. 4767
  4349. 1895/--/-- Anglo-Irish playwright Oscar Wilde writes The Importance of Being Earnest. 4781
  4350. 1895/--/-- Japan defeats China; the Shimonoseki Treaty establishes Korean independence. 4776
  4351. 1895/--/-- Japan defeats China; the Shimonoseki Treaty establishes Korean independence. 7815
  4352. 1895/--/-- Japan defeats China; the Shimonoseki Treaty establishes Korean independence. 8001
  4353. 1895/--/-- Louis and Auguste Lumiere show the first motion pictures to a Paris cafe audience. 4779
  4354. 1895/--/-- Russian revolutionary Vladimir Ilich Lenin is exiled to Siberia. 4774
  4355. 1895/--/-- Sir Henry Irving becomes the first British actor to be knighted. 4780
  4356. 1895/--/-- The American Bowling Congress (ABC) is founded. 4778
  4357. 1895/--/-- The American Bowling Congress (ABC) is founded. 7191
  4358. 1895/--/-- The Cuban War of Independence begins against Spain; Jose Marti is killed in battle. 1543
  4359. 1895/--/-- The Cuban War of Independence begins against Spain; Jose Marti is killed in battle. 4775
  4360. 1895/--/-- The first list of best-selling books is published by The Bookman magazine. 4782
  4361. 1895/--/-- The Jameson Raid on the Boer republic of Transvaal increases anti-British hostility. 4773
  4362. 1895/--/-- Wilhelm Rontgen discovers x-rays 6868
  4363. 1895/--/-- X rays are discovered by German physicist Wilhelm C. Roentgen. 4777
  4364. 1896/--/-- A tsunami (tidal wave) kills 27,000 people in Japan. 1544
  4365. 1896/--/-- A tsunami (tidal wave) kills 27,000 people in Japan. 4785
  4366. 1896/--/-- A tsunami (tidal wave) kills 27,000 people in Japan. 8002
  4367. 1896/--/-- Italian composer Giacomo Puccini writes the opera La Boheme. 4787
  4368. 1896/--/-- Italian composer Giacomo Puccini writes the opera La Boheme. 7650
  4369. 1896/--/-- John Philip Sousa composes The Stars and Stripes Forever. 4788
  4370. 1896/--/-- King Menelik II defeats the Italians at Adwa, maintaining Ethiopian independence. 4783
  4371. 1896/--/-- Supreme Court rules "separate but equal" legal 6869
  4372. 1896/--/-- The first modern Olympic Games are held at Athens in Greece; 13 countries compete. 912
  4373. 1896/--/-- The first modern Olympic Games are held at Athens in Greece; 13 countries compete. 4786
  4374. 1896/--/-- Utah is inaugurated as the 45th state of the Union. 4784
  4375. 1896/--/-- Utah is inaugurated as the 45th state of the Union. 7039
  4376. 1897/--/-- American comic strip The Katzenjammer Kids is begun by Rudolph Dirks. 4795
  4377. 1897/--/-- American comic strip The Katzenjammer Kids is begun by Rudolph Dirks. 7192
  4378. 1897/--/-- Austrian artist Gustav Klimt helps to found the Vienna Secession group. 4793
  4379. 1897/--/-- Austrian artist Gustav Klimt helps to found the Vienna Secession group. 7651
  4380. 1897/--/-- British physician Havelock Ellis begins his Studies in the Psychology of Sex. 1545
  4381. 1897/--/-- British physician Havelock Ellis begins his Studies in the Psychology of Sex. 4791
  4382. 1897/--/-- English author Rudyard Kipling publishes Captains Courageous. 1217
  4383. 1897/--/-- English author Rudyard Kipling publishes Captains Courageous. 4799
  4384. 1897/--/-- French dramatist Edmond Rostand writes Cyrano de Bergerac. 4796
  4385. 1897/--/-- French primitive artist Henri Rousseau paints The Sleeping Gypsy. 4794
  4386. 1897/--/-- French primitive artist Henri Rousseau paints The Sleeping Gypsy. 7652
  4387. 1897/--/-- McKinley is inaugurated as the 25th U.S. president; Hobart becomes vice-president. 4789
  4388. 1897/--/-- Russian author Anton Chekhov writes the play Uncle Vanya. 4798
  4389. 1897/--/-- Stanislavsky founds the Moscow Art Theater and begins the method acting technique. 4797
  4390. 1897/--/-- The first subway un the U.S. opens in Boston. 4792
  4391. 1897/--/-- Theodor Herzl organizes the World Zionist Congress at Basel in Switzerland. 4790
  4392. 1897/--/-- William Mckinley (Republican) becomes president of the United States 304
  4393. 1898/--/-- Anglo-Irish playwright George Bernard Shaw publishes Arms and the Man. 4812
  4394. 1898/--/-- Britain obtains a 99-year lease for Hong Kong from the Chinese. 4807
  4395. 1898/--/-- Britain obtains a 99-year lease for Hong Kong from the Chinese. 7816
  4396. 1898/--/-- Commodore Dewey destroys the Spanish fleet in Manila harbor. 4803
  4397. 1898/--/-- Cuba occupied by U.S. and released 6870
  4398. 1898/--/-- English author H. G. Wells publishes The War of the Worlds. 1218
  4399. 1898/--/-- English author H. G. Wells publishes The War of the Worlds. 4813
  4400. 1898/--/-- Spain cedes Puerto Rico, Guam and the Philippines to the U.S. in the Treaty of Paris. 4809
  4401. 1898/--/-- Spanish-American War, Cuba, Phillipines, US 1328
  4402. 1898/--/-- The Boxer Uprising begins in China; Empress Tz'u-hsi imprisons the emperor. 4811
  4403. 1898/--/-- The Boxer Uprising begins in China; Empress Tz'u-hsi imprisons the emperor. 7817
  4404. 1898/--/-- The British under Kitchener defeat the Mahdists at Omdurman in Sudan. 4808
  4405. 1898/--/-- The Fashoda Incident leads to a French withdrawal from the Sudan. 4810
  4406. 1898/--/-- The Spanish-American War begins with a declaration of war by Congress. 1327
  4407. 1898/--/-- The Spanish-American War begins with a declaration of war by Congress. 4802
  4408. 1898/--/-- The Spanish-American War begins with a declaration of war by Congress. 7193
  4409. 1898/--/-- The Spanish fleet is destroyed off Cuba; Spain sues for peace. 4806
  4410. 1898/--/-- The U.S. army uses machine guns for the first time in the battle of Santiago. 4805
  4411. 1898/--/-- The U.S. battleship Maine explodes in the Spanish port of Manila in the Philippines. 4801
  4412. 1898/--/-- U.S. troops land on Cuba; Theodore Roosevelt's Rough Riders are in action. 4804
  4413. 1898/--/-- William Randolph Hearst's yellow journalism inflames anti-Spanish feelings. 4800
  4414. 1899/--/-- American artist Winslow Homer paints the Gulf Stream. 4819
  4415. 1899/--/-- American artist Winslow Homer paints the Gulf Stream. 7195
  4416. 1899/--/-- American artist Winslow Homer paints the Gulf Stream. 7653
  4417. 1899/--/-- American composer Scott Joplin publishes his Maple Leaf Rag. 4818
  4418. 1899/--/-- American composer Scott Joplin publishes his Maple Leaf Rag. 7194
  4419. 1899/--/-- Designer Charles Rennie Mackintosh completes the Glasgow School of Art. 4817
  4420. 1899/--/-- English composer Edward Elgar writes The Enigma Variations. 1219
  4421. 1899/--/-- English composer Edward Elgar writes The Enigma Variations. 4820
  4422. 1899/--/-- Journalist and future statesman Winston Churchill escapes from Boer captivity. 4816
  4423. 1899/--/-- Sigmund Freud "Interpretation of Dreams" 6871
  4424. 1899/--/-- The British under Robert Baden-Powell are besieged by the Boers at Mafeking. 4815
  4425. 1899/--/-- The South African War begins between the Boers (Afrikaners) and the British. 4814
  4426. 1899/--/-- The South African War begins between the Boers (Afrikaners) and the British. 7906
  4427. 1899/--/-- U.S. Secretary of State John M. Hay advocates an Open Door Policy for China. 4821
  4428. 1899/--/-- U.S. Secretary of State John M. Hay advocates an Open Door Policy for China. 7818
  4429. 1900/--/-- American novelist Theodore Dreiser publishes his first novel Sister Carrie. 4834
  4430. 1900/--/-- American novelist Theodore Dreiser publishes his first novel Sister Carrie. 7196
  4431. 1900/--/-- An international force lifts the Boxer siege of Peking. 4823
  4432. 1900/--/-- British politician Keir Hardie helps to found the Labour party. 4827
  4433. 1900/--/-- Chinese nationalists besiege foreigners in Peking during the Boxer Uprising. 4822
  4434. 1900/--/-- Chinese nationalists besiege foreigners in Peking during the Boxer Uprising. 7819
  4435. 1900/--/-- Dutch physiologist Willem Einthoven invents the electrocardiograph. 4831
  4436. 1900/--/-- Dutch physiologist Willem Einthoven invents the electrocardiograph. 7469
  4437. 1900/--/-- Hawaii is made a U.S. Territory; Sanford Dole serves as the first governor. 4828
  4438. 1900/--/-- Hector Guimard uses Art Nouveau designs for the entrances to the Paris Metro. 4837
  4439. 1900/--/-- Humbert I is assassinated; he is succeeded by Victor Emanuel III as king of Italy. 1546
  4440. 1900/--/-- Humbert I is assassinated; he is succeeded by Victor Emanuel III as king of Italy. 4826
  4441. 1900/--/-- Italian author Gabriele D'Annunzio publishes The Flame of Life. 4835
  4442. 1900/--/-- James J. Jeffries beats Jim Corbett to retain the heavyweight boxing title. 4833
  4443. 1900/--/-- Max Planck formulates the quantum theory in physics. 4829
  4444. 1900/--/-- Psychoanalyst Sigmund Freud publishes The Interpretation of Dreams. 4836
  4445. 1900/--/-- Sir Arthur Evans begins the excavation of the Minoan palace at Knossos, Crete. 4830
  4446. 1900/--/-- The Boers begin a guerrilla war against the British occupation forces. 1329
  4447. 1900/--/-- The Boers begin a guerrilla war against the British occupation forces. 4825
  4448. 1900/--/-- The British defeat the Boer (Afrikaner) armies in South Africa and occupy Pretoria. 4824
  4449. 1900/--/-- The British defeat the Boer (Afrikaner) armies in South Africa and occupy Pretoria. 7907
  4450. 1900/--/-- The U.S. wins the first Davis Cup tennis contest. 882
  4451. 1900/--/-- The U.S. wins the first Davis Cup tennis contest. 4832
  4452. 1901/--/-- A 39,000 year-old frozen mammoth is discovered in Russia. 4850
  4453. 1901/--/-- A stele bearing the Code of Hammurabi is discovered in Susa, Iran. 4857
  4454. 1901/--/-- American surgeon Walter Reed proves that yellow fever is transmitted by mosquitoes. 4849
  4455. 1901/--/-- American surgeon Walter Reed proves that yellow fever is transmitted by mosquitoes. 7199
  4456. 1901/--/-- An American League of baseball is formed in competition to the National League. 860
  4457. 1901/--/-- An American League of baseball is formed in competition to the National League. 4851
  4458. 1901/--/-- An American League of baseball is formed in competition to the National League. 7200
  4459. 1901/--/-- Andrew Carnegie sells his company and devotes himself to philanthropy. 4845
  4460. 1901/--/-- Britain incorporates Ashanti territory into the Gold Coast (Ghana). 4839
  4461. 1901/--/-- English author Beatrix Potter publishes her children's book The Tale of Peter Rabbit. 1220
  4462. 1901/--/-- English author Beatrix Potter publishes her children's book The Tale of Peter Rabbit. 4856
  4463. 1901/--/-- Guglielmo Marconi tests radio transmissions between England and Newfoundland. 1221
  4464. 1901/--/-- Guglielmo Marconi tests radio transmissions between England and Newfoundland. 4848
  4465. 1901/--/-- King C. Gillette founds the American Safety Razor Company. 4847
  4466. 1901/--/-- King C. Gillette founds the American Safety Razor Company. 7198
  4467. 1901/--/-- Pres. McKinley shot by anarchist 6872
  4468. 1901/--/-- President McKinley is assassinated by the anarchist Leon Czolgosz. 1547
  4469. 1901/--/-- President McKinley is assassinated by the anarchist Leon Czolgosz. 4842
  4470. 1901/--/-- Queen Victoria dies; she is succeeded by her son Edward VII. 1548
  4471. 1901/--/-- Queen Victoria dies; she is succeeded by her son Edward VII. 4841
  4472. 1901/--/-- Russia occupies Manchuria in north-east China. 4838
  4473. 1901/--/-- Russia occupies Manchuria in north-east China. 7820
  4474. 1901/--/-- Sergei Rachmaninoff writes his Second Piano Concerto. 4854
  4475. 1901/--/-- Sir Edward Elgar composes the first of his five Pomp and Circumstance Marches. 4855
  4476. 1901/--/-- Spanish painter Pablo Picasso's Blue Period begins. 4853
  4477. 1901/--/-- Spanish painter Pablo Picasso's Blue Period begins. 7654
  4478. 1901/--/-- Temperance advocate Carry Nation uses a hatchet to attack a Kansas saloon. 4846
  4479. 1901/--/-- The Commonwealth of Australia is founded. 4840
  4480. 1901/--/-- The first U.S. national bowling tournament is held. 4852
  4481. 1901/--/-- Theodore Roosevelt (Republican) becomes president of the United States 305
  4482. 1901/--/-- Theodore Roosevelt is inaugurated as the 26th U.S. president. 4843
  4483. 1901/--/-- Victor L. Berger and Eugene V. Debs help found the American Socialist party. 4844
  4484. 1901/--/-- Victor L. Berger and Eugene V. Debs help found the American Socialist party. 7197
  4485. 1901/01/02 Edward VII succeeds as King of Great Britain and Ireland. 8114
  4486. 1902/--/-- American artist Robert Henri paints the New York street scene West 57th Street. 4866
  4487. 1902/--/-- American artist Robert Henri paints the New York street scene West 57th Street. 7201
  4488. 1902/--/-- American artist Robert Henri paints the New York street scene West 57th Street. 7655
  4489. 1902/--/-- Conan Doyle writes the Sherlock Holmes adventure The Hound of the Baskervilles. 4865
  4490. 1902/--/-- English author Joseph Conrad publishes Heart of Darkness. 1222
  4491. 1902/--/-- English author Joseph Conrad publishes Heart of Darkness. 4861
  4492. 1902/--/-- French filmmaker Georges Melies produces A Trip to the Moon. 4864
  4493. 1902/--/-- Italian opera singer Enrico Caruso makes his first phonographic recording. 4860
  4494. 1902/--/-- Italian opera singer Enrico Caruso makes his first phonographic recording. 7656
  4495. 1902/--/-- Maksim Gorky's The Lower Depths is produced at the Moscow Art Theater. 4862
  4496. 1902/--/-- Oliver Wendell Holmes Jr. is appointed to the U.S. Supreme Court. 4859
  4497. 1902/--/-- Roosevelt begins conservation of forests 6873
  4498. 1902/--/-- The Photo-Secession group is founded in New York by photographer Alfred Stieglitz. 4863
  4499. 1902/--/-- The Treaty of Vereeniging ends the South African War. 4858
  4500. 1902/--/-- The Treaty of Vereeniging ends the South African War. 7908
  4501. 1902/08/-- Edward VII crowned King of Great Britain and Ireland and Emperor of India at Wes 8115
  4502. 1903/--/-- Alexander, King of Serbia, is assassinated; he is succeeded by Peter I. 1549
  4503. 1903/--/-- Alexander, King of Serbia, is assassinated; he is succeeded by Peter I. 4872
  4504. 1903/--/-- American author Jack London publishes The Call of the Wild. 4880
  4505. 1903/--/-- American author Jack London publishes The Call of the Wild. 7203
  4506. 1903/--/-- American novelist Henry James publishes The Ambassadors. 4878
  4507. 1903/--/-- American novelist Henry James publishes The Ambassadors. 7202
  4508. 1903/--/-- Bernard Shaw's play Man and Superman is produced in London. 4877
  4509. 1903/--/-- Colonel Francis Younghusband leads a British military expedition into Tibet. 4870
  4510. 1903/--/-- Edwin S. Porter directs the pioneering Western film The Great Train Robbery. 4879
  4511. 1903/--/-- Emmeline Pankhurst founds the Women's Social and Political Union in Britain. 4871
  4512. 1903/--/-- Marie and Pierre Curie win the Nobel Prize for Physics for their work on radioactivity. 4875
  4513. 1903/--/-- Orville Wright makes the first successful flight in a self-propelled airplane. 4874
  4514. 1903/--/-- Panama declares its independence from Columbia; the U.S. recognizes the new republic. 4868
  4515. 1903/--/-- The first World Series baseball game is played. 861
  4516. 1903/--/-- The first World Series baseball game is played. 4876
  4517. 1903/--/-- The Rolls-Royce automobile company is founded in Britain. 4873
  4518. 1903/--/-- The U.S. acquires perpetual control over the Panama Canal Zone. 4869
  4519. 1903/--/-- Vladimir Ilich Lenin organizes the Bolshevik revolutionary group. 4867
  4520. 1903/--/-- Wright Bros. first airplane 6874
  4521. 1903/10/-- World Series NL PITTSBURGH (3) AL BOSTON (5) 439
  4522. 1904/--/-- Italian composer Giacomo Puccini's opera Madame Butterfly is produced. 4883
  4523. 1904/--/-- Italian composer Giacomo Puccini's opera Madame Butterfly is produced. 7657
  4524. 1904/--/-- Ivan Pavlov, discoverer of the conditioned reflex, is awarded the Nobel Prize. 4882
  4525. 1904/--/-- James Barrie's play Peter Pan is produced in London. 4885
  4526. 1904/--/-- Max Weber publishes The Protestant Ethic and the Spirit of Capitalism. 4888
  4527. 1904/--/-- Roosevelt asserts U.S. right to intervene in Latin America 6875
  4528. 1904/--/-- Russia and Japan at war 6876
  4529. 1904/--/-- Russian author Anton Chekhov's play The Cherry Orchard is produced. 4886
  4530. 1904/--/-- Territorial disputes in Manchuria begin the Russo-Japanese War. 4881
  4531. 1904/--/-- Territorial disputes in Manchuria begin the Russo-Japanese War. 8003
  4532. 1904/--/-- The Abbey Theatre is founded in Dublin. 4884
  4533. 1904/--/-- The New York City subway is opened. 4887
  4534. 1905/--/-- A general strike and revolution begin in Russia; Nicholas II grants a constitution. 4891
  4535. 1905/--/-- Albert Einstein proposes Special Theory of Relativity 6877
  4536. 1905/--/-- Ambrose Fleming invents the thermionic valve, used to improve radio reception. 4899
  4537. 1905/--/-- Ambrose Fleming invents the thermionic valve, used to improve radio reception. 7470
  4538. 1905/--/-- American humorist and actor Will Rogers makes his New York City debut. 4902
  4539. 1905/--/-- American humorist and actor Will Rogers makes his New York City debut. 7206
  4540. 1905/--/-- American labor leader Eugene V. Debs founds the Industrial Workers of the World. 4898
  4541. 1905/--/-- American labor leader Eugene V. Debs founds the Industrial Workers of the World. 7205
  4542. 1905/--/-- Chinese revolutionary Sun Yat-sen founds the T'ung-meng hui (Alliance Society). 4893
  4543. 1905/--/-- Chinese revolutionary Sun Yat-sen founds the T'ung-meng hui (Alliance Society). 7821
  4544. 1905/--/-- Ernst Ludwig Kirchner organizes the expressionist painters group Die Brucke. 4903
  4545. 1905/--/-- Ernst Ludwig Kirchner organizes the expressionist painters group Die Brucke. 7658
  4546. 1905/--/-- French territorial ambitions spark the first Moroccan crisis. 4894
  4547. 1905/--/-- German physicist Albert Einstein proposes his Special Theory of Relativity. 4900
  4548. 1905/--/-- German poet Rainer Maria Rilke publishes The Book of Hours. 4905
  4549. 1905/--/-- Henri Matisse and Andre Derain form the Fauves (Wild Beasts) art movement. 4904
  4550. 1905/--/-- mini-revolution in Russia 6878
  4551. 1905/--/-- Psychologist Alfred Binet develops intelligence tests for school children. 4889
  4552. 1905/--/-- Roosevelt begins his second term as U.S. president; Fairbanks becomes vice-president. 4895
  4553. 1905/--/-- The Cullinan diamond is found in South Africa; it weighs 3,106 carats. 4901
  4554. 1905/--/-- The Cullinan diamond is found in South Africa; it weighs 3,106 carats. 7909
  4555. 1905/--/-- The Russian fleet is destroyed by the Japanese at the Battle of Tsushima. 4890
  4556. 1905/--/-- The Russian fleet is destroyed by the Japanese at the Battle of Tsushima. 8004
  4557. 1905/--/-- The Sinn Fein Irish nationalist movement is founded by Arthur Griffith. 4896
  4558. 1905/--/-- The union of Norway and Sweden is dissolved; Haakon VII is elected king of Norway. 4892
  4559. 1905/--/-- W.E.B. Du Bois forms the Niagara Movement to demand full civil rights for black Americans. 4897
  4560. 1905/--/-- W.E.B. Du Bois forms the Niagara Movement to demand full civil rights for black Americans. 7204
  4561. 1905/10/-- World Series NL NEW YORK (4) AL PHILADELPHIA (1) 440
  4562. 1906/--/-- British author John Galsworthy publishes the first novel of The Forsythe Saga. 4912
  4563. 1906/--/-- H.M.S. Dreadnought, the first modern battleship, is launched. 4909
  4564. 1906/--/-- Norwegian explorer Roald Amundsen traverses the Northwest Passage. 4911
  4565. 1906/--/-- The Aga Khan III forms the All-India Moslim League. 4908
  4566. 1906/--/-- The Dreyfus affair ends with the pardoning of French army officer Alfred Dreyfus. 4907
  4567. 1906/--/-- The San Francisco earthquake kills 700. 1550
  4568. 1906/--/-- The San Francisco earthquake kills 700. 4910
  4569. 1906/--/-- Under the Platt Amendment U.S. troops return to Cuba to quell rebellion and restore order. 4906
  4570. 1906/--/-- Upton Sinclair's novel The Jungle leads to the U.S. Pure Foods and Drugs Act. 4913
  4571. 1906/10/-- World Series NL CHICAGO (2) AL CHICAGO (4) 441
  4572. 1907/--/-- A Triple Entente is formed between Britain, France and Russia. 4914
  4573. 1907/--/-- Anna Pavlova dances The Dying Swan, choreographed by Mikhail Fokine. 4921
  4574. 1907/--/-- Irish playwright J.M. Synge writes The Playboy of the Western World. 4920
  4575. 1907/--/-- Lee De Forest invents the triode, a key component for amplifying radio signals. 4918
  4576. 1907/--/-- Lee De Forest invents the triode, a key component for amplifying radio signals. 7471
  4577. 1907/--/-- Oklahoma is inaugurated as the 46th state of the Union. 4916
  4578. 1907/--/-- Oklahoma is inaugurated as the 46th state of the Union. 7040
  4579. 1907/--/-- Rasputin gains influence at the court of Russian emperor Nicholas II. 4915
  4580. 1907/--/-- The first Ziegfeld Follies are staged in New York City. 4919
  4581. 1907/--/-- The Panic of 1907 begins with the collapse of the U.S. stock market. 4917
  4582. 1907/10/-- World Series NL CHICAGO (4) AL DETROIT (0) 442
  4583. 1908/--/-- An earthquake at Messina in Italy kills 80,000. 1551
  4584. 1908/--/-- An earthquake at Messina in Italy kills 80,000. 4926
  4585. 1908/--/-- Austria-Hungary annexes Bosnia and Hercegovina. 4923
  4586. 1908/--/-- Austrian artist Gustav Klimt paints The Kiss. 4937
  4587. 1908/--/-- Austrian artist Gustav Klimt paints The Kiss. 7659
  4588. 1908/--/-- Automaker William Durant founds the General Motors Company. 4929
  4589. 1908/--/-- British soldier Robert Baden-Powell founds the Boy Scout movement. 4930
  4590. 1908/--/-- Filmmakers Charles Pathe and Leon Gaumont produce the first newsreel. 4934
  4591. 1908/--/-- GE patents electric toaster 6879
  4592. 1908/--/-- Jack Johnson becomes the first black heavyweight boxing champion. 4933
  4593. 1908/--/-- Kenneth Grahame publishes his children's story The Wind in the Willows. 4938
  4594. 1908/--/-- King Leopold II of the Belgians establishes the Independent State of Congo in Africa. 4922
  4595. 1908/--/-- King Leopold II of the Belgians establishes the Independent State of Congo in Africa. 7910
  4596. 1908/--/-- Liberal leader Herbert Asquith becomes prime minister of Britain. 4925
  4597. 1908/--/-- Mary Baker Eddy establishes the Christian Science Monitor. 4931
  4598. 1908/--/-- Pablo Picasso and Georges Braque cofound the cubism art movement. 4935
  4599. 1908/--/-- The Ashcan school of painters exhibit in New York City. 4936
  4600. 1908/--/-- The Ashcan school of painters exhibit in New York City. 7660
  4601. 1908/--/-- The Ford Motor Company produces the first Model T automobile. 4928
  4602. 1908/--/-- The National Association for the Advancement of Colored People (NAACP) is founded. 4932
  4603. 1908/--/-- The Tunguska fireball explodes in Siberia with the force of a modern H-bomb. 4927
  4604. 1908/--/-- The Young Turk Revolution in Turkey leads to political reform. 4924
  4605. 1908/10/-- World Series NL CHICAGO (4) AL DETROIT (1) 443
  4606. 1909/--/-- American architect Frank Lloyd Wright builds the Robie House in Chicago. 4944
  4607. 1909/--/-- American architect Frank Lloyd Wright builds the Robie House in Chicago. 7209
  4608. 1909/--/-- American artist George Bellows paints the prize fight scene Stag at Sharkey's. 4945
  4609. 1909/--/-- American artist George Bellows paints the prize fight scene Stag at Sharkey's. 7210
  4610. 1909/--/-- American artist George Bellows paints the prize fight scene Stag at Sharkey's. 7661
  4611. 1909/--/-- American explorer Robert E. Peary reaches the North Pole. 4940
  4612. 1909/--/-- American explorer Robert E. Peary reaches the North Pole. 7207
  4613. 1909/--/-- American poet William Carlos Williams publishes Poems, his first book. 4946
  4614. 1909/--/-- American poet William Carlos Williams publishes Poems, his first book. 7211
  4615. 1909/--/-- American writer Gertrude Stein publishes Three Lives. 4943
  4616. 1909/--/-- American writer Gertrude Stein publishes Three Lives. 7208
  4617. 1909/--/-- French aviator Louis Bleriot makes the first flight across the English Channel. 1223
  4618. 1909/--/-- French aviator Louis Bleriot makes the first flight across the English Channel. 4941
  4619. 1909/--/-- NAACP in NYC 6880
  4620. 1909/--/-- Russian impresario Serge Diaghilev presents the Ballet Russe in Paris. 4942
  4621. 1909/--/-- Taft is inaugurated as the 27th U.S. president; Sherman becomes vice-president. 4939
  4622. 1909/--/-- William Howard Taft (Republican) becomes president of the United States 306
  4623. 1909/10/-- World Series NL PITTSBURGH (4) AL DETROIT (3) 444
  4624. 1910/--/-- British author Arnold Bennett publishes Clayhanger. 4959
  4625. 1910/--/-- British Empire covers 1/5th of world land area 6881
  4626. 1910/--/-- British politician Winston Churchill is appointed first lord of the Admiralty. 4952
  4627. 1910/--/-- France groups four African territories together as French Equatorial Africa. 4949
  4628. 1910/--/-- France groups four African territories together as French Equatorial Africa. 7912
  4629. 1910/--/-- French primitive artist Henri Rousseau paints The Dream. 4957
  4630. 1910/--/-- French primitive artist Henri Rousseau paints The Dream. 7662
  4631. 1910/--/-- French sculptor Auguste Rodin casts the bronze figure The Thinker. 4955
  4632. 1910/--/-- French sculptor Auguste Rodin casts the bronze figure The Thinker. 7663
  4633. 1910/--/-- Fundamentalism begins with "Five Points" 6882
  4634. 1910/--/-- George V succeeds his father Edward VII as king of Great Britain and Ireland. 4951
  4635. 1910/--/-- German bacteriologist Paul Ehrlich synthesizes Salversan, a cure for syphilis. 4953
  4636. 1910/--/-- Italian artists led by Umberto Boccioni found the futurism movement. 4958
  4637. 1910/--/-- Italian artists led by Umberto Boccioni found the futurism movement. 7664
  4638. 1910/--/-- Japanese forces annex Korea. 4947
  4639. 1910/--/-- Japanese forces annex Korea. 8005
  4640. 1910/--/-- Madero, Villa and Zapata lead a revolution against Mexican dictator Porfirio Diaz. 4950
  4641. 1910/--/-- Russian-born artist Wassily Kandinsky executes his first abstract painting. 4956
  4642. 1910/--/-- Russian-born artist Wassily Kandinsky executes his first abstract painting. 7665
  4643. 1910/--/-- The Art Deco architectural and decorative arts style begins to become popular. 4954
  4644. 1910/--/-- The Union of South Africa is formed; Louis Botha becomes the first prime minister. 4948
  4645. 1910/--/-- The Union of South Africa is formed; Louis Botha becomes the first prime minister. 7911
  4646. 1910/05/-- George V succeeds as King of Great Britain and Ireland. 8116
  4647. 1910/10/-- World Series NL CHICAGO (1) AL PHILADELPHIA (4) 445
  4648. 1911/--/-- American aviator Glen Curtiss flies the first successful seaplane. 4969
  4649. 1911/--/-- American aviator Glen Curtiss flies the first successful seaplane. 7213
  4650. 1911/--/-- American novelist Edith Wharton publishes Ethan Frome. 4975
  4651. 1911/--/-- American novelist Edith Wharton publishes Ethan Frome. 7215
  4652. 1911/--/-- American songwriter Irving Berlin publishes Alexander's Ragtime Band. 4971
  4653. 1911/--/-- American songwriter Irving Berlin publishes Alexander's Ragtime Band. 7214
  4654. 1911/--/-- Elmer A. Sperry designs the first American gyrocompass. 4968
  4655. 1911/--/-- Elmer A. Sperry designs the first American gyrocompass. 7212
  4656. 1911/--/-- English author G.K. Chesterton publishes the first Father Brown story. 1224
  4657. 1911/--/-- English author G.K. Chesterton publishes the first Father Brown story. 4973
  4658. 1911/--/-- German-American anthropologist Franz Boas publishes The Mind of Primitive Man. 4976
  4659. 1911/--/-- German-American anthropologist Franz Boas publishes The Mind of Primitive Man. 7216
  4660. 1911/--/-- Hans Geiger invents an electrical device to count individual alpha particles. 4966
  4661. 1911/--/-- Hans Geiger invents an electrical device to count individual alpha particles. 7472
  4662. 1911/--/-- Italy's attempts to annex Cyrenaica and Tripolitania leads to the Italo-Turkish War. 4962
  4663. 1911/--/-- Mexican dictator Porfirio Diaz is overthrown; Francisco Madero becomes president. 4963
  4664. 1911/--/-- Norwegian explorer Roald Amundsen reaches the South Pole ahead of Robert Scott. 4964
  4665. 1911/--/-- Richard Strauss' opera Der Rosenkavalier is performed for the first time. 4972
  4666. 1911/--/-- Richard Strauss' opera Der Rosenkavalier is performed for the first time. 7666
  4667. 1911/--/-- Robert A Millikan measures electron's charge 6883
  4668. 1911/--/-- Russian artist Marc Chagall paints I and My Village. 4974
  4669. 1911/--/-- Russian artist Marc Chagall paints I and My Village. 7667
  4670. 1911/--/-- Sir Ernest Rutherford formulates his theory of atomic structure. 4965
  4671. 1911/--/-- The Ch'ing dynasty is deposed in China; a republic is formed under Sun Yat-sen. 4960
  4672. 1911/--/-- The Ch'ing dynasty is deposed in China; a republic is formed under Sun Yat-sen. 7822
  4673. 1911/--/-- The first film studio is established at Hollywood in California. 4970
  4674. 1911/--/-- Tibet declares its independence from China. 4961
  4675. 1911/--/-- Tibet declares its independence from China. 7823
  4676. 1911/--/-- Willis Carrier designs the first practical air conditioning system. 4967
  4677. 1911/06/02 George V crowned King of Great Britain and Ireland at Westminster Abbey by Randa 8117
  4678. 1911/10/-- World Series NL NEW YORK (2) AL PHILADELPHIA (4) 446
  4679. 1912/--/-- American author Edgar Rice Burroughs publishes Tarzan of the Apes. 4990
  4680. 1912/--/-- American author Edgar Rice Burroughs publishes Tarzan of the Apes. 7219
  4681. 1912/--/-- American Indian Jim Thorpe wins the Olympic decathlon and pentathlon. 913
  4682. 1912/--/-- American Indian Jim Thorpe wins the Olympic decathlon and pentathlon. 4986
  4683. 1912/--/-- American Indian Jim Thorpe wins the Olympic decathlon and pentathlon. 7217
  4684. 1912/--/-- American writer Willa Cather publishes her first novel Alexander's Bridge. 4988
  4685. 1912/--/-- American writer Willa Cather publishes her first novel Alexander's Bridge. 7218
  4686. 1912/--/-- Arizona is inaugurated as the 48th state. 7042
  4687. 1912/--/-- Austrian psychologist Alfred Adler publishes The Neurotic Constitution. 4985
  4688. 1912/--/-- British explorers under Scott reach the South Pole but die during their return. 4981
  4689. 1912/--/-- French Dada artist Marcel Duchamp paints Nude Descending a Staircase. 4989
  4690. 1912/--/-- French Dada artist Marcel Duchamp paints Nude Descending a Staircase. 7668
  4691. 1912/--/-- German geophysicist Alfred Wegener formulates his continental drift hypothesis. 4983
  4692. 1912/--/-- Morocco is divided between France and Spain after the second Moroccan crisis. 4978
  4693. 1912/--/-- New Mexico is inaugurated as the 47th state. 7041
  4694. 1912/--/-- New Mexico is inaugurated as the 47th state; Arizona is inaugurated as the 48th state. 4979
  4695. 1912/--/-- Piltdown man is discovered in Britain, beginning an elaborate scientific hoax. 4984
  4696. 1912/--/-- Russian dancer Vaslav Nijinsky choreographs and dances in The Afternoon of the Faun. 4987
  4697. 1912/--/-- The Balkan League begins the first Balkan War against the Ottoman Empire. 4977
  4698. 1912/--/-- The liner Titanic sinks after colliding with an iceberg on her maiden voyage. 4982
  4699. 1912/--/-- Theodore Roosevelt campaigns for the U.S. presidency under the Bull Moose ticket. 4980
  4700. 1912/10/-- World Series NL NEW YORK (3) AL BOSTON (4) 447
  4701. 1913/--/-- American poet Robert Frost publishes A Boy's Will. 5008
  4702. 1913/--/-- American poet Robert Frost publishes A Boy's Will. 7220
  4703. 1913/--/-- Bertrand Russell and A.E. Whitehead publish Principia Mathematica. 4999
  4704. 1913/--/-- Danish physicist Niels Bohr publishes his atomic theory. 5000
  4705. 1913/--/-- English novelist D.H. Lawrence publishes Sons and Lovers. 1225
  4706. 1913/--/-- English novelist D.H. Lawrence publishes Sons and Lovers. 5005
  4707. 1913/--/-- Federal income tax is introduced in the U.S. 4998
  4708. 1913/--/-- Igor Stravinsky's ballet The Rite of Spring causes a scandal at the Paris premiere. 5003
  4709. 1913/--/-- Indian poet Rabindranath Tagore wins the Nobel Prize for literature. 5007
  4710. 1913/--/-- King George I of Greece is assassinated; he is succeeded by Constantine I 1552
  4711. 1913/--/-- King George I of Greece is assassinated; he is succeeded by Constantine I 4992
  4712. 1913/--/-- Marcel Proust writes the first volume of Remembrance of Things Past. 5006
  4713. 1913/--/-- Medical missionary Albert Schweitzer builds a hospital at Lambarene in Africa. 4997
  4714. 1913/--/-- Medical missionary Albert Schweitzer builds a hospital at Lambarene in Africa. 7913
  4715. 1913/--/-- Russian revolutionary Joseph Stalin is exiled to Siberia by the tsarist government. 4993
  4716. 1913/--/-- Samuel Goldwyn founds his first movie company with Jesse Lasky and Cecil B. De Mille. 5002
  4717. 1913/--/-- Socialists Sidney and Beatrice Webb found the political journal The New Statesman. 5001
  4718. 1913/--/-- The constructivism art movement begins in Russia. 5004
  4719. 1913/--/-- The island of Crete is united with Greece. 4994
  4720. 1913/--/-- The second Balkan War begins with a Bulgarian attack on Serbia. 4995
  4721. 1913/--/-- Victoriano Huerta leads a military coup in Mexico; president Francisco Madero is killed. 1553
  4722. 1913/--/-- Victoriano Huerta leads a military coup in Mexico; president Francisco Madero is killed. 4996
  4723. 1913/--/-- Wilson is inaugurated as the 28th U.S. president; Marshall becomes vice-president. 4991
  4724. 1913/--/-- Woodrow Wilson (Democrat) becomes president of the United States 307
  4725. 1913/10/-- World Series NL NEW YORK (1) AL PHILADELPHIA (4) 448
  4726. 1914/--/-- A British expedition led by Ernest Shackleton is marooned in the Antarctic. 5024
  4727. 1914/--/-- A German fleet defeats the British at Coronel but is decimated at the Falklands. 5015
  4728. 1914/--/-- Archduke Franz Ferdinand is assassinated in Sarajevo, precipitating World War I. 1554
  4729. 1914/--/-- Archduke Franz Ferdinand is assassinated in Sarajevo, precipitating World War I. 5009
  4730. 1914/--/-- Austrian forces invade Serbia but are repulsed with heavy losses. 5014
  4731. 1914/--/-- Black composer W.C. Handy writes the St. Louis Blues. 5026
  4732. 1914/--/-- Charlie Chaplin develops his little tramp character in a series of slapstick films. 5022
  4733. 1914/--/-- France, Russia and Britain (the Allies) are at war with Germany and Austria-Hungary. 1330
  4734. 1914/--/-- France, Russia and Britain (the Allies) are at war with Germany and Austria-Hungary. 5010
  4735. 1914/--/-- George Bernard Shaw's play Pygmallion is performed for the first time. 5025
  4736. 1914/--/-- German forces invade Belgium and France but are halted at the Marne. 5012
  4737. 1914/--/-- German submarines begin to exact a heavy toll on Allied shipping. 5016
  4738. 1914/--/-- Japan joins the Allies and captures the German base of Tsingtao in China. 5018
  4739. 1914/--/-- Japan joins the Allies and captures the German base of Tsingtao in China. 7824
  4740. 1914/--/-- Japan joins the Allies and captures the German base of Tsingtao in China. 8006
  4741. 1914/--/-- Mack Sennett produces comedy films starring the Keystone Kops. 5021
  4742. 1914/--/-- Parisian couturier Coco Chanel begins designing clothes. 5023
  4743. 1914/--/-- President Wilson declares U.S. neutrality in World War I. 5011
  4744. 1914/--/-- Russian forces invade East Prussia but are defeated at the Battle of Tannenberg. 5013
  4745. 1914/--/-- The Panama Canal is completed, connecting the Atlantic and Pacific Oceans. 5020
  4746. 1914/--/-- Turkey declares war on the Allies; Britain annexes Turkish Cyprus. 1331
  4747. 1914/--/-- Turkey declares war on the Allies; Britain annexes Turkish Cyprus. 5017
  4748. 1914/--/-- U.S. Marines land at Veracruz in Mexico; President Huerta resigns. 5019
  4749. 1914/--/-- World War I begins 1332
  4750. 1914/10/-- World Series NL BOSTON (4) AL PHILADELPHIA (0) 449
  4751. 1915/--/-- A German submarine torpedoes the British liner Lusitania; 124 Americans are killed. 1555
  4752. 1915/--/-- A German submarine torpedoes the British liner Lusitania; 124 Americans are killed. 5035
  4753. 1915/--/-- A German submarine torpedoes the British liner Lusitania; 124 Americans are killed. 7221
  4754. 1915/--/-- Albert Einstein formulates his General Theory of Relativity. 5037
  4755. 1915/--/-- Anglo-French forces land at Gallipoli in an attempt to force Turkey out of the war. 5032
  4756. 1915/--/-- Austrian writer Franz Kafka publishes The Metamorphosis. 5041
  4757. 1915/--/-- D. W. Griffith's movie The Birth of a Nation is shown for the first time. 5038
  4758. 1915/--/-- Emiliano Zapata and Pancho Villa lead rebellions against Venustiano Carranza in Mexico. 5028
  4759. 1915/--/-- English author Somerset Maugham publishes Of Human Bondage. 1226
  4760. 1915/--/-- English author Somerset Maugham publishes Of Human Bondage. 5040
  4761. 1915/--/-- German Zeppelin airships begin bombing attacks on Britain. 5030
  4762. 1915/--/-- Italy joins the Allies and invades Austrian territory. 5034
  4763. 1915/--/-- President Wilson recognizes the Mexican government of Venustiano Carranza. 5027
  4764. 1915/--/-- Serbia is overrun by the combined forces of Austria, Germany and Bulgaria. 5036
  4765. 1915/--/-- The Anzacs (Australian and New Zealand Army Corps) fight at Gallipoli. 5033
  4766. 1915/--/-- The Dada art and literary movement is formed. 5039
  4767. 1915/--/-- The Germans use poison gas for the first time at Ypres on the Western Front. 5031
  4768. 1915/--/-- U.S. Marines land in Haiti, beginning a 20-year period of military occupation. 5029
  4769. 1915/--/-- War poet Rupert Brooke's 1914 and Other Poems is published in the year he dies. 1556
  4770. 1915/--/-- War poet Rupert Brooke's 1914 and Other Poems is published in the year he dies. 5042
  4771. 1915/10/-- World Series NL PHILADELPHIA (1) AL BOSTON (4) 450
  4772. 1916/--/-- Albert Einstein proposes General Theory of Relativity 6884
  4773. 1916/--/-- Allied forces withdraw from Gallipoli after strong Turkish opposition. 5043
  4774. 1916/--/-- American poet Carl Sandburg publishes his first book Chicago Poems. 5057
  4775. 1916/--/-- American poet Carl Sandburg publishes his first book Chicago Poems. 7222
  4776. 1916/--/-- British forces assault the German line at the Somme; tanks are used for the first time. 5045
  4777. 1916/--/-- German assaults at Verdun are repulsed by the French with great loss of life. 5044
  4778. 1916/--/-- James Joyce publishes A Portrait of the Artist as a Young Man. 5056
  4779. 1916/--/-- James Joyce publishes A Portrait of the Artist as a Young Man. 7669
  4780. 1916/--/-- Jeannette Rankin becomes the first female member of U.S. House of Representatives. 5053
  4781. 1916/--/-- Lloyd George becomes prime minister of Britain's wartime coalition government. 5051
  4782. 1916/--/-- Margaret Sanger is arrested for opening a birth-control clinic in Brooklyn. 5052
  4783. 1916/--/-- North Sea storms flood lowlands in the Netherlands, 10,000 lives are lost. 5055
  4784. 1916/--/-- T. Tzara DADA 6885
  4785. 1916/--/-- The British and German fleets clash at the Battle of Jutland. 5047
  4786. 1916/--/-- The Easter Rising in Dublin is suppressed within a week by the British. 5048
  4787. 1916/--/-- The Russian Brusilov Offensive meets with success on the Eastern Front. 5046
  4788. 1916/--/-- The Trans-Siberian railway is completed -- the longest continuous rail line in the world. 5054
  4789. 1916/--/-- U.S. Marines land in Santo Domingo to quell unrest; the occupation lasts until 1924. 5050
  4790. 1916/--/-- U.S. troops under Pershing invade Mexico in retaliation for raids by Pancho Villa. 5049
  4791. 1916/10/-- World Series NL BROOKLYN (1) AL BOSTON (4) 451
  4792. 1917/--/-- Adoption of the convoy system reduces Allied losses to German submarines. 5065
  4793. 1917/--/-- Anglo-American poet T.S. Eliot publishes The Love Song of J. Alfred Prufrock. 5081
  4794. 1917/--/-- Anglo-American poet T.S. Eliot publishes The Love Song of J. Alfred Prufrock. 7223
  4795. 1917/--/-- Art critic and writer Guillaume Apollinaire coins the term surrealism. 5076
  4796. 1917/--/-- Astrophysicist Karl Schwarzschild develops the black hole theory. 5074
  4797. 1917/--/-- Blacks migrate north and west 6886
  4798. 1917/--/-- British forces attack the Germans in the Third Battle of Ypres. 5067
  4799. 1917/--/-- British forces under Allenby capture Jerusalem and Bagdhad from the Turks. 5070
  4800. 1917/--/-- Dutch artists Theo Van Doesburg and Piet Mondrian found the magazine de Stijl. 5077
  4801. 1917/--/-- Dutch artists Theo Van Doesburg and Piet Mondrian found the magazine de Stijl. 7670
  4802. 1917/--/-- English composer Gustav Holst completes The Planets. 1227
  4803. 1917/--/-- English composer Gustav Holst completes The Planets. 5079
  4804. 1917/--/-- English humorist P.G. Wodehouse creates Bertie Wooster and his butler Jeeves. 1228
  4805. 1917/--/-- English humorist P.G. Wodehouse creates Bertie Wooster and his butler Jeeves. 5082
  4806. 1917/--/-- Germany announces the resumption of unrestricted submarine warfare. 5058
  4807. 1917/--/-- Italian forces are defeated by Austria at the Battle of Caporetto. 5068
  4808. 1917/--/-- Russian revolutions: communist U.S.S.R. formed 6887
  4809. 1917/--/-- Selective Service Act creates draft 6888
  4810. 1917/--/-- Swiss psychiatrist Carl Jung publishes The Psychology of the Unconscious. 5075
  4811. 1917/--/-- T.E. Lawrence (Lawrence of Arabia) leads the Arab revolt against the Turks. 5069
  4812. 1917/--/-- The Balfour Declaration endorses a Jewish national homeland in Palestine. 5071
  4813. 1917/--/-- The disastrous Nivelle Offensive leads to mutinies in the French Army. 5066
  4814. 1917/--/-- The earliest jazz recordings are made in New York City. 5078
  4815. 1917/--/-- The first Pulitzer Prizes are awarded for journalism, letters and music. 5080
  4816. 1917/--/-- The first Pulitzer Prizes are awarded for journalism, letters and music. 7671
  4817. 1917/--/-- The Germans and the Bolshevik leaders sign an armistice at Brest-Litovsk. 5062
  4818. 1917/--/-- The Germans help Lenin return to Russia from exile in Switzerland. 5060
  4819. 1917/--/-- The Jones Act gives all Puerto Ricans the right to U.S. citizenship. 5073
  4820. 1917/--/-- The provisional Kerensky government is deposed; Bolsheviks seize power in Russia. 5061
  4821. 1917/--/-- The Russian Revolution begins; Emperor Nicholas II abdicates. 5059
  4822. 1917/--/-- The U.S. purchases the Virgin Islands from Denmark. 5072
  4823. 1917/--/-- The United States declares war on Germany. 1333
  4824. 1917/--/-- The United States declares war on Germany. 5064
  4825. 1917/--/-- The Zimmermann note proposing a secret Mexican alliance with Germany is revealed. 5063
  4826. 1917/10/-- World Series NL NEW YORK (2) AL CHICAGO (4) 452
  4827. 1918/--/-- Advances by French, British and American armies force a general German retreat. 5086
  4828. 1918/--/-- Advances by French, British and American armies force a general German retreat. 7225
  4829. 1918/--/-- American astronomer Harlow Shapley discovers the dimensions of the Milky Way. 5096
  4830. 1918/--/-- American astronomer Harlow Shapley discovers the dimensions of the Milky Way. 7226
  4831. 1918/--/-- American author Booth Tarkington writes The Magnificent Ambersons. 5099
  4832. 1918/--/-- American author Booth Tarkington writes The Magnificent Ambersons. 7227
  4833. 1918/--/-- American forcesunder Pershing help to stem the German offensive. 5085
  4834. 1918/--/-- American forcesunder Pershing help to stem the German offensive. 7224
  4835. 1918/--/-- An airmail service begins among New York, Philadelphia and Washington, D.C. 5097
  4836. 1918/--/-- An influenza pandemic begins (it kills 21-22 million in 2 years). 1557
  4837. 1918/--/-- An influenza pandemic begins (it kills 21-22 million in 2 years). 5093
  4838. 1918/--/-- Austria, Poland and Czechoslovakia become republics in the aftermath of World War I. 5092
  4839. 1918/--/-- Bloomsbury Group member Lytton Strachey publishes Eminent Victorians. 5100
  4840. 1918/--/-- Bolshevik leader Leon Trotsky organizes the Red Army. 5090
  4841. 1918/--/-- Civil war breaks out between the Red and White Russian armies. 1334
  4842. 1918/--/-- Civil war breaks out between the Red and White Russian armies. 5091
  4843. 1918/--/-- French composer Erik Satie writes Socrate. 5098
  4844. 1918/--/-- German air ace Manfred von Richthofen (the Red Baron) is shot down and killed. 1558
  4845. 1918/--/-- German air ace Manfred von Richthofen (the Red Baron) is shot down and killed. 5083
  4846. 1918/--/-- Nicholas II, the last emperor of Russia, and his family are executed by the Bolsheviks. 5089
  4847. 1918/--/-- Revolution breaks out in Germany; Emperor William II flees to the Netherlands. 5087
  4848. 1918/--/-- Shapley determines sun is part of Milky Way galaxy 6889
  4849. 1918/--/-- The Germans renew their assault on the Western Front in the Ludendorff Offensive. 5084
  4850. 1918/--/-- The Weimar Republic negotiates an armistice for Germany, ending World War I. 5088
  4851. 1918/--/-- The world's largest telescope is installed at Mount Wilson Observatory. 5095
  4852. 1918/--/-- Women over 30 win the vote in Britain. 5094
  4853. 1918/10/-- World Series NL CHICAGO (2) AL BOSTON (4) 453
  4854. 1919/--/-- Boxer Jack Dempsey knocks out Jess Willard to become heavyweight champion. 5114
  4855. 1919/--/-- British troops massacre demonstrators at Amritsar in India. 5103
  4856. 1919/--/-- English aviators Alcock and Brown make the first nonstop transatlantic flight. 1229
  4857. 1919/--/-- English aviators Alcock and Brown make the first nonstop transatlantic flight. 5112
  4858. 1919/--/-- French tennis star Suzanne Lenglen wins the Wimbledon tournament for the first time. 883
  4859. 1919/--/-- French tennis star Suzanne Lenglen wins the Wimbledon tournament for the first time. 5116
  4860. 1919/--/-- George Gershwin composes his first hit song Swanee. 5117
  4861. 1919/--/-- German communist Rosa Luxemburg is murdered after the Sparticus uprising. 1559
  4862. 1919/--/-- German communist Rosa Luxemburg is murdered after the Sparticus uprising. 5106
  4863. 1919/--/-- Italian leader Benito Mussolini organizes his Fascist movement. 5105
  4864. 1919/--/-- Jan Smuts succeeds Louis Botha as prime minister of South Africa. 5108
  4865. 1919/--/-- Jan Smuts succeeds Louis Botha as prime minister of South Africa. 7914
  4866. 1919/--/-- Lady Astor becomes the first woman member of the British House of Commons. 5110
  4867. 1919/--/-- League of Nations 6890
  4868. 1919/--/-- Mexican revolutionary Emiliano Zapata is killed. 1560
  4869. 1919/--/-- Mexican revolutionary Emiliano Zapata is killed. 5107
  4870. 1919/--/-- Russian-American anarchist Emma Goldman is deported to the Soviet Union. 5111
  4871. 1919/--/-- Russian-American anarchist Emma Goldman is deported to the Soviet Union. 7228
  4872. 1919/--/-- The Bauhaus school of design is founded in Germany by Walter Gropius. 5118
  4873. 1919/--/-- The Chicago White Sox conspire to fix the baseball World Series. 862
  4874. 1919/--/-- The Chicago White Sox conspire to fix the baseball World Series. 5115
  4875. 1919/--/-- The German fleet is scuttled at Scapa Flow in the Orkney Islands. 5109
  4876. 1919/--/-- The League of Nations is formed with Geneva in Switzerland as its headquarters. 5102
  4877. 1919/--/-- The Paris Peace Conference opens at Versailles. 5101
  4878. 1919/--/-- The Polish-Soviet War begins over territorial disputes. 5104
  4879. 1919/--/-- The Radio Corporation of America (RCA) is formed. 5113
  4880. 1919/--/-- The Radio Corporation of America (RCA) is formed. 7229
  4881. 1919/--/-- Versailles Peace Treaty 6891
  4882. 1919/--/-- World War I ends 1335
  4883. 1919/10/-- World Series NL CINCINNATI (5) AL CHICAGO (3) 454
  4884. 1920/--/-- 18th Amendment prohibits alcohol 6892
  4885. 1920/--/-- 19th Amendment gives women right to vote 6893
  4886. 1920/--/-- A Home Rule Bill establishes parliaments for northern and southern Ireland. 5120
  4887. 1920/--/-- Admiral Miklos Horthy is appointed regent of Hungary. 5126
  4888. 1920/--/-- Adolf Hitler forms the National Socialist German Workers' (Nazi) party. 5123
  4889. 1920/--/-- American novelist Sinclair Lewis publishes Main Street. 5137
  4890. 1920/--/-- American novelist Sinclair Lewis publishes Main Street. 7231
  4891. 1920/--/-- American tennis star Bill Tilden wins the Wimbledon tournament for the first time. 884
  4892. 1920/--/-- American tennis star Bill Tilden wins the Wimbledon tournament for the first time. 5132
  4893. 1920/--/-- American tennis star Bill Tilden wins the Wimbledon tournament for the first time. 7230
  4894. 1920/--/-- Arturo Alessandri becomes president of Chile. 5122
  4895. 1920/--/-- British East Africa becomes a crown colony as Kenya. 5125
  4896. 1920/--/-- British East Africa becomes a crown colony as Kenya. 7916
  4897. 1920/--/-- Chaim Weizmann is named president of the World Zionist Organization. 5128
  4898. 1920/--/-- Dutch artist Piet Mondrian paints the Composition with Red, Yellow and Blue. 5135
  4899. 1920/--/-- Dutch artist Piet Mondrian paints the Composition with Red, Yellow and Blue. 7672
  4900. 1920/--/-- French Art Deco glassmaker Rene Lalique opens a glass factory. 5133
  4901. 1920/--/-- German East Africa is transferred to British control as Tanganyika (now Tanzania). 5124
  4902. 1920/--/-- German East Africa is transferred to British control as Tanganyika (now Tanzania). 7915
  4903. 1920/--/-- Mahatma Gandhi begins a noncooperation campaign against British rule in India. 5127
  4904. 1920/--/-- Mahatma Gandhi begins a noncooperation campaign against British rule in India. 7673
  4905. 1920/--/-- Mexican president Venustiano Carranza is deposed and killed by Alvaro Obregon. 1561
  4906. 1920/--/-- Mexican president Venustiano Carranza is deposed and killed by Alvaro Obregon. 5121
  4907. 1920/--/-- Mystery writer Agatha Christie publishes her first Hercule Poirot story. 5136
  4908. 1920/--/-- Russian artist Aleksandr Rodchenko designs the first mobile. 5134
  4909. 1920/--/-- Russian artist Aleksandr Rodchenko designs the first mobile. 7674
  4910. 1920/--/-- The 18th Amendment institutes the prohibition of alcohol throughout the U.S. 5130
  4911. 1920/--/-- The 19th Amendment to the U.S. Constitution gives women the right to vote. 5131
  4912. 1920/--/-- The Russian Civil War ends with victory for the Bolsheviks. 5119
  4913. 1920/--/-- The U.S. Senate votes against joining the League of Nations. 5129
  4914. 1920/10/-- World Series NL BROOKLYN (2) AL CLEVELAND (5) 455
  4915. 1921/--/-- Alexander rules the new Kingdom of Serbs, Croats and Slovenes. 5143
  4916. 1921/--/-- American anarchists Nicola Sacco and Bartolomeo Vanzetti are found guilty of murder. 1562
  4917. 1921/--/-- American anarchists Nicola Sacco and Bartolomeo Vanzetti are found guilty of murder. 5145
  4918. 1921/--/-- American anarchists Nicola Sacco and Bartolomeo Vanzetti are found guilty of murder. 7232
  4919. 1921/--/-- Berber tribes under Abd el-Krim attack garrisons in Spanish Morocco. 5142
  4920. 1921/--/-- French cubist artist Fernand Leger paints Three Women. 5150
  4921. 1921/--/-- French cubist artist Fernand Leger paints Three Women. 7675
  4922. 1921/--/-- German surrealist artist Max Ernst paints L'Elephant celebes. 5148
  4923. 1921/--/-- German surrealist artist Max Ernst paints L'Elephant celebes. 7676
  4924. 1921/--/-- Harding is inaugurated as the 29th U.S. president; Coolidge becomes vice-president. 5138
  4925. 1921/--/-- Japanese premier Hara Takashi is assassinated. 1563
  4926. 1921/--/-- Japanese premier Hara Takashi is assassinated. 5140
  4927. 1921/--/-- Japanese premier Hara Takashi is assassinated. 8007
  4928. 1921/--/-- Latin lover Rudolph Valentino stars in the silent film The Sheik. 5147
  4929. 1921/--/-- Luigi Pirandello's play Six Characters in Search of an Author is produced. 5151
  4930. 1921/--/-- Mexican artist Diego Rivera begins painting murals depicting contemporary Mexican life. 5149
  4931. 1921/--/-- Mexican artist Diego Rivera begins painting murals depicting contemporary Mexican life. 7677
  4932. 1921/--/-- The British Broadcasting Corporation (BBC) is created by Royal Charter. 5146
  4933. 1921/--/-- The Irish Free State becomes a self-governing dominion of Britain. 5141
  4934. 1921/--/-- The Reparations Commission fixes Germany's liability at 132 billion gold marks. 5139
  4935. 1921/--/-- W. L. MacKenzie King is elected prime minister of Canada for the first time. 5144
  4936. 1921/--/-- Warren G. Harding (Republican) becomes president of the United States 308
  4937. 1921/10/-- World Series NL NEW YORK (5) AL NEW YORK (3) 456
  4938. 1922/--/-- Anglo-American poet T.S. Eliot writes The Waste Land. 5164
  4939. 1922/--/-- Anglo-American poet T.S. Eliot writes The Waste Land. 7233
  4940. 1922/--/-- Constantine I abdicates as king of Greece; is succeeded by George II. 5156
  4941. 1922/--/-- DeWitt Wallace launches Reader's Digest magazine. 5165
  4942. 1922/--/-- Egypt achieves independence from Britain and becomes a monarchy under Fuad I. 5152
  4943. 1922/--/-- Emily Post publishes Etiquette in Society, in Business, in Politics, and at Home. 5163
  4944. 1922/--/-- English composer William Walton composes Facade. 1230
  4945. 1922/--/-- English composer William Walton composes Facade. 5161
  4946. 1922/--/-- English Egyptologist Howard Carter excavates Tutankhamen's tomb. 1231
  4947. 1922/--/-- English Egyptologist Howard Carter excavates Tutankhamen's tomb. 5160
  4948. 1922/--/-- Explorer Roy Chapman Andrews discovers the first fossil dinosaur eggs in the Gobi desert. 5159
  4949. 1922/--/-- Irish poet and novelist James Joyce publishes Ulysses. 5166
  4950. 1922/--/-- Irish revolutionary statesman Michael Collins is assassinated. 1564
  4951. 1922/--/-- Irish revolutionary statesman Michael Collins is assassinated. 5157
  4952. 1922/--/-- Kemal Ataturk's attempts to restore Turkish territory leads to the Chanak Crisis. 5155
  4953. 1922/--/-- Mahatma Gandhi is imprisoned for civil disobedience in India. 5153
  4954. 1922/--/-- Robert Flaherty produces the first major film documentary Nanook of the North. 5162
  4955. 1922/--/-- The Fascists march on Rome; King Victor Emmanuel III names Mussolini prime minister. 5154
  4956. 1922/--/-- William T. Cosgrave becomes the first prime minister of the Irish Free State. 5158
  4957. 1922/10/-- World Series NL NEW YORK (4) AL NEW YORK (0) 457
  4958. 1923/--/-- "King" Oliver's Creole Jazz Band is the first black band to be recorded. 5180
  4959. 1923/--/-- Adolf Hitler's coup d'etat in Munich fails; he is captured and imprisoned. 5173
  4960. 1923/--/-- Aircraft designer Willy Messerschmitt opens a factory in Germany. 5175
  4961. 1923/--/-- American poet E. E. Cummings writes the novel The Enormous Room. 5185
  4962. 1923/--/-- American poet E. E. Cummings writes the novel The Enormous Room. 7234
  4963. 1923/--/-- Briton Hadden and Henry R. Luce found the weekly newsmagazine Time. 5183
  4964. 1923/--/-- Calvin Coolidge (Republican) becomes president of the United States 309
  4965. 1923/--/-- Child violinist Yehudi Menuhin makes his public debut at age 7. 5179
  4966. 1923/--/-- Filmmaker Cecil B. De Mille directs the biblical epic The Ten Commandments. 5181
  4967. 1923/--/-- French and Belgian troops occupy the Ruhr to enforce German war reparations. 1336
  4968. 1923/--/-- French and Belgian troops occupy the Ruhr to enforce German war reparations. 5169
  4969. 1923/--/-- General Miguel Primo de Rivera rules as dictator of Spain. 5167
  4970. 1923/--/-- Irish poet William Butler Yeats wins the Nobel Prize for literature. 5184
  4971. 1923/--/-- Italy becomes first fascist state 6894
  4972. 1923/--/-- Jewish philosopher Martin Buber publishes Ich und Du (I and Thou). 5182
  4973. 1923/--/-- Physicist Hermann Oberth publishes The Rocket into Planetary Space. 5176
  4974. 1923/--/-- Physicist Hermann Oberth publishes The Rocket into Planetary Space. 7389
  4975. 1923/--/-- Spanish engineer Juan de la Cierva invents the autogiro. 5178
  4976. 1923/--/-- Spanish engineer Juan de la Cierva invents the autogiro. 7473
  4977. 1923/--/-- Stanley Baldwin becomes Conservative prime minister of Britain for the first time. 5172
  4978. 1923/--/-- The Treaty of Lausanne establishes the boundaries of modern Turkey. 5170
  4979. 1923/--/-- Tokyo and Yokohama are destroyed by an earthquake; 100,000 are killed. 1565
  4980. 1923/--/-- Tokyo and Yokohama are destroyed by an earthquake; 100,000 are killed. 5174
  4981. 1923/--/-- Turkey is declared a republic; Ataturk Kemal becomes the first president. 5171
  4982. 1923/--/-- Vladimir Zworykin patents the iconoscope, the first television transmission tube. 5177
  4983. 1923/--/-- Warren G. Harding dies; Calvin Coolidge is inaugurated as the 30th U.S. president. 1566
  4984. 1923/--/-- Warren G. Harding dies; Calvin Coolidge is inaugurated as the 30th U.S. president. 5168
  4985. 1923/10/-- World Series NL NEW YORK (2) AL NEW YORK (4) 458
  4986. 1924/--/-- Adolf Hitler publishes his Nazi political tract Mein Kampf (My Battle). 5190
  4987. 1924/--/-- Arab leader Ibn Saud drives the Hashimites from Mecca. 5189
  4988. 1924/--/-- English novelist E.M. Forster publishes A Passage To India. 1232
  4989. 1924/--/-- English novelist E.M. Forster publishes A Passage To India. 5196
  4990. 1924/--/-- French physicist Louis de Broglie proposes the wavelength nature of particles. 5193
  4991. 1924/--/-- German novelist Thomas Mann publishes The Magic Mountain. 5195
  4992. 1924/--/-- J. Edgar Hoover is appointed director of the Bureau of Investigation (renamed the FBI). 5191
  4993. 1924/--/-- Ramsay MacDonald forms the first Labour government in Britain. 5186
  4994. 1924/--/-- Schrodinger proposes wave mechanics 6895
  4995. 1924/--/-- Soviet leader Lenin dies; new leader Joseph Stalin begins a purge of his opponents. 1567
  4996. 1924/--/-- Soviet leader Lenin dies; new leader Joseph Stalin begins a purge of his opponents. 5187
  4997. 1924/--/-- The Boston Bruins become the first professional ice hockey team. 909
  4998. 1924/--/-- The Boston Bruins become the first professional ice hockey team. 5194
  4999. 1924/--/-- The military declare a republic in Greece; King George II is exiled. 5188
  5000. 1924/--/-- U.S. Congress investigates suspicious dealings in the Teapot Dome scandal. 5192
  5001. 1924/10/-- World Series NL NEW YORK (3) AL WASHINGTON (4) 459
  5002. 1925/--/-- Ahmed Zogu proclaims Albania a monarchy and rules as King Zog. 5200
  5003. 1925/--/-- American writer F. Scott Fitzgerald publishes The Great Gatsby. 5211
  5004. 1925/--/-- American writer F. Scott Fitzgerald publishes The Great Gatsby. 7237
  5005. 1925/--/-- American writer John Dos Passos publishes Manhattan Transfer. 5209
  5006. 1925/--/-- American writer John Dos Passos publishes Manhattan Transfer. 7236
  5007. 1925/--/-- Astronomer Edwin Hubble composes a classification scheme for galaxies. 5203
  5008. 1925/--/-- Automaker Walter P. Chrysler founds the Chrysler Corporation. 5202
  5009. 1925/--/-- Black American dancer Josephine Baker stars in La Revue negre in Paris. 5207
  5010. 1925/--/-- Black American dancer Josephine Baker stars in La Revue negre in Paris. 7235
  5011. 1925/--/-- Clarence Birdseye begins marketing his quick-frozen food packages. 5204
  5012. 1925/--/-- Friedrich Ebert dies; Paul von Hindenburg becomes president of the German republic. 1568
  5013. 1925/--/-- Friedrich Ebert dies; Paul von Hindenburg becomes president of the German republic. 5197
  5014. 1925/--/-- John T. Scopes is tried in Tennessee for teaching the theory of evolution. 5201
  5015. 1925/--/-- Reza Shah Pahlavi rules as shah of Iran. 5199
  5016. 1925/--/-- Russian filmmaker Sergei Eisenstein directs The Battleship Potemkin. 5205
  5017. 1925/--/-- Swiss-born artist Paul Klee paints Fish Magic. 5208
  5018. 1925/--/-- Swiss-born artist Paul Klee paints Fish Magic. 7678
  5019. 1925/--/-- The all-black revue Runnin' Wild introduces the Charleston dance craze. 5206
  5020. 1925/--/-- The Locarno Pact finalizes the treaties between the World War I protagonists. 5198
  5021. 1925/--/-- The New Yorker magazine is founded in New York City. 5210
  5022. 1925/10/-- World Series NL PITTSBURGH (4) AL WASHINGTON (3) 460
  5023. 1926/--/-- American artist Georgia O'Keeffe paints her flower portrait Black Iris. 5226
  5024. 1926/--/-- American artist Georgia O'Keeffe paints her flower portrait Black Iris. 7240
  5025. 1926/--/-- American artist Georgia O'Keeffe paints her flower portrait Black Iris. 7679
  5026. 1926/--/-- American golfer Bobby Jones wins the U.S. Open and the British Open tournaments. 5223
  5027. 1926/--/-- American golfer Bobby Jones wins the U.S. Open and the British Open tournaments. 7239
  5028. 1926/--/-- American physicist Robert Goddard launches the first liquid-propellant rocket. 5220
  5029. 1926/--/-- American physicist Robert Goddard launches the first liquid-propellant rocket. 7238
  5030. 1926/--/-- Antonio Oscar de Fragoso Carmona becomes president after a military coup in Portugal. 5217
  5031. 1926/--/-- Chiang Kai-shek organizes the Northern Expedition to unite China. 5219
  5032. 1926/--/-- Chiang Kai-shek organizes the Northern Expedition to unite China. 7825
  5033. 1926/--/-- Eamon De Valera organizes the Fianna Fail party in the Republic of Ireland. 5216
  5034. 1926/--/-- English author A.A. Milne writes the children's book Winnie-the-Pooh. 1233
  5035. 1926/--/-- English author A.A. Milne writes the children's book Winnie-the-Pooh. 5227
  5036. 1926/--/-- French troops in Morocco subdue a tribal rebellion led by Abd el-Krim. 5214
  5037. 1926/--/-- Germany is admitted to the League of Nations. 5213
  5038. 1926/--/-- Hirohito becomes emperor of Japan. 5218
  5039. 1926/--/-- Hirohito becomes emperor of Japan. 8008
  5040. 1926/--/-- Nobile, Amundsen and Ellsworth pilot the airship Norge over the North Pole. 5222
  5041. 1926/--/-- Richard E. Byrd and Floyd Bennett make the first airplane flight over the North Pole. 5221
  5042. 1926/--/-- Russian composer Dmitry Shostakovich premiers his First Symphony. 5225
  5043. 1926/--/-- Russian composer Dmitry Shostakovich premiers his First Symphony. 7680
  5044. 1926/--/-- The General Strike breaks out in Britain involving 3 million workers. 5212
  5045. 1926/--/-- The Harlem Globetrotters basketball team is organized in Chicago. 870
  5046. 1926/--/-- The Harlem Globetrotters basketball team is organized in Chicago. 5224
  5047. 1926/--/-- U.S. Marines land in Nicaragua to suppress a revolution (they depart in 1933). 5215
  5048. 1926/10/-- World Series NL ST. LOUIS (4) AL NEW YORK (3) 461
  5049. 1927/--/-- American dancer Isadora Duncan is killed in a tragic car accident. 1569
  5050. 1927/--/-- American dancer Isadora Duncan is killed in a tragic car accident. 5237
  5051. 1927/--/-- American dancer Isadora Duncan is killed in a tragic car accident. 7241
  5052. 1927/--/-- American writer Thornton Wilder publishes The Bridge of San Luis Rey. 5241
  5053. 1927/--/-- American writer Thornton Wilder publishes The Bridge of San Luis Rey. 7242
  5054. 1927/--/-- Baseball player Babe Ruth scores a record 60 home runs for the New York Yankees. 863
  5055. 1927/--/-- Baseball player Babe Ruth scores a record 60 home runs for the New York Yankees. 5232
  5056. 1927/--/-- Blackface singer Al Jolson appears in the first sound motion picture The Jazz Singer. 5238
  5057. 1927/--/-- Charles Lindbergh flies solo nonstop from New York to Paris in 33.5 hours. 5229
  5058. 1927/--/-- Civil war in China 6896
  5059. 1927/--/-- Comedy team Laurel and Hardy appear in their first film Putting Pants on Philip. 5240
  5060. 1927/--/-- Dancer Martha Graham opens her first dance studio in New York City. 5236
  5061. 1927/--/-- Duke Ellington's jazz band stars at Harlem's Cotton Club in New York City. 5231
  5062. 1927/--/-- English novelist Virginia Woolf writes To The Lighthouse. 1234
  5063. 1927/--/-- English novelist Virginia Woolf writes To The Lighthouse. 5234
  5064. 1927/--/-- Finnish architect Alvar Aalto designs the Turun Sanomat newspaper building. 5235
  5065. 1927/--/-- Georges Lemaitre proposes an expanding model for the creation of the universe. 5230
  5066. 1927/--/-- German-Swiss author Hermann Hesse publishes Steppenwolf. 5242
  5067. 1927/--/-- German filmmaker Fritz Lang directs the futuristic film Metropolis. 5239
  5068. 1927/--/-- Helen Newington Wills wins the Wimbledon tennis championship. 885
  5069. 1927/--/-- Helen Newington Wills wins the Wimbledon tennis championship. 5233
  5070. 1927/--/-- Lindbergh crosses Atlantic non-stop 6897
  5071. 1927/--/-- The Iron Guard fascist organization is founded in Romania. 5228
  5072. 1927/10/-- World Series NL PITTSBURGH (0) AL NEW YORK (4) 462
  5073. 1928/--/-- Amelia Earhart becomes the first woman to fly across the Atlantic. 5259
  5074. 1928/--/-- American anthropologist Margaret Mead publishes Coming of Age in Samoa. 5249
  5075. 1928/--/-- American anthropologist Margaret Mead publishes Coming of Age in Samoa. 7243
  5076. 1928/--/-- American comedy team Amos 'n' Andy produce their first radio show. 5260
  5077. 1928/--/-- American comedy team Amos 'n' Andy produce their first radio show. 7245
  5078. 1928/--/-- American composer Virgil Thomson writes the opera Four Saints in Three Acts. 5253
  5079. 1928/--/-- American composer Virgil Thomson writes the opera Four Saints in Three Acts. 7244
  5080. 1928/--/-- American composer Virgil Thomson writes the opera Four Saints in Three Acts. 7681
  5081. 1928/--/-- Arturo Toscanini is made conductor of the New York Philharmonic. 5247
  5082. 1928/--/-- Ben Hecht and Charles MacArthur's play The Front Page is produced. 5252
  5083. 1928/--/-- Bertolt Brecht and Kurt Weill collaborate on the play The Threepenny Opera. 5257
  5084. 1928/--/-- Bertolt Brecht and Kurt Weill collaborate on the play The Threepenny Opera. 7682
  5085. 1928/--/-- British bacteriologist Alexander Fleming discovers penicillin. 5244
  5086. 1928/--/-- Chiang Kai-shek captures Peking; the Kuomintang government is established. 5250
  5087. 1928/--/-- English novelist Evelyn Waugh publishes Decline and Fall. 1235
  5088. 1928/--/-- English novelist Evelyn Waugh publishes Decline and Fall. 5258
  5089. 1928/--/-- English physicist Paul Dirac formulates a mathematical description of elementary particles. 1236
  5090. 1928/--/-- English physicist Paul Dirac formulates a mathematical description of elementary particles. 5245
  5091. 1928/--/-- French composer Maurice Ravel composes the ballet Bolero. 5254
  5092. 1928/--/-- Heisenberg's uncertainty principle 6898
  5093. 1928/--/-- Luis Bunuel and Salvador Dali collaborate on the surrealist film Un Chien andalou. 5256
  5094. 1928/--/-- Spanish poet Federico Garcia Lorca publishes Gypsy Ballads. 5255
  5095. 1928/--/-- The Chaco War breaks out between Bolivia and Paraguay over territorial disputes. 5251
  5096. 1928/--/-- The first Five-Year Plan for economic reform begins in the Soviet Union. 5246
  5097. 1928/--/-- The Kellog-Briand Pact outlawing war is signed by 15 nations. 1337
  5098. 1928/--/-- The Kellog-Briand Pact outlawing war is signed by 15 nations. 5243
  5099. 1928/--/-- Walt Disney's Mickey Mouse appears in Steamboat Willie, the first sound cartoon. 5248
  5100. 1928/10/-- World Series NL ST. LOUIS (0) AL NEW YORK (4) 463
  5101. 1929/--/-- Alexander institutes absolute rule as king of Yugoslavia. 5266
  5102. 1929/--/-- American explorer Richard E. Byrd flies over the South Pole. 5269
  5103. 1929/--/-- American explorer Richard E. Byrd flies over the South Pole. 7247
  5104. 1929/--/-- American novelist William Faulkner publishes The Sound and the Fury. 5275
  5105. 1929/--/-- American novelist William Faulkner publishes The Sound and the Fury. 7248
  5106. 1929/--/-- British poet Robert Graves publishes his war memoir Goodbye To All That. 1338
  5107. 1929/--/-- British poet Robert Graves publishes his war memoir Goodbye To All That. 5274
  5108. 1929/--/-- Erich Maria Remarque publishes his war novel All Quiet On the Western Front. 1339
  5109. 1929/--/-- Erich Maria Remarque publishes his war novel All Quiet On the Western Front. 5273
  5110. 1929/--/-- Ernest Hemingway writes the war novel A Farewell To Arms. 1340
  5111. 1929/--/-- Ernest Hemingway writes the war novel A Farewell To Arms. 5276
  5112. 1929/--/-- French artist and writer Jean Cocteau publishes Les Enfants Terribles. 5277
  5113. 1929/--/-- French artist and writer Jean Cocteau publishes Les Enfants Terribles. 7683
  5114. 1929/--/-- Heinrich Himmler is appointed head of the SS, Hitler's blackshirted elite guard. 5264
  5115. 1929/--/-- Herbert C. Hoover (Republican) becomes president of the United States 310
  5116. 1929/--/-- Hoover is inaugurated as the 31st U.S. president; Curtis becomes vice-president. 5261
  5117. 1929/--/-- Jews and Arabs clash at the Wailing Wall in Jerusalem. 5265
  5118. 1929/--/-- Seven Chicago gangsters are machine-gunned in the St. Valentine's Day Massacre. 5270
  5119. 1929/--/-- Soviet leader Joseph Stalin exiles Leon Trotsky. 5262
  5120. 1929/--/-- Stock Market crashes 6899
  5121. 1929/--/-- The first Academy Awards are presented; Wings wins best-picture prize. 5272
  5122. 1929/--/-- The Lateran Treaty creates the independent state of the Vatican City. 5263
  5123. 1929/--/-- The Museum of Modern Art (MOMA) is founded in New York City. 5271
  5124. 1929/--/-- The Wall Street crash leads to a world-wide economic depression. 5268
  5125. 1929/--/-- The Workers Party of America is renamed the Communist Party of the United States. 5267
  5126. 1929/--/-- The Workers Party of America is renamed the Communist Party of the United States. 7246
  5127. 1929/10/-- World Series NL CHICAGO (1) AL PHILADELPHIA (4) 464
  5128. 1930/--/-- American artist Edward Hopper paints Early Sunday Morning. 5287
  5129. 1930/--/-- American artist Edward Hopper paints Early Sunday Morning. 7251
  5130. 1930/--/-- American artist Edward Hopper paints Early Sunday Morning. 7684
  5131. 1930/--/-- American astronomer Clyde W. Tombaugh discovers the planet Pluto. 5282
  5132. 1930/--/-- American astronomer Clyde W. Tombaugh discovers the planet Pluto. 7249
  5133. 1930/--/-- American poet Hart Crane publishes The Bridge. 5290
  5134. 1930/--/-- American poet Hart Crane publishes The Bridge. 7252
  5135. 1930/--/-- Artist Grant Wood paints American Gothic. 5286
  5136. 1930/--/-- Artist Grant Wood paints American Gothic. 7250
  5137. 1930/--/-- Artist Grant Wood paints American Gothic. 7685
  5138. 1930/--/-- British engineer Frank Whittle patents a gas turbine engine for jet aircraft. 5285
  5139. 1930/--/-- Carol II is proclaimed king of Romania. 5281
  5140. 1930/--/-- Dashiell Hammett publishes the detective novel The Maltese Falcon. 5291
  5141. 1930/--/-- English-born American writer W. H. Auden publishes his Poems. 1237
  5142. 1930/--/-- English-born American writer W. H. Auden publishes his Poems. 5292
  5143. 1930/--/-- English-born American writer W. H. Auden publishes his Poems. 7253
  5144. 1930/--/-- Getulio Vargas is appointed president of Brazil after a military coup. 5280
  5145. 1930/--/-- Haile Selassie is declared emperor of Ethiopia. 5279
  5146. 1930/--/-- Marlene Dietrich stars in Josef von Sternberg's film The Blue Angel. 5288
  5147. 1930/--/-- Noel Coward's play Private Lives is produced in London. 5289
  5148. 1930/--/-- The British airship R101 crashes in France. 5283
  5149. 1930/--/-- The city of Constantinople is re-named Istanbul. 5278
  5150. 1930/--/-- Vannevar Bush develops a differential analyzer, an early type of analog computer. 5284
  5151. 1930/--/-- Worldwide depression begins 6900
  5152. 1930/10/-- World Series NL ST. LOUIS (2) AL PHILADELPHIA (4) 465
  5153. 1931/--/-- American cartoonist Chester Gould creates the adventure comic strip Dick Tracy. 5304
  5154. 1931/--/-- American cartoonist Chester Gould creates the adventure comic strip Dick Tracy. 7255
  5155. 1931/--/-- American journalist and writer Damon Runyon publishes Guys and Dolls. 5303
  5156. 1931/--/-- American journalist and writer Damon Runyon publishes Guys and Dolls. 7254
  5157. 1931/--/-- American writer Pearl Buck publishes The Good Earth. 5305
  5158. 1931/--/-- American writer Pearl Buck publishes The Good Earth. 7256
  5159. 1931/--/-- Auguste Piccard makes the first manned balloon flight into the stratosphere. 5298
  5160. 1931/--/-- Ben Shahn begins a series of paintings inspired by the Sacco-Vanzetti case. 5302
  5161. 1931/--/-- Ben Shahn begins a series of paintings inspired by the Sacco-Vanzetti case. 7686
  5162. 1931/--/-- Chicago gangster Al Capone is jailed for income tax evasion. 5295
  5163. 1931/--/-- Explorer George Hubert Wilkins makes a submarine voyage under the Arctic ice. 5299
  5164. 1931/--/-- Japanese forces occupy Manchuria. 5293
  5165. 1931/--/-- Japanese forces occupy Manchuria. 8009
  5166. 1931/--/-- Lawrence invents cyclotron 6901
  5167. 1931/--/-- Organic chemist W. H. Carothers invents nylon, the first successful synthetic fiber. 5301
  5168. 1931/--/-- Organic chemist W. H. Carothers invents nylon, the first successful synthetic fiber. 7474
  5169. 1931/--/-- Radio astronomy begins when Karl Jansky detects radio waves from space. 5300
  5170. 1931/--/-- Radio astronomy begins when Karl Jansky detects radio waves from space. 7390
  5171. 1931/--/-- Spain is declared a republic; King Alfonso XIII abdicates. 5294
  5172. 1931/--/-- The Empire State Building becomes the tallest building in the world. 5296
  5173. 1931/--/-- The Star-Spangled Banner becomes the U.S. national anthem. 5297
  5174. 1931/10/-- World Series NL ST. LOUIS (4) AL PHILADELPHIA (3) 466
  5175. 1932/--/-- American physicist Carl D. Anderson discovers the positron. 5315
  5176. 1932/--/-- American physicist Carl D. Anderson discovers the positron. 7257
  5177. 1932/--/-- American sculptor Alexander Calder creates his first mobile. 5320
  5178. 1932/--/-- American sculptor Alexander Calder creates his first mobile. 7258
  5179. 1932/--/-- American sculptor Alexander Calder creates his first mobile. 7687
  5180. 1932/--/-- American southern author Erskine Caldwell publishes Tobacco Road. 5321
  5181. 1932/--/-- American southern author Erskine Caldwell publishes Tobacco Road. 7259
  5182. 1932/--/-- Antonio de Oliveira Salazar assumes dictatorial powers as premier of Portugal. 5307
  5183. 1932/--/-- Arab leader Ibn Saud founds the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia. 5310
  5184. 1932/--/-- British author Aldous Huxley publishes Brave New World. 5322
  5185. 1932/--/-- Charles Lindbergh's infant son is kidnapped. 5314
  5186. 1932/--/-- Eamon de Valera is elected president of the Republic of Ireland. 5309
  5187. 1932/--/-- Engelbert Dollfuss is elected chancellor of Austria. 5312
  5188. 1932/--/-- English physicist James Chadwick discovers the neutron. 1238
  5189. 1932/--/-- English physicist James Chadwick discovers the neutron. 5316
  5190. 1932/--/-- Presidential nominee Franklin D. Roosevelt pledges a New Deal. 5306
  5191. 1932/--/-- Radio City Music Hall opens in New York City's Rockefeller Center. 5319
  5192. 1932/--/-- Radio City Music Hall opens in New York City's Rockefeller Center. 7688
  5193. 1932/--/-- Revolution in Siam (Thailand) replaces the monarchy with a constitutional government. 5311
  5194. 1932/--/-- Sir Oswald Mosley founds the British Union of Fascists. 5308
  5195. 1932/--/-- The Bonus Army of war veterans is dispersed by troops in Washington, D.C. 1341
  5196. 1932/--/-- The Bonus Army of war veterans is dispersed by troops in Washington, D.C. 5313
  5197. 1932/--/-- The first particle accelerator is built at the Cavendish Laboratory in England. 1239
  5198. 1932/--/-- The first particle accelerator is built at the Cavendish Laboratory in England. 5317
  5199. 1932/--/-- The Royal Shakespeare Theater opens at Stratford-on-Avon, England. 1240
  5200. 1932/--/-- The Royal Shakespeare Theater opens at Stratford-on-Avon, England. 5318
  5201. 1932/10/-- World Series NL CHICAGO (0) AL NEW YORK (4) 467
  5202. 1933/--/-- A fossilized skull of the prehistoric Steinheim man is found in Germany. 5337
  5203. 1933/--/-- Actor Charles Laughton stars in the film The Private Life of Henry VIII. 5342
  5204. 1933/--/-- Busby Berkeley choreographs the dances for the film Gold Diggers of 1933. 5341
  5205. 1933/--/-- Dancers Fred Astaire and Ginger Rogers star in the film Flying Down to Rio. 5343
  5206. 1933/--/-- Edwin Armstrong invents frequency modulation (FM) to eliminate radio static. 5336
  5207. 1933/--/-- Edwin Armstrong invents frequency modulation (FM) to eliminate radio static. 7475
  5208. 1933/--/-- Fiorello La Guardia is elected mayor of New York City for the first time. 5335
  5209. 1933/--/-- Frances Perkins becomes the first woman cabinet member in U.S. history. 5331
  5210. 1933/--/-- Franklin D. Roosevelt (Democrat) becomes president of the United States 311
  5211. 1933/--/-- French novelist and political activist Andre Malraux publishes Man's Fate. 5344
  5212. 1933/--/-- Fulgencio Batista leads a military coup against Gerardo Machado y Morales in Cuba. 5325
  5213. 1933/--/-- Jimmy and Tommy Dorsey found their first swing band. 5338
  5214. 1933/--/-- Joseph Goebbels is appointed as minister of propaganda for the Nazi party. 5327
  5215. 1933/--/-- Mae West stars in the films She Done Him Wrong and I'm No Angel. 5340
  5216. 1933/--/-- Norwegian fascist Vidkun Quisling founds the National Unity party. 5330
  5217. 1933/--/-- President Paul von Hindenburg names Adolf Hitler as chancellor of Germany. 5324
  5218. 1933/--/-- Roosevelt begins "New Deal" 6902
  5219. 1933/--/-- Roosevelt is inaugurated as the 32nd U.S. president; Garner becomes vice-president. 5323
  5220. 1933/--/-- The 21st Amendment ends the prohibition era in the U.S. 5332
  5221. 1933/--/-- The Marx Brothers star in the classic comedy film Duck Soup. 5339
  5222. 1933/--/-- The National Recovery Administration (NRA) is launched by President Roosevelt. 5333
  5223. 1933/--/-- The Nazis erect the first concentration camps in Germany. 5329
  5224. 1933/--/-- The Public Works Administration (PWA) is formed to fund public construction projects. 5334
  5225. 1933/--/-- The Reichstag fire gives the Nazis a pretext for outlawing the German Communist party. 5328
  5226. 1933/--/-- The Stavisky affair causes a financial scandal in France. 5326
  5227. 1933/10/-- World Series NL NEW YORK (4) AL WASHINGTON (1) 468
  5228. 1934/--/-- Adolf Hitler becomes "Fueher" of Germany 6903
  5229. 1934/--/-- Alexander, king of Yugoslavia, is assassinated; his son Peter II succeeds him. 1570
  5230. 1934/--/-- Alexander, king of Yugoslavia, is assassinated; his son Peter II succeeds him. 5345
  5231. 1934/--/-- American cartoonist Al Capp begins the comic strip Li'l Abner. 5362
  5232. 1934/--/-- American cartoonist Al Capp begins the comic strip Li'l Abner. 7261
  5233. 1934/--/-- Chancellor Engelbert Dollfuss is murdered by Austrian Nazis. 1571
  5234. 1934/--/-- Chancellor Engelbert Dollfuss is murdered by Austrian Nazis. 5346
  5235. 1934/--/-- Cole Porter writes the score for the Broadway musical Anything Goes. 5360
  5236. 1934/--/-- Cole Porter writes the score for the Broadway musical Anything Goes. 7689
  5237. 1934/--/-- Drought leads to severe dust storms in the Dust Bowl region of the Great Plains. 5355
  5238. 1934/--/-- Elijah Muhammad becomes leader of the Nation of Islam (the Black Muslims). 5354
  5239. 1934/--/-- Fermi creates plutonium 6904
  5240. 1934/--/-- George Balanchine and Lincoln Kirstein found The School of American Ballet. 5358
  5241. 1934/--/-- George Balanchine and Lincoln Kirstein found The School of American Ballet. 7260
  5242. 1934/--/-- Henry Miller publishes the Tropic of Cancer. (It is banned in the U.S. until 1961.) 5363
  5243. 1934/--/-- Hitler becomes Fuhrer (leader) of Germany after Hindenburg's death. 1573
  5244. 1934/--/-- Hitler becomes Fuhrer (leader) of Germany after Hindenburg's death. 5348
  5245. 1934/--/-- John Dillinger, public enemy number one, is killed by the FBI. 1574
  5246. 1934/--/-- John Dillinger, public enemy number one, is killed by the FBI. 5353
  5247. 1934/--/-- Lazaro Cardenas is chosen by Plutarco Calles as president of Mexico. 5350
  5248. 1934/--/-- Lillian Hellman's play The Children's Hour is produced. 5361
  5249. 1934/--/-- Mao Tse-tung leads the Chinese Communists on the Long March. 5349
  5250. 1934/--/-- Mao Tse-tung leads the Chinese Communists on the Long March. 7826
  5251. 1934/--/-- Naturalist Charles W. Beebe makes a record dive of 3,028 ft in a bathyscaphe. 5356
  5252. 1934/--/-- SA leader Ernst Roehm is assassinated on the orders of Hitler. 1572
  5253. 1934/--/-- SA leader Ernst Roehm is assassinated on the orders of Hitler. 5347
  5254. 1934/--/-- Surrealist artist Rene Magritte paints The Human Condition. 5359
  5255. 1934/--/-- Surrealist artist Rene Magritte paints The Human Condition. 7690
  5256. 1934/--/-- The British ocean liner Queen Mary is launched. 5357
  5257. 1934/--/-- The Federal Communications Commission (FCC) is formed to regulate broadcasting. 5352
  5258. 1934/--/-- The Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) is formed to protect U.S. investors. 5351
  5259. 1934/10/-- World Series NL ST. LOUIS (4) AL DETROIT (3) 469
  5260. 1935/--/-- American writer Thomas Wolfe publishes Of Time and the River. 5383
  5261. 1935/--/-- American writer Thomas Wolfe publishes Of Time and the River. 7263
  5262. 1935/--/-- Arthur Dempster discovers U-235, the isotope of uranium used in atomic bombs. 5373
  5263. 1935/--/-- Child film actress Shirley Temple stars in The Little Colonel. 5379
  5264. 1935/--/-- Controversial Louisiana senator Huey P. Long is assassinated. 1575
  5265. 1935/--/-- Controversial Louisiana senator Huey P. Long is assassinated. 5370
  5266. 1935/--/-- Eduard Benes succeeds Tomas Masaryk as president of Czechoslovakia. 5366
  5267. 1935/--/-- Errol Flynn stars in the swashbuckling adventure film Captain Blood. 5381
  5268. 1935/--/-- Filmmaker Alfred Hitchcock directs The 39 Steps. 5378
  5269. 1935/--/-- George Gershwin composes the modern American opera Porgy and Bess. 5376
  5270. 1935/--/-- George Gershwin composes the modern American opera Porgy and Bess. 7262
  5271. 1935/--/-- George Gershwin composes the modern American opera Porgy and Bess. 7691
  5272. 1935/--/-- Hitler announces German rearmament in violation of the Treaty of Versailles. 5365
  5273. 1935/--/-- Italy invades Abyssinia (now Ethiopia). 5367
  5274. 1935/--/-- King of Swing Benny Goodman forms the Benny Goodman Trio. 5375
  5275. 1935/--/-- Leni Riefenstahl directs the Nazi propaganda film Triumph of the Will. 5382
  5276. 1935/--/-- Physicist Hideki Yukawa predicts the existence of the meson subatomic particle. 5374
  5277. 1935/--/-- Robert Sherwood's play The Petrified Forest is produced. 5377
  5278. 1935/--/-- Scottish physicist Robert Watson-Watt patents the first practical radar system. 5372
  5279. 1935/--/-- Social Security Act provides retirement insurance 6905
  5280. 1935/--/-- Swedish film actress Greta Garbo stars in Anna Karenina. 5380
  5281. 1935/--/-- The monarchy is restored in Greece under George II. 5368
  5282. 1935/--/-- The Monopoly board game is patented in the U.S. 5371
  5283. 1935/--/-- The Moscow subway is opened. 5369
  5284. 1935/--/-- The Nuremberg Racial Laws deprive German Jews of their citizenship. 5364
  5285. 1935/10/-- World Series NL CHICAGO (2) AL DETROIT (4) 470
  5286. 1936/--/-- Black athlete Jesse Owens wins 4 gold medals at the Berlin Olympic Games. 914
  5287. 1936/--/-- Black athlete Jesse Owens wins 4 gold medals at the Berlin Olympic Games. 5395
  5288. 1936/--/-- Boulder Dam is completed in Arizona (it is renamed Hoover Dam in 1947). 5394
  5289. 1936/--/-- Edward VIII abdicates as king of Great Britain; he is succeeded by George VI. 5384
  5290. 1936/--/-- Henry R. Luce begins publishing Life magazine. 5400
  5291. 1936/--/-- HItler and Mussolini announce the Rome-Berlin Axis (alliance). 5386
  5292. 1936/--/-- Ioannis Metaxas establishes a dictatorship in Greece. 5388
  5293. 1936/--/-- Italy and Germany send military forces and aid to support Franco in Spain. 5390
  5294. 1936/--/-- Italy annexes Abyssinia (Ethiopia); Emperor Haile Selassie is exiled. 5385
  5295. 1936/--/-- Japan concludes the Anti-Comintern Pact with Germany. 5387
  5296. 1936/--/-- Japan concludes the Anti-Comintern Pact with Germany. 8010
  5297. 1936/--/-- John Maynard Keynes writes The General Theory of Employment, Interest and Money. 5397
  5298. 1936/--/-- Margaret Mitchell publishes her only novel Gone With the Wind. 5399
  5299. 1936/--/-- Olympic ice skater Sonja Henie turns professional. 915
  5300. 1936/--/-- Olympic ice skater Sonja Henie turns professional. 5396
  5301. 1936/--/-- Spanish Civil War 6906
  5302. 1936/--/-- Stalin begins the Great Purge of Soviet Russia's political and military leadership. 5392
  5303. 1936/--/-- The British Broadcasting Service (BBC) begins the first public television service. 5393
  5304. 1936/--/-- The Soviet Union and the International Brigades support the Nationalists in Spain. 5391
  5305. 1936/--/-- The Spanish Civil War begins when General Franco leads a military revolt. 5389
  5306. 1936/--/-- The works of the composer Dmitry Shostakovich are denounced in Russia. 5398
  5307. 1936/01/-- Edward VIII succeeds as King of Great Britain and Ireland. 8118
  5308. 1936/10/-- World Series NL NEW YORK (2) AL NEW YORK (4) 471
  5309. 1936/12/10 George VI succeeds as King of Great Britain and Ireland upon the abdication of E 8119
  5310. 1937/--/-- American author John Steinbeck publishes Of Mice and Men. 5416
  5311. 1937/--/-- American author John Steinbeck publishes Of Mice and Men. 7264
  5312. 1937/--/-- Anastasio Somoza Garcia becomes president of Nicaragua. 5405
  5313. 1937/--/-- Aviatrix Amelia Earhart is lost during a flight across the Pacific. 5409
  5314. 1937/--/-- Ballet dancer Margot Fonteyn debuts in Giselle at Sadler's Wells, London. 5413
  5315. 1937/--/-- Danish author Isak Dinesen publishes her autobiography Out of Africa. 5418
  5316. 1937/--/-- Danish author Isak Dinesen publishes her autobiography Out of Africa. 7917
  5317. 1937/--/-- Dow Chemical develops plastics 6907
  5318. 1937/--/-- English writer and scholar J.R.R. Tolkien publishes the fantasy novel The Hobbit. 1241
  5319. 1937/--/-- English writer and scholar J.R.R. Tolkien publishes the fantasy novel The Hobbit. 5417
  5320. 1937/--/-- Farouk succeeds Fuad I as king of Egypt. 5404
  5321. 1937/--/-- Frank Lloyd Wright begins building the Taliesin West complex in Arizona. 5412
  5322. 1937/--/-- French filmmaker Jean Renoir directs Grand Illusion. 5415
  5323. 1937/--/-- German aircraft supporting Franco's forces destroy the town of Guernica in Spain. 5403
  5324. 1937/--/-- Joe Louis the Brown Bomber wins the heavyweight boxing championship. 5411
  5325. 1937/--/-- Nationalist and Communist forces unite to combat the Japanese in China. 5402
  5326. 1937/--/-- Nationalist and Communist forces unite to combat the Japanese in China. 7827
  5327. 1937/--/-- Nationalist and Communist forces unite to combat the Japanese in China. 8012
  5328. 1937/--/-- Neville Chamberlain succeeds Stanley Baldwin as prime minister of Britain. 5406
  5329. 1937/--/-- Swing bandleader Artie Shaw records Begin the Beguine. 5414
  5330. 1937/--/-- The Duke of Windsor (former King Edward VIII) marries the divorcee Mrs. Simpson. 5407
  5331. 1937/--/-- The German airship Hindenburg is destroyed by fire at Lakehurst, N.J. 5410
  5332. 1937/--/-- The Golden Gate Bridge is opened in San Francisco. 5408
  5333. 1937/--/-- The Japanese invasion of China begins the Second Sino-Japanese War. 5401
  5334. 1937/--/-- The Japanese invasion of China begins the Second Sino-Japanese War. 7828
  5335. 1937/--/-- The Japanese invasion of China begins the Second Sino-Japanese War. 8011
  5336. 1937/05/02 George VI crowned King of Great Britain and Ireland at Westminster Abbey by Cosm 8120
  5337. 1937/10/-- World Series NL NEW YORK (1) AL NEW YORK (4) 472
  5338. 1938/--/-- A coelacanth, a fish thought extinct for 65 million years, is caught off the cost of Africa. 5432
  5339. 1938/--/-- A coelacanth, a fish thought extinct for 65 million years, is caught off the cost of Africa. 7918
  5340. 1938/--/-- American composer Aaron Copland writes the ballet score for Billy the Kid. 5434
  5341. 1938/--/-- American composer Aaron Copland writes the ballet score for Billy the Kid. 7266
  5342. 1938/--/-- American singer Ella Fitzgerald records A-tisket, A-tasket. 5436
  5343. 1938/--/-- American singer Ella Fitzgerald records A-tisket, A-tasket. 7267
  5344. 1938/--/-- British prime minister Neville Chamberlain declares "peace for our time." 5423
  5345. 1938/--/-- Chamberlain and Daladier appease Hitler at the Munich Conference. 5422
  5346. 1938/--/-- Chester Carlson invents xerography, the first electrostatic dry-copying process. 5429
  5347. 1938/--/-- Chester Carlson invents xerography, the first electrostatic dry-copying process. 7476
  5348. 1938/--/-- Don Budge becomes the first player to win the Grand Slam (4 tennis championships). 886
  5349. 1938/--/-- Don Budge becomes the first player to win the Grand Slam (4 tennis championships). 5433
  5350. 1938/--/-- General Franco isolates the Republican forces in Spain and attacks Catalonia. 5425
  5351. 1938/--/-- German chemist Otto Hahn discovers the principles of nuclear fission. 5431
  5352. 1938/--/-- Germany occupies the Sudetenland in western Czechoslovakia. 5424
  5353. 1938/--/-- Hitler invades Austria; a union (Anschluss) of Austria and Germany is proclaimed. 5419
  5354. 1938/--/-- Hungarian Lajos Biro invents the first practical ball-point pen. 5430
  5355. 1938/--/-- Hungarian Lajos Biro invents the first practical ball-point pen. 7477
  5356. 1938/--/-- Ismet Inonu succeeds Kemal Atuturk as president of Turkey. 5427
  5357. 1938/--/-- Jewish property is attacked in Germany in the Kristallnacht (night of broken glass). 5420
  5358. 1938/--/-- Jewish psychoanalyst Sigmund Freud flees to England to escape Nazi persecution. 1242
  5359. 1938/--/-- Jewish psychoanalyst Sigmund Freud flees to England to escape Nazi persecution. 5421
  5360. 1938/--/-- Orson Welles' radio broadcast of War of the Worlds causes panic in the U.S. 5435
  5361. 1938/--/-- Swing musician Glenn Miller organizes his band. 5437
  5362. 1938/--/-- Swing musician Glenn Miller organizes his band. 7692
  5363. 1938/--/-- The House Committee on Un-American Activities investigates U.S. subversives. 5428
  5364. 1938/--/-- The House Committee on Un-American Activities investigates U.S. subversives. 7265
  5365. 1938/--/-- The U.S. and Britain send aid to the Chinese in their war against Japan. 1342
  5366. 1938/--/-- The U.S. and Britain send aid to the Chinese in their war against Japan. 5426
  5367. 1938/--/-- The U.S. and Britain send aid to the Chinese in their war against Japan. 7829
  5368. 1938/--/-- The U.S. and Britain send aid to the Chinese in their war against Japan. 8013
  5369. 1938/--/-- Thornton Wilder wins the Pulitzer Prize for his play Our Town. 5439
  5370. 1938/--/-- Walt Disney's feature-length cartoon Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs is shown. 5438
  5371. 1938/10/-- World Series NL CHICAGO (0) AL NEW YORK (4) 473
  5372. 1939/--/-- American author Nathanael West publishes The Day of the Locust. 5461
  5373. 1939/--/-- American author Nathanael West publishes The Day of the Locust. 7270
  5374. 1939/--/-- American novelist John Steinbeck publishes The Grapes of Wrath. 5459
  5375. 1939/--/-- American novelist John Steinbeck publishes The Grapes of Wrath. 7269
  5376. 1939/--/-- An Anglo-Saxon burial ship is excavated at Sutton Hoo in England. 1243
  5377. 1939/--/-- An Anglo-Saxon burial ship is excavated at Sutton Hoo in England. 5456
  5378. 1939/--/-- Britain and France declare war on Germany but are unable to aid Poland. 1343
  5379. 1939/--/-- Britain and France declare war on Germany but are unable to aid Poland. 5445
  5380. 1939/--/-- Child film actress Judy Garland stars in the musical The Wizard of Oz. 5458
  5381. 1939/--/-- Child film actress Judy Garland stars in the musical The Wizard of Oz. 7693
  5382. 1939/--/-- Clark Gable and Vivien Leigh star in the film Gone With the Wind. 5457
  5383. 1939/--/-- English author Christopher Isherwood publishes Goodbye to Berlin. 1244
  5384. 1939/--/-- English author Christopher Isherwood publishes Goodbye to Berlin. 5460
  5385. 1939/--/-- Foreign ministers Ribbentrop and Molotov sign the Nazi-Soviet Pact of nonaggression. 5443
  5386. 1939/--/-- General Franco's forces capture Madrid, ending the Spanish Civil War. 5440
  5387. 1939/--/-- Germany and Italy form the Pact of Steel military alliance. 5442
  5388. 1939/--/-- Germany invades Poland, beginning World War II. 5444
  5389. 1939/--/-- Igor Sikorsky develops America's first successful helicopter. 5452
  5390. 1939/--/-- Igor Sikorsky develops America's first successful helicopter. 7268
  5391. 1939/--/-- Italian forces occupy Albania; King Zog is forced into exile. 5441
  5392. 1939/--/-- Physical chemist Linus Pauling publishes The Nature of the Chemical Bond. 5455
  5393. 1939/--/-- President Roosevelt (prompted by Einstein) orders a U.S. effort to build an atomic bomb. 5450
  5394. 1939/--/-- President Roosevelt declares U.S. neutrality in World War II. 5448
  5395. 1939/--/-- Robert Gordon Menzies succeeds Joseph Lyons as prime minister of Australia. 5449
  5396. 1939/--/-- Soviet troops invade Poland; Germany and the USSR partition the country. 5446
  5397. 1939/--/-- Swiss chemist Paul Muller discovers the chemical insecticide DDT. 5453
  5398. 1939/--/-- The first nylon stockings are marketed. 5454
  5399. 1939/--/-- The He 176, the first jet airplane, takes to the air in Germany. 5451
  5400. 1939/--/-- The Russo-Finnish War begins with the Soviet invasion of Finland. 5447
  5401. 1939/--/-- World War II begins 1344
  5402. 1939/10/-- World Series NL CINCINNATI (0) AL NEW YORK (4) 474
  5403. 1940/--/-- American novelist Carson McCullers publishes The Heart is a Lonely Hunter. 5480
  5404. 1940/--/-- American novelist Carson McCullers publishes The Heart is a Lonely Hunter. 7271
  5405. 1940/--/-- Bing Crosby, Bob Hope and Dorothy Lamour star in the film Road to Singapore. 5477
  5406. 1940/--/-- British air victory in the Battle of Britain prevents the German invasion of England. 1245
  5407. 1940/--/-- British air victory in the Battle of Britain prevents the German invasion of England. 5469
  5408. 1940/--/-- Cary Grant and Katharine Hepburn star in the film The Philadelphia Story. 5478
  5409. 1940/--/-- Ernest Hemingway publishes For Whom the Bell Tolls. 5479
  5410. 1940/--/-- Exiled revolutionary Leon Trotsky is assassinated in Mexico on Stalin's orders. 1576
  5411. 1940/--/-- Exiled revolutionary Leon Trotsky is assassinated in Mexico on Stalin's orders. 5474
  5412. 1940/--/-- General Charles de Gaulle rallies Free French resistance in London. 5468
  5413. 1940/--/-- German forces reach Paris; Vichy France under Marshal Petain signs an armistice. 5467
  5414. 1940/--/-- Germany invades Denmark and Norway; Allied forces aid Norway but are defeated. 5462
  5415. 1940/--/-- Italian forces invade Egypt but are repulsed; the British invade Libya. 5471
  5416. 1940/--/-- Italy declares war on the Allies and invades southern France. 1345
  5417. 1940/--/-- Italy declares war on the Allies and invades southern France. 5466
  5418. 1940/--/-- Japan joins the Axis alliance and occupies northern French Indochina (Vietnam). 5472
  5419. 1940/--/-- Japan joins the Axis alliance and occupies northern French Indochina (Vietnam). 7830
  5420. 1940/--/-- Japan joins the Axis alliance and occupies northern French Indochina (Vietnam). 8014
  5421. 1940/--/-- King Carol II of Romania abdicates; Romania and Hungary join the Axis forces. 5473
  5422. 1940/--/-- Prehistoric cave paintings are discovered at Lascaux in France. 5475
  5423. 1940/--/-- Prehistoric cave paintings are discovered at Lascaux in France. 7694
  5424. 1940/--/-- Radar wins Battle of Britian 6908
  5425. 1940/--/-- Raymond Chandler publishes the detective novel Farewell, My Lovely. 5481
  5426. 1940/--/-- The British expeditionary force is evacuated from Dunkerque in France. 5465
  5427. 1940/--/-- The German army begins a blitzkrieg attack on Holland, Belgium, and France. 5463
  5428. 1940/--/-- The Soviet Union annexes the Baltic States of Lithuania, Estonia and Latvia. 5470
  5429. 1940/--/-- The Tacoma Narrows bridge collapses because of oscillations caused by the wind. 5476
  5430. 1940/--/-- Winston Churchill becomes British prime minister after Chamberlain resigns. 5464
  5431. 1940/10/-- World Series NL CINCINNATI (4) AL DETROIT (3) 475
  5432. 1941/--/-- A British task force sinks the German pocket battleship Bismarck. 5486
  5433. 1941/--/-- Baseball player Joe DiMaggio sets a new record for hitting in 56 consecutive games. 864
  5434. 1941/--/-- Baseball player Joe DiMaggio sets a new record for hitting in 56 consecutive games. 5502
  5435. 1941/--/-- Benchley Park computers sabotage German Enigma 6909
  5436. 1941/--/-- Churchill and Roosevelt's Atlantic Charter meeting establishes war and peace aims. 1346
  5437. 1941/--/-- Churchill and Roosevelt's Atlantic Charter meeting establishes war and peace aims. 5495
  5438. 1941/--/-- German paratroopers land on Crete and capture the island from the British. 5487
  5439. 1941/--/-- German playwright Bertholt Brecht writes Mother Courage and Her Children. 5503
  5440. 1941/--/-- German U-boats inflict heavy losses on British shipping in the Battle of the Atlantic. 5489
  5441. 1941/--/-- Germany invades the Soviet Union. 5494
  5442. 1941/--/-- Germany invades Yugoslavia and Greece; British forces are evacuated to Crete. 5485
  5443. 1941/--/-- Gutzon Borglum completes the sculptured heads of four presidents at Mount Rushmore. 5501
  5444. 1941/--/-- Gutzon Borglum completes the sculptured heads of four presidents at Mount Rushmore. 7695
  5445. 1941/--/-- Ho Chi Minh organizes the Viet Minh to combat the Japanese in Indochina. 5499
  5446. 1941/--/-- Ho Chi Minh organizes the Viet Minh to combat the Japanese in Indochina. 7831
  5447. 1941/--/-- Ho Chi Minh organizes the Viet Minh to combat the Japanese in Indochina. 8019
  5448. 1941/--/-- Japanese forces capture Hong Kong and invade Malaya and the Philippines. 5498
  5449. 1941/--/-- Japanese forces capture Hong Kong and invade Malaya and the Philippines. 8018
  5450. 1941/--/-- Karsh's photographic portrait of Churchill becomes a symbol of British resistance. 5500
  5451. 1941/--/-- Nazi leader Rudolf Hess flies to England on a quixotic peace mission. 1246
  5452. 1941/--/-- Nazi leader Rudolf Hess flies to England on a quixotic peace mission. 5490
  5453. 1941/--/-- Orson Welles directs the film Citizen Kane. 5505
  5454. 1941/--/-- President Roosevelt talks of Four Freedoms in his State of the Union speech. 5482
  5455. 1941/--/-- Swedish film actress Greta Garbo retires. 5504
  5456. 1941/--/-- The German advance on Moscow is halted by the winter weather. 5496
  5457. 1941/--/-- The German Africa Corps under Erwin Rommel begins an offensive in North Africa. 5484
  5458. 1941/--/-- The German Africa Corps under Erwin Rommel begins an offensive in North Africa. 7919
  5459. 1941/--/-- The German Blitz, the nighttime bombing of London, is at its height. 5488
  5460. 1941/--/-- The Japanese bomb Pearl Harbor; America enters World War II. 5497
  5461. 1941/--/-- The Japanese bomb Pearl Harbor; America enters World War II. 7272
  5462. 1941/--/-- The Japanese bomb Pearl Harbor; America enters World War II. 8017
  5463. 1941/--/-- The Japanese occupy Indochina and move into Cambodia (Kampuchea) and Thailand. 5492
  5464. 1941/--/-- The Japanese occupy Indochina and move into Cambodia (Kampuchea) and Thailand. 7832
  5465. 1941/--/-- The Japanese occupy Indochina and move into Cambodia (Kampuchea) and Thailand. 8015
  5466. 1941/--/-- The Lend-Lease Act allows the transfer of U.S. war materials to Britain and China. 1347
  5467. 1941/--/-- The Lend-Lease Act allows the transfer of U.S. war materials to Britain and China. 5483
  5468. 1941/--/-- The Lend-Lease Act allows the transfer of U.S. war materials to Britain and China. 7833
  5469. 1941/--/-- The U.S. freezes Japanese assets in retaliation for Japan's territorial aggression. 5493
  5470. 1941/--/-- The U.S. freezes Japanese assets in retaliation for Japan's territorial aggression. 8016
  5471. 1941/--/-- U.S. troops occupy Iceland to forestall its occupation by Germany. 5491
  5472. 1941/10/-- World Series NL BROOKLYN (1) AL NEW YORK (4) 476
  5473. 1942/--/-- A Russian counterattack isolates the Sixth Army at Stalingrad; Hitler orders no retreat. 5524
  5474. 1942/--/-- A U.S. fleet defeats the Japanese at the Battle of Midway. 5516
  5475. 1942/--/-- A U.S. fleet defeats the Japanese at the Battle of Midway. 8022
  5476. 1942/--/-- Actor James Cagney wins an Academy Award for the film Yankee Doodle Dandie. 5530
  5477. 1942/--/-- American and Filipino forces retreat to the Bataan Peninsula in the Philippines. 5508
  5478. 1942/--/-- American and Filipino forces retreat to the Bataan Peninsula in the Philippines. 7273
  5479. 1942/--/-- American B-25 bombers make the Doolittle Raid on Tokyo. 5510
  5480. 1942/--/-- American B-25 bombers make the Doolittle Raid on Tokyo. 7274
  5481. 1942/--/-- American crooner Bing Crosby records the hit song White Christmas. 5529
  5482. 1942/--/-- American crooner Bing Crosby records the hit song White Christmas. 7277
  5483. 1942/--/-- American forces in the Philippines surrender; the Bataan death march begins. 1577
  5484. 1942/--/-- American forces in the Philippines surrender; the Bataan death march begins. 5511
  5485. 1942/--/-- American forces in the Philippines surrender; the Bataan death march begins. 7275
  5486. 1942/--/-- American humorist James Thurber publishes The Secret Life of Walter Mitty. 5531
  5487. 1942/--/-- American humorist James Thurber publishes The Secret Life of Walter Mitty. 7278
  5488. 1942/--/-- French writer Albert Camus publishes The Stranger. 5527
  5489. 1942/--/-- Gandhi is arrested after the Quit India movement demands a British withdrawal. 5518
  5490. 1942/--/-- General MacArthur is ordered to the leave the Philippines; he vows I shall return. 5509
  5491. 1942/--/-- German forces occupy Vichy France; the French fleet is scuttled in Toulon harbor. 5522
  5492. 1942/--/-- Hitler proposes the Final Solution of the Jewish Question; the Holocaust begins. 5506
  5493. 1942/--/-- Humphrey Bogart and Ingrid Bergman star in the classic film Casablanca. 5532
  5494. 1942/--/-- Italian filmmaker Luchino Visconti directs his first film Ossessione. 5528
  5495. 1942/--/-- Manhattan Project scientists under Fermi produce the first controlled chain reaction. 5525
  5496. 1942/--/-- Rommel's Africa Corps capture Tobruk and drive the British back to Egypt. 5515
  5497. 1942/--/-- Rommel's Africa Corps capture Tobruk and drive the British back to Egypt. 7920
  5498. 1942/--/-- The British Eighth Army under Montgomery begins a new drive into Libya. 5520
  5499. 1942/--/-- The German advance in the Caucasus is halted at Stalingrad (now Volgograd). 5523
  5500. 1942/--/-- The German advance on Egypt is halted at the Battle of El-Alamein. 5519
  5501. 1942/--/-- The Japanese conquer Malaya, Singapore, Indonesia and Burma. 5507
  5502. 1942/--/-- The Japanese conquer Malaya, Singapore, Indonesia and Burma. 8020
  5503. 1942/--/-- The RAF makes the first 1,000 bomber raid on the German city of Cologne. 5514
  5504. 1942/--/-- The Soviet southern offensive is halted; the Germans advance on the Caucasus. 5513
  5505. 1942/--/-- The U.S. government transfers 110,000 Japanese Americans to internment camps. 5512
  5506. 1942/--/-- The U.S. government transfers 110,000 Japanese Americans to internment camps. 7276
  5507. 1942/--/-- The U.S. government transfers 110,000 Japanese Americans to internment camps. 8021
  5508. 1942/--/-- U.S. forces under General Eisenhower invade Morocco and Algeria. 5521
  5509. 1942/--/-- U.S. Marines invade Guadalcanal, beginning the campaign of re-conquest. 5517
  5510. 1942/--/-- V-2 (Vengeance Weapon 2) rockets are tested at Peenemunde in Germany. 5526
  5511. 1942/10/-- World Series NL ST. LOUIS (4) AL NEW YORK (1) 477
  5512. 1943/--/-- American aircraft join the RAF in round the clock bombing of Germany. 5539
  5513. 1943/--/-- American aircraft join the RAF in round the clock bombing of Germany. 7280
  5514. 1943/--/-- American author Carson McCullers publishes The Ballad of the Sad Cafe. 5552
  5515. 1943/--/-- American author Carson McCullers publishes The Ballad of the Sad Cafe. 7282
  5516. 1943/--/-- American writer Ayn Rand publishes The Fountainhead. 5550
  5517. 1943/--/-- American writer Ayn Rand publishes The Fountainhead. 7281
  5518. 1943/--/-- Churchill and Roosevelt meet at Casablanca to plan their war strategy. 1348
  5519. 1943/--/-- Churchill and Roosevelt meet at Casablanca to plan their war strategy. 5534
  5520. 1943/--/-- Churchill, Roosevelt and Stalin meet at the Tehran Conference. 5545
  5521. 1943/--/-- French existentialist writer Jean Paul Sartre publishes Being and Nothingness. 5551
  5522. 1943/--/-- French writer and feminist Simone de Beauvoir publishes She Came to Stay. 5553
  5523. 1943/--/-- German paratroopers rescue Mussolini. 5543
  5524. 1943/--/-- Marine explorer Jacques-Yves Cousteau invents the Aqualung (scuba). 5547
  5525. 1943/--/-- Marine explorer Jacques-Yves Cousteau invents the Aqualung (scuba). 7478
  5526. 1943/--/-- Marshal Badoglio signs an armistice with the Allies; Italy declares war on Germany. 1349
  5527. 1943/--/-- Marshal Badoglio signs an armistice with the Allies; Italy declares war on Germany. 5542
  5528. 1943/--/-- Mussolini is deposed; Marshal Badoglio assumes power in Italy. 5538
  5529. 1943/--/-- Richard Rodgers and Oscar Hammerstein's musical Oklahoma! is produced. 5549
  5530. 1943/--/-- Richard Rodgers and Oscar Hammerstein's musical Oklahoma! is produced. 7696
  5531. 1943/--/-- Robert Oppenheimer establishes the Los Alamos laboratory to build the atomic bomb. 5546
  5532. 1943/--/-- Singer Paul Robeson stars in the title role of the Broadway production of Othello. 5548
  5533. 1943/--/-- The Allied armies invade Sicily. 5537
  5534. 1943/--/-- The Allies invade the southern tip of Italy. 5541
  5535. 1943/--/-- The British and American armies link up in Africa; 250,000 Axis prisoners are taken. 5535
  5536. 1943/--/-- The British and American armies link up in Africa; 250,000 Axis prisoners are taken. 7279
  5537. 1943/--/-- The British and American armies link up in Africa; 250,000 Axis prisoners are taken. 7921
  5538. 1943/--/-- The German Sixth Army surrenders at Stalingrad; 100,000 are taken prisoner. 5533
  5539. 1943/--/-- The Germans suppress a revolt by Polish Jews; the Warsaw ghetto is destroyed. 5540
  5540. 1943/--/-- The Russian offensive reaches the Dnepr River; Kiev and Smolensk are recaptured. 5544
  5541. 1943/--/-- The Russians defeat the Germans at Kursk in the largest tank battle in history. 5536
  5542. 1943/10/-- World Series NL ST. LOUIS (1) AL NEW YORK (4) 478
  5543. 1944/--/-- A British airborne landing at Arnhem in the Netherlands is repulsed by the Germans. 5571
  5544. 1944/--/-- Aaron Copland composes the ballet Appalachian Spring. 5580
  5545. 1944/--/-- Allied D-Day invasion forces land at Normandy in northern France. 5562
  5546. 1944/--/-- Allied forces break out from the Normandy enclave and liberate Paris. 5565
  5547. 1944/--/-- Allied forces in Italy land behind the German Gustav Line at Anzio. 5555
  5548. 1944/--/-- American aircraft from the Marianas begin the strategic bombing of Japan. 5561
  5549. 1944/--/-- American aircraft from the Marianas begin the strategic bombing of Japan. 7284
  5550. 1944/--/-- American aircraft from the Marianas begin the strategic bombing of Japan. 8025
  5551. 1944/--/-- American forces under General Mark Clark occupy Rome. 5556
  5552. 1944/--/-- American forces under General Mark Clark occupy Rome. 7283
  5553. 1944/--/-- An Allied invasion force lands in southern France. 5566
  5554. 1944/--/-- British forces begin the reconquest of Burma from the Japanese. 5558
  5555. 1944/--/-- British forces begin the reconquest of Burma from the Japanese. 8023
  5556. 1944/--/-- British forces occupy Athens and intervene in a communist inspired civil war. 5574
  5557. 1944/--/-- Child film actors Mickey Rooney and Elizabeth Taylor star in National Velvet. 5582
  5558. 1944/--/-- Communist resistance fighters under Josip Broz-Tito liberate Yugoslavia. 5573
  5559. 1944/--/-- English writer Somerset Maugham publishes The Razor's Edge. 1247
  5560. 1944/--/-- English writer Somerset Maugham publishes The Razor's Edge. 5584
  5561. 1944/--/-- Evangelist Aimee Semple McPherson dies from an accidental drug overdose. 1579
  5562. 1944/--/-- Evangelist Aimee Semple McPherson dies from an accidental drug overdose. 5578
  5563. 1944/--/-- French novelist Colette writes Gigi. 5583
  5564. 1944/--/-- German officers attempt to assassinate Hitler. 1578
  5565. 1944/--/-- German officers attempt to assassinate Hitler. 5564
  5566. 1944/--/-- Normandy landings 6910
  5567. 1944/--/-- Oswald Avery determines that DNA is the hereditary material of the cell. 5579
  5568. 1944/--/-- Polish resistance fighters are defeated by the Germans in the Warsaw Uprising. 5569
  5569. 1944/--/-- Romania and Bulgaria sign an armistice with the Allies and declare war on Germany. 1350
  5570. 1944/--/-- Romania and Bulgaria sign an armistice with the Allies and declare war on Germany. 5567
  5571. 1944/--/-- Roosevelt is reelected for an unprecedented fourth term; Truman becomes vice-president. 5575
  5572. 1944/--/-- Soviet forces cross the Romanian border and reconquer the Crimea. 5557
  5573. 1944/--/-- Soviet forces reach the suburbs of Warsaw in Poland. 5568
  5574. 1944/--/-- Tennessee Williams' play The Glass Menagerie is produced. 5581
  5575. 1944/--/-- The G.I. Bill of Rights is established to provide assistance to war veterans. 1351
  5576. 1944/--/-- The G.I. Bill of Rights is established to provide assistance to war veterans. 5577
  5577. 1944/--/-- The German army launches the Battle of the Bulge, its last counteroffensive. 5572
  5578. 1944/--/-- The Soviet's relieve the city of Leningrad after a German siege lasting 890 days. 5554
  5579. 1944/--/-- The U.S. First Army occupies Aachen -- the first German city to fall to the Allies. 5570
  5580. 1944/--/-- The World Bank is established to assist European postwar recovery. 1352
  5581. 1944/--/-- The World Bank is established to assist European postwar recovery. 5576
  5582. 1944/--/-- U.S. forces under Admiral Nimitz defeat a Japanese fleet in the Battle of the Philippine Sea. 5560
  5583. 1944/--/-- U.S. forces under Admiral Nimitz defeat a Japanese fleet in the Battle of the Philippine Sea. 8024
  5584. 1944/--/-- U.S. Marines invade Guam and Saipan in the Marianas. 5559
  5585. 1944/--/-- V-1 (and later the V-2) weapons of vengeance are launched against London. 5563
  5586. 1944/10/-- World Series NL ST. LOUIS (4) AL ST. LOUIS (2) 479
  5587. 1945/--/-- Advancing Allied armies discover Nazi extermination camps. 5588
  5588. 1945/--/-- Allied forces cross the Rhine and begin the final assault on Germany. 5586
  5589. 1945/--/-- British actor Laurence Olivier wins critical acclaim for his portrayal of Richard III. 5615
  5590. 1945/--/-- British author George Orwell publishes the satirical fable Animal Farm. 5617
  5591. 1945/--/-- Charlie "Bird" Parker and Dizzy Gillespie make the first bebop recordings. 5613
  5592. 1945/--/-- Churchill is defeated in the British elections by Labour leader Clement Attlee. 5605
  5593. 1945/--/-- Churchill, Roosevelt and Stalin meet at the Yalta Conference. 5585
  5594. 1945/--/-- Churchill, Truman and Stalin hold the last wartime conference at Potsdam. 5593
  5595. 1945/--/-- Egypt, Saudi Arabia, Syria, Lebanon, Iraq, Jordan and Yemen form the Arab League. 5610
  5596. 1945/--/-- French dramatist Jean Giraudoux writes the play The Madwoman of Chaillot. 5618
  5597. 1945/--/-- General MacArthur heads the U.S. occupation forces in Japan. 5602
  5598. 1945/--/-- General MacArthur heads the U.S. occupation forces in Japan. 8031
  5599. 1945/--/-- German jet aircraft are unable to prevent mass Allied air attacks. 5587
  5600. 1945/--/-- German playwright Bertholt Brecht writes The Caucasian Chalk Circle. 5614
  5601. 1945/--/-- German rocket engineer Wernher Von Braun continues his research in the U.S. 5612
  5602. 1945/--/-- Germany and Austria are divided between the Allies into 4 zones of occupation. 5601
  5603. 1945/--/-- Harry S. Truman (Democrat) becomes president of the United States 312
  5604. 1945/--/-- Hitler commits suicide in his Berlin bunker; Germany surrenders to the Allies. 1580
  5605. 1945/--/-- Hitler commits suicide in his Berlin bunker; Germany surrenders to the Allies. 5591
  5606. 1945/--/-- Ho Chi Minh proclaims the independence of the Democratic Republic of Vietnam. 5604
  5607. 1945/--/-- Indonesian nationalists led by Sukarno proclaim the nation independent. 5611
  5608. 1945/--/-- Japan signs an armistice with the Allies, ending World War II. 5600
  5609. 1945/--/-- Japan signs an armistice with the Allies, ending World War II. 8030
  5610. 1945/--/-- Korea is divided between U.S. and Soviet occupation forces along the 38th parallel. 5603
  5611. 1945/--/-- Marshal Zhukov's Soviet troops launch the final attack on Berlin. 5590
  5612. 1945/--/-- Mussolini is killed by Italian partisans. 1582
  5613. 1945/--/-- Mussolini is killed by Italian partisans. 5589
  5614. 1945/--/-- Nationalists and Communist forces resume their civil war in China. 1353
  5615. 1945/--/-- Nationalists and Communist forces resume their civil war in China. 5606
  5616. 1945/--/-- Nationalists and Communist forces resume their civil war in China. 7834
  5617. 1945/--/-- Roberto Rosselini's neorealist "Open City" 6911
  5618. 1945/--/-- Romulo Betancourt becomes president of Venezuela for the first time. 5609
  5619. 1945/--/-- Roosevelt dies; Harry S. Truman is inaugurated as the 33rd U.S. president. 1583
  5620. 1945/--/-- Roosevelt dies; Harry S. Truman is inaugurated as the 33rd U.S. president. 5592
  5621. 1945/--/-- Singer Frank Sinatra stars in the film musical Anchors Aweigh. 5616
  5622. 1945/--/-- Singer Frank Sinatra stars in the film musical Anchors Aweigh. 7697
  5623. 1945/--/-- Suicide attacks by Japanese kamikaze pilots are unable to stem the U.S. advances. 1581
  5624. 1945/--/-- Suicide attacks by Japanese kamikaze pilots are unable to stem the U.S. advances. 5597
  5625. 1945/--/-- Suicide attacks by Japanese kamikaze pilots are unable to stem the U.S. advances. 8027
  5626. 1945/--/-- The Soviet Union declares war on Japan. 1354
  5627. 1945/--/-- The Soviet Union declares war on Japan. 5599
  5628. 1945/--/-- The Soviet Union declares war on Japan. 8029
  5629. 1945/--/-- The trial of Nazi war criminals begins at Nuremberg in Germany. 1355
  5630. 1945/--/-- The trial of Nazi war criminals begins at Nuremberg in Germany. 5607
  5631. 1945/--/-- The U.S. drops atomic bombs on the Japanese cities of Hiroshima and Nagasaki. 5598
  5632. 1945/--/-- The U.S. drops atomic bombs on the Japanese cities of Hiroshima and Nagasaki. 8028
  5633. 1945/--/-- The United Nations is formed; Trygve Halvdan Lie becomes secretary-general (1946). 5594
  5634. 1945/--/-- Tito becomes head of the Socialist Federal Republic of Yugoslavia. 5608
  5635. 1945/--/-- U.S. A-bombs Japan 6912
  5636. 1945/--/-- U.S. forces under MacArthur liberate the Philippines. 5595
  5637. 1945/--/-- U.S. Marines invade the Japanese islands of Iwo Jima and Okinawa. 5596
  5638. 1945/--/-- U.S. Marines invade the Japanese islands of Iwo Jima and Okinawa. 8026
  5639. 1945/--/-- United Nations formed 6913
  5640. 1945/--/-- World War II ends 1356
  5641. 1945/10/-- World Series NL CHICAGO (3) AL DETROIT (4) 480
  5642. 1946/--/-- American author Robert Penn Warren publishes All the King's Men. 5634
  5643. 1946/--/-- American author Robert Penn Warren publishes All the King's Men. 7285
  5644. 1946/--/-- Communists abolish the monarchy in Bulgaria; Georgi Dimitrov becomes premier. 5621
  5645. 1946/--/-- Dr. Spock publishes The Commonsense Book of Baby and Child Care. 5632
  5646. 1946/--/-- EAM-ELAS communist forces begin a civil war in Greece. 1357
  5647. 1946/--/-- EAM-ELAS communist forces begin a civil war in Greece. 5619
  5648. 1946/--/-- Elections in Italy abolish the monarchy in favor of a republic. 5625
  5649. 1946/--/-- ENIAC, the first successful electronic digital computer, becomes operational. 5629
  5650. 1946/--/-- ENIAC, the first successful electronic digital computer, becomes operational. 7698
  5651. 1946/--/-- General De Gaulle resigns as president of France; the Fourth Republic is formed. 5622
  5652. 1946/--/-- Greek author Nikos Kazantzakis publishes Zorba the Greek. 5633
  5653. 1946/--/-- Juan Peron is elected president of Argentina. 5627
  5654. 1946/--/-- MacArthur promotes Japanese democracy with the emperor as constitutional monarch. 5626
  5655. 1946/--/-- MacArthur promotes Japanese democracy with the emperor as constitutional monarch. 8032
  5656. 1946/--/-- Saint Frances Xavier Cabrini becomes the first U.S. citizen to be canonized. 5628
  5657. 1946/--/-- Swiss-French architect Le Corbusier designs Unite d'Habitation in Marseilles. 5630
  5658. 1946/--/-- Terence Rattigan's play The Winslow Boy is produced. 5631
  5659. 1946/--/-- The Philippines are granted independence with Manuel Roxas y Acuna as president. 5624
  5660. 1946/--/-- The Viet Minh begin a guerrilla war against the French in Indochina (Vietnam). 1358
  5661. 1946/--/-- The Viet Minh begin a guerrilla war against the French in Indochina (Vietnam). 5620
  5662. 1946/--/-- The Viet Minh begin a guerrilla war against the French in Indochina (Vietnam). 7835
  5663. 1946/--/-- Winston Churchill describes the Iron Curtain created in Europe by the Soviets. 5623
  5664. 1946/10/-- World Series NL ST. LOUIS (4) AL BOSTON (3) 481
  5665. 1947/--/-- American pilot Kenneth Arnold makes the first alleged sighting of flying saucers. 5648
  5666. 1947/--/-- American pilot Kenneth Arnold makes the first alleged sighting of flying saucers. 7286
  5667. 1947/--/-- Artist Jackson Pollock produces Full Fathom Five using drip paint techniques. 5652
  5668. 1947/--/-- Artist Jackson Pollock produces Full Fathom Five using drip paint techniques. 7699
  5669. 1947/--/-- Artist Mark Rothko begins experimenting with Color-field painting. 5653
  5670. 1947/--/-- Artist Mark Rothko begins experimenting with Color-field painting. 7700
  5671. 1947/--/-- Baseball player Jackie Robinson becomes the first black to play in the major leagues. 865
  5672. 1947/--/-- Baseball player Jackie Robinson becomes the first black to play in the major leagues. 5651
  5673. 1947/--/-- British & French Empires fracture into new 3rd world nations 6914
  5674. 1947/--/-- British atomic bomb scientist Klaus Fuchs is arrested for giving information to the USSR. 5650
  5675. 1947/--/-- British India becomes Pakistan & India 6915
  5676. 1947/--/-- Chuck Yeager breaks the sound barrier for the first time in an X-1 rocket plane. 5649
  5677. 1947/--/-- Conductor Sir Thomas Beecham forms the Royal Philharmonic Orchestra in London. 5645
  5678. 1947/--/-- Dennis Gabor invents holography, a means of producing a three-dimensional image. 5647
  5679. 1947/--/-- Dennis Gabor invents holography, a means of producing a three-dimensional image. 7479
  5680. 1947/--/-- Edwin Land demonstrates the single-step Polaroid Land Camera. 5646
  5681. 1947/--/-- English composer Benjamin Britten writes the opera Peter Grimes. 1248
  5682. 1947/--/-- English composer Benjamin Britten writes the opera Peter Grimes. 5642
  5683. 1947/--/-- English composer Benjamin Britten writes the opera Peter Grimes. 7701
  5684. 1947/--/-- French fashion designer Christian Dior opens his own couture house. 5643
  5685. 1947/--/-- French literary figure Andre Gide wins the Nobel Prize for literature. 5641
  5686. 1947/--/-- Gheorghiu-Dej heads the Romanian Communist party; King Michael abdicates. 5638
  5687. 1947/--/-- India becomes independent and is divided into the nations of India and Pakistan. 5636
  5688. 1947/--/-- Jawaharlal Nehru becomes the first prime minister of India. 5637
  5689. 1947/--/-- Marshall Plan 6916
  5690. 1947/--/-- Norwegian explorer Thor Heyerdahl sails on the balsa raft Kon Tiki from Peru to Polynesia. 5655
  5691. 1947/--/-- Tennessee Williams' play A Streetcar Named Desire is produced. 5644
  5692. 1947/--/-- The Dead Sea Scrolls, a collection of ancient Hebrew documents, are discovered. 5654
  5693. 1947/--/-- The first India-Pakistan War begins when Pakistani tribesmen invade Kashmir. 5656
  5694. 1947/--/-- The story of a Jewish victim of the Nazis, The Diary of Anne Frank, is published. 5640
  5695. 1947/--/-- The U.S. Marshall Plan for economic recovery in Europe is established. 5639
  5696. 1947/--/-- The United Nations elect to partition Palestine into Arab and Jewish states. 5635
  5697. 1947/--/-- Trust Territory of the Pacific Islands, captured from Japan, administered by U.S. 6917
  5698. 1947/--/-- U.S. contains spread of communism 6918
  5699. 1947/10/-- World Series NL BROOKLYN (3) AL NEW YORK (4) 482
  5700. 1948/--/-- Alec Guinness stars as Fagin in the film of Dicken's Oliver Twist. 5674
  5701. 1948/--/-- Alfred Kinsey publishes his report on Sexual Behavior in the Human Male. 5670
  5702. 1948/--/-- American opera singer Beverly Sills debuts in Bizet's Carmen. 5672
  5703. 1948/--/-- American opera singer Beverly Sills debuts in Bizet's Carmen. 7287
  5704. 1948/--/-- American opera singer Beverly Sills debuts in Bizet's Carmen. 7702
  5705. 1948/--/-- American writer Norman Mailer publishes the war novel The Naked and the Dead. 1359
  5706. 1948/--/-- American writer Norman Mailer publishes the war novel The Naked and the Dead. 5676
  5707. 1948/--/-- American writer Norman Mailer publishes the war novel The Naked and the Dead. 7288
  5708. 1948/--/-- Arab armies invade Israel in the first Arab-Israeli War. 5660
  5709. 1948/--/-- Bell Labs invent transistor 6919
  5710. 1948/--/-- Britain grants independence to Burma. 5658
  5711. 1948/--/-- Communism quashed in US 6920
  5712. 1948/--/-- Communist leader Kim Il Sung establishes the People's Republic of Korea (N. Korea). 5666
  5713. 1948/--/-- Dutch track star Fanny Blankers-Koen wins four gold medals in the Olympic Games. 916
  5714. 1948/--/-- Dutch track star Fanny Blankers-Koen wins four gold medals in the Olympic Games. 5671
  5715. 1948/--/-- George Balanchine's Ballet Society is renamed the New York City Ballet. 5673
  5716. 1948/--/-- Indian leader Mahatma Gandhi is assassinated by a Hindu fanatic. 1584
  5717. 1948/--/-- Indian leader Mahatma Gandhi is assassinated by a Hindu fanatic. 5657
  5718. 1948/--/-- Israel created 6921
  5719. 1948/--/-- Italian filmmaker Vittorio De Sica directs The Bicycle Thieves. 5675
  5720. 1948/--/-- NATO formed; Cold War begins 6922
  5721. 1948/--/-- Palestinian Jews proclaim the independent state of Israel. 5659
  5722. 1948/--/-- Stalin expels Yugoslavia from the Communist bloc. 5663
  5723. 1948/--/-- The apartheid policy of racial segregation is made official in South Africa. 5667
  5724. 1948/--/-- The apartheid policy of racial segregation is made official in South Africa. 7922
  5725. 1948/--/-- The Communist party assumes power in Hungary under Matyas Rakosi. 5662
  5726. 1948/--/-- The Malayan Communist party begins an insurrection against British rule. 5664
  5727. 1948/--/-- The Republic of Korea (S. Korea) is inaugurated, Syngman Rhee becomes president. 5665
  5728. 1948/--/-- The Soviets blockade West Berlin; Britain and the U.S. begin the Berlin Airlift. 5661
  5729. 1948/--/-- The transistor is invented at Bell Laboratories in the U.S. 5668
  5730. 1948/--/-- The transistor is invented at Bell Laboratories in the U.S. 7480
  5731. 1948/--/-- The U.S. Air Force begins the Project Blue Book study of the UFO phenomenon. 5669
  5732. 1948/10/-- World Series NL BOSTON (2) AL CLEVELAND (4) 483
  5733. 1949/--/-- Abstract-Expressionism breaks out in NYC 6923
  5734. 1949/--/-- Abstract artist Robert Motherwell begins his series Elegy to the Spanish Republic. 5690
  5735. 1949/--/-- Abstract artist Robert Motherwell begins his series Elegy to the Spanish Republic. 7703
  5736. 1949/--/-- Architect Philip Johnson designs the Glass House in New Caanan, Conn. 5691
  5737. 1949/--/-- Arthur Miller's play Death of a Salesman is produced. 1585
  5738. 1949/--/-- Arthur Miller's play Death of a Salesman is produced. 5685
  5739. 1949/--/-- British abstract sculptor Henry Moore completes the bronze Family Group. 5692
  5740. 1949/--/-- British abstract sculptor Henry Moore completes the bronze Family Group. 7704
  5741. 1949/--/-- British author George Orwell publishes the futuristic novel Nineteen Eighty-Four. 5694
  5742. 1949/--/-- Civil war ends in Greece with the defeat of the Communist forces. 1360
  5743. 1949/--/-- Civil war ends in Greece with the defeat of the Communist forces. 5686
  5744. 1949/--/-- Communists under Mao defeat the Nationalists and form the People's Republic of China. 5677
  5745. 1949/--/-- Communists under Mao defeat the Nationalists and form the People's Republic of China. 7836
  5746. 1949/--/-- Konrad Adenauer becomes the first chancellor of West Germany. 5680
  5747. 1949/--/-- Kurchatov develops first Soviet A-bomb 6924
  5748. 1949/--/-- Miles Davis makes the first "cool" jazz records. 5689
  5749. 1949/--/-- Nationalist Chinese forces under Chiang Kai-shek flee to the island of Taiwan. 5678
  5750. 1949/--/-- Nationalist Chinese forces under Chiang Kai-shek flee to the island of Taiwan. 7837
  5751. 1949/--/-- Rogers and Hammerstein's Broadway musical South Pacific is produced. 5693
  5752. 1949/--/-- Rogers and Hammerstein's Broadway musical South Pacific is produced. 7705
  5753. 1949/--/-- The first India-Pakistan War ends with the partition of Kashmir. 5684
  5754. 1949/--/-- The Hashimite Kingdom of Transjordan is renamed as Jordan. 5683
  5755. 1949/--/-- The Netherlands grants independence to Indonesia (formerly the Dutch East Indies). 1586
  5756. 1949/--/-- The Netherlands grants independence to Indonesia (formerly the Dutch East Indies). 5687
  5757. 1949/--/-- The North Atlantic Treaty Organization is formed to deter Soviet aggression. 5682
  5758. 1949/--/-- The Republic of Germany (West Germany) is established by the Western powers. 5679
  5759. 1949/--/-- The Soviet Union detonates its first atomic bomb. 5688
  5760. 1949/--/-- The Soviets establish the German Democratic Republic (East Germany). 5681
  5761. 1949/10/-- World Series NL BROOKLYN (1) AL NEW YORK (4) 484
  5762. 1950/--/-- Adnan Menderes replaces Ismet Inonu as prime minister of Turkey. 5700
  5763. 1950/--/-- Bette Davis stars in the film All About Eve. 5705
  5764. 1950/--/-- Cartoonist Charles Schulz creates the Peanuts comic strip. 5707
  5765. 1950/--/-- Chinese forces invade Tibet, which is officially annexed in 1951. 5695
  5766. 1950/--/-- Chinese forces invade Tibet, which is officially annexed in 1951. 7838
  5767. 1950/--/-- Communist North Korean forces invade South Korea. 5696
  5768. 1950/--/-- George Burns and Gracie Allen star in The Burns and Allen Show television series. 5706
  5769. 1950/--/-- Isaac Asimov publishes the science-fiction classic I Robot. 5708
  5770. 1950/--/-- Japanese film director Akira Kurosawa achieves recognition with Rashomon. 5704
  5771. 1950/--/-- Japanese film director Akira Kurosawa achieves recognition with Rashomon. 8033
  5772. 1950/--/-- Korean "engagement" 1361
  5773. 1950/--/-- President Truman orders the development of the hydrogen bomb. 5701
  5774. 1950/--/-- Senator Joseph McCarthy begins his inquiry into un-American activities. 5702
  5775. 1950/--/-- Senator Joseph McCarthy begins his inquiry into un-American activities. 7289
  5776. 1950/--/-- The UN sanctions military aid for South Korea; MacArthur is appointed commander. 5697
  5777. 1950/--/-- U.S. official Alger Hiss is convicted of perjury for denying that he knew a Soviet agent. 5703
  5778. 1950/--/-- UN forces cross into North Korea but are repulsed by the Chinese army. 5699
  5779. 1950/--/-- UN forces cross into North Korea but are repulsed by the Chinese army. 7839
  5780. 1950/--/-- UN forces land at Inchon and drive the North Koreans out of South Korea. 5698
  5781. 1950/10/-- World Series NL PHILADELPHIA (0) AL NEW YORK (4) 485
  5782. 1951/--/-- A frontline is stabilized at the 38th parallel in Korea; peace negotiations begin at Kaesong. 5711
  5783. 1951/--/-- American novelist Kurt Vonnegut publishes Player Piano. 5731
  5784. 1951/--/-- American novelist Kurt Vonnegut publishes Player Piano. 7292
  5785. 1951/--/-- American poet Marianne Moore publishes her Collected Poems. 5730
  5786. 1951/--/-- American poet Marianne Moore publishes her Collected Poems. 7291
  5787. 1951/--/-- American writer J.D. Salinger publishes The Catcher in the Rye. 5732
  5788. 1951/--/-- American writer J.D. Salinger publishes The Catcher in the Rye. 7293
  5789. 1951/--/-- American writer James Jones publishes the war novel From Here to Eternity. 1362
  5790. 1951/--/-- American writer James Jones publishes the war novel From Here to Eternity. 5729
  5791. 1951/--/-- American writer James Jones publishes the war novel From Here to Eternity. 7290
  5792. 1951/--/-- Artist Stuart Davis uses words to function as abstract shapes in his painting Visa. 5725
  5793. 1951/--/-- Artist Stuart Davis uses words to function as abstract shapes in his painting Visa. 7706
  5794. 1951/--/-- Australia, New Zealand, and the U.S. sign the mutual defense Anzus Treaty. 5712
  5795. 1951/--/-- Auto racer Juan Fangio wins the world driving championship for the first time. 5724
  5796. 1951/--/-- Boxer Sugar Ray Robinson defeats Jake La Motta for the middleweight title. 5723
  5797. 1951/--/-- British Conservatives win a general election with Winston Churchill as leader. 5713
  5798. 1951/--/-- British spies Burgess and Maclean escape to the Soviet Union. 5717
  5799. 1951/--/-- Comedian Lucille Ball stars in the television series I Love Lucy. 5727
  5800. 1951/--/-- Igor Stravinsky's opera The Rake's Progress is premiered. 5726
  5801. 1951/--/-- Igor Stravinsky's opera The Rake's Progress is premiered. 7707
  5802. 1951/--/-- Julius and Ethel Rosenberg are sentenced to death for espionage against the U.S. 1588
  5803. 1951/--/-- Julius and Ethel Rosenberg are sentenced to death for espionage against the U.S. 5719
  5804. 1951/--/-- King Abdullah of Jordan is assassinated by a Palestinian nationalist. 1587
  5805. 1951/--/-- King Abdullah of Jordan is assassinated by a Palestinian nationalist. 5716
  5806. 1951/--/-- Leopold III of Belgium is forced to abdicate because of his wartime conduct. 5715
  5807. 1951/--/-- President Truman dismisses MacArthur as commander in Korea. 5710
  5808. 1951/--/-- Prime minister Muhammad Mosaddeq nationalizes Iran's oil resources. 5714
  5809. 1951/--/-- Rodgers and Hammerstein's Broadway musical The King and I is produced. 5728
  5810. 1951/--/-- Rodgers and Hammerstein's Broadway musical The King and I is produced. 7708
  5811. 1951/--/-- Teller tests H-bomb 6925
  5812. 1951/--/-- Ten million television receivers have been installed in U.S. homes. 5722
  5813. 1951/--/-- The 22nd Amendment restricts U.S. presidents to a maximum of two terms. 5718
  5814. 1951/--/-- The first successful videotape for recording television images is demonstrated. 5720
  5815. 1951/--/-- The UN General Assembly brands Communist China an aggressor in the Korean War. 5709
  5816. 1951/--/-- The UN General Assembly brands Communist China an aggressor in the Korean War. 7840
  5817. 1951/--/-- UNIVAC I, the first commercial computer, is accepted by the U.S. Bureau of the Census. 5721
  5818. 1951/10/-- World Series NL NEW YORK (2) AL NEW YORK (4) 486
  5819. 1952/--/-- A bloodless coup returns Fulgencio Batista to power in Cuba. 5740
  5820. 1952/--/-- Agatha Christie's record-breaking play The Mouse Trap opens in London. 5755
  5821. 1952/--/-- American sculptor Isamu Noguchi designs two bridges for the Peace Park at Hiroshima. 5752
  5822. 1952/--/-- American sculptor Isamu Noguchi designs two bridges for the Peace Park at Hiroshima. 7294
  5823. 1952/--/-- American sculptor Isamu Noguchi designs two bridges for the Peace Park at Hiroshima. 7709
  5824. 1952/--/-- American writer E.B. White publishes the children's book Charlotte's Web. 5758
  5825. 1952/--/-- American writer E.B. White publishes the children's book Charlotte's Web. 7295
  5826. 1952/--/-- British architect Michael Ventris deciphers the ancient Greek Linear B script. 5745
  5827. 1952/--/-- Chuck Yaeger sets a new air speed record of 1,650 mph in the X-1A research plane. 5747
  5828. 1952/--/-- Communist POW riots in South Korea delay peace negotiations. 5737
  5829. 1952/--/-- Czech runner Emil Zatopek wins 3 gold medals in the Helsinki Olympic Games. 917
  5830. 1952/--/-- Czech runner Emil Zatopek wins 3 gold medals in the Helsinki Olympic Games. 5749
  5831. 1952/--/-- Dancer Gene Kelly stars in the film Singin' in the Rain. 5756
  5832. 1952/--/-- Eva Peron, popularly known as Evita, dies in Argentina. 1589
  5833. 1952/--/-- Eva Peron, popularly known as Evita, dies in Argentina. 5736
  5834. 1952/--/-- Gary Cooper and Grace Kelly star in the Western film High Noon. 5757
  5835. 1952/--/-- Gordon Bunshaft designs the Lever House, an early International Style building. 5751
  5836. 1952/--/-- Hostilities continue in Korea with increased UN air strikes against the north. 5733
  5837. 1952/--/-- King Farouk of Egypt is overthrown in a revolution led by Gen. Muhammad Naguib. 5738
  5838. 1952/--/-- Kwame Nkrumah is elected prime minister of the Gold Coast (Ghana). 5741
  5839. 1952/--/-- Medical missionary Albert Schweitzer is awarded the Nobel Peace Prize. 5744
  5840. 1952/--/-- Opera singer Maria Callas debuts at London's Covent Garden. 5753
  5841. 1952/--/-- Opera singer Maria Callas debuts at London's Covent Garden. 7710
  5842. 1952/--/-- Queen Elizabeth II ascends to the British throne on the death of her father George VI. 1590
  5843. 1952/--/-- Queen Elizabeth II ascends to the British throne on the death of her father George VI. 5735
  5844. 1952/--/-- Samuel Beckett's play Waiting For Godot is produced in Paris. 5754
  5845. 1952/--/-- The British de Havilland Comet becomes the first jet airliner to enter service. 5748
  5846. 1952/--/-- The Commonwealth of Puerto Rico is formed with Luis Munoz Marin as governor. 5742
  5847. 1952/--/-- The first automatic pinsetter is installed in a bowling alley in Brooklyn, N.Y. 5750
  5848. 1952/--/-- The Mau Mau uprising begins in Kenya; Jomo Kenyatta is imprisoned. 5739
  5849. 1952/--/-- The U.S. tests the first hydrogen bomb in the Pacific. 5746
  5850. 1952/--/-- Turkey joins the North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO). 5734
  5851. 1952/--/-- Vice-presidential candidate Richard Nixon makes his Checkers speech. 5743
  5852. 1952/02/-- Elizabeth II succeeds as Queen of Great Britain and Ireland. 8121
  5853. 1952/10/-- World Series NL BROOKLYN (3) AL NEW YORK (4) 487
  5854. 1953/--/-- A Redstone rocket (based on the German V-2) is tested at Cape Canaveral. 5770
  5855. 1953/--/-- American physicist Charles H. Townes invents the maser. 5774
  5856. 1953/--/-- American physicist Charles H. Townes invents the maser. 7296
  5857. 1953/--/-- American physicist Charles H. Townes invents the maser. 7481
  5858. 1953/--/-- American tennis player Maureen Connolly (Little Mo) wins the Grand Slam. 887
  5859. 1953/--/-- American tennis player Maureen Connolly (Little Mo) wins the Grand Slam. 5780
  5860. 1953/--/-- American tennis player Maureen Connolly (Little Mo) wins the Grand Slam. 7297
  5861. 1953/--/-- American writer Saul Bellow publishes The Adventures of Augie March. 5785
  5862. 1953/--/-- American writer Saul Bellow publishes The Adventures of Augie March. 7298
  5863. 1953/--/-- An armistice ends the Korean War; the country remains divided into North and South. 5764
  5864. 1953/--/-- Arthur Miller writes The Crucible, a play about the Salem Witch Trials. 5782
  5865. 1953/--/-- Black writer James Baldwin publishes his first novel Go Tell It on the Mountain. 5783
  5866. 1953/--/-- Communist statesman Imre Nagy becomes premier of Hungary. 5767
  5867. 1953/--/-- Dag Hammarskjold succeeds Trygve Lie as secretary-general of the UN. 5768
  5868. 1953/--/-- Dwight D. Eisenhower (Republican) becomes president of the United States 313
  5869. 1953/--/-- Edmund Hillary and Tenzing Norgay are the first to climb Mount Everest. 5778
  5870. 1953/--/-- Eisenhower is inaugurated as the 34th U.S. president; Nixon becomes vice-president. 5759
  5871. 1953/--/-- Fidel Castro leads an attack on an army barracks in Cuba; he is captured and imprisoned. 5766
  5872. 1953/--/-- Golfer Ben Hogan wins the U.S. Open, Masters, and British Open tournaments. 5779
  5873. 1953/--/-- Hugh Hefner publishes the first issue of Playboy magazine. 5784
  5874. 1953/--/-- Hussein I succeeds his father as king of Jordan. 5760
  5875. 1953/--/-- Israeli prime minister Ben-Gurion retires; he is succeeded by Moshe Sharett. 5765
  5876. 1953/--/-- Jacques Piccard's bathyscaphe the Trieste descends to a depth of 10,330 ft. 5775
  5877. 1953/--/-- James Watson and Francis Crick propose the double helix structure of DNA. 5771
  5878. 1953/--/-- John Foster Dulles is selected as the U.S. secretary of state. 5769
  5879. 1953/--/-- Laos, formerly a part of French Indochina, is granted independence. 5761
  5880. 1953/--/-- Laos, formerly a part of French Indochina, is granted independence. 7841
  5881. 1953/--/-- Lavrenti Beria, head of the Soviet security service, is arrested and executed. 5763
  5882. 1953/--/-- Marilyn Monroe stars in the film Gentlemen Prefer Blondes. 5781
  5883. 1953/--/-- Murray Gell-Mann proposes the strangeness property of some subatomic particles. 5772
  5884. 1953/--/-- Physicist Donald Glaser invents the bubble chamber to detect subnuclear particles. 5776
  5885. 1953/--/-- Physicist Donald Glaser invents the bubble chamber to detect subnuclear particles. 7482
  5886. 1953/--/-- Soviet dictator Joseph Stalin dies; Georgy M. Malenkov becomes the new premier. 1591
  5887. 1953/--/-- Soviet dictator Joseph Stalin dies; Georgy M. Malenkov becomes the new premier. 5762
  5888. 1953/--/-- The first heart-lung machine is developed by Dr. John Gibbon. 5773
  5889. 1953/--/-- The fossil remains of Piltdown man are proved a hoax 41 years after their discovery. 5777
  5890. 1953/--/-- Watson & Crick DNA=double helix 6926
  5891. 1953/06/-- Elizabeth II crowned Queen of Great Britain and Northern Ireland at Westminster 8122
  5892. 1953/10/-- World Series NL BROOKLYN (2) AL NEW YORK (4) 488
  5893. 1954/--/-- A Supreme Court decision prohibits racial segregation in U.S. public schools. 5791
  5894. 1954/--/-- American novelist Evan Hunter publishes The Blackboard Jungle. 5802
  5895. 1954/--/-- American novelist Evan Hunter publishes The Blackboard Jungle. 7299
  5896. 1954/--/-- British artist Francis Bacon begins his Portrait of Pope Innocent X series. 5795
  5897. 1954/--/-- British artist Francis Bacon begins his Portrait of Pope Innocent X series. 7711
  5898. 1954/--/-- British novelist William Golding publishes Lord of the Flies. 5799
  5899. 1954/--/-- Dylan Thomas' radio play Under Milk Wood is performed posthumously. 5796
  5900. 1954/--/-- English runner Roger Bannister is first to run the mile in under 4 minutes. 1249
  5901. 1954/--/-- English runner Roger Bannister is first to run the mile in under 4 minutes. 5794
  5902. 1954/--/-- French forces are defeated at the Battle of Dien Bien Phu in North Vietnam. 5787
  5903. 1954/--/-- Gamal Abdel Nasser ousts Gen. Muhammad Naguib as president of Egypt. 5786
  5904. 1954/--/-- Ian Fleming publishes the first James Bond thriller Casino Royale. 5801
  5905. 1954/--/-- Italian film-maker Federico Fellini directs La Strada. 5797
  5906. 1954/--/-- Kingsley Amis, one of England's angry young men, publishes Lucky Jim. 1250
  5907. 1954/--/-- Kingsley Amis, one of England's angry young men, publishes Lucky Jim. 5800
  5908. 1954/--/-- Marlon Brando stars in Elia Kazan's film On the Waterfront. 5798
  5909. 1954/--/-- National Liberation Front (FLN) raids on French property spark the Algerian War. 5789
  5910. 1954/--/-- Senator McCarthy is discredited for failing to prove claims of communist penetration. 5790
  5911. 1954/--/-- Television thrives; radio switches to music 6927
  5912. 1954/--/-- The Geneva Conference establishes the partition of Vietnam into North and South. 5788
  5913. 1954/--/-- The U.S. and Canada begin construction of the St. Lawrence Seaway. 5792
  5914. 1954/--/-- The U.S. nuclear submarine the Nautilus is launched. 5793
  5915. 1954/--/-- U.S. "Nautilus" first nuclear submarine 6928
  5916. 1954/10/-- World Series NL NEW YORK (4) AL CLEVELAND (0) 489
  5917. 1955/--/-- A military coup in Argentina deposes president Juan Peron. 5808
  5918. 1955/--/-- AFL and CIO merge 6929
  5919. 1955/--/-- American artist Jasper Johns begins his paintings of American flags and targets. 5813
  5920. 1955/--/-- American artist Jasper Johns begins his paintings of American flags and targets. 7301
  5921. 1955/--/-- American artist Jasper Johns begins his paintings of American flags and targets. 7712
  5922. 1955/--/-- American artist Larry Rivers paints Double Portrait of Birdie. 5812
  5923. 1955/--/-- American artist Larry Rivers paints Double Portrait of Birdie. 7300
  5924. 1955/--/-- American artist Larry Rivers paints Double Portrait of Birdie. 7713
  5925. 1955/--/-- American rock 'n' roll musician Bill Haley records Rock Around the Clock. 5815
  5926. 1955/--/-- American rock 'n' roll musician Bill Haley records Rock Around the Clock. 7302
  5927. 1955/--/-- American rock 'n' roll musician Bill Haley records Rock Around the Clock. 7714
  5928. 1955/--/-- Anthony Eden succeeds Winston Churchill as prime minister of Great Britain. 5806
  5929. 1955/--/-- Austria achieves independence; the four-power occupation is terminated. 5803
  5930. 1955/--/-- Blacks boycott buses in Montgomery 6930
  5931. 1955/--/-- British writer and scholar J.R.R. Tolkien completes The Lord of the Rings. 5819
  5932. 1955/--/-- British writer Graham Greene publishes The Quiet American. 5818
  5933. 1955/--/-- British writer Graham Greene publishes The Quiet American. 7303
  5934. 1955/--/-- David Ben-Gurion returns as prime minister of Israel. 5807
  5935. 1955/--/-- Film star James Dean is killed in a car crash. 1592
  5936. 1955/--/-- Film star James Dean is killed in a car crash. 5816
  5937. 1955/--/-- Jonas Salk's vaccine against polio comes into widespread use. 5810
  5938. 1955/--/-- Marian Anderson becomes the first black to perform at the Metropolitan Opera House. 5814
  5939. 1955/--/-- Marian Anderson becomes the first black to perform at the Metropolitan Opera House. 7715
  5940. 1955/--/-- Martin Luther King, Jr. leads a boycott against racial segregation on buses. 5809
  5941. 1955/--/-- Russian writer Vladimir Nabokov publishes the novel Lolita. 5820
  5942. 1955/--/-- Satyajit Ray directs Pather Panchali, the first film in a trilogy on Bengali family life. 5817
  5943. 1955/--/-- Supreme Court orders school desegregation 6931
  5944. 1955/--/-- The Federal Republic of Germany joins NATO. 5804
  5945. 1955/--/-- The Warsaw Pact establishes a military alliance of European Communist nations. 5805
  5946. 1955/--/-- Theologian Pierre Teilhard de Chardin publishes The Phenomenon of Man. 5811
  5947. 1955/10/-- World Series NL BROOKLYN (4) AL NEW YORK (3) 490
  5948. 1956/--/-- American beat poet Allen Ginsberg publishes Howl and Other Poems. 5844
  5949. 1956/--/-- American beat poet Allen Ginsberg publishes Howl and Other Poems. 7305
  5950. 1956/--/-- American television news show The Huntley-Brinkley Report begins. 5836
  5951. 1956/--/-- American television news show The Huntley-Brinkley Report begins. 7304
  5952. 1956/--/-- American writer Grace Metalious publishes Peyton Place. 5845
  5953. 1956/--/-- American writer Grace Metalious publishes Peyton Place. 7306
  5954. 1956/--/-- Anglo-French forces invade Egypt but withdraw after protests from the U.S. 5828
  5955. 1956/--/-- Archbishop Makarios III is deported from Cyprus by the British. 5823
  5956. 1956/--/-- Brendan Behan's play The Quare Fellow opens in London. 5841
  5957. 1956/--/-- Britain, France and Israel agree on a secret joint action against Egypt. 5826
  5958. 1956/--/-- British artist Richard Hamilton produces the first pop art work. 5835
  5959. 1956/--/-- British artist Richard Hamilton produces the first pop art work. 7716
  5960. 1956/--/-- David Niven stars in the film Around the World in Eighty Days. 5839
  5961. 1956/--/-- Eugene O'Neill's play Long Day's Journey Into Night is produced. 5840
  5962. 1956/--/-- Fidel Castro and Che Guevara land in Cuba and begin a guerrilla war. 5830
  5963. 1956/--/-- Film actress Grace Kelly marries Prince Rainier III of Monaco. 5838
  5964. 1956/--/-- Heavyweight boxing champion Rocky Marciano retires without being defeated. 5834
  5965. 1956/--/-- Israeli forces under Moshe Dayan seize the Gaza Strip and the Sinai Peninsula. 5827
  5966. 1956/--/-- John Osborne's first play Look Back In Anger is produced in London. 5842
  5967. 1956/--/-- Lerner and Loewe's musical My Fair Lady opens in New York. 5843
  5968. 1956/--/-- Lerner and Loewe's musical My Fair Lady opens in New York. 7717
  5969. 1956/--/-- President Anastasio Somoza Garcia is assassinated in Nicaragua. 1593
  5970. 1956/--/-- President Anastasio Somoza Garcia is assassinated in Nicaragua. 5829
  5971. 1956/--/-- President Nasser nationalizes the Suez Canal before the British lease expires. 5825
  5972. 1956/--/-- President Ngo Dinh Diem refuses to hold elections in South Vietnam. 5824
  5973. 1956/--/-- Rock 'n roll singer Elvis Presley records his first hit Heartbreak Hotel. 5837
  5974. 1956/--/-- Soviet first secretary Nikita Khrushchev denounces the crimes of the Stalin era. 5821
  5975. 1956/--/-- Sudan gains independence from Anglo-Egyptian rule. 5822
  5976. 1956/--/-- The Hungarian Uprising is suppressed by Soviet troops. 5831
  5977. 1956/--/-- The Italian ocean liner Andrea Doria sinks off the U.S. coast after a collision in fog. 5833
  5978. 1956/--/-- Tunisia and Morocco are granted independence by France. 5832
  5979. 1956/10/-- World Series NL BROOKLYN (3) AL NEW YORK (4) 491
  5980. 1957/--/-- Beat generation writer Jack Kerouac publishes On The Road. 5862
  5981. 1957/--/-- Black tennis player Althea Gibson wins the U.S. Open and Wimbledon championships. 888
  5982. 1957/--/-- Black tennis player Althea Gibson wins the U.S. Open and Wimbledon championships. 5857
  5983. 1957/--/-- British philosopher A.J. Ayer publishes The Problem of Knowledge. 5849
  5984. 1957/--/-- British prime minister Anthony Eden resigns; is succeeded by Harold Macmillan. 5850
  5985. 1957/--/-- Dr. Seuss publishes the children's book The Cat in the Hat. 5860
  5986. 1957/--/-- Francois Duvalier (known as Papa Doc) is elected president of Haiti. 5854
  5987. 1957/--/-- Ghana gains independence; Kwame Nkrumah becomes the first prime minister. 5853
  5988. 1957/--/-- Jack Kerouac "On the Road" 6932
  5989. 1957/--/-- Jerome Robbins is director-choreographer of the musical West Side Story. 5859
  5990. 1957/--/-- Jerome Robbins is director-choreographer of the musical West Side Story. 7718
  5991. 1957/--/-- John G. Diefenbaker succeeds Louis St. Laurent as prime minister of Canada. 5848
  5992. 1957/--/-- Lawrence Durrell publishes Justine, the first of The Alexandria Quartet novels. 5861
  5993. 1957/--/-- Scientists from 67 nations work together during the International Geophysical Year. 5856
  5994. 1957/--/-- Soviet leaders Malenkov and Molotov fail in an attempt to oust Khrushchev from power. 5847
  5995. 1957/--/-- Soviets launch "Sputnik", first artificial satellite 6933
  5996. 1957/--/-- Swedish filmmaker Ingmar Bergman directs The Seventh Seal. 5858
  5997. 1957/--/-- The Israeli army withdraws from Egypt; the Gaza Strip is policed by UN forces. 5851
  5998. 1957/--/-- The USSR launches Sputnik I, the first artificial satellite. 5855
  5999. 1957/--/-- The Viet Cong begin acts of rebellion in South Vietnam. 5846
  6000. 1957/--/-- Tunku Abdul Rahman becomes the first prime minister of independent Malaya (Malaysia). 5852
  6001. 1957/10/-- World Series NL MILWAUKEE (4) AL NEW YORK (3) 492
  6002. 1958/--/-- American economist J.K. Galbraith publishes The Affluent Society. 5871
  6003. 1958/--/-- American economist J.K. Galbraith publishes The Affluent Society. 7307
  6004. 1958/--/-- American golfer Arnold Palmer wins the Masters tournament for the first time. 5878
  6005. 1958/--/-- American golfer Arnold Palmer wins the Masters tournament for the first time. 7308
  6006. 1958/--/-- American playwright Edward Albee writes The Zoo Story. 5882
  6007. 1958/--/-- American playwright Edward Albee writes The Zoo Story. 7309
  6008. 1958/--/-- American writer Truman Capote publishes the novella Breakfast At Tiffany's. 5883
  6009. 1958/--/-- American writer Truman Capote publishes the novella Breakfast At Tiffany's. 7310
  6010. 1958/--/-- Bertrand Russell founds the Campaign for Nuclear Disarmament (CND) in Britain. 5872
  6011. 1958/--/-- Civil war breaks out in Lebanon; it is ended when U.S. Marines land at Beirut. 1363
  6012. 1958/--/-- Civil war breaks out in Lebanon; it is ended when U.S. Marines land at Beirut. 5865
  6013. 1958/--/-- Egypt and Syria form the United Arab Republic. 5864
  6014. 1958/--/-- Gen. Muhammad Ayub Khan seizes control in Pakistan. 5868
  6015. 1958/--/-- Leonard Bernstein becomes the conductor of the New York Philharmonic orchestra. 5880
  6016. 1958/--/-- Nikita Khrushchev replaces Nikolai Bulganin as Soviet premier. 5863
  6017. 1958/--/-- Prime minister Hendrik Verwoerd extends South Africa's apartheid laws. 5869
  6018. 1958/--/-- Prime minister Hendrik Verwoerd extends South Africa's apartheid laws. 7923
  6019. 1958/--/-- Russian writer Boris Pasternak publishes the novel Doctor Zhivago. 5881
  6020. 1958/--/-- Soccer player Pele leads Brazil to victory in the World Cup. 903
  6021. 1958/--/-- Soccer player Pele leads Brazil to victory in the World Cup. 5879
  6022. 1958/--/-- The Algerian crisis prompts the recall of Charles de Gaulle as president of France. 5867
  6023. 1958/--/-- The European Economic Community (EEC) is established. 5870
  6024. 1958/--/-- The first intercontinental ballistic missile (ICBM) is launched in the U.S. 5875
  6025. 1958/--/-- The French army and settlers in Algiers revolt over the Algerian War stalemate. 5866
  6026. 1958/--/-- The National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA) is founded. 5876
  6027. 1958/--/-- The National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA) is founded. 7391
  6028. 1958/--/-- The nuclear submarine Nautilus reaches the North Pole under the Polar ice cap. 5874
  6029. 1958/--/-- The U.S. launches the Explorer I and Vanguard I scientific satellites. 5873
  6030. 1958/--/-- Wilson Greatbatch invents an artificial pacemaker to control heartbeats. 5877
  6031. 1958/--/-- Wilson Greatbatch invents an artificial pacemaker to control heartbeats. 7483
  6032. 1958/10/-- World Series NL MILWAUKEE (3) AL NEW YORK (4) 493
  6033. 1959/--/-- Alaska is inaugurated as the 49th state of the Union. 5888
  6034. 1959/--/-- Alaska is inaugurated as the 49th state of the Union. 7043
  6035. 1959/--/-- American writer Leon Uris publishes Exodus, a novel on the founding of Israel. 5907
  6036. 1959/--/-- American writer Leon Uris publishes Exodus, a novel on the founding of Israel. 7311
  6037. 1959/--/-- American writer William Burroughs publishes The Naked Lunch. 5909
  6038. 1959/--/-- American writer William Burroughs publishes The Naked Lunch. 7312
  6039. 1959/--/-- Anthropologists Richard and Mary Leakey discover an Australopithecus skull in Africa. 5895
  6040. 1959/--/-- Anthropologists Richard and Mary Leakey discover an Australopithecus skull in Africa. 7924
  6041. 1959/--/-- Artist Robert Rauschenberg creates the three-dimensional collage Monogram. 5897
  6042. 1959/--/-- Artist Robert Rauschenberg creates the three-dimensional collage Monogram. 7719
  6043. 1959/--/-- Cyprus gains independence from Britain; Archbishop Makarios becomes president. 5886
  6044. 1959/--/-- Fidel Castro ousts Cuban leader Fulgencio Batista in a communist revolution. 5884
  6045. 1959/--/-- Film actor Charlton Heston wins the Academy Award for his role in Ben-Hur. 5903
  6046. 1959/--/-- French filmmaker Alain Resnais directs Hiroshima Mon Amour. 5900
  6047. 1959/--/-- French filmmaker Francois Truffaut directs The 400 Blows. 5904
  6048. 1959/--/-- French New Wave filmmaker Jean Luc Godard directs Breathless. 5901
  6049. 1959/--/-- German writer Gunter Grass publishes his first novel The Tin Drum. 5908
  6050. 1959/--/-- Hawaii is inaugurated as the 50th state of the Union. 5889
  6051. 1959/--/-- Hawaii is inaugurated as the 50th state of the Union. 7044
  6052. 1959/--/-- Jack Lemon, Tony Curtis and Marilyn Monroe star in the film Some Like it Hot. 5902
  6053. 1959/--/-- Jean-Luc Godard's New Wave "Breathless" 6934
  6054. 1959/--/-- Lee Kuan Yew becomes prime minister of Singapore. 5887
  6055. 1959/--/-- Lorraine Hansberry's A Raisin in the Sun is the first Broadway play by a black woman. 5905
  6056. 1959/--/-- NASA selects the first seven U.S. astronauts. 5894
  6057. 1959/--/-- Rock 'n roll star Buddy Holly is killed in a plane crash. 1594
  6058. 1959/--/-- Rock 'n roll star Buddy Holly is killed in a plane crash. 5898
  6059. 1959/--/-- Rod Serling hosts the Twilight Zone television series. 5899
  6060. 1959/--/-- Rogers and Hammerstein's Broadway musical The Sound of Music is produced. 5906
  6061. 1959/--/-- Rogers and Hammerstein's Broadway musical The Sound of Music is produced. 7720
  6062. 1959/--/-- Sir Christopher Cockerell tests the first air-cushion vehicle. 5893
  6063. 1959/--/-- The Boeing 707 jet airliner enters service. 5890
  6064. 1959/--/-- The Dalai Lama flees to India after China crushes an uprising in Tibet. 5885
  6065. 1959/--/-- The Dalai Lama flees to India after China crushes an uprising in Tibet. 7842
  6066. 1959/--/-- The first flight is made by the X-15 rocket-powered research aircraft. 5891
  6067. 1959/--/-- The Guggenheim Museum, designed by Frank Lloyd Wright, opens in New York City. 5896
  6068. 1959/--/-- The Soviet Union sends a series of Luna space probes to the Moon. 5892
  6069. 1959/--/-- The Soviet Union sends a series of Luna space probes to the Moon. 7392
  6070. 1959/10/-- World Series NL LOS ANGELES (4) AL CHICAGO (2) 494
  6071. 1960/--/-- 69 Africans are killed in the Sharpeville massacre in South Africa. 1596
  6072. 1960/--/-- 69 Africans are killed in the Sharpeville massacre in South Africa. 5916
  6073. 1960/--/-- 69 Africans are killed in the Sharpeville massacre in South Africa. 7926
  6074. 1960/--/-- A military coup takes place in Turkey; prime minister Adnan Menderes is executed (1961). 5914
  6075. 1960/--/-- A student uprising forces the resignation of Syngman Rhee, president of South Korea. 5919
  6076. 1960/--/-- American author John Updike publishes the novel Rabbit Run. 5940
  6077. 1960/--/-- American author John Updike publishes the novel Rabbit Run. 7315
  6078. 1960/--/-- American physicist Theodore H. Maiman demonstrates the first successful laser. 5930
  6079. 1960/--/-- American physicist Theodore H. Maiman demonstrates the first successful laser. 7313
  6080. 1960/--/-- American track star Wilma Rudolph wins 3 gold medals at the Rome Olympic Games. 918
  6081. 1960/--/-- American track star Wilma Rudolph wins 3 gold medals at the Rome Olympic Games. 5934
  6082. 1960/--/-- American track star Wilma Rudolph wins 3 gold medals at the Rome Olympic Games. 7314
  6083. 1960/--/-- An earthquake kills 15,000 at Agadir in Morocco. 1597
  6084. 1960/--/-- An earthquake kills 15,000 at Agadir in Morocco. 5926
  6085. 1960/--/-- Belgium grants independence to the Congo (Zaire); Patrice Lumumba becomes premier. 5911
  6086. 1960/--/-- Britain grants independence to Nigeria; Abubakar Balewa continues as prime minister. 5913
  6087. 1960/--/-- Civil Rights movement 6935
  6088. 1960/--/-- Congo (Zaire) premier Patrice Lumumba is ousted by Joseph Mobutu and murdered. 1595
  6089. 1960/--/-- Congo (Zaire) premier Patrice Lumumba is ousted by Joseph Mobutu and murdered. 5918
  6090. 1960/--/-- Filmmaker Alfred Hitchcock directs the suspense thriller Psycho. 5938
  6091. 1960/--/-- Former Nazi official Adolf Eichmann is abducted to Israel. 5915
  6092. 1960/--/-- France grants independence to the Congo, Chad, Central African Republic, and Gabon. 5910
  6093. 1960/--/-- France grants independence to the Congo, Chad, Central African Republic, and Gabon. 7925
  6094. 1960/--/-- Harold Pinter's play The Caretaker is produced. 5937
  6095. 1960/--/-- Italian filmmaker Michelangelo Antonioni directs La Notte (The Night). 5939
  6096. 1960/--/-- Jacques Piccard and Don Walsh descend to 35,800 ft in the bathyscaphe Trieste. 5928
  6097. 1960/--/-- Maiman makes first laser 6936
  6098. 1960/--/-- NASA launches the first TIROS weather satellite. 5933
  6099. 1960/--/-- Religious broadcaster Pat Robertson founds the Christian Broadcasting Network. 5936
  6100. 1960/--/-- Sirimavo Bandaranaike becomes the world's first woman prime minister in Ceylon (Sri Lanka). 5920
  6101. 1960/--/-- South African civil rights leader Albert Luthuli wins the Nobel Peace Prize. 5925
  6102. 1960/--/-- South African civil rights leader Albert Luthuli wins the Nobel Peace Prize. 7928
  6103. 1960/--/-- The Congo crisis begins with the secession of Katanga province under Moise Tshombe. 5912
  6104. 1960/--/-- The Echo 1 experimental communications satellite is launched. 5932
  6105. 1960/--/-- The first quasars, the most luminous known objects in the universe, are discovered. 5931
  6106. 1960/--/-- The first submerged firing is made of a Polaris submarine-launched missile. 5929
  6107. 1960/--/-- The Motown record company is founded in Detroit by Berry Gordy. 5935
  6108. 1960/--/-- The planned city of Brasilia becomes the new capital of Brazil. 5927
  6109. 1960/--/-- The presidential debates of John F. Kennedy and Richard Nixon are televised. 5924
  6110. 1960/--/-- The South African government bans the African National Congress (ANC). 5917
  6111. 1960/--/-- The South African government bans the African National Congress (ANC). 7927
  6112. 1960/--/-- The Soviets shoot down a U-2 spy plane; U.S. pilot Francis Gary Powers is captured. 5923
  6113. 1960/--/-- Viet Cong groups unite into the National Liberation Front of South Vietnam (NLFSV). 5921
  6114. 1960/--/-- Walter Ulbricht becomes head of East Germany. 5922
  6115. 1960/10/-- World Series NL PITTSBURGH (4) AL NEW YORK (3) 495
  6116. 1961/--/-- Agostinho Neto and Holden Roberto lead insurrections in Portuguese Angola. 5942
  6117. 1961/--/-- American-aided Cuban exiles attempt the unsuccessful Bay of Pigs invasion. 5950
  6118. 1961/--/-- American-aided Cuban exiles attempt the unsuccessful Bay of Pigs invasion. 7316
  6119. 1961/--/-- American writer Joseph Heller publishes the anti-war novel Catch-22. 1364
  6120. 1961/--/-- American writer Joseph Heller publishes the anti-war novel Catch-22. 5966
  6121. 1961/--/-- American writer Joseph Heller publishes the anti-war novel Catch-22. 7317
  6122. 1961/--/-- Astronaut Alan Shepard makes the first U.S. suborbital space flight. 5953
  6123. 1961/--/-- Astronaut Alan Shepard makes the first U.S. suborbital space flight. 7393
  6124. 1961/--/-- Britain grants independence to Tanganyika (Tanzania) with Julius Nyerere as prime minister. 5943
  6125. 1961/--/-- British novelist Iris Murdoch publishes A Severed Head. 5965
  6126. 1961/--/-- English writer Muriel Spark publishes The Prime of Miss Jean Brodie. 1251
  6127. 1961/--/-- English writer Muriel Spark publishes The Prime of Miss Jean Brodie. 5964
  6128. 1961/--/-- French filmmaker Francois Truffaut directs Jeanne Moreau in Jules and Jim. 5960
  6129. 1961/--/-- India annexes the Portugese territories of Goa, Daman, and Diu. 5945
  6130. 1961/--/-- Italian filmmaker Vittorio De Sica directs Sophia Loren in Alberto Moravia's Two Women. 5961
  6131. 1961/--/-- Italian opera singer Luciano Pavarotti debuts in Puccini's La Boheme. 5958
  6132. 1961/--/-- Italian opera singer Luciano Pavarotti debuts in Puccini's La Boheme. 7721
  6133. 1961/--/-- John F. Kennedy (Democrat) becomes president of the United States 314
  6134. 1961/--/-- Kennedy is inaugurated as the 35th U.S. president; Johnson becomes vice-president. 5941
  6135. 1961/--/-- Kennedy launches "Apollo" project; man lands on the moon 6937
  6136. 1961/--/-- Peace Corps 6938
  6137. 1961/--/-- President Kennedy begins to increase the U.S. military presence in Vietnam. 5946
  6138. 1961/--/-- President Kennedy establishes the Peace Corps. 5951
  6139. 1961/--/-- President Kennedy sets a goal for landing a man on the Moon within the decade. 5954
  6140. 1961/--/-- President Rafael Trujillo is assassinated in the Dominican Republic. 1598
  6141. 1961/--/-- President Rafael Trujillo is assassinated in the Dominican Republic. 5944
  6142. 1961/--/-- Roger Maris breaks Babe Ruth's home-run baseball record with a season total of 61. 866
  6143. 1961/--/-- Roger Maris breaks Babe Ruth's home-run baseball record with a season total of 61. 5956
  6144. 1961/--/-- Science fiction writer Robert Heinlein publishes Stranger in a Strange Land. 5963
  6145. 1961/--/-- Soviet ballet dancer Rudolf Nureyev defects to the West. 5957
  6146. 1961/--/-- Soviet cosmonaut Yuri Gagarin orbits the earth. 5952
  6147. 1961/--/-- Swedish filmmaker Ingmar Bergman directs Max Von Sydow in Through a Glass Darkly. 5959
  6148. 1961/--/-- The Berlin Wall is constructed, separating East and West Berlin. 5948
  6149. 1961/--/-- The drug thalidomide is found to cause malformations in new born babies. 5955
  6150. 1961/--/-- The Kurds begin a guerrilla war against Iraq to gain independence for Kurdistan. 5949
  6151. 1961/--/-- The Kurds begin a guerrilla war against Iraq to gain independence for Kurdistan. 1365
  6152. 1961/--/-- UN secretary-general Dag Hammarskjold is killed in a plane crash in the Congo (Zaire). 1599
  6153. 1961/--/-- UN secretary-general Dag Hammarskjold is killed in a plane crash in the Congo (Zaire). 5947
  6154. 1961/--/-- V.S. Naipaul writes about West Indian life in A House for Mr. Biswas. 5962
  6155. 1961/10/-- World Series NL CINCINNATI (1) AL NEW YORK (4) 496
  6156. 1962/--/-- Actor Laurence Olivier becomes the first director of the National Theatre in London. 5993
  6157. 1962/--/-- Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn publishes One Day In the Life of Ivan Denisovich. 5997
  6158. 1962/--/-- Algeria gains independence from France; Ahmed ben Bella becomes prime minister. 5970
  6159. 1962/--/-- American artist Jim Dine paints the pop art subject Black Saw. 5983
  6160. 1962/--/-- American artist Jim Dine paints the pop art subject Black Saw. 7320
  6161. 1962/--/-- American artist Jim Dine paints the pop art subject Black Saw. 7722
  6162. 1962/--/-- American film actress Marilyn Monroe dies from a drug overdose. 1600
  6163. 1962/--/-- American film actress Marilyn Monroe dies from a drug overdose. 5991
  6164. 1962/--/-- American film actress Marilyn Monroe dies from a drug overdose. 7321
  6165. 1962/--/-- American historian Barbara Tuchman publishes The Guns of August. 5979
  6166. 1962/--/-- American historian Barbara Tuchman publishes The Guns of August. 7319
  6167. 1962/--/-- American writer Katherine Anne Porter publishes the novel Ship of Fools. 5998
  6168. 1962/--/-- American writer Katherine Anne Porter publishes the novel Ship of Fools. 7323
  6169. 1962/--/-- American writer Ken Kesey publishes One Flew over the Cuckoo's Nest. 5994
  6170. 1962/--/-- American writer Ken Kesey publishes One Flew over the Cuckoo's Nest. 7322
  6171. 1962/--/-- Astronaut John Glenn becomes the first American to orbit the Earth. 5975
  6172. 1962/--/-- Astronaut John Glenn becomes the first American to orbit the Earth. 7318
  6173. 1962/--/-- Basketball player Wilt Chamberlain scores a record 100 points in one game. 871
  6174. 1962/--/-- Basketball player Wilt Chamberlain scores a record 100 points in one game. 5981
  6175. 1962/--/-- Britain grants independence to Trinidad and Tobago with Eric Williams as chief minister. 5972
  6176. 1962/--/-- Britain grants independence to Uganda; Milton Obote becomes prime minister. 5967
  6177. 1962/--/-- British filmmaker David Lean directs Lawrence of Arabia. 5988
  6178. 1962/--/-- British writer Anthony Burgess publishes the futuristic novel A Clockwork Orange. 5995
  6179. 1962/--/-- Burmese diplomat U Thant becomes the first Asian secretary general of the UN. 5968
  6180. 1962/--/-- Cuban missile crisis 6939
  6181. 1962/--/-- Edward Albee's play Who's Afraid of Virginia Woolf is produced on Broadway. 5992
  6182. 1962/--/-- Fashion designer Yves Saint Laurent opens his Parisian fashion house. 5982
  6183. 1962/--/-- Folk-rock singer and composer Bob Dylan writes Blowin' in the Wind. 5986
  6184. 1962/--/-- Georges Pompidou becomes premier of France's Fifth Republic. 5971
  6185. 1962/--/-- Polish filmmaker Roman Polanski directs his first film Knife in the Water. 5990
  6186. 1962/--/-- Pop Art 6940
  6187. 1962/--/-- Pop artist Andy Warhol begins making silk screen prints of mass-media images. 5984
  6188. 1962/--/-- Pop artist Andy Warhol begins making silk screen prints of mass-media images. 7723
  6189. 1962/--/-- Rachel Carson criticizes indiscriminate use of pesticides in her book Silent Spring. 5978
  6190. 1962/--/-- Richard Burton and Elizabeth Taylor star in Cleopatra, the most expensive film to date. 5989
  6191. 1962/--/-- Science fiction writer J.G. Ballard publishes The Drowned World. 5996
  6192. 1962/--/-- Sonny Liston defeats Floyd Patterson to become heavyweight boxing champion. 5980
  6193. 1962/--/-- Television journalist Walter Cronkite is made anchorman of CBS Evening News. 5987
  6194. 1962/--/-- The British pop group The Beatles make their first recordings. 5985
  6195. 1962/--/-- The Cuban Missile Crisis begins; Soviet missiles are withdrawn from Cuba. 5969
  6196. 1962/--/-- The Mariner 2 spacecraft passes within 21,598 miles of Venus. 5977
  6197. 1962/--/-- The Mariner 2 spacecraft passes within 21,598 miles of Venus. 7394
  6198. 1962/--/-- The U.S. launches Telstar, the first commercial communications satellite. 5976
  6199. 1962/--/-- The U.S. Supreme Court rules that school prayers are a violation of the 1st Amendment. 5974
  6200. 1962/--/-- The University of Mississippi is forced to admit black student James Meredith. 5973
  6201. 1962/10/-- World Series NL SAN FRANCISCO (3) AL NEW YORK (4) 497
  6202. 1963/--/-- A limited Nuclear Test Ban Treaty is signed by Britain, the U.S., and the USSR. 6003
  6203. 1963/--/-- A UN peace keeping force ends the secession attempt of Katanga province (Shaba). 5999
  6204. 1963/--/-- American pop vocal group the Beach Boys release the record Surfin' U.S.A. 6024
  6205. 1963/--/-- American pop vocal group the Beach Boys release the record Surfin' U.S.A. 7325
  6206. 1963/--/-- American writer Mary McCarthy publishes The Group. 6031
  6207. 1963/--/-- American writer Mary McCarthy publishes The Group. 7326
  6208. 1963/--/-- Arecibo Observatory begins observations with a 1,000-ft wide radio telescope. 6018
  6209. 1963/--/-- Black nationalist Joshua Nkomo is imprisoned in Rhodesia (now Zimbabwe). 6005
  6210. 1963/--/-- Britain's entry to the European Economic Community is blocked by France. 6002
  6211. 1963/--/-- British filmmaker Joseph Losey directs The Servant. 6028
  6212. 1963/--/-- British spy Harold (Kim) Philby defects to the USSR. 6012
  6213. 1963/--/-- Czech dissident playwright Vaclav Havel writes The Garden Party. 6030
  6214. 1963/--/-- English writer John Le Carre publishes The Spy Who Came in from the Cold. 1252
  6215. 1963/--/-- English writer John Le Carre publishes The Spy Who Came in from the Cold. 6032
  6216. 1963/--/-- Filmmaker Stanley Kubrick directs the anti-war film Dr. Strangelove. 1366
  6217. 1963/--/-- Filmmaker Stanley Kubrick directs the anti-war film Dr. Strangelove. 6027
  6218. 1963/--/-- Football running back Jim Brown sets a record for rushes of 1,863 yards. 877
  6219. 1963/--/-- Football running back Jim Brown sets a record for rushes of 1,863 yards. 6021
  6220. 1963/--/-- Jack Nicklaus becomes the youngest golfer to win the Masters Tournament. 6020
  6221. 1963/--/-- John F. Kennedy assassin Lee Harvey Oswald is shot and killed by Jack Ruby. 1601
  6222. 1963/--/-- John F. Kennedy assassin Lee Harvey Oswald is shot and killed by Jack Ruby. 1604
  6223. 1963/--/-- John F. Kennedy assassin Lee Harvey Oswald is shot and killed by Jack Ruby. 6014
  6224. 1963/--/-- Kennedy assassinated 6941
  6225. 1963/--/-- Kenya gains independence from Britain; Jomo Kenyatta becomes prime minister. 6004
  6226. 1963/--/-- Levi Eshkol succeeds David Ben-Gurion as prime minister of Israel. 6013
  6227. 1963/--/-- Ludwig Erhard succeeds Konrad Adenauer as chancellor of West Germany. 6009
  6228. 1963/--/-- Lyndon B. Johnson (Democrat) becomes president of the United States 315
  6229. 1963/--/-- Lyndon B. Johnson is inaugurated as the 36th President of the U.S. 6008
  6230. 1963/--/-- Malaya, Singapore, Sarawak and Sabah form the Federation of Malaysia. 6001
  6231. 1963/--/-- Martin Luther King, Jr. makes his "I Have a Dream" speech in Washington, D.C. 6015
  6232. 1963/--/-- Peter Sellers stars as Inspector Clouseau in the film The Pink Panther. 6029
  6233. 1963/--/-- Pop artist Claes Oldenburg creates the kapok-filled sculpture Soft Typewriter. 6023
  6234. 1963/--/-- Pop artist Claes Oldenburg creates the kapok-filled sculpture Soft Typewriter. 7724
  6235. 1963/--/-- Pop artist Roy Lichtenstein completes the comic strip painting Whaam. 6022
  6236. 1963/--/-- Pop artist Roy Lichtenstein completes the comic strip painting Whaam. 7725
  6237. 1963/--/-- President Kennedy is assassinated in Dallas, Texas. 1602
  6238. 1963/--/-- President Kennedy is assassinated in Dallas, Texas. 6007
  6239. 1963/--/-- President Ngo Dinh Diem of South Vietnam is assassinated. 1603
  6240. 1963/--/-- President Ngo Dinh Diem of South Vietnam is assassinated. 6000
  6241. 1963/--/-- Race-car driver Jim Clark wins seven Grand Prix events and the world title. 6019
  6242. 1963/--/-- Sir Alec Douglas-Home succeeds Harold Macmillan as British prime minister. 6011
  6243. 1963/--/-- Soviet cosmonaut Valentina Tereshkova becomes the first woman in space. 6017
  6244. 1963/--/-- Soviet cosmonaut Valentina Tereshkova becomes the first woman in space. 7395
  6245. 1963/--/-- Sylvia Plath's novel The Bell Jar is published in the year of her death. 1605
  6246. 1963/--/-- Sylvia Plath's novel The Bell Jar is published in the year of her death. 6033
  6247. 1963/--/-- The American X-15 research aircraft establishes an altitude record of 67 miles. 6016
  6248. 1963/--/-- The American X-15 research aircraft establishes an altitude record of 67 miles. 7324
  6249. 1963/--/-- The first James Bond film Dr. No is produced. 6026
  6250. 1963/--/-- The Organization of African Unity (OAU) is established in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia. 6006
  6251. 1963/--/-- The Organization of African Unity (OAU) is established in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia. 7929
  6252. 1963/--/-- The Profumo sex scandal undermines the Conservative government in Britain. 6010
  6253. 1963/--/-- The Rolling Stones rock band is formed in Britain. 6025
  6254. 1963/10/-- World Series NL LOS ANGELES (4) AL NEW YORK (0) 498
  6255. 1964/--/-- An earthquake in Alaska causes extensive damage and 114 fatalities. 6056
  6256. 1964/--/-- ANC leader Nelson Mandela is sentenced to life imprisonment in South Africa. 6037
  6257. 1964/--/-- ANC leader Nelson Mandela is sentenced to life imprisonment in South Africa. 7930
  6258. 1964/--/-- Architect Eero Saarinen's St. Louis Arch memorial is completed. 6062
  6259. 1964/--/-- Arno Penzias and Robert Wilson discover the existence of background radiation. 6059
  6260. 1964/--/-- Beatlemania develops during the first U.S. tour of the Beatles pop group. 6066
  6261. 1964/--/-- Black female group the Supremes record the hit song Where Did Our Love Go. 6067
  6262. 1964/--/-- Britain grants independence to Malawi; H. Kamuzu Banda becomes prime minister. 6043
  6263. 1964/--/-- Britain grants independence to Zambia; Kenneth D. Kaunda becomes president. 6044
  6264. 1964/--/-- Britain grants independence to Zanzibar. 6034
  6265. 1964/--/-- Clint Eastwood stars in Sergio Leone's "spaghetti western" A Fistful of Dollars. 6069
  6266. 1964/--/-- Comedian Lenny Bruce is convicted for giving an obscene performance. 6065
  6267. 1964/--/-- Craig Breedlove sets a land speed record of 600 mph in a jet-powered vehicle. 6063
  6268. 1964/--/-- Faisal succeeds his brother Saud as king of Saudi Arabia. 6048
  6269. 1964/--/-- Fighting breaks out on Cyprus between Greek and Turkish Cypriots. 6035
  6270. 1964/--/-- FRELIMO begins a war of independence against the Portuguese in Mozambique. 1367
  6271. 1964/--/-- FRELIMO begins a war of independence against the Portuguese in Mozambique. 6038
  6272. 1964/--/-- General Westmoreland is appointed to command the U.S. forces in South Vietnam. 6041
  6273. 1964/--/-- Gulf of Tonkin Incident 6942
  6274. 1964/--/-- Gustavo Diaz Ordaz becomes president of Mexico. 6047
  6275. 1964/--/-- Ian Smith becomes prime minister of Rhodesia (now Zimbabwe). 6045
  6276. 1964/--/-- Illustrator Maurice Sendak wins a Caldecott Medal for Where the Wild Things Are. 6071
  6277. 1964/--/-- Indian prime minister Jawaharlal Nehru dies; he is succeeded by Lal Bahadur Shastri. 1607
  6278. 1964/--/-- Indian prime minister Jawaharlal Nehru dies; he is succeeded by Lal Bahadur Shastri. 6042
  6279. 1964/--/-- Johnson is reeelected as U.S. president; Humphrey becomes vice-president (1965). 6051
  6280. 1964/--/-- Julie Andrews and Dick Van Dyke star in the film Mary Poppins. 6068
  6281. 1964/--/-- Muhammad Ali defeats Sonny Liston for the heavyweight boxing championship. 6064
  6282. 1964/--/-- North Vietnam allegedly attacks U.S. vessels in the Gulf of Tonkin. 6039
  6283. 1964/--/-- Peter Weiss' play Marat/ Sade is produced by British director Peter Brook. 6070
  6284. 1964/--/-- Physicists Murray Gell-Mann and George Zweig propose the quark theory. 6058
  6285. 1964/--/-- Soviet leader NikitaKhrushchev is forced from office; Aleksei Kosygin becomes premier. 6050
  6286. 1964/--/-- Tanganyika joins with Zanzibar to form the United Republic of Tanzania. 6036
  6287. 1964/--/-- The American Ranger 7 spacecraft transmits photos of the surface of the Moon. 6057
  6288. 1964/--/-- The American Ranger 7 spacecraft transmits photos of the surface of the Moon. 7327
  6289. 1964/--/-- The American Ranger 7 spacecraft transmits photos of the surface of the Moon. 7396
  6290. 1964/--/-- The Labour party is elected to power in Britain; Harold Wilson becomes prime minister. 6046
  6291. 1964/--/-- The Palestine Liberation Organization (PLO) is formed to represent Palestinians. 6049
  6292. 1964/--/-- The Soviet Voskhod 1 spacecraft is launched with a three-man crew. 6061
  6293. 1964/--/-- The Soviet Voskhod 1 spacecraft is launched with a three-man crew. 7397
  6294. 1964/--/-- The SR-71 Blackbird reconnaissance aircraft is flown for the first time. 6060
  6295. 1964/--/-- The Tonkin Gulf Resolution escalates the use of U.S. personnel in Vietnam. 6040
  6296. 1964/--/-- The U.S. Civil Rights Act prohibits discrimination in employment. 6054
  6297. 1964/--/-- The U.S. Surgeon General reports that cigarette smoking is a health hazard. 6053
  6298. 1964/--/-- The Verrazano-Narrows Bridge opens in New York. 6055
  6299. 1964/--/-- The Warren Commission decides that Oswald was the sole assassin of John F. Kennedy. 1606
  6300. 1964/--/-- The Warren Commission decides that Oswald was the sole assassin of John F. Kennedy. 6052
  6301. 1964/10/-- World Series NL ST. LOUIS (4) AL NEW YORK (3) 499
  6302. 1965/--/-- Actress and singer Barbara Streisand stars in the Broadway musical Funny Girl. 6096
  6303. 1965/--/-- Actress and singer Barbara Streisand stars in the Broadway musical Funny Girl. 7726
  6304. 1965/--/-- American pop artist James Rosenquist paints F-111. 6095
  6305. 1965/--/-- American pop artist James Rosenquist paints F-111. 7329
  6306. 1965/--/-- American pop artist James Rosenquist paints F-111. 7727
  6307. 1965/--/-- American writer Norman Mailer publishes An American Dream. 6098
  6308. 1965/--/-- American writer Norman Mailer publishes An American Dream. 7330
  6309. 1965/--/-- An attempted communist coup leads to military rule in Indonesia under Suharto. 6077
  6310. 1965/--/-- An electrical blackout in the northeastern U.S. affects 30 million people. 6087
  6311. 1965/--/-- Astronaut Edward H. White becomes the first American to walk in space. 6091
  6312. 1965/--/-- Astronaut Edward H. White becomes the first American to walk in space. 7328
  6313. 1965/--/-- Astronaut Edward H. White becomes the first American to walk in space. 7400
  6314. 1965/--/-- Astronauts Virgil Grissom and John Young orbit the Earth in the first Gemini spacecraft. 6089
  6315. 1965/--/-- Astronauts Virgil Grissom and John Young orbit the Earth in the first Gemini spacecraft. 7398
  6316. 1965/--/-- Bob Dylan "Like a Rolling Stone" 6943
  6317. 1965/--/-- British fashion designer Mary Quant introduces the miniskirt. 6094
  6318. 1965/--/-- Civil war breaks out in the Dominican Republic; U.S. troops restore order. 1368
  6319. 1965/--/-- Civil war breaks out in the Dominican Republic; U.S. troops restore order. 6082
  6320. 1965/--/-- Demonstrations against Vietnam War 6944
  6321. 1965/--/-- Gemini 6 and 7 spacecraft make the first rendezvous in space. 6093
  6322. 1965/--/-- Gemini 6 and 7 spacecraft make the first rendezvous in space. 7402
  6323. 1965/--/-- Houari Boumedienne deposes President Ahmed Ben Bella of Algeria. 6081
  6324. 1965/--/-- Irish writer Edna O'Brien publishes August Is a Wicked Month. 6099
  6325. 1965/--/-- Martin Luther King, Jr. leads a civil rights march from Selma to Montgomery, Alabama. 6085
  6326. 1965/--/-- Mobutu Sese Seko seizes control in the Congo (Zaire) for the second time. 6079
  6327. 1965/--/-- More than 180,000 U.S. troops are deployed in Vietnam by the end of the year. 6075
  6328. 1965/--/-- Neil Simon's play The Odd Couple opens on Broadway starring Walter Matthau. 6097
  6329. 1965/--/-- Nicolae Ceausescu succeeds Gheorghe Gheorghiu-Dej as Romanian leader. 6072
  6330. 1965/--/-- North Vietnamese army units are in action in South Vietnam for the first time. 6074
  6331. 1965/--/-- Race riots begin in the Watts section of Los Angeles. 6084
  6332. 1965/--/-- Rhodesia (Zimbabwe) makes a unilateral declaration of independence from Britain. 6076
  6333. 1965/--/-- Singapore secedes from Malaysia; Lee Kuan Yew remains as prime minister. 6078
  6334. 1965/--/-- Soviet cosmonaut Aleksei Leonov makes the first space walk. 6090
  6335. 1965/--/-- Soviet cosmonaut Aleksei Leonov makes the first space walk. 7399
  6336. 1965/--/-- The Black Muslim leader Malcolm X is assassinated in New York City. 1608
  6337. 1965/--/-- The Black Muslim leader Malcolm X is assassinated in New York City. 6083
  6338. 1965/--/-- The Houston Astrodome, the first covered stadium, is completed in Texas. 6088
  6339. 1965/--/-- The Mariner 4 spacecraft passes within 6,118 miles of the planet Mars. 6092
  6340. 1965/--/-- The Mariner 4 spacecraft passes within 6,118 miles of the planet Mars. 7401
  6341. 1965/--/-- The Second India-Pakistan War begins in Kashmir. 6080
  6342. 1965/--/-- The U.S. government establishes Medicare and Medicaid health programs. 6086
  6343. 1965/--/-- The Vietnam War escalates as the U.S. begins bombing North Vietnam. 6073
  6344. 1965/10/-- World Series NL LOS ANGELES (4) AL MINNESOTA (3) 500
  6345. 1966/--/-- American writer Bernard Malamud publishes The Fixer. 6118
  6346. 1966/--/-- American writer Bernard Malamud publishes The Fixer. 7333
  6347. 1966/--/-- American writer Truman Capote publishes In Cold Blood. 6117
  6348. 1966/--/-- American writer Truman Capote publishes In Cold Blood. 7332
  6349. 1966/--/-- Art treasures are ruined during severe floods in Florence, Italy. 6114
  6350. 1966/--/-- Gen. Yakubu Gowon heads a military government after a countercoup in Nigeria. 6103
  6351. 1966/--/-- Hippie movement 6945
  6352. 1966/--/-- Indian prime minister Lal Bahadur Shastri dies; he is succeeded by Indira Gandhi. 1610
  6353. 1966/--/-- Indian prime minister Lal Bahadur Shastri dies; he is succeeded by Indira Gandhi. 6107
  6354. 1966/--/-- John Jack Lynch becomes prime minister of Ireland. 6108
  6355. 1966/--/-- John V. Lindsay becomes mayor of New York City. 6110
  6356. 1966/--/-- Mao Tse-tung begins China's Cultural Revolution. 6105
  6357. 1966/--/-- Mao Tse-tung begins China's Cultural Revolution. 7843
  6358. 1966/--/-- Nigerian prime minister Abubakar Tafawa Balewa is killed in a military coup. 1611
  6359. 1966/--/-- Nigerian prime minister Abubakar Tafawa Balewa is killed in a military coup. 6102
  6360. 1966/--/-- President De Gaulle withdraws French forces from NATO. 6100
  6361. 1966/--/-- President Kwame Nkrumah is ousted in a military coup in Ghana. 6104
  6362. 1966/--/-- Realist sculptor George Segal completes the direct-cast plaster group The Diner. 6115
  6363. 1966/--/-- Realist sculptor George Segal completes the direct-cast plaster group The Diner. 7728
  6364. 1966/--/-- South African prime minister Hendrik Verwoerd is assassinated. 1609
  6365. 1966/--/-- South African prime minister Hendrik Verwoerd is assassinated. 6106
  6366. 1966/--/-- South African prime minister Hendrik Verwoerd is assassinated. 7931
  6367. 1966/--/-- The American Surveyor 1 spacecraft achieves the first soft-landing on the Moon. 6112
  6368. 1966/--/-- The American Surveyor 1 spacecraft achieves the first soft-landing on the Moon. 7331
  6369. 1966/--/-- The American Surveyor 1 spacecraft achieves the first soft-landing on the Moon. 7404
  6370. 1966/--/-- The British Hawker Harrier becomes the first VTOL (vertical takeoff and landing) aircraft. 6113
  6371. 1966/--/-- The first major rally against the Vietnam War takes place in Washington, D.C. 6109
  6372. 1966/--/-- The Soviet Luna 9 space probe makes the first landing on the Moon. 6111
  6373. 1966/--/-- The Soviet Luna 9 space probe makes the first landing on the Moon. 7403
  6374. 1966/--/-- The Soviets mediate to end the India-Pakistan War. 6101
  6375. 1966/--/-- Tom Stoppard's play Rosencrantz and Guildenstern Are Dead is produced. 6116
  6376. 1966/10/-- World Series NL LOS ANGELES (0) AL BALTIMORE (4) 501
  6377. 1967/--/-- A civil war breaks out in Nigeria after the secession of the state of Biafra. 1369
  6378. 1967/--/-- A civil war breaks out in Nigeria after the secession of the state of Biafra. 6120
  6379. 1967/--/-- A fire kills U.S. astronauts White, Grissom and Chaffee during a launch test. 1612
  6380. 1967/--/-- A fire kills U.S. astronauts White, Grissom and Chaffee during a launch test. 6130
  6381. 1967/--/-- A military junta seizes control in Greece; King Constantine II is exiled. 6121
  6382. 1967/--/-- American writer Joyce Carol Oates publishes A Garden of Earthly Delights. 6143
  6383. 1967/--/-- American writer Joyce Carol Oates publishes A Garden of Earthly Delights. 7336
  6384. 1967/--/-- Britain grants Aden independence as the People's Democratic Republic of Yemen. 6122
  6385. 1967/--/-- Colombian writer Gabriel Garcia Marquez publishes One Hundred Years of Solitude. 6144
  6386. 1967/--/-- Dr. Christiaan Barnard performs the first successful human heart transplant. 6132
  6387. 1967/--/-- Dustin Hoffman stars in Mike Nichols' film The Graduate. 6142
  6388. 1967/--/-- Gen. Anastasio Somoza Debayle is elected president of Nicaragua. 6125
  6389. 1967/--/-- Israeli 6-day war 6946
  6390. 1967/--/-- Latin American guerrilla leader Che Guevara is killed in Bolivia. 1613
  6391. 1967/--/-- Latin American guerrilla leader Che Guevara is killed in Bolivia. 6126
  6392. 1967/--/-- Latin American guerrilla leader Che Guevara is killed in Bolivia. 7334
  6393. 1967/--/-- Nguyen Van Thieu becomes president of South Vietnam. 6124
  6394. 1967/--/-- Peter Fonda and Dennis Hopper star in the motorcycle film Easy Rider. 6139
  6395. 1967/--/-- Quarterback Joe Namath sets a one-season record by passing for 4,007 yards. 6135
  6396. 1967/--/-- R. Buckminster Fuller designs a geodesic dome for the U.S. Pavilion at Expo '67. 6137
  6397. 1967/--/-- Radio astronomers Jocelyn Bell Burnell and Antony Hewish discover the first pulsar. 6129
  6398. 1967/--/-- Sidney Poitier and Rod Steiger star in the film In the Heat of the Night. 6141
  6399. 1967/--/-- Soviet cosmonaut Vladimir Komarov is killed during the landing of Soyuz 1. 1614
  6400. 1967/--/-- Soviet cosmonaut Vladimir Komarov is killed during the landing of Soyuz 1. 6131
  6401. 1967/--/-- Tennis player Billie Jean King wins the U.S. Open championship for the first time. 889
  6402. 1967/--/-- Tennis player Billie Jean King wins the U.S. Open championship for the first time. 6134
  6403. 1967/--/-- The Beatles "Sgt. Pepper" 6947
  6404. 1967/--/-- The hippie musical revue Hair is produced. 6138
  6405. 1967/--/-- The hippie musical revue Hair is produced. 7729
  6406. 1967/--/-- The North American Soccer League (NASL) is formed. 904
  6407. 1967/--/-- The North American Soccer League (NASL) is formed. 6136
  6408. 1967/--/-- The North American Soccer League (NASL) is formed. 7335
  6409. 1967/--/-- The residents of Gibraltar vote to remain a British crown colony. 6123
  6410. 1967/--/-- The Six-Day War between Israel and the Arab states ends with Israeli victory. 6119
  6411. 1967/--/-- The X-15 research aircraft establishes a speed record of Mach 6.7 (4,520 mph). 6128
  6412. 1967/--/-- Thurgood Marshall becomes the first black member of the U.S. Supreme Court. 6127
  6413. 1967/--/-- Warren Beaty and Faye Dunaway star in Arthur Penn's film Bonnie and Clyde. 6140
  6414. 1967/--/-- Yachtsman Francis Chichester completes the first solo voyage around the world. 6133
  6415. 1967/10/-- World Series NL ST. LOUIS (4) AL BOSTON (3) 502
  6416. 1968/--/-- American skater Peggy Fleming wins the singles title at the winter Olympic Games. 919
  6417. 1968/--/-- American skater Peggy Fleming wins the singles title at the winter Olympic Games. 6165
  6418. 1968/--/-- American skater Peggy Fleming wins the singles title at the winter Olympic Games. 7337
  6419. 1968/--/-- American track star Bob Beamon beats the Olympic long jump record by almost 2 feet. 921
  6420. 1968/--/-- American track star Bob Beamon beats the Olympic long jump record by almost 2 feet. 6167
  6421. 1968/--/-- American track star Bob Beamon beats the Olympic long jump record by almost 2 feet. 7338
  6422. 1968/--/-- American writer Tom Wolfe publishes The Electric Kool-Aid Acid Test. 6176
  6423. 1968/--/-- American writer Tom Wolfe publishes The Electric Kool-Aid Acid Test. 7339
  6424. 1968/--/-- Anti-war demonstrators clash with police at the Democratic convention in Chicago. 1370
  6425. 1968/--/-- Anti-war demonstrators clash with police at the Democratic convention in Chicago. 6159
  6426. 1968/--/-- Arthur Ashe becomes the first black player to win a major men's tennis title. 890
  6427. 1968/--/-- Arthur Ashe becomes the first black player to win a major men's tennis title. 6169
  6428. 1968/--/-- Carlos Castaneda publishes The Teachings of Don Juan: A Yaqui Way of Knowledge. 6175
  6429. 1968/--/-- Civil rights leader Martin Luther King, Jr. is assassinated. 1615
  6430. 1968/--/-- Civil rights leader Martin Luther King, Jr. is assassinated. 6157
  6431. 1968/--/-- Dick Fosbury uses the Fosbury flop to win the Olympic gold medal for the high jump. 922
  6432. 1968/--/-- Dick Fosbury uses the Fosbury flop to win the Olympic gold medal for the high jump. 6168
  6433. 1968/--/-- Filmmaker Mel Brooks directs, produces and appears in The Producers. 6174
  6434. 1968/--/-- Filmmaker Stanley Kubrick directs 2001: A Space Odyssey. 6172
  6435. 1968/--/-- Filmmaker Stanley Kubrick directs 2001: A Space Odyssey. 7407
  6436. 1968/--/-- French downhill skier Jean Claude Killy wins three Olympic gold medals. 920
  6437. 1968/--/-- French downhill skier Jean Claude Killy wins three Olympic gold medals. 1617
  6438. 1968/--/-- French downhill skier Jean Claude Killy wins three Olympic gold medals. 6166
  6439. 1968/--/-- French filmmaker Henri Costa-Gavras directs Z. 6171
  6440. 1968/--/-- Jacqueline Kennedy marries the Greek shipping millionaire Aristotle Onassis. 6161
  6441. 1968/--/-- Kubrick "2001" 6948
  6442. 1968/--/-- May Days mini-revolution 6949
  6443. 1968/--/-- More than 500,000 U.S. troops are deployed in Vietnam. 6146
  6444. 1968/--/-- Oceanographic ship Glomar Challenger begins the Deep-Sea Drilling Project. 6164
  6445. 1968/--/-- Omar Torrijos Herrera overthrows the government of Arnulfo Arias in Panama. 6152
  6446. 1968/--/-- Pierre Trudeau succeeds Lester Pearson as prime minister of Canada. 6154
  6447. 1968/--/-- Polish filmmaker Roman Polanski directs Rosemary's Baby. 6173
  6448. 1968/--/-- Portuguese dictator Antonio de Oliveira Salazar is succeeded by Marcello Caetano. 6155
  6449. 1968/--/-- President Johnson announces he will not seek a second term of office. 6156
  6450. 1968/--/-- Presidential candidate Robert F. Kennedy is assassinated. 1616
  6451. 1968/--/-- Presidential candidate Robert F. Kennedy is assassinated. 6158
  6452. 1968/--/-- Spain grants independence to Equatorial Guinea. 6151
  6453. 1968/--/-- Spanish operatic tenor Placido Domingo debuts at the Metropolitan Opera. 6170
  6454. 1968/--/-- Spanish operatic tenor Placido Domingo debuts at the Metropolitan Opera. 7730
  6455. 1968/--/-- Student-worker revolts almost topple the goverment of Charles de Gaulle in France. 6153
  6456. 1968/--/-- The Apollo 8 spacecraft makes the first manned orbit of the Moon. 6163
  6457. 1968/--/-- The Apollo 8 spacecraft makes the first manned orbit of the Moon. 7406
  6458. 1968/--/-- The Catholic minority in Northern Ireland demonstrate for British rights. 6150
  6459. 1968/--/-- The Federal Gun Control Act regulates the interstate commerce in firearms. 6160
  6460. 1968/--/-- The Saturn rocket lifts the Apollo 7 spacecraft into low Earth orbit. 6162
  6461. 1968/--/-- The Saturn rocket lifts the Apollo 7 spacecraft into low Earth orbit. 7405
  6462. 1968/--/-- The U.S. Navy intelligence gathering ship Pueblo is seized by North Korea. 6149
  6463. 1968/--/-- The Viet Cong launch the Tet Offensive in Vietnam. 6147
  6464. 1968/--/-- U.S. troops massacre Vietnamese civilians at My Lai. 6148
  6465. 1968/--/-- Vietnam War begins 1371
  6466. 1968/--/-- Warsaw Pact forces invade Czechoslovakia to counter increasing liberalization. 6145
  6467. 1968/10/-- World Series NL ST. LOUIS (3) AL DETROIT (4) 503
  6468. 1969/--/-- A rock-music festival at Woodstock, N.Y, attracts a crowd of 500,000. 6197
  6469. 1969/--/-- A rock-music festival at Woodstock, N.Y, attracts a crowd of 500,000. 7731
  6470. 1969/--/-- American astronauts Neil Armstrong and Buzz Aldrin land on the Moon. 6192
  6471. 1969/--/-- American astronauts Neil Armstrong and Buzz Aldrin land on the Moon. 7340
  6472. 1969/--/-- American writer Kurt Vonnegut, Jr. publishes Slaughterhouse-Five. 6203
  6473. 1969/--/-- American writer Kurt Vonnegut, Jr. publishes Slaughterhouse-Five. 7341
  6474. 1969/--/-- Australian Rod Laver becomes the only tennis player to win the Grand Slam twice. 891
  6475. 1969/--/-- Australian Rod Laver becomes the only tennis player to win the Grand Slam twice. 6194
  6476. 1969/--/-- British filmmaker Ken Russell directs Glenda Jackson in Women in Love. 6199
  6477. 1969/--/-- British writer John Fowles publishes The French Lieutenant's Woman. 6202
  6478. 1969/--/-- Catholics and Protestants clash in Northern Ireland; British troops restore order. 6178
  6479. 1969/--/-- Charles Manson and his followers kill actress Sharon Tate and six of her friends. 1618
  6480. 1969/--/-- Charles Manson and his followers kill actress Sharon Tate and six of her friends. 6190
  6481. 1969/--/-- Col. Muammar al-Qaddafi seizes control in Libya; King Idris is deposed. 6181
  6482. 1969/--/-- Dustin Hoffman and Jon Voight star in John Schlesinger's film Midnight Cowboy. 6200
  6483. 1969/--/-- Edward Kennedy's female companion dies in a car accident off the Chappaquiddick bridge. 1619
  6484. 1969/--/-- Edward Kennedy's female companion dies in a car accident off the Chappaquiddick bridge. 6191
  6485. 1969/--/-- Gen. Gaafar al-Nimeiry seizes power in Sudan. 6183
  6486. 1969/--/-- General de Gaulle resigns; Georges Pompidou becomes president of France. 6185
  6487. 1969/--/-- Golda Meir becomes prime minister of Israel after the death of Levi Eshkol. 1620
  6488. 1969/--/-- Golda Meir becomes prime minister of Israel after the death of Levi Eshkol. 6186
  6489. 1969/--/-- IRA provisionals launch a terrorist campaign against British troops in Ireland. 6179
  6490. 1969/--/-- Liberal Czech leader Alexander Dubcek is replaced by Gustav Husak. 6182
  6491. 1969/--/-- Nixon is inaugurated as the 37th U.S. president; Agnew becomes vice-president. 6177
  6492. 1969/--/-- Nudity shocks audiences in Kenneth Tynan's Broadway revue Oh! Calcutta!. 6201
  6493. 1969/--/-- Paul Newman and Robert Redford star in Butch Cassidy and the Sundance Kid. 6198
  6494. 1969/--/-- President Ayub Khan is deposed by Gen. Muhammad Yahya Khan in Pakistan. 6188
  6495. 1969/--/-- President Nixon begins to withdraw U.S. forces from Vietnam. 6189
  6496. 1969/--/-- Richard M. Nixon (Republican) becomes president of the United States 316
  6497. 1969/--/-- The Anglo-French supersonic transport Concorde makes its first flight. 6193
  6498. 1969/--/-- The Children's Television Workshop series Sesame Street is first shown. 6196
  6499. 1969/--/-- The immigration of Salvadorans into Honduras leads to a brief border war. 6187
  6500. 1969/--/-- The Monty Python's Flying Circus television program premiers in Britain. 6195
  6501. 1969/--/-- Willy Brandt succeeds Kurt Kiesinger as chancellor of West Germany. 6184
  6502. 1969/--/-- Yasir Arafat becomes chairman of the Palestine Liberation Organization (PLO). 6180
  6503. 1969/10/-- World Series NL NEW YORK (4) AL BALTIMORE (1) 504
  6504. 1970/--/-- American writer Maya Angelou publishes I Know Why the Caged Bird Sings. 6232
  6505. 1970/--/-- American writer Maya Angelou publishes I Know Why the Caged Bird Sings. 7342
  6506. 1970/--/-- Australian tennis player Margaret Smith Court wins the Grand Slam. 892
  6507. 1970/--/-- Australian tennis player Margaret Smith Court wins the Grand Slam. 6223
  6508. 1970/--/-- Britain grants independence to Fiji. 6209
  6509. 1970/--/-- Bruno Kreisky succeeds Josef Klaus as chancellor of Austria. 6210
  6510. 1970/--/-- Cartoonist Garry Trudeau begins satirizing public figures and politics in Doonesbury. 6230
  6511. 1970/--/-- Civil war begins in Jordan between government forces and Palestinian guerrillas. 6207
  6512. 1970/--/-- Civil war begins in Jordan between government forces and Palestinian guerrillas. 1372
  6513. 1970/--/-- Donald Sutherland stars in Robert Altman's anti-war film M*A*S*H. 1373
  6514. 1970/--/-- Donald Sutherland stars in Robert Altman's anti-war film M*A*S*H. 6227
  6515. 1970/--/-- Edward Heath becomes Conservative prime minister of Britain. 6208
  6516. 1970/--/-- Egyptian president Gamal Abdel Nasser dies; he is succeeded by Anwar al-Sadat. 1374
  6517. 1970/--/-- Egyptian president Gamal Abdel Nasser dies; he is succeeded by Anwar al-Sadat. 1621
  6518. 1970/--/-- Egyptian president Gamal Abdel Nasser dies; he is succeeded by Anwar al-Sadat. 6211
  6519. 1970/--/-- EPA established to enforce Clean Air Act 6950
  6520. 1970/--/-- Former defense minister Hafez al-Assad seizes power in Syria. 6204
  6521. 1970/--/-- French filmmaker Eric Rohmer directs Claire's Knee. 6228
  6522. 1970/--/-- George C. Scott stars in the Academy Award winning film Patton. 6229
  6523. 1970/--/-- Marxist leader Salvadore Allende is elected president of Chile. 6212
  6524. 1970/--/-- Norman Borlaug wins the Nobel Peace Prize for breeding miracle wheat strains. 6222
  6525. 1970/--/-- Ohio national guardsmen kill four Kent State students during an anti-war protest. 1375
  6526. 1970/--/-- Ohio national guardsmen kill four Kent State students during an anti-war protest. 1622
  6527. 1970/--/-- Ohio national guardsmen kill four Kent State students during an anti-war protest. 6215
  6528. 1970/--/-- President Nixon orders an incursion into Cambodia to combat the Khmer Rouge. 6214
  6529. 1970/--/-- Riots in Poland force Wladyslaw Gomulka to resign in favor of Edward Gierek. 6206
  6530. 1970/--/-- Rock music guitarist Jimi Hendrix dies from a drug overdose. 1623
  6531. 1970/--/-- Rock music guitarist Jimi Hendrix dies from a drug overdose. 6226
  6532. 1970/--/-- Rock music guitarist Jimi Hendrix dies from a drug overdose. 7732
  6533. 1970/--/-- Sihanouk is deposed in Cambodia; Khmer Rouge seize the western provinces. 6213
  6534. 1970/--/-- Sixties energy wins smaller battles: feminism, ecology... 6951
  6535. 1970/--/-- Songwriting duo Simon and Garfunkel record Bridge Over Troubled Water. 6225
  6536. 1970/--/-- The Amtrak intercity rail passenger service is created by Act of Congress. 6217
  6537. 1970/--/-- The Apollo 13 crew return to earth after an explosion aboard their command module. 6221
  6538. 1970/--/-- The Beatles pop group is disbanded. 6224
  6539. 1970/--/-- The Boeing 747 Jumbo jet airliner enters service. 6218
  6540. 1970/--/-- The building of the Aswan High Dam is completed in Egypt. 6219
  6541. 1970/--/-- The civil war ends between Nigeria and the breakaway state of Biafra. 1376
  6542. 1970/--/-- The civil war ends between Nigeria and the breakaway state of Biafra. 6205
  6543. 1970/--/-- The Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) is established in the U.S. 6216
  6544. 1970/--/-- The Soviet space probe Venera 7 transmits the first data from the surface of Venus. 6220
  6545. 1970/--/-- The Soviet space probe Venera 7 transmits the first data from the surface of Venus. 7408
  6546. 1970/--/-- U.S. invades Cambodia 6952
  6547. 1970/--/-- Writer and feminist Germaine Greer publishes The Female Eunuch. 6231
  6548. 1970/10/-- World Series NL CINCINNATI (1) AL BALTIMORE (4) 505
  6549. 1971/--/-- Alistair Cooke begins hosting the PBS television series Masterpiece Theatre. 6250
  6550. 1971/--/-- American film actor and director Clint Eastwood stars in Dirty Harry. 6253
  6551. 1971/--/-- American film actor and director Clint Eastwood stars in Dirty Harry. 7343
  6552. 1971/--/-- Andrew Lloyd Webber's rock-opera Jesus Christ Superstar opens on Broadway. 6251
  6553. 1971/--/-- Andrew Lloyd Webber's rock-opera Jesus Christ Superstar opens on Broadway. 7733
  6554. 1971/--/-- Austrian Kurt Waldheim succeeds U Thant as UN secretary general. 6242
  6555. 1971/--/-- British actor Dirk Bogard stars in Luchino Visconti's film Death in Venice. 6252
  6556. 1971/--/-- Chilean poet Pablo Neruda wins the Nobel Prize for literature. 6254
  6557. 1971/--/-- Col. Hugo Banzer Suarez seizes power in Bolivia in a military coup. 6235
  6558. 1971/--/-- Daniel Ellsberg releases copies of the Pentagon Papers to the New York Times. 6245
  6559. 1971/--/-- East Pakistan declares its independence from West Pakistan, beginning a civil war. 6233
  6560. 1971/--/-- Erich Honecker becomes the head of state for East Germany. 6243
  6561. 1971/--/-- Ice hockey player Phil Esposito scores a record 76 goals in 78 games. 910
  6562. 1971/--/-- Ice hockey player Phil Esposito scores a record 76 goals in 78 games. 6249
  6563. 1971/--/-- Jean Claude Duvalier succeeds his father as president of Haiti. 6237
  6564. 1971/--/-- Joe Frazier defeats Muhammad Ali for the heavyweight boxing title. 6248
  6565. 1971/--/-- Lt. William Calley is found guilty of killing Vietnamese civilians at My Lai. 1624
  6566. 1971/--/-- Lt. William Calley is found guilty of killing Vietnamese civilians at My Lai. 6244
  6567. 1971/--/-- Prime minister Brian Faulkner begins the internment of IRA suspects in Northern Ireland. 6239
  6568. 1971/--/-- Prime minister Milton Obote is ousted by Idi Amin Dada in Uganda. 6241
  6569. 1971/--/-- South Vietnamese troops and U.S. aircraft combat Communist forces in Laos. 6238
  6570. 1971/--/-- Soviet "Salyut 1" space station 6953
  6571. 1971/--/-- Soyuz 11 docks with Salyut 1; three cosmonauts die during the return to earth. 6247
  6572. 1971/--/-- The Congo is renamed as the Republic of Zaire. 6236
  6573. 1971/--/-- The Lunar Rover explores the Moon's surface during the Apollo 15 mission. 6246
  6574. 1971/--/-- The Republic of China (Taiwan) loses its UN seat; Communist China is admitted. 6240
  6575. 1971/--/-- The Republic of China (Taiwan) loses its UN seat; Communist China is admitted. 7844
  6576. 1971/--/-- The support of India wins independence for East Pakistan (renamed as Bangladesh). 6234
  6577. 1971/10/-- World Series NL PITTSBURGH (4) AL BALTIMORE (3) 506
  6578. 1972/--/-- Alabama governor George Wallace is shot in an assassination attempt. 1625
  6579. 1972/--/-- Alabama governor George Wallace is shot in an assassination attempt. 6265
  6580. 1972/--/-- American B-52 aircraft bomb Hanoi and Haiphong in North Vietnam. 6256
  6581. 1972/--/-- American B-52 aircraft bomb Hanoi and Haiphong in North Vietnam. 7344
  6582. 1972/--/-- American Bobby Fischer defeats Russian world chess champion Boris Spassky. 6267
  6583. 1972/--/-- American Bobby Fischer defeats Russian world chess champion Boris Spassky. 7345
  6584. 1972/--/-- American feminist Gloria Steinem founds Ms. magazine. 6278
  6585. 1972/--/-- American feminist Gloria Steinem founds Ms. magazine. 7347
  6586. 1972/--/-- American swimmer Mark Spitz wins a record seven Olympic gold medals. 924
  6587. 1972/--/-- American swimmer Mark Spitz wins a record seven Olympic gold medals. 6272
  6588. 1972/--/-- American swimmer Mark Spitz wins a record seven Olympic gold medals. 7346
  6589. 1972/--/-- An earthquake kills 10,000 in the Nicaraguan capital of Managua. 1627
  6590. 1972/--/-- An earthquake kills 10,000 in the Nicaraguan capital of Managua. 6268
  6591. 1972/--/-- Apollo 17 makes the last manned Moon landing. 6270
  6592. 1972/--/-- Ceylon changes its name to Sri Lanka (meaning beautiful island). 6261
  6593. 1972/--/-- DDT insecticide is banned in the U.S. 6269
  6594. 1972/--/-- DDT is banned 6954
  6595. 1972/--/-- Filmmaker Francis Ford Coppola directs Marlon Brando in The Godfather. 6274
  6596. 1972/--/-- German writer Heinrich Boll receives the Nobel Prize for Literature. 6279
  6597. 1972/--/-- Japanese novelist Kawabata Yasunari commits suicide. 1626
  6598. 1972/--/-- Japanese novelist Kawabata Yasunari commits suicide. 6277
  6599. 1972/--/-- Japanese novelist Kawabata Yasunari commits suicide. 8034
  6600. 1972/--/-- Liza Minnelli stars in Bob Fosse's film Cabaret. 6275
  6601. 1972/--/-- Marlon Brando stars in Bernardo Bertolucci's film Last Tango in Paris. 6276
  6602. 1972/--/-- Mujibur Rahman becomes prime minister of Bangladesh. 6259
  6603. 1972/--/-- Palestinian terrorists kill 11 Israeli athletes at the Munich Olympics. 923
  6604. 1972/--/-- Palestinian terrorists kill 11 Israeli athletes at the Munich Olympics. 1628
  6605. 1972/--/-- Palestinian terrorists kill 11 Israeli athletes at the Munich Olympics. 6262
  6606. 1972/--/-- President Ferdinand Marcos imposes martial law in the Philippines. 6260
  6607. 1972/--/-- President Nixon authorizes the Space Shuttle program. 6271
  6608. 1972/--/-- President Nixon authorizes the Space Shuttle program. 7409
  6609. 1972/--/-- President Nixon makes his historic trip to Peking to meet Mao Tse-tung. 6263
  6610. 1972/--/-- Richard Leakey discovers a hominid skull 2.6 million years old in northern Kenya. 6266
  6611. 1972/--/-- Soviet gymnast Olga Korbut wins three Olympic gold medals. 925
  6612. 1972/--/-- Soviet gymnast Olga Korbut wins three Olympic gold medals. 6273
  6613. 1972/--/-- The British government assumes direct rule of Northern Ireland. 6258
  6614. 1972/--/-- The Labor party is elected in Australia with Gough Whitlam as prime minister. 6257
  6615. 1972/--/-- The Viet Cong and North Vietnamese renew their offensive in South Vietnam. 6255
  6616. 1972/--/-- The Watergate affair begins with the arrest of five burglars at Democratic party headquarters. 6264
  6617. 1972/10/-- World Series NL CINCINNATI (3) AL OAKLAND (4) 507
  6618. 1973/--/-- A right-wing military coup in Chile overthrows Allende's Marxist government. 6284
  6619. 1973/--/-- Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn publishes the first volume of the Gulag Archipelago. 6304
  6620. 1973/--/-- American novelist Thomas Pynchon publishes Gravity's Rainbow. 6305
  6621. 1973/--/-- American novelist Thomas Pynchon publishes Gravity's Rainbow. 7349
  6622. 1973/--/-- American playwright Thornton Wilder publishes the novel Theophilus North. 6307
  6623. 1973/--/-- American playwright Thornton Wilder publishes the novel Theophilus North. 7350
  6624. 1973/--/-- Animal behavioralists Lorenz, Tinbergen and von Frisch share the Nobel Prize. 6296
  6625. 1973/--/-- Billy Friedkin "The Exorcist" 6955
  6626. 1973/--/-- Britain grants independence to the Bahama Islands. 6286
  6627. 1973/--/-- Charles XVI Gustav succeeds Gustav VI Adolf as king of Sweden. 6287
  6628. 1973/--/-- Congress passes the Endangered Species Act. 6295
  6629. 1973/--/-- Egypt and Syria attack Israel on Yom Kippur (a Jewish religious holiday). 6282
  6630. 1973/--/-- Endangered Species Act 6956
  6631. 1973/--/-- Film actor Al Pacino stars as an undercover policeman in Serpico. 6301
  6632. 1973/--/-- Great Britain, Denmark and Ireland become full-fledged members of the EEC. 6288
  6633. 1973/--/-- Henry Kissinger and Le Duc Tho share the Nobel Peace Prize. 6293
  6634. 1973/--/-- Juan D. Peron returns to power as president of Argentina. 6285
  6635. 1973/--/-- Nixon resigns over Watergate 6957
  6636. 1973/--/-- Novelist, poet, and feminist Erica Jong publishes Fear of Flying. 6306
  6637. 1973/--/-- OPEC begins an oil embargo against Europe, the U.S. and Japan. 6289
  6638. 1973/--/-- OPEC begins an oil embargo against Europe, the U.S. and Japan. 8035
  6639. 1973/--/-- Pop recording artist Billy Joel releases his first album Piano Man. 6300
  6640. 1973/--/-- Pop recording artist Billy Joel releases his first album Piano Man. 7734
  6641. 1973/--/-- Senator Sam Ervin, Jr. heads a committee to investigate the Watergate break-in. 6291
  6642. 1973/--/-- Solzhenitsyn "Gulag Archipelago" 6958
  6643. 1973/--/-- Swedish actor Max Von Sydow stars in the supernatural film The Exorcist. 6302
  6644. 1973/--/-- The American Indian Movement occupy the site of Wounded Knee in a political protest. 6294
  6645. 1973/--/-- The American Indian Movement occupy the site of Wounded Knee in a political protest. 7348
  6646. 1973/--/-- The Arab-Israeli War ends after 18 days with a UN negotiated cease-fire. 6283
  6647. 1973/--/-- The Paris Peace Accords end the Vietnam War. 6280
  6648. 1973/--/-- The Pioneer 10 spacecraft makes a rendezvous with the planet Jupiter. 6297
  6649. 1973/--/-- The Pioneer 10 spacecraft makes a rendezvous with the planet Jupiter. 7410
  6650. 1973/--/-- The Skylab manned orbiting laboratory is launched. 6298
  6651. 1973/--/-- The U.S. begins a total military withdrawal from South Vietnam. 6281
  6652. 1973/--/-- The Washington Post receives the Pulitzer Prize for reporting the Watergate scandal. 6303
  6653. 1973/--/-- The World Trade Center in New York City becomes the tallest building in the world. 6299
  6654. 1973/--/-- Vice-President Spiro Agnew resigns after he is charged with accepting bribes. 6290
  6655. 1973/--/-- Vietnam War ends 1377
  6656. 1973/--/-- War Powers Act 6959
  6657. 1973/--/-- Watergate prosecutor Archibald Cox is dismissed for demanding the Nixon tapes. 6292
  6658. 1973/10/-- World Series NL NEW YORK (3) AL OAKLAND (4) 508
  6659. 1974/--/-- A military coup in Portugal leads to democratic reforms. 6308
  6660. 1974/--/-- American tennis player Chris Evert wins a record 56 consecutive matches. 893
  6661. 1974/--/-- American tennis player Chris Evert wins a record 56 consecutive matches. 6330
  6662. 1974/--/-- American tennis player Chris Evert wins a record 56 consecutive matches. 7351
  6663. 1974/--/-- American tennis player Jimmy Connors wins the U.S. Open tournament for the first time. 894
  6664. 1974/--/-- American tennis player Jimmy Connors wins the U.S. Open tournament for the first time. 6331
  6665. 1974/--/-- American tennis player Jimmy Connors wins the U.S. Open tournament for the first time. 7352
  6666. 1974/--/-- American writer Stephen King publishes the horror novel Carrie. 6333
  6667. 1974/--/-- American writer Stephen King publishes the horror novel Carrie. 7353
  6668. 1974/--/-- An army of life-size pottery figures is discovered in a Ch'in dynasty tomb in China. 6327
  6669. 1974/--/-- An army of life-size pottery figures is discovered in a Ch'in dynasty tomb in China. 7845
  6670. 1974/--/-- Archbishop Makarios is deposed, prompting a Turkish invasion of Cyprus. 6311
  6671. 1974/--/-- Baseball player Hank Aaron breaks Babe Ruth's record of 714 home-runs. 867
  6672. 1974/--/-- Baseball player Hank Aaron breaks Babe Ruth's record of 714 home-runs. 6329
  6673. 1974/--/-- Emperor Haile Selassie is deposed in a military coup in Ethiopia. 6317
  6674. 1974/--/-- Former astronaut John Glenn is elected to the U.S. Senate. 6322
  6675. 1974/--/-- General Augusto Pinochet Ugarte becomes president of Chile. 6310
  6676. 1974/--/-- Gerald R. Ford (Republican) becomes president of the United States 317
  6677. 1974/--/-- Helmut Schmidt becomes chancellor of West Germany. 6315
  6678. 1974/--/-- Isabel Peron becomes president of Argentina after the death of her husband. 1629
  6679. 1974/--/-- Isabel Peron becomes president of Argentina after the death of her husband. 6319
  6680. 1974/--/-- James Michener publishes Centennial, a historical novel of the American West. 6334
  6681. 1974/--/-- James Michener publishes Centennial, a historical novel of the American West. 7354
  6682. 1974/--/-- Konstantinos G. Karamanlis becomes prime minister of Greece. 6313
  6683. 1974/--/-- Patricia Hearst is abducted by members of the Symbionese Liberation Army (SLA). 6324
  6684. 1974/--/-- Portugal recognizes the independence of Guinea-Bissau. 6309
  6685. 1974/--/-- President Ford grants Richard Nixon a pardon for any crimes committed in office. 6323
  6686. 1974/--/-- President Giscard d'Estaing appoints Jacques Chirac prime minister of France. 6316
  6687. 1974/--/-- President Nixon resigns; Gerald R. Ford is inaugurated as the 38th U.S. president. 6321
  6688. 1974/--/-- Reiner Werner Fassbinder "Ali-- Fear Eats the Soul" 6960
  6689. 1974/--/-- South African golfer Gary Player achieves the Grand Slam. 6328
  6690. 1974/--/-- South African golfer Gary Player achieves the Grand Slam. 7932
  6691. 1974/--/-- Soviet ballet dancer Mikhail Baryshnikov defects to the West. 6332
  6692. 1974/--/-- The crisis on Cyprus causes the collapse of the military regime in Greece. 6312
  6693. 1974/--/-- The House Judiciary Committee votes to impeach President Nixon. 6320
  6694. 1974/--/-- The Mariner 10 spacecraft passes within 438 miles of the planet Mercury. 6325
  6695. 1974/--/-- The Mariner 10 spacecraft passes within 438 miles of the planet Mercury. 7411
  6696. 1974/--/-- The Sears Tower in Chicago surpasses the World Trade Center as the tallest building. 6326
  6697. 1974/--/-- Willy Brandt is forced to resign after an East German spy is discovered on his staff. 6314
  6698. 1974/--/-- Yitzhak Rabin succeeds Golda Meir as prime minister of Israel. 6318
  6699. 1974/10/-- World Series NL LOS ANGELES (1) AL OAKLAND (4) 509
  6700. 1975/--/-- American novelist Saul Bellow publishes Humboldt's Gift. 6367
  6701. 1975/--/-- American novelist Saul Bellow publishes Humboldt's Gift. 7355
  6702. 1975/--/-- American writer E.L. Doctorow publishes Ragtime. 6368
  6703. 1975/--/-- American writer E.L. Doctorow publishes Ragtime. 7356
  6704. 1975/--/-- Bobby Fischer refuses to defend his chess title; Anatoly Karpov is made champion. 6362
  6705. 1975/--/-- Brazilian soccer star Pele ends his retirement to play for the New York Cosmos. 905
  6706. 1975/--/-- Brazilian soccer star Pele ends his retirement to play for the New York Cosmos. 6359
  6707. 1975/--/-- Civil war breaks out after the Portuguese withdraw from Angola. 1378
  6708. 1975/--/-- Civil war breaks out after the Portuguese withdraw from Angola. 6347
  6709. 1975/--/-- Civil war breaks out in Lebanon between Muslim and Christian forces. 1379
  6710. 1975/--/-- Civil war breaks out in Lebanon between Muslim and Christian forces. 6349
  6711. 1975/--/-- Communist Pathet Lao declare Laos the People's Democratic Republic. 6340
  6712. 1975/--/-- Cyprus is partitioned into Greek and Turkish zones. 6341
  6713. 1975/--/-- Czech tennis star Martina Navratilova defects to the U.S. 895
  6714. 1975/--/-- Czech tennis star Martina Navratilova defects to the U.S. 6361
  6715. 1975/--/-- Dutch Guiana gains its independence as the Republic of Suriname. 6351
  6716. 1975/--/-- Eritrean rebels begin their fight for independence in Ethiopia. 6348
  6717. 1975/--/-- Football player O.J. Simpson scores a record 23 touchdowns in one season. 878
  6718. 1975/--/-- Football player O.J. Simpson scores a record 23 touchdowns in one season. 6360
  6719. 1975/--/-- Gen. Yakubu Gowon is deposed in a military coup in Nigeria. 6345
  6720. 1975/--/-- Juan Carlos I becomes king of Spain after the death of General Francisco Franco. 1631
  6721. 1975/--/-- Juan Carlos I becomes king of Spain after the death of General Francisco Franco. 6355
  6722. 1975/--/-- Michael Bennett directs and choreographs the Broadway musical A Chorus Line. 6366
  6723. 1975/--/-- Michael Bennett directs and choreographs the Broadway musical A Chorus Line. 7735
  6724. 1975/--/-- Mozambique wins independence from Portugal; Samora Machel becomes the president. 6343
  6725. 1975/--/-- North Vietnamese forces overrun Saigon, which is renamed as Ho Chi Minh City. 6335
  6726. 1975/--/-- Papua New Guinea becomes independent from Australian administration. 6352
  6727. 1975/--/-- President Mujibur Rahman is killed in a military coup in Bangladesh. 1632
  6728. 1975/--/-- President Mujibur Rahman is killed in a military coup in Bangladesh. 6342
  6729. 1975/--/-- President N'Garta Tombalbaye of Chad is killed in a coup d'etat. 1633
  6730. 1975/--/-- President N'Garta Tombalbaye of Chad is killed in a coup d'etat. 6344
  6731. 1975/--/-- Prime Minister Pol Pot begins a reign of terror in Kampuchea. 6338
  6732. 1975/--/-- Robert MacNeil and Jim Lehrer begin the PBS MacNeil/Lehrer news analysis program. 6363
  6733. 1975/--/-- Saudi King Faisal is assassinated; he is succeeded by his brother Khalid. 1630
  6734. 1975/--/-- Saudi King Faisal is assassinated; he is succeeded by his brother Khalid. 6346
  6735. 1975/--/-- Singer-songwriter Bruce Springsteen releases the rock album Born to Run. 6364
  6736. 1975/--/-- South Vietnam capitulates; a mass exodus of Boat People begins. 6336
  6737. 1975/--/-- South Vietnam surrenders to North Vietnam 6961
  6738. 1975/--/-- Soviet dissident Andrei Sakharov wins the Nobel Peace Prize. 6358
  6739. 1975/--/-- Steven Spielberg's film Jaws sets new box-office records. 6365
  6740. 1975/--/-- Taiwanese leader Chiang Kai-shek dies; he is succeeded by Chiang Ching-kuo. 1634
  6741. 1975/--/-- Taiwanese leader Chiang Kai-shek dies; he is succeeded by Chiang Ching-kuo. 6356
  6742. 1975/--/-- The Helsinki accords pledge the signatory nations to respect human rights. 6353
  6743. 1975/--/-- The Khmer Rouge win control of Cambodia and rename the country Kampuchea. 6337
  6744. 1975/--/-- The Republic of Comoros declares its independence from France. 6350
  6745. 1975/--/-- The Suez Canal reopens after being closed to shipping for eight years. 6354
  6746. 1975/--/-- U.S. astronauts and Soviet cosmonauts linkup during the Apollo-Soyuz mission. 6357
  6747. 1975/--/-- U.S. Marines recapture the U.S. freighter Mayaguez from Kampuchean forces. 6339
  6748. 1975/10/-- World Series NL CINCINNATI (4) AL BOSTON (3) 510
  6749. 1976/--/-- A severe earthquake in China kills over 600,000. 1635
  6750. 1976/--/-- A severe earthquake in China kills over 600,000. 6380
  6751. 1976/--/-- A severe earthquake in China kills over 600,000. 7846
  6752. 1976/--/-- Actor Jack Nicholson wins the Academy Award for One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest. 6389
  6753. 1976/--/-- Artist Christo completes Running Fence, a curtain spanning 24 miles of countryside. 6386
  6754. 1976/--/-- Artist Christo completes Running Fence, a curtain spanning 24 miles of countryside. 7736
  6755. 1976/--/-- Black American writer Alex Haley publishes Roots: The Saga of an American Family. 6392
  6756. 1976/--/-- Black American writer Alex Haley publishes Roots: The Saga of an American Family. 7357
  6757. 1976/--/-- Black student protestors are massacred at Soweto in South Africa. 6369
  6758. 1976/--/-- Black student protestors are massacred at Soweto in South Africa. 7933
  6759. 1976/--/-- Chinese leaders Chou En-lai and Mao Tse-tung die; Hua Kuo-feng assumes power. 6376
  6760. 1976/--/-- Chinese leaders Chou En-lai and Mao Tse-tung die; Hua Kuo-feng assumes power. 7847
  6761. 1976/--/-- Finnish runner Lasse Viren wins the Olympic 5,000- and 10,000-m races for the second time. 927
  6762. 1976/--/-- Finnish runner Lasse Viren wins the Olympic 5,000- and 10,000-m races for the second time. 6385
  6763. 1976/--/-- Isabel Peron is deposed; Jorge Rafael Videla becomes president of Argentina. 6375
  6764. 1976/--/-- Israeli commandos rescue hijacked airplane passengers at Entebbe, Uganda. 6379
  6765. 1976/--/-- James Callaghan succeeds Harold Wilson as prime minister of Britain. 6374
  6766. 1976/--/-- Jim Henson's Muppet Show debuts on television. 6387
  6767. 1976/--/-- Jose Lopez Portillo y Pacheco is elected president of Mexico. 6378
  6768. 1976/--/-- Mario Soares is elected prime minister of Portugal for the first time. 6373
  6769. 1976/--/-- Robert De Niro stars in Martin Scorcese's film Taxi Driver. 6390
  6770. 1976/--/-- Romanian gymnast Nadia Comaneci wins three gold medals at the Montreal Olympics. 926
  6771. 1976/--/-- Romanian gymnast Nadia Comaneci wins three gold medals at the Montreal Olympics. 6384
  6772. 1976/--/-- Separatist leader Rene Levesque becomes premier of Quebec. 6372
  6773. 1976/--/-- Suarez Gonzalez becomes prime minister of Spain after the first election in 41 years. 6393
  6774. 1976/--/-- Swedish tennis star Bjorn Borg wins the first of five Wimbledon championships. 896
  6775. 1976/--/-- Swedish tennis star Bjorn Borg wins the first of five Wimbledon championships. 6383
  6776. 1976/--/-- Sylvester Stallone's film Rocky wins the Academy Award as best picture. 6391
  6777. 1976/--/-- The first outbreak of Legionnaires' disease occurs in Philadelphia. 6382
  6778. 1976/--/-- The pro-Soviet MPLA government seizes power in Angola aided by Cuban troops. 6370
  6779. 1976/--/-- The Sex Pistols punk rock group is formed in England. 1253
  6780. 1976/--/-- The Sex Pistols punk rock group is formed in England. 6388
  6781. 1976/--/-- The South African homeland of Transkei becomes independent. 6377
  6782. 1976/--/-- The South African homeland of Transkei becomes independent. 7934
  6783. 1976/--/-- The U.S. celebrates its Bicentennial. 6371
  6784. 1976/--/-- U.S. Viking spacecraft land on Mars. 6381
  6785. 1976/--/-- U.S. Viking spacecraft land on Mars. 7412
  6786. 1976/--/-- Viking 1 & 2 land on Mars 6962
  6787. 1976/10/-- World Series NL CINCINNATI (4) AL NEW YORK (0) 511
  6788. 1977/--/-- American golfer Tom Watson wins the Masters and British Open tournaments. 6405
  6789. 1977/--/-- American golfer Tom Watson wins the Masters and British Open tournaments. 7358
  6790. 1977/--/-- American hurdler Edwin Moses begins a winning streak of 90 consecutive races. 6407
  6791. 1977/--/-- American hurdler Edwin Moses begins a winning streak of 90 consecutive races. 7360
  6792. 1977/--/-- American poet and novelist Wendell Berry, publishes The Unsettling of America. 6412
  6793. 1977/--/-- American poet and novelist Wendell Berry, publishes The Unsettling of America. 7361
  6794. 1977/--/-- Black politician Andrew Young is appointed as U.S. ambassador to the UN. 6395
  6795. 1977/--/-- Carter is inaugurated as the 39th U.S. president; Mondale becomes vice-presicent. 6394
  6796. 1977/--/-- Comedian and filmmaker Woody Allen directs Diane Keaton in Annie Hall. 6410
  6797. 1977/--/-- Edward (Ed) Koch becomes mayor of New York City for the first time. 6396
  6798. 1977/--/-- General Zia ul-Haq deposes prime minister Zulfikar Ali Bhutto in Pakistan. 6398
  6799. 1977/--/-- George Lucas "Star Wars" 6963
  6800. 1977/--/-- George Lucas directs the first Star Wars space fantasy film. 6409
  6801. 1977/--/-- George Lucas directs the first Star Wars space fantasy film. 7413
  6802. 1977/--/-- James E. Carter, Jr. (Democrat) becomes president of the United States 318
  6803. 1977/--/-- Jean Bedel Bokassa is crowned Emperor Bokassa I of the Central African Empire. 6401
  6804. 1977/--/-- Jean Bedel Bokassa is crowned Emperor Bokassa I of the Central African Empire. 7935
  6805. 1977/--/-- John Travolta stars in the disco film Saturday Night Fever. 6411
  6806. 1977/--/-- Menachem Begin succeeds Yitzhak Rabin as prime minister of Israel. 6397
  6807. 1977/--/-- Morarji Randchhadji Desai succeeds Indira Gandhi as prime minister of India. 6399
  6808. 1977/--/-- Rock 'n roll performer Elvis Presley dies. 1636
  6809. 1977/--/-- Rock 'n roll performer Elvis Presley dies. 6408
  6810. 1977/--/-- Seveteen-year old American jockey Steve Cauthen rides a record 487 winners. 6406
  6811. 1977/--/-- Seveteen-year old American jockey Steve Cauthen rides a record 487 winners. 7359
  6812. 1977/--/-- South Africa grants independence to the African homeland of Bophuthatswana. 6403
  6813. 1977/--/-- South Africa grants independence to the African homeland of Bophuthatswana. 7936
  6814. 1977/--/-- The Fianna Fail party returns to power under John Lynch in the Republic of Ireland. 6402
  6815. 1977/--/-- The first Apple II personal computer is marketed in the U.S. 6404
  6816. 1977/--/-- The French Territory of the Afars and the Issas becomes independent as Djibouti. 6400
  6817. 1977/10/-- World Series NL LOS ANGELES (2) AL NEW YORK (4) 512
  6818. 1978/--/-- Afghanistan president Mohammad Daud Khan is killed in a Marxist coup. 1640
  6819. 1978/--/-- Afghanistan president Mohammad Daud Khan is killed in a Marxist coup. 6416
  6820. 1978/--/-- American auto racer Mario Andretti wins the Formula One Grand Prix championship. 6427
  6821. 1978/--/-- American auto racer Mario Andretti wins the Formula One Grand Prix championship. 7363
  6822. 1978/--/-- American golfer Nancy Lopez wins a record five straight tournaments. 6426
  6823. 1978/--/-- American golfer Nancy Lopez wins a record five straight tournaments. 7362
  6824. 1978/--/-- American writer John Irving publishes The World According to Garp. 6430
  6825. 1978/--/-- American writer John Irving publishes The World According to Garp. 7364
  6826. 1978/--/-- Antonio Guzman becomes president of the Dominican Republic. 6418
  6827. 1978/--/-- Boxer Larry Holmes defeats Ken Norton for the heavyweight championship. 6428
  6828. 1978/--/-- Britain grants independence to Tuvalu, Dominica, and the Solomon Islands. 6415
  6829. 1978/--/-- Italian politician Aldo Moro is kidnapped and murdered by Red Brigade terrorists. 1637
  6830. 1978/--/-- Italian politician Aldo Moro is kidnapped and murdered by Red Brigade terrorists. 6420
  6831. 1978/--/-- Jerry Falwell founds the Moral Majority 6964
  6832. 1978/--/-- Michael Cimino directs the controversial Vietnam War film The Deer Hunter. 6429
  6833. 1978/--/-- More than 900 members of a religious cult commit suicide at Jonestown, Guyana. 1638
  6834. 1978/--/-- More than 900 members of a religious cult commit suicide at Jonestown, Guyana. 6424
  6835. 1978/--/-- personal computer 6965
  6836. 1978/--/-- Pieter Willem Botha becomes prime minister of South Africa. 6417
  6837. 1978/--/-- Pieter Willem Botha becomes prime minister of South Africa. 7937
  6838. 1978/--/-- Pope John Paul II becomes the first non-Italian Pope in more than 500 years. 6421
  6839. 1978/--/-- President Carter oversees the Camp David peace accords between Egypt and Israel. 6413
  6840. 1978/--/-- Punk Rock 6966
  6841. 1978/--/-- The balloon Double Eagle II completes the first Atlantic crossing. 6423
  6842. 1978/--/-- The first human test-tube baby is born in England. 1254
  6843. 1978/--/-- The first human test-tube baby is born in England. 6422
  6844. 1978/--/-- The murder of opposition leader Pedro Joaquin Chamorro sparks uprisings in Nicaragua. 1639
  6845. 1978/--/-- The murder of opposition leader Pedro Joaquin Chamorro sparks uprisings in Nicaragua. 6419
  6846. 1978/--/-- The Pompidou Center art museum (the Beaubourg) is opened in Paris. 6425
  6847. 1978/--/-- The United States and Panama renew the Panama Canal treaties. 6414
  6848. 1978/--/-- Yiddish-language writer Isaac Bashevis Singer wins the Nobel Prize for literature. 6431
  6849. 1978/10/-- World Series NL LOS ANGELES (2) AL NEW YORK (4) 513
  6850. 1979/--/-- Abel Muzorewa becomes the first black prime minister of Rhodesia (Zimbabwe). 6444
  6851. 1979/--/-- Algerian president Houari Boumedienne dies; he is succeeded by Chadli Benjedid. 1643
  6852. 1979/--/-- Algerian president Houari Boumedienne dies; he is succeeded by Chadli Benjedid. 6438
  6853. 1979/--/-- American novelist William Styron publishes Sophie's Choice. 6465
  6854. 1979/--/-- American novelist William Styron publishes Sophie's Choice. 7367
  6855. 1979/--/-- American tennis player John McEnroe wins his first U.S. Open championship. 898
  6856. 1979/--/-- American tennis player John McEnroe wins his first U.S. Open championship. 6460
  6857. 1979/--/-- American tennis player John McEnroe wins his first U.S. Open championship. 7366
  6858. 1979/--/-- American tennis player Tracy Austin wins the U.S. Open championship at age 16. 897
  6859. 1979/--/-- American tennis player Tracy Austin wins the U.S. Open championship at age 16. 6459
  6860. 1979/--/-- American tennis player Tracy Austin wins the U.S. Open championship at age 16. 7365
  6861. 1979/--/-- An accident at the Three Mile Island nuclear power plant causes a near-disaster. 6452
  6862. 1979/--/-- Andrew Lloyd Webber's musical Evita opens on Broadway. 6463
  6863. 1979/--/-- Andrew Lloyd Webber's musical Evita opens on Broadway. 7737
  6864. 1979/--/-- British runner Sebastian Coe sets world records at 800 m, 1,500 m, and the mile. 6462
  6865. 1979/--/-- Charles Haughey succeeds John Lynch as president of the Republic of Ireland. 6440
  6866. 1979/--/-- Dutch soccer star Johan Cruyff plays for the L.A. Aztecs. 906
  6867. 1979/--/-- Dutch soccer star Johan Cruyff plays for the L.A. Aztecs. 6458
  6868. 1979/--/-- Ex-prime minister Zulfikar Ali Bhutto is executed in Pakistan. 6439
  6869. 1979/--/-- Francis Ford Coppola directs the Vietnam War film Apocalypse Now. 6464
  6870. 1979/--/-- Gen. Saddam Hussein succeeds Gen. al-Bakr as president of Iraq. 6437
  6871. 1979/--/-- IRA terrorists assassinate Lord Mountbatten in Ireland. 1641
  6872. 1979/--/-- IRA terrorists assassinate Lord Mountbatten in Ireland. 6450
  6873. 1979/--/-- Islamic fundamentalist Ayatollah Ruhollah Khomeini returns to Iran. 6432
  6874. 1979/--/-- Jean Bedel Bokassa is deposed in the Central African Republic. 6436
  6875. 1979/--/-- Jean Bedel Bokassa is deposed in the Central African Republic. 7938
  6876. 1979/--/-- Jose Eduardo dos Santos succeeds Agostinho Neto as president of Angola. 6435
  6877. 1979/--/-- Margaret Thatcher becomes Britain's first woman prime minister. 6441
  6878. 1979/--/-- Morocco annexes Western Sahara; the Polisario Front fight for independence. 6447
  6879. 1979/--/-- Mother Teresa of Calcutta is awarded the Nobel Peace Prize. 6453
  6880. 1979/--/-- Pioneer 11 spacecraft makes a rendezvous with the planet Saturn. 6454
  6881. 1979/--/-- Pioneer 11 spacecraft makes a rendezvous with the planet Saturn. 7414
  6882. 1979/--/-- Quarterback Roger Staubach leads NFL passing, completing 267 out of 461 passes. 6461
  6883. 1979/--/-- Revolution in Iran; Americans held hostage 6967
  6884. 1979/--/-- Shehu Shagari becomes president of Nigeria. 6443
  6885. 1979/--/-- Sixty-six U.S. embassy employees are taken hostage by Iranian students in Tehran. 6451
  6886. 1979/--/-- South Korean president Park Chung Hee is assassinated. 1642
  6887. 1979/--/-- South Korean president Park Chung Hee is assassinated. 6446
  6888. 1979/--/-- Soviet troops occupy Afghanistan in support of Babrak Karmal's Marxist regime. 6448
  6889. 1979/--/-- Soviets lose war in Afganistan 6968
  6890. 1979/--/-- Tanzanians and Ugandan exiles invade Uganda; dictator Idi Amin Dada flees. 6442
  6891. 1979/--/-- The first case of AIDS (Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome) is reported. 6457
  6892. 1979/--/-- The Gossamer Albatross flies across the English Channel under human-power. 1255
  6893. 1979/--/-- The Gossamer Albatross flies across the English Channel under human-power. 6456
  6894. 1979/--/-- The Mujaheddin begin a guerrilla war against the Soviet forces in Afghanistan. 1380
  6895. 1979/--/-- The Mujaheddin begin a guerrilla war against the Soviet forces in Afghanistan. 6449
  6896. 1979/--/-- The Sandinistas seize control in Nicaragua. 6434
  6897. 1979/--/-- The Shah of Iran flees the country; Iran is proclaimed an Islamic republic. 6433
  6898. 1979/--/-- Vietnamese forces invade Kampuchea and overthrow the Pol Pot government. 6445
  6899. 1979/--/-- Voyager 1 and 2 spacecraft rendezvous with the planet Jupiter. 6455
  6900. 1979/--/-- Voyager 1 and 2 spacecraft rendezvous with the planet Jupiter. 7415
  6901. 1979/10/-- World Series NL PITTSBURGH (4) AL BALTIMORE (3) 514
  6902. 1980/--/-- "War on Drugs" jails 1/5 of young black men 6969
  6903. 1980/--/-- An earthquake in Algeria kills 20,000. 1645
  6904. 1980/--/-- An earthquake in Algeria kills 20,000. 6483
  6905. 1980/--/-- Border disputes erupt into the Gulf war between Iran and Iraq. 1381
  6906. 1980/--/-- Border disputes erupt into the Gulf war between Iran and Iraq. 6466
  6907. 1980/--/-- Boxer Sugar Ray Leonard regains the world welterweight title from Roberto Duran. 6485
  6908. 1980/--/-- British writer D.M. Thomas publishes The White Hotel. 6491
  6909. 1980/--/-- CD, VCR, & cable become common 6970
  6910. 1980/--/-- Chun Doo Hwan becomes president of South Korea. 6473
  6911. 1980/--/-- Ex-Beatle John Lennon is fatally shot outside his Manhattan apartment. 6482
  6912. 1980/--/-- Ex-Nicaraguan president Anastasio Somoza Debayle is assassinated. 1644
  6913. 1980/--/-- Ex-Nicaraguan president Anastasio Somoza Debayle is assassinated. 6470
  6914. 1980/--/-- Gen. Kenan Evren leads a military coup in Turkey. 6471
  6915. 1980/--/-- Hollywood remakes B-movies and comix 6971
  6916. 1980/--/-- Jose Napoleon Duarte becomes president of El Salvador; the guerilla war continues. 1382
  6917. 1980/--/-- Jose Napoleon Duarte becomes president of El Salvador; the guerilla war continues. 6474
  6918. 1980/--/-- Lech Walesa heads Solidarity, the first union movement in a communist country. 6478
  6919. 1980/--/-- Liberian president William R. Tolbert is killed in a military coup led by Samuel Doe. 1646
  6920. 1980/--/-- Liberian president William R. Tolbert is killed in a military coup led by Samuel Doe. 6472
  6921. 1980/--/-- Love Canal, a chemically contaminated area in N.Y., is declared a disaster area. 6476
  6922. 1980/--/-- Meryl Streep and Dustin Hoffman star in the film Kramer v. Kramer. 6489
  6923. 1980/--/-- Milton Obote is reelected as president of Uganda. 6468
  6924. 1980/--/-- Mount St. Helens erupts in Washington state killing eight people. 1647
  6925. 1980/--/-- Mount St. Helens erupts in Washington state killing eight people. 6484
  6926. 1980/--/-- Peter Shaffer's play Amadeus is produced. 6488
  6927. 1980/--/-- Rhodesia is renamed Zimbabwe; Robert Mugabe becomes prime minister. 6467
  6928. 1980/--/-- Robert Redford directs the Academy Award winning film Ordinary People. 6490
  6929. 1980/--/-- Solidarity in Poland 6972
  6930. 1980/--/-- Ted Turner begins the Cable News Network, offering round-the-clock news. 6487
  6931. 1980/--/-- The American television soap opera Dallas is first broadcast. 6486
  6932. 1980/--/-- The American television soap opera Dallas is first broadcast. 7368
  6933. 1980/--/-- The American television soap opera Dallas is first broadcast. 7738
  6934. 1980/--/-- The Castro regime deports more than 120,000 Cubans to Florida. 6477
  6935. 1980/--/-- The FBI's ABSCAM investigation convicts seven members of the U.S. Congress. 6475
  6936. 1980/--/-- The New Hebrides become independent from Britain and France as Vanuatu. 6479
  6937. 1980/--/-- The U.S. boycotts the Moscow Olympics to protest the invasion of Afghanistan. 928
  6938. 1980/--/-- The U.S. boycotts the Moscow Olympics to protest the invasion of Afghanistan. 6480
  6939. 1980/--/-- The U.S. makes an unsuccessful attempt to rescue the Iranian hostages. 6469
  6940. 1980/--/-- The Voyager 1 spacecraft makes a rendezvous with the planet Saturn. 6481
  6941. 1980/--/-- The Voyager 1 spacecraft makes a rendezvous with the planet Saturn. 7416
  6942. 1980/01/20 President Carter announces that U.S. athletes will not attend Summer Olympics in Moscow unless Soviet Union withdraws from Afghanistan. 9348
  6943. 1980/02/02 FBI's undercover bribery investigation, code named Abscam, implicates a U.S. senator, seven members of the House, and 31 other public officials. 9349
  6944. 1980/04/25 920-U.S. mission to rescue hostages in Iran is aborted after a helicopter and cargo plane collide at the staging site in a remote part of Iran and 8 serviceme 9350
  6945. 1980/04/25 921-are killed. 9351
  6946. 1980/10/-- World Series NL PHILADELPHIA (4) AL KANSAS CITY (2) 515
  6947. 1981/--/-- Andreas Panpandreou becomes prime minister of Greece. 6497
  6948. 1981/--/-- Anwar al-Sadat is killed; Hosni Mubarak becomes president of Egypt. 1383
  6949. 1981/--/-- Anwar al-Sadat is killed; Hosni Mubarak becomes president of Egypt. 1648
  6950. 1981/--/-- Anwar al-Sadat is killed; Hosni Mubarak becomes president of Egypt. 6503
  6951. 1981/--/-- Argentinian president Roberto Viola is ousted from power by General Galtieri. 6505
  6952. 1981/--/-- Black American novelist Toni Morrison publishes Tar Baby. 6516
  6953. 1981/--/-- Black American novelist Toni Morrison publishes Tar Baby. 7369
  6954. 1981/--/-- Britain grants independence to Belize. 6494
  6955. 1981/--/-- Burt Lancaster stars in Louis Malle's film Atlantic City. 6512
  6956. 1981/--/-- Dan Rather replaces Walter Cronkite as anchorman for the CBS Evening News. 6514
  6957. 1981/--/-- Filmmaker Steven Spielberg directs Raiders of the Lost Ark. 6513
  6958. 1981/--/-- Francois Mitterand succeeds Valery Giscard d'Estaing as president of France. 6500
  6959. 1981/--/-- Garret FitzGerald becomes prime minister of Ireland. 6498
  6960. 1981/--/-- Gen. Jaruzelski declares martial law in Poland; Solidarity leaders are arrested. 6499
  6961. 1981/--/-- Henry Fonda, Katharine Hepburn and Jane Fonda star in the film On Golden Pond. 6511
  6962. 1981/--/-- Hu Yao-bang becomes head of the Chinese Communist party. 6495
  6963. 1981/--/-- Hu Yao-bang becomes head of the Chinese Communist party. 7848
  6964. 1981/--/-- Indian-born author Salman Rushdie publishes Midnight's Children. 6515
  6965. 1981/--/-- Jeane Kirkpatrick becomes U.S. ambassador to the United Nations. 6507
  6966. 1981/--/-- Jerry Rawlings leads a military coup in Ghana. 6504
  6967. 1981/--/-- John Hinckley, Jr. shoots and seriously wounds President Reagan. 6501
  6968. 1981/--/-- Pope John Paul II is shot and wounded by a Turkish gunman. 6502
  6969. 1981/--/-- Reagan is inaugurated as the 40th U.S. president; Bush becomes vice-president. 6492
  6970. 1981/--/-- Ronald W. Reagan (Republican) becomes president of the United States 319
  6971. 1981/--/-- Sandra Day O'Connor is appointed the first woman U.S. Supreme Court justice. 6506
  6972. 1981/--/-- Ten IRA prisoners starve themselves to death as a political protest. 1649
  6973. 1981/--/-- Ten IRA prisoners starve themselves to death as a political protest. 6496
  6974. 1981/--/-- The first 24-hour music video channel MTV (Music Television) is launched in the U.S. 6510
  6975. 1981/--/-- The first 24-hour music video channel MTV (Music Television) is launched in the U.S. 7739
  6976. 1981/--/-- The first Space Shuttle is launched, crewed by John Young and Robert Crippen. 6509
  6977. 1981/--/-- The first Space Shuttle is launched, crewed by John Young and Robert Crippen. 7417
  6978. 1981/--/-- The Prince of Wales marries Lady Diana Spencer in Britain. 6508
  6979. 1981/--/-- The U.S. hostages in Iran are released. 6493
  6980. 1981/01/02 U.S. hostages held in Iran are released after 444 days in captivity. 9352
  6981. 1981/03/30 President Reagan is shot in the chest by John Hinckley, Jr. 9353
  6982. 1981/09/25 Sandra Day O'Connor is sworn in as the first woman Supreme Court justice. 9354
  6983. 1981/10/-- World Series NL LOS ANGELES (4) AL NEW YORK (2) 516
  6984. 1982/--/-- Alvaro Alfredo Magana becomes president of El Salvador. 6525
  6985. 1982/--/-- American writer Paul Theroux publishes The Mosquito Coast. 6538
  6986. 1982/--/-- American writer Paul Theroux publishes The Mosquito Coast. 7370
  6987. 1982/--/-- Amin Gemayel becomes the president of Lebanon after his brother Bashir is killed. 1650
  6988. 1982/--/-- Amin Gemayel becomes the president of Lebanon after his brother Bashir is killed. 6519
  6989. 1982/--/-- Argentina invades the Falkland Islands; Britain and Argentina are at war. 6517
  6990. 1982/--/-- Black American writer Alice Walker publishes The Color Purple. 6539
  6991. 1982/--/-- Black American writer Alice Walker publishes The Color Purple. 7371
  6992. 1982/--/-- British troops recapture the Falkland Islands from Argentina. 6523
  6993. 1982/--/-- Dustin Hoffman stars in Sydney Pollack's film Tootsie. 6536
  6994. 1982/--/-- Felipe Gonzalez Marquez becomes prime minister of Spain. 6522
  6995. 1982/--/-- Filmmaker Steven Spielberg directs E.T. The Extra-Terrestrial. 6535
  6996. 1982/--/-- Gen. Hussain Muhammad Ershad seizes control of Bangladesh in a bloodless coup. 6521
  6997. 1982/--/-- Javier Perez de Cuellar succeeds Kurt Waldheim as secretary-general of the UN. 6528
  6998. 1982/--/-- Pop-soul composer Quincy Jones wins 5 Grammy Awards. 6532
  6999. 1982/--/-- Pop singer Michael Jackson records the all-time best-selling album Thriller. 6533
  7000. 1982/--/-- Princess Grace of Monaco dies in a car accident. 1651
  7001. 1982/--/-- Princess Grace of Monaco dies in a car accident. 6526
  7002. 1982/--/-- Richard Attenborough directs the Academy Award winning film Gandhi. 6537
  7003. 1982/--/-- Soviet leader Leonid Brezhnev dies; he is succeeded by Yuri Andropov. 1652
  7004. 1982/--/-- Soviet leader Leonid Brezhnev dies; he is succeeded by Yuri Andropov. 6524
  7005. 1982/--/-- Sylvester Stallone stars in the first Rambo film First Blood. 6534
  7006. 1982/--/-- The Equal Rights Amendment (ERA) fails to win ratification in the U.S. 6527
  7007. 1982/--/-- The Israeli army invades the Lebanon and drives the PLO guerrillas out of Beirut. 6518
  7008. 1982/--/-- The UN maintains a peace between Christian and Muslim militia in Lebanon. 6520
  7009. 1982/--/-- The Voyager 2 spacecraft transmits pictures to the U.S. of the planet Saturn. 6529
  7010. 1982/--/-- The Voyager 2 spacecraft transmits pictures to the U.S. of the planet Saturn. 7418
  7011. 1982/--/-- Two satellites are deployed during the first operational Space Shuttle mission. 6530
  7012. 1982/--/-- Two satellites are deployed during the first operational Space Shuttle mission. 7419
  7013. 1982/--/-- Two satellites are deployed during the first operational Space Shuttle mission. 7740
  7014. 1982/--/-- USA Today, the first daily newspaper aimed at readers throughout the U.S., is launched. 6531
  7015. 1982/06/30 Deadline for ratification of the Equal Rights Amendment to the Constitution passes without the necessary votes. 9355
  7016. 1982/10/-- World Series NL ST. LOUIS (4) AL MILWAUKEE (3) 517
  7017. 1983/--/-- American runner Joan Benoit sets a world record in the Boston Marathon. 6562
  7018. 1983/--/-- American runner Joan Benoit sets a world record in the Boston Marathon. 7375
  7019. 1983/--/-- American writer William Kennedy publishes Ironweed. 6564
  7020. 1983/--/-- American writer William Kennedy publishes Ironweed. 7376
  7021. 1983/--/-- American zoologist Dian Fossey publishes her book Gorillas in the Mist. 6560
  7022. 1983/--/-- American zoologist Dian Fossey publishes her book Gorillas in the Mist. 7373
  7023. 1983/--/-- An EPA report projects the irreversible onset of the greenhouse effect. 6559
  7024. 1983/--/-- An Infrared Astronomical Satellite is launched to probe deep into the Milky Way. 6557
  7025. 1983/--/-- Australia II becomes the first non-American yacht to win the America's Cup. 6561
  7026. 1983/--/-- Australia II becomes the first non-American yacht to win the America's Cup. 7374
  7027. 1983/--/-- Benedetto Bettino Craxi becomes the socialist prime minister of Italy. 6543
  7028. 1983/--/-- Car bombs destroy the U.S. Embassy and U.S. Marine headquarters in Beirut. 6544
  7029. 1983/--/-- Civil war breaks out in Sri Lanka between the Sinhalese and Tamil separatists. 1384
  7030. 1983/--/-- Civil war breaks out in Sri Lanka between the Sinhalese and Tamil separatists. 6551
  7031. 1983/--/-- Ex-Nazi Klaus Barbie (the butcher of Lyon) is extradited from Bolivia to France. 6553
  7032. 1983/--/-- Guion Stewart Bluford, Jr. becomes the first black American astronaut. 6555
  7033. 1983/--/-- Guion Stewart Bluford, Jr. becomes the first black American astronaut. 7372
  7034. 1983/--/-- Libyan forces invade Chad; French troops aid the Chad government. 6546
  7035. 1983/--/-- Manuel Antonio Noriega becomes commander of Panama's Defense Forces. 6550
  7036. 1983/--/-- Mario Soares becomes the socialist prime minister of Portugal. 6542
  7037. 1983/--/-- Nigerian president Shehu Shagari is deposed in a military coup led by Gen. Buhari. 6549
  7038. 1983/--/-- Opposition leader Benigno Aquino is assassinated in the Philippines. 1653
  7039. 1983/--/-- Opposition leader Benigno Aquino is assassinated in the Philippines. 6541
  7040. 1983/--/-- President Reagan proposes a space-based Strategic Defense Initiative (SDI). 6556
  7041. 1983/--/-- President Reagan proposes a space-based Strategic Defense Initiative (SDI). 7421
  7042. 1983/--/-- Raul Alfonsin is elected as president of Argentina, ending military rule. 6552
  7043. 1983/--/-- Reagan proposes "Star Wars" and increases military funding 6973
  7044. 1983/--/-- Sally K. Ride becomes the first U.S. woman astronaut. 6554
  7045. 1983/--/-- Shirley MacLaine and Jack Nicholson star in the film Terms of Endearment. 6563
  7046. 1983/--/-- The compact disc is introduced for recorded music. 6558
  7047. 1983/--/-- The compact disc is introduced for recorded music. 7741
  7048. 1983/--/-- The Labor party returns to power in Australia; Robert Hawke becomes prime minister. 6540
  7049. 1983/--/-- The Soviets shoot down a South Korean airliner that violated its airspace. 6545
  7050. 1983/--/-- The Soviets shoot down a South Korean airliner that violated its airspace. 7420
  7051. 1983/--/-- U.S. forces invade Grenada to protect U.S. lives after a military coup on the island. 6547
  7052. 1983/--/-- Yitzhak Shamir succeeds Menachem Begin as prime minister of Israel. 6548
  7053. 1983/10/-- World Series NL PHILADELPHIA (1) AL BALTIMORE (4) 518
  7054. 1983/10/25 U.S. invades Caribbean island of Grenada after a coup by Marxist faction in the government. 9356
  7055. 1984/--/-- A toxic gas leak kills 2,000 and affects an estimated 150,000 in Bhopal, India. 1655
  7056. 1984/--/-- A toxic gas leak kills 2,000 and affects an estimated 150,000 in Bhopal, India. 6578
  7057. 1984/--/-- American pop singer Madonna releases her album Like a Virgin. 6582
  7058. 1984/--/-- American pop singer Madonna releases her album Like a Virgin. 7378
  7059. 1984/--/-- American track athlete Carl Lewis wins four gold medals at the Los Angeles Olympics. 929
  7060. 1984/--/-- American track athlete Carl Lewis wins four gold medals at the Los Angeles Olympics. 6580
  7061. 1984/--/-- American track athlete Carl Lewis wins four gold medals at the Los Angeles Olympics. 7377
  7062. 1984/--/-- Brian Mulroney succeeds John Turner as prime minister of Canada. 6574
  7063. 1984/--/-- Britain and China sign a treaty for the return of Hong Kong to China in 1997. 6575
  7064. 1984/--/-- Britain and China sign a treaty for the return of Hong Kong to China in 1997. 7849
  7065. 1984/--/-- Britain grants independence to Brunei. 6570
  7066. 1984/--/-- British prime minister Margaret Thatcher escapes injury in an IRA bomb attack. 6576
  7067. 1984/--/-- Comedian Eddie Murphy stars in the film Beverly Hills Cop. 6583
  7068. 1984/--/-- Congress forbids official U.S. aid for the anti-Sandinista contras in Nicaragua. 6566
  7069. 1984/--/-- Czech writer Milan Kundera publishes The Unbearable Lightness of Being. 6584
  7070. 1984/--/-- Geraldine Ferraro becomes the first woman vice-presidential candidate in the U.S. 6573
  7071. 1984/--/-- Indian prime minister Indira Gandhi is assassinated by Sikh extremists. 1654
  7072. 1984/--/-- Indian prime minister Indira Gandhi is assassinated by Sikh extremists. 6568
  7073. 1984/--/-- Indian troops attack the Golden Temple at Amritsar to remove militant Sikhs. 6567
  7074. 1984/--/-- Rajiv Gandhi becomes prime minister of India. 6569
  7075. 1984/--/-- Rap music 6974
  7076. 1984/--/-- Rev. Desmond Tutu, opponent of apartheid, is awarded the Nobel Peace Prize. 6577
  7077. 1984/--/-- Rock singer Bob Geldof organizes Band Aid to raise funds for African famine victims. 6581
  7078. 1984/--/-- Rock singer Bob Geldof organizes Band Aid to raise funds for African famine victims. 7939
  7079. 1984/--/-- Sandinista leader Daniel Ortega Saavedra is elected president of Nicaragua. 6565
  7080. 1984/--/-- Shimon Peres succeeds Yitzhak Shamir as prime minister of Israel. 6571
  7081. 1984/--/-- Soviet leader Yuri Andropov dies; he is succeeded by Konstantin Chernenko. 1656
  7082. 1984/--/-- Soviet leader Yuri Andropov dies; he is succeeded by Konstantin Chernenko. 6572
  7083. 1984/--/-- Space Shuttle astronauts test the manned maneuvering unit and move freely in space. 6579
  7084. 1984/--/-- Space Shuttle astronauts test the manned maneuvering unit and move freely in space. 7422
  7085. 1984/10/-- World Series NL SAN DIEGO (1) AL DETROIT (4) 519
  7086. 1985/--/-- Albanian premier Enver Hoxha dies; he is succeeded by Ramiz Alia. 1657
  7087. 1985/--/-- Albanian premier Enver Hoxha dies; he is succeeded by Ramiz Alia. 6588
  7088. 1985/--/-- American film actor Rock Hudson dies from AIDS. 1658
  7089. 1985/--/-- American film actor Rock Hudson dies from AIDS. 6606
  7090. 1985/--/-- American film actor Rock Hudson dies from AIDS. 7381
  7091. 1985/--/-- American humorist and radio personality Garison Keillor publishes Lake Wobegon Days. 6609
  7092. 1985/--/-- American humorist and radio personality Garison Keillor publishes Lake Wobegon Days. 7382
  7093. 1985/--/-- American rock singer Tina Turner wins three Grammy Awards. 6605
  7094. 1985/--/-- American rock singer Tina Turner wins three Grammy Awards. 7380
  7095. 1985/--/-- Baseball player Pete Rose beats Ty Cobb's 57-year-old record of 4,191 base hits. 868
  7096. 1985/--/-- Baseball player Pete Rose beats Ty Cobb's 57-year-old record of 4,191 base hits. 6602
  7097. 1985/--/-- Boxer Michael Spinks defeats Larry Holmes for the heavyweight championship. 6604
  7098. 1985/--/-- Clint Eastwood directs and stars in the Western film Pale Rider. 6608
  7099. 1985/--/-- French agents sink the Greenpeace ship Rainbow Warrior in New Zealand. 6592
  7100. 1985/--/-- Gorbachev unravels Soviet system 6975
  7101. 1985/--/-- Jose de Sarney becomes the first civilian president of Brazil in 21 years. 6589
  7102. 1985/--/-- Julius Nyerere is succeeded as president of Tanzania by Ali Hassan Mwinyi. 6596
  7103. 1985/--/-- Maj.-Gen. Mohammed Buhari is ousted in a bloodless coup in Nigeria. 6595
  7104. 1985/--/-- Mexico City is heavily damaged by an earthquake. 6598
  7105. 1985/--/-- Middleweight champion Marvin Hagler defends his title against Thomas "Hit Man" Hearns. 6599
  7106. 1985/--/-- Palestinian terrorists hijack the Italian liner Achille Lauro. 6590
  7107. 1985/--/-- Premier Gorbachev initiates glasnost (openness) and perestroika (restructuring). 6587
  7108. 1985/--/-- President Milton Obote is ousted in a military coup in Uganda. 6594
  7109. 1985/--/-- President Reagan and Mikhail Gorbachev hold their first summit meeting. 6593
  7110. 1985/--/-- President Reagan is inaugurated for his second term of office. 6585
  7111. 1985/--/-- Robert Redford and Meryl Streep star in the film Out of Africa. 6607
  7112. 1985/--/-- Robert Redford and Meryl Streep star in the film Out of Africa. 7940
  7113. 1985/--/-- Running back Walter Payton sets an all-time NFL record for rushes of 14,860 yards. 6601
  7114. 1985/--/-- Shiite Muslim terrorists hijack a TWA Boeing 727 jet to Beirut. 6591
  7115. 1985/--/-- Soviet premier Konstantin Chernenko dies; he is succeeded by Mikhail Gorbachev. 1659
  7116. 1985/--/-- Soviet premier Konstantin Chernenko dies; he is succeeded by Mikhail Gorbachev. 6586
  7117. 1985/--/-- Sudanese prime minister Gaafar al-Nimeiry is ousted in a military coup. 6597
  7118. 1985/--/-- The North American Soccer League (NASL) suspends operations. 907
  7119. 1985/--/-- The North American Soccer League (NASL) suspends operations. 6603
  7120. 1985/--/-- The North American Soccer League (NASL) suspends operations. 7379
  7121. 1985/--/-- The North American Soccer League (NASL) suspends operations. 7742
  7122. 1985/--/-- World chess champion Anatoly Karpov is defeated by 21-year-old Gary Kasparov. 6600
  7123. 1985/01/21 Reagan's second inauguration. 9357
  7124. 1985/10/-- World Series NL ST. LOUIS (3) AL KANSAS CITY (4) 520
  7125. 1986/--/-- A hole in the ozone layer is detected over Antarctica. 6625
  7126. 1986/--/-- A major nuclear-reactor disaster takes place at Chernobyl in the Soviet Union. 6621
  7127. 1986/--/-- Benazir Bhutto, daughter of hanged premier Ali Bhutto, is jailed in Pakistan. 6619
  7128. 1986/--/-- Boxer Mike Tyson wins his first world heavyweight title. 6628
  7129. 1986/--/-- Civil war breaks out in Yemen (Aden). 1385
  7130. 1986/--/-- Civil war breaks out in Yemen (Aden). 6614
  7131. 1986/--/-- Comedian and filmmaker Woody Allen directs Hannah and Her Sisters. 6633
  7132. 1986/--/-- Corazon Aquino is elected president of the Philippines; Ferdinand Marcos is exiled. 6612
  7133. 1986/--/-- Cyclist Greg LeMond becomes the first American to win the Tour de France. 6632
  7134. 1986/--/-- Cyclist Greg LeMond becomes the first American to win the Tour de France. 7383
  7135. 1986/--/-- Czech tennis player Ivan Lendl wins the French Open and U.S. Open tournaments. 899
  7136. 1986/--/-- Czech tennis player Ivan Lendl wins the French Open and U.S. Open tournaments. 6631
  7137. 1986/--/-- Filmmaker Oliver Stone directs the Vietnam War film Platoon. 6634
  7138. 1986/--/-- Golfer Jack Nicklaus at age 46 becomes the oldest man ever to win the U.S. Open. 6629
  7139. 1986/--/-- Ice hockey player Wayne Gretzky raises the season point record to 215. 911
  7140. 1986/--/-- Ice hockey player Wayne Gretzky raises the season point record to 215. 6630
  7141. 1986/--/-- Nigerian poet and playwright Wole Soyinka wins the Nobel Prize for literature. 6636
  7142. 1986/--/-- President Francois Mitterrand appoints Jacques Chirac prime minister of France. 6610
  7143. 1986/--/-- President Jean Claude Duvalier of Haiti goes into exile. 6615
  7144. 1986/--/-- Sayid Mohammad Najibullah replaces Marxist president Babrak Karmal in Afghanistan. 6613
  7145. 1986/--/-- Select committees are established to investigate the Iran-Contra Affair. 6617
  7146. 1986/--/-- Singer-actress Bette Midler stars in Down and Out in Beverly Hills. 6635
  7147. 1986/--/-- Swedish prime minister Olof Palme is assassinated. 1660
  7148. 1986/--/-- Swedish prime minister Olof Palme is assassinated. 6611
  7149. 1986/--/-- The European Space Agency's Giotto spacecraft passes within 335 miles of Halley's comet. 6623
  7150. 1986/--/-- The European Space Agency's Giotto spacecraft passes within 335 miles of Halley's comet. 7425
  7151. 1986/--/-- The Food and Drug Administration approve the commercial use of the drug interferon. 6627
  7152. 1986/--/-- The Soviet Union launches the first Mir space station. 6624
  7153. 1986/--/-- The Soviet Union launches the first Mir space station. 7426
  7154. 1986/--/-- The Space Shuttle Challenger explodes after launch, killing the crew of seven. 1661
  7155. 1986/--/-- The Space Shuttle Challenger explodes after launch, killing the crew of seven. 6620
  7156. 1986/--/-- The Space Shuttle Challenger explodes after launch, killing the crew of seven. 7423
  7157. 1986/--/-- The ultralight Voyager aircraft flies around the world nonstop in 9 days. 6626
  7158. 1986/--/-- U.S. aircraft attack military and terrorist related targets in Libya. 6616
  7159. 1986/--/-- Voyager 2 spacecraft makes a rendezvous with the planet Uranus. 6622
  7160. 1986/--/-- Voyager 2 spacecraft makes a rendezvous with the planet Uranus. 7424
  7161. 1986/--/-- Yitzak Shamir succeeds Shimon Peres as prime minister of Israel. 6618
  7162. 1986/01/28 Space shuttle Challenger explodes 73 seconds after liftoff, killing all seven crew members. It is the worst accident in the history of the U.S. space program. 9358
  7163. 1986/04/14 U.S. bombs military bases in Libya in effort to deter terrorist strikes on American targets. 9359
  7164. 1986/10/-- World Series NL NEW YORK (4) AL BOSTON (3) 521
  7165. 1986/11/-- Iran-Contra scandal breaks when White House is forced to reveal secret arms-for-hostages deals. 9360
  7166. 1987/--/-- A Wall Street stock market crisis spreads to Tokyo and London. 6646
  7167. 1987/--/-- American author Tom Wolfe publishes the satirical novel The Bonfire of the Vanities. 6649
  7168. 1987/--/-- American author Tom Wolfe publishes the satirical novel The Bonfire of the Vanities. 7384
  7169. 1987/--/-- Basketball player Kareem Abdul-Jabbar passes Wilt Chamberlain's points record. 872
  7170. 1987/--/-- Basketball player Kareem Abdul-Jabbar passes Wilt Chamberlain's points record. 6647
  7171. 1987/--/-- Bettino Craxi resigns; Giovanni Goria becomes prime minister of Italy. 6638
  7172. 1987/--/-- Colonel Oliver North testifies at the Iran-Contra Affair hearings. 6644
  7173. 1987/--/-- Congress holds public hearings in Iran-Contra investigation. 9361
  7174. 1987/--/-- East German leader Erich Honecker makes his first visit to West Germany. 6637
  7175. 1987/--/-- Filmmaker Brian De Palma directs The Untouchables. 6648
  7176. 1987/--/-- Gary Hart ends his Presidential campaign after allegations of sexual impropriety. 6645
  7177. 1987/--/-- Libya suffers a military defeat in Chad. 6640
  7178. 1987/--/-- More than 400 die in clashes between Iranian pilgrims and Saudi police at Mecca. 6643
  7179. 1987/--/-- Ozone "hole" found over Antartica 6976
  7180. 1987/--/-- Takeshita Noburu succeeds Nakasone Yasuhiro as the Japanese premier. 6639
  7181. 1987/--/-- Takeshita Noburu succeeds Nakasone Yasuhiro as the Japanese premier. 8036
  7182. 1987/--/-- The U.S. frigate Stark is hit by an Iraqi missile in the Persian Gulf. 6641
  7183. 1987/--/-- West Bank Palestinians launch an intifadah (uprising) against the Israeli occupation. 6642
  7184. 1987/--/-- Writer Gore Vidal publishes Empire, a novel of 19th-century U.S. politics. 6650
  7185. 1987/06/12 200-In a speech in Berlin, President Reagan challenges Soviet leader Mikhail Gorbachev to "tear down this wall" and open Eastern Europe to political and 9362
  7186. 1987/06/12 201-economic reform. 9363
  7187. 1987/10/-- World Series NL ST. LOUIS (3) AL MINNESOTA (4) 522
  7188. 1987/12/08 Reagan and Gorbachev sign INF treaty, the first arms-control agreement to reduce the superpowers' nuclear weapons. 9364
  7189. 1988/--/-- A cease-fire is declared in the war between Iran and Iraq. 1386
  7190. 1988/--/-- A cease-fire is declared in the war between Iran and Iraq. 6659
  7191. 1988/--/-- Armenia is hit by a severe earthquake, killing tens of thousands. 1662
  7192. 1988/--/-- Armenia is hit by a severe earthquake, killing tens of thousands. 6670
  7193. 1988/--/-- Australia celebrates its Bicentennial. 6668
  7194. 1988/--/-- Austrian president Kurt Waldheim is exonerated of involvement in war crimes. 1387
  7195. 1988/--/-- Austrian president Kurt Waldheim is exonerated of involvement in war crimes. 6661
  7196. 1988/--/-- Benazir Bhutto is elected prime minister of Pakistan. 6664
  7197. 1988/--/-- Carlos Salinas de Gortari is elected president of Mexico. 6665
  7198. 1988/--/-- Colombian writer Gabriel Garcia Marquez publishes Love in the Time of Cholera. 6680
  7199. 1988/--/-- Dennis Connor skippers a U.S. catamaran to beat New Zealand in the America's Cup. 6674
  7200. 1988/--/-- Dennis Connor skippers a U.S. catamaran to beat New Zealand in the America's Cup. 7385
  7201. 1988/--/-- Details of the U.S. Stealth bomber are released for the first time. 6672
  7202. 1988/--/-- Discovery becomes the first Space Shuttle to be launched after the Challenger disaster. 6673
  7203. 1988/--/-- Discovery becomes the first Space Shuttle to be launched after the Challenger disaster. 7427
  7204. 1988/--/-- Dustin Hoffman stars in the Academy Award winning film Rain Man. 6679
  7205. 1988/--/-- Egyptian writer Naguib Mahfouz wins the Nobel Prize for literature. 6681
  7206. 1988/--/-- German tennis player Boris Becker leads West Germany to victory in the Davis Cup. 901
  7207. 1988/--/-- German tennis player Boris Becker leads West Germany to victory in the Davis Cup. 6676
  7208. 1988/--/-- German tennis player Steffi Graf becomes the 3rd woman to win the Grand Slam. 900
  7209. 1988/--/-- German tennis player Steffi Graf becomes the 3rd woman to win the Grand Slam. 6675
  7210. 1988/--/-- Hungarian leader Janos Kadar is removed from power; Karoly Grosz assumes his post. 6666
  7211. 1988/--/-- Indian-born writer Salman Rushdie publishes The Satanic Verses. 6682
  7212. 1988/--/-- Jesse Jackson fails in a second attempt to win the Democratic presidential nomination. 6669
  7213. 1988/--/-- Lee Teng-hui succeeds Chiang Ching-kuo as president of Taiwan. 6655
  7214. 1988/--/-- Military leaders seize control in Haiti after elections are held. 6667
  7215. 1988/--/-- Military leaders seize power in Burma (Myanmar). 6654
  7216. 1988/--/-- Nationalist uprisings breakout in the Soviet republic of Armenia. 6662
  7217. 1988/--/-- Pakistani leader Gen. Muhammed Zia ul-Haq is killed in a plane crash. 1663
  7218. 1988/--/-- Pakistani leader Gen. Muhammed Zia ul-Haq is killed in a plane crash. 6663
  7219. 1988/--/-- Roh Tae Woo succeeds Chun Doo Hwan as president of South Korea. 6652
  7220. 1988/--/-- South African leader Nelson Mandela is removed from prison for hospital treatment. 6656
  7221. 1988/--/-- South African leader Nelson Mandela is removed from prison for hospital treatment. 7941
  7222. 1988/--/-- Sprinter Ben Johnson is stripped of his Olympic gold medal after a drug test. 930
  7223. 1988/--/-- Sprinter Ben Johnson is stripped of his Olympic gold medal after a drug test. 6677
  7224. 1988/--/-- Steven Spielberg produces the innovative animated film Who Framed Roger Rabbit. 6678
  7225. 1988/--/-- Television evangelist Jim Bakker is convicted of fraud and conspiracy. 6671
  7226. 1988/--/-- The Geneva Accords set the timetable for Soviet withdrawal from Afghanistan. 6653
  7227. 1988/--/-- The Iraqis are accused of using chemical weapons against the Kurds. 6660
  7228. 1988/--/-- The U.S. cruiser Vincennes accidentally shoots downs an Iranian airliner. 6658
  7229. 1988/--/-- The U.S. indict Panamanian dictator Gen. Manuel Antonio Noriega for drug offenses. 6657
  7230. 1988/--/-- Vietnam announces it will withdraw all its forces from Kampuchea. 6651
  7231. 1988/10/-- World Series NL LOS ANGELES (4) AL OAKLAND (1) 523
  7232. 1989/--/-- Akihito succeeds his father Hirohito as emperor of Japan. 6698
  7233. 1989/--/-- Akihito succeeds his father Hirohito as emperor of Japan. 8038
  7234. 1989/--/-- Allegations of financial impropriety force Japanese premier Noboru to resign. 6689
  7235. 1989/--/-- Allegations of financial impropriety force Japanese premier Noboru to resign. 8037
  7236. 1989/--/-- American Anne Tyler wins the Pulitzer Prize for her novel Breathing Lessons. 6709
  7237. 1989/--/-- American Anne Tyler wins the Pulitzer Prize for her novel Breathing Lessons. 7386
  7238. 1989/--/-- Ayatollah Khomeini dies in Iran; Ali Akbar Hashemi Rafsanjani becomes president. 1664
  7239. 1989/--/-- Ayatollah Khomeini dies in Iran; Ali Akbar Hashemi Rafsanjani becomes president. 6693
  7240. 1989/--/-- British author V.S. Pritchett publishes A Careless Widow and Other Stories. 6708
  7241. 1989/--/-- Bulgarian premier Todor Zhivkov resigns; he is succeeded by Petar Mladenov. 6688
  7242. 1989/--/-- Bush is inaugurated as the 41st U.S. president; Quayle becomes vice-president. 6683
  7243. 1989/--/-- Carlos Saul Menem succeeds Raul Alfonsin as president of Argentina. 6690
  7244. 1989/--/-- Demonstrations in East Germany lead to the demolition of the Berlin Wall. 6703
  7245. 1989/--/-- F. W. de Klerk succeeds P.W. Botha as president of South Africa. 6692
  7246. 1989/--/-- F. W. de Klerk succeeds P.W. Botha as president of South Africa. 7942
  7247. 1989/--/-- Gen. Alfredo Stroessner is ousted; Andres Rodriguez becomes president of Paraguay. 6694
  7248. 1989/--/-- George H. W. Bush (Republican) becomes president of the United States 320
  7249. 1989/--/-- Greek prime minister Andreas Papandreou is succeeded by Tzinnis Tzannetakis. 6691
  7250. 1989/--/-- Hu Yao-pang's death in China sparks public rallies demanding social changes. 1665
  7251. 1989/--/-- Hu Yao-pang's death in China sparks public rallies demanding social changes. 6696
  7252. 1989/--/-- Hu Yao-pang's death in China sparks public rallies demanding social changes. 7850
  7253. 1989/--/-- Hundreds of demonstrators are killed by troops in Peking's T'ien-an-Men Square. 1666
  7254. 1989/--/-- Hundreds of demonstrators are killed by troops in Peking's T'ien-an-Men Square. 6697
  7255. 1989/--/-- Hungary elects to become a multiparty democracy. 6695
  7256. 1989/--/-- Jack Nicholson and Michael Keaton star in the film Batman. 6707
  7257. 1989/--/-- Libyan leader Muammar al-Qaddafi signs a peace treaty with Chad. 6687
  7258. 1989/--/-- Playwright Vaclav Havel becomes the president of Czechoslovakia. 6704
  7259. 1989/--/-- Romanian president Nicolae Ceausescu is deposed and killed. 1667
  7260. 1989/--/-- Romanian president Nicolae Ceausescu is deposed and killed. 6700
  7261. 1989/--/-- San Francisco's Marina district is damaged by a severe earthquake. 6706
  7262. 1989/--/-- Solidarity candidates win a majority in the first free elections in Poland since 1946. 6684
  7263. 1989/--/-- Soviet forces complete their withdrawal from Afghanistan; the civil war continues. 1388
  7264. 1989/--/-- Soviet forces complete their withdrawal from Afghanistan; the civil war continues. 6685
  7265. 1989/--/-- The Burmese government changes the country's name to Myanmar. 6686
  7266. 1989/--/-- The communist government of Milos Jakes resigns in Czechoslovakia. 6702
  7267. 1989/--/-- The Satanic Verses is condemned by Muslims; Salman Rushdie goes into hiding. 6710
  7268. 1989/--/-- U.S. forces invade Panama; General Noriega surrenders and is held on drug charges. 6701
  7269. 1989/--/-- U.S.S.R dissolves into republics; Cold War over 6977
  7270. 1989/--/-- V.P. Singh succeeds Rajiv Gandhi as prime minister of India. 6699
  7271. 1989/--/-- Voyager 2 spacecraft tramsmits pictures to the U.S. of the planet Neptune. 6705
  7272. 1989/--/-- Voyager 2 spacecraft tramsmits pictures to the U.S. of the planet Neptune. 7428
  7273. 1989/--/-- World cable markets deregulated; Hollywood gains world film market 6978
  7274. 1989/01/20 George H. W. Bush is inaugurated as the 41st president. 9365
  7275. 1989/03/24 400-Oil tanker Exxon Valdez runs aground in Prince William Sound, spilling more than 10 million gallons of oil (March 24). It is the largest oil spill in U.S. 9366
  7276. 1989/03/24 401-history. 9367
  7277. 1989/08/09 President Bush signs legislation to provide for federal bailout of nearly 800 insolvent savings and loan institutions. 9368
  7278. 1989/10/-- World Series NL SAN FRANCISCO (0) AL OAKLAND (4) 524
  7279. 1989/12/20 U.S. forces invade Panama in an attempt to capture Gen. Manuel Noriega, who previously had been indicted in the U.S. on drug trafficking charges. 9369
  7280. 1990/--/-- A mirror in the Hubble Space Telescope is found to be flawed shortly after deployment. 6734
  7281. 1990/--/-- A mirror in the Hubble Space Telescope is found to be flawed shortly after deployment. 7429
  7282. 1990/--/-- Actress Jessica Tandy wins the Academy Award for her role in Driving Miss Daisy. 6739
  7283. 1990/--/-- American novelist Thomas Pynchon publishes Vineland. 6740
  7284. 1990/--/-- American novelist Thomas Pynchon publishes Vineland. 7387
  7285. 1990/--/-- Basketball player Earvin "Magic" Johnson wins the MVP award for the third time. 874
  7286. 1990/--/-- Basketball player Earvin "Magic" Johnson wins the MVP award for the third time. 6737
  7287. 1990/--/-- Basketball player Michael Jordan leads the NBA in scoring for the fourth consecutive year. 873
  7288. 1990/--/-- Basketball player Michael Jordan leads the NBA in scoring for the fourth consecutive year. 6736
  7289. 1990/--/-- Book retail chains abound 6979
  7290. 1990/--/-- Boris Yeltsin becomes president of the Russian Republic. 6732
  7291. 1990/--/-- British prime minister Margaret Thatcher resigns; she is succeeded by John Major. 6729
  7292. 1990/--/-- Chad president Hissene Habre is deposed by rebel forces led by Idris Deby. 6727
  7293. 1990/--/-- David Dinkins succeeds Ed Koch as mayor of New York City. 6733
  7294. 1990/--/-- East and West Germany are reunited; Helmut Kohl becomes chancellor of a united Germany. 6711
  7295. 1990/--/-- Fernando Affonso Collor de Mello succeeds Jose Sarney as president of Brazil. 6728
  7296. 1990/--/-- I.M. Pei's 70-story Bank of China headquarters is built in Hong Kong. 6735
  7297. 1990/--/-- I.M. Pei's 70-story Bank of China headquarters is built in Hong Kong. 7851
  7298. 1990/--/-- Indian prime minister V.P. Singh resigns; he is succeeded by Chandra Shekhar. 6725
  7299. 1990/--/-- Iraq invades Kuwait, beginning the Persian Gulf War. 6712
  7300. 1990/--/-- John Updike publishes Rabbit at Rest, the fourth and last of his Rabbit novels. 6741
  7301. 1990/--/-- Lech Walesa wins the first direct presidential elections in Poland's history 6715
  7302. 1990/--/-- Lithuania, Estonia, and Latvia declare their independence from the Soviet Union. 6730
  7303. 1990/--/-- Namibia becomes independent from South Africa with Sam Nujoma as president. 6717
  7304. 1990/--/-- Namibia becomes independent from South Africa with Sam Nujoma as president. 7944
  7305. 1990/--/-- Pakistani president Ghulam Ishaq Khan dismisses prime minister Benazir Bhutto. 6726
  7306. 1990/--/-- President Patricio Aylwin succeeds Gen. Pinochet , ending 16 years of military rule in Chile. 6724
  7307. 1990/--/-- President Samuel Doe is killed during a military rebellion in Liberia. 1668
  7308. 1990/--/-- President Samuel Doe is killed during a military rebellion in Liberia. 6719
  7309. 1990/--/-- Slovenia and Croatia vote non-Communist governments into power in Yugoslavia. 6720
  7310. 1990/--/-- South Africa accepts racial equality 6980
  7311. 1990/--/-- South African president F.W. De Klerk releases Nelson Mandela; the ban on the ANC ends. 6716
  7312. 1990/--/-- South African president F.W. De Klerk releases Nelson Mandela; the ban on the ANC ends. 7943
  7313. 1990/--/-- Soviet foreign minister Eduard Shevardnadze resigns from office. 6731
  7314. 1990/--/-- Student riots in Tirane lead to the formation of Albania's first opposition party since 1946. 6723
  7315. 1990/--/-- Syrian-backed forces defeat General Aoun's Christian militia in Lebanon. 6718
  7316. 1990/--/-- The UN authorizes an economic blockade of Iraq. 6713
  7317. 1990/--/-- U.S.-led coalition forces begin Operation Desert Shield to protect Saudi Arabia from Iraq. 6714
  7318. 1990/--/-- U.S.-led coalition forces begin Operation Desert Shield to protect Saudi Arabia from Iraq. 7743
  7319. 1990/--/-- Violeta Barrios de Chamorro succeeds Daniel Ortega as president of Nicaragua. 6721
  7320. 1990/--/-- Warren Beatty directs, produces and plays the lead role in the film Dick Tracy. 6738
  7321. 1990/--/-- Yemen (Aden) and Yemen (Sana) unite as the Yemen Republic. 6722
  7322. 1990/08/02 Iraqi troops invade Kuwait, leading to the Persian Gulf War. 9370
  7323. 1990/10/-- World Series NL CINCINNATI (4) AL OAKLAND (0) 525
  7324. 1991/--/-- Gulf War is first U.S. reduction of a regional power 6981
  7325. 1991/--/-- Japan is world's largest automaker 6982
  7326. 1991/01/16 Persian Gulf War: U.S. leads international coalition in military operation (code named "Desert Storm") to drive Iraqis out of Kuwait (Jan. 16-Feb. 28). 9371
  7327. 1991/04/06 Iraq accepts terms of UN ceasefire, marking an end of the war. 9372
  7328. 1991/07/31 U.S. and Soviet Union sign START I treaty, agreeing to further reduce strategic nuclear arms. 9373
  7329. 1991/10/-- World Series NL ATLANTA (3) AL MINNESOTA (4) 526
  7330. 1991/10/11 430-Senate Judiciary Committee conducts televised hearings to investigate allegations of past sexual harassment brought against Supreme Court nominee Clar 9374
  7331. 1991/10/11 431-Thomas by Anita Hill, a law professor at the University of Oklahoma. 9375
  7332. 1992/--/-- NAFTA formed 6983
  7333. 1992/--/-- Yugoslavia breaks up; Serbia contained 6984
  7334. 1992/02/01 680-Following the breakup of the Soviet Union in Dec. 1991, President Bush and Russian president Boris Yeltsin meet at Camp David and formally declare an end 9376
  7335. 1992/02/01 681-to the cold war. 9377
  7336. 1992/04/29 430-The acquittal of four white police officers charged in the 1991 beating of black motorist Rodney King in Los Angeles sets off several days of rioting, 9378
  7337. 1992/04/29 431-leading to more than 50 deaths, thousands of injuries and arrests, and $1 billion in property damage. 9379
  7338. 1992/10/-- World Series NL ATLANTA (2) AL TORONTO (4) 8123
  7339. 1992/12/-- President Bush authorizes sending U.S. troops to Somalia as part of UN relief effort. 9380
  7340. 1992/12/24 President Bush grants pardons to six officials convicted or indicted in the Iran-Contra scandal, leading some to suspect a cover-up. 9381
  7341. 1993/--/-- Internet expands with World Wide Web 6985
  7342. 1993/--/-- Steven Spielberg "Schindler's List" 6986
  7343. 1993/--/-- William Jefferson Clinton (Democrat) becomes president of the United States 1256
  7344. 1993/01/20 Bill Clinton is inaugurated as the 42nd president. 9382
  7345. 1993/02/26 Bomb explodes in basement garage of World Trade Center, killing 6, injuring 1,000, and causing more than $500 million in damage. 9383
  7346. 1993/04/19 After 51-day standoff with federal agents, Branch Davidian compound in Waco, Tex., burns to the ground, killing 80 cult members. 9384
  7347. 1993/06/26 President Clinton orders missile attack against Iraq in retaliation for alleged plot to assassinate former President Bush. 9385
  7348. 1993/10/-- World Series NL PHILADELPHIA (2) AL TORONTO (4) 8124
  7349. 1993/10/03 Eighteen U.S. soldiers are killed in ambush by Somali militiamen in Mogadishu. 9386
  7350. 1993/12/08 President Clinton signs North American Free Trade Agreement into law. 9387
  7351. 1994/05/06 Paula Jones, a former Arkansas state employee, files a federal lawsuit against President Clinton for sexual harassment. 9388
  7352. 1994/10/-- World Series NL NO WORLD SERIES AL NO WORLD SERIES 8125
  7353. 1995/04/19 Bombing of federal office building in Oklahoma City kills 168 people. 9389
  7354. 1995/07/11 U.S. establishes full diplomatic relations with Vietnam. 9390
  7355. 1995/10/-- World Series NL ATLANTA (4) AL CLEVELAND (2) 8126
  7356. 1995/12/-- President Clinton sends first 8,000 of 20,000 U.S. troops to Bosnia for 12-month peacekeeping mission. 9391
  7357. 1995/12/16 Budget standoff between President Clinton and Congress results in partial shutdown of U.S. government. 9392
  7358. 1996/--/-- Welfare reform 6987
  7359. 1996/10/-- World Series NL ATLANTA (2) AL NEW YORK (4) 8127
  7360. 1997/--/-- NASA spacecraft lands on Mars 6988
  7361. 1997/--/-- Robust economy creates longest prosperity in U.S. history 6989
  7362. 1997/01/20 Clinton's second inauguration (Jan. 20). 9393
  7363. 1997/10/-- World Series NL FLORIDA (4) AL CLEVELAND (3) 8128
  7364. 1998/--/-- International Space Station begins construction 6990
  7365. 1998/01/17 President Clinton denies having had a sexual relationship with a White House intern named Monica Lewinsky. 9394
  7366. 1998/02/02 President Clinton releases 1999 federal budget plan; it is the first balanced budget since 1969. 9395
  7367. 1998/08/17 In televised address, President Clinton admits having had a sexual relationship with Monica Lewinsky. 9396
  7368. 1998/08/20 U.S. launches missile attacks on targets in Sudan and Afghanistan following terrorist attacks on U.S. embassies in Kenya and Tanzania. 9397
  7369. 1998/10/-- World Series NL SAN DIEGO (0) AL NEW YORK (4) 8129
  7370. 1998/12/16 U.S. and Britain launch air strikes against weapons sites in Iraq. 9398
  7371. 1998/12/19 House of Representatives votes to impeach President Clinton on charges of perjury and obstruction of justice. 9399
  7372. 1999/--/-- Budget goes into surplus 6991
  7373. 1999/02/12 Senate acquits Clinton of impeachment charges. 9400
  7374. 1999/03/24 NATO wages air campaign against Yugoslavia over killing and deportation of ethnic Albanians in Kosovo. 9401
  7375. 1999/04/20 School shooting at Columbine High School in Littleton, Colo., leaves 14 students (including the 2 shooters) and 1 teacher dead and 23 others wounded. 9402
  7376. 1999/10/-- World Series NL ATLANTA (0) AL NEW YORK (4) 8130
  7377. 1999/11/15 U.S. and China sign historic trade agreement. 9403
  7378. 2000/--/-- Animals cloned 6992
  7379. 2000/--/-- China emerges as economic giant 6993
  7380. 2000/--/-- Oceans warming and rising 6994
  7381. 2000/--/-- US television increasingly morbid 6995
  7382. 2000/04/01 According to the census, the nation's population numbers more than 280 million. 9404
  7383. 2000/10/-- World Series NL NEW YORK (1) AL NEW YORK (4) 8131
  7384. 2000/11/07 No clear winner is declared in the close presidential election contest between Vice President Al Gore and Texas governor George W. Bush. 9405
  7385. 2000/12/12 560-More than a month after the presidential election, the U.S. Supreme Court rules against a manual recount of ballots in certain Florida counties, which it 9406
  7386. 2000/12/12 561-contends would violate the Constitution's equal protection and due process guarantees. The decision provokes enormous controversy, with critics maintaining 9407
  7387. 2000/12/12 562-that the court has in effect determined the outcome of the election. 9408
  7388. 2000/12/13 Bush formally accepts the presidency, having won a slim majority in the electoral college but not a majority of the popular vote. 9409
  7389. 2001/--/-- 9/11 terror attack alerts America 6996
  7390. 2001/--/-- George W. Bush (Republican) becomes president of the United States 1257
  7391. 2001/--/-- Taliban removed 6997
  7392. 2001/01/20 George W. Bush is inaugurated as the 43rd president. 9410
  7393. 2001/09/11 390-Two hijacked jetliners ram twin towers of World Trade Center in worst terrorist attack against U.S.; a third hijacked plane flies into the Pentagon, a 9411
  7394. 2001/09/11 391-fourth crashes in rural Pennsylvania. More than 3,000 people die in the attacks. 9412
  7395. 2001/10/-- World Series NL ARIZONA (4) AL NEW YORK (3) 8132
  7396. 2001/10/07 660-U.S. and Britain launch air attacks against targets in Afghanistan after Taliban government fails to hand over Saudi terrorist Osama bin Laden, the 9413
  7397. 2001/10/07 661-suspected mastermind behind the Sept. 11 attacks. 9414
  7398. 2001/12/09 280-Following air campaign and ground assault by Afghani opposition troops, the Taliban regime topples; however, the hunt for bin Laden and other members of 9415
  7399. 2001/12/09 281-al-Qaeda terrorist organization continues. 9416
  7400. 2002/01/29 950-In his first State of the Union address, President Bush labels Iran, Iraq, and North Korea an "axis of evil" and declares that U.S. will wage war against 9417
  7401. 2002/01/29 951-states that develop weapons of mass destruction. 9418
  7402. 2002/10/-- World Series NL SAN FRANCISCO (3) AL ANAHEIM (4) 8133
  7403. 2002/11/25 President Bush signs legislation creating a new cabinet department of Homeland Security. 9419
  7404. 2003/--/-- Iraq War 6998
  7405. 2003/--/-- Mathew Barney finishes "The Cremaster Cycle" 6999
  7406. 2003/02/01 Space shuttle Columbia explodes upon reentry into Earth's atmosphere, killing all seven astronauts on board. 9420
  7407. 2003/03/19 War waged by the U.S. and Britain against Iraq begins. 9421
  7408. 2003/05/28 President Bush signs $350 billion tax-cut bill. 9422
  7409. 2003/10/-- World Series NL FLORIDA (4) AL NEW YORK (2) 8134
  7410. 2004/06/28 The U.S. returns sovereignty to an interim government in Iraq, but maintains roughly 135,000 troops in the country to fight a growing insurgency. 9423
  7411. 2004/08/-- Four hurricanes devastate Florida and other parts of the southern United States. 9424
  7412. 2004/10/-- World Series NL ST. LOUIS (0) AL BOSTON (4) 8135
  7413. 2005/--/-- The U.S. engagement in Iraq continues amid that country's escalating violence and fragile political stability. 9425
  7414. 2005/--/-- US labor squeezed by global forces 7000
  7415. 2005/08/29 530-Hurricane Katrina wreaks catastrophic damage on Mississippi and Louisiana; 80% of New Orleans is flooded. All levels of government are criticized for the 9426
  7416. 2005/08/29 531-delayed and inadequate response to the disaster. 9427
  7417. 2005/10/-- World Series NL HOUSTON (0) AL CHICAGO (4) 8136
  7418. 2006/10/-- World Series NL ST. LOUIS (4) AL DETROIT (1) 8137
  7419. 2006/10/17 The U.S. Census Bureau estimates that the population of the United States has reached 300 million. 9428
  7420. 2007/01/04 California Democrat Nancy Pelosi becomes the first woman Speaker of the House of Representatives. 9429
  7421. 2007/03/13 Attorney General Alberto Gonzales admits that the Justice Department made mistakes and exercised poor judgment in firing nine federal prosecutors in late 9430
  7422. 2007/04/16 110-Male student kills two in a Virginia Tech dorm. Two hours later, he kills 30 more in a classroom building before committing suicide. The shooting rampage 9431
  7423. 2007/04/16 111-is the most deadly in U.S. history. Fifteen others are wounded. 9432
  7424. 2007/07/24 720-The minimum wage in the U.S. increases to $5.85, up from $5.15. It's the first increase in 10 years. The wage will increase 70 cents each year through 9433
  7425. 2007/07/24 721-2009, when it reaches $7.25 an hour. 9434
  7426. 2007/08/01 An eight-lane interstate bridge in Minneapolis, Minnesota, that is packed with cars breaks into sections and falls into the river, killing 13 people. 9435
  7427. 2007/08/27 The White House announces that Alberto Gonzales, the beleaguered attorney general, has submitted his resignation to President Bush. 9436
  7428. 2007/09/10 750-In highly anticipated testimony, Gen. David Petraeus tells members of the House Foreign Affairs and Armed Services committees that the U.S. military needs 9437
  7429. 2007/09/10 751-more time to meet its goals in Iraq. Petraeus rejects suggestions that the U.S. shift from a counterinsurgency operation to training Iraqi forces and 9438
  7430. 2007/09/10 752-fighting terrorists. Instead, he says the U.S. must continue all three missions. 9439
  7431. 2007/10/-- World Series NL COLORADO (0) AL BOSTON (4) 8138
  7432. 2008/06/03 690-After months of campaigning and primary races, Barack Obama and John McCain are finally chosen as the presidential nominees for the Democratic and 9440
  7433. 2008/06/03 691-Republican parties, respectively. 9441
  7434. 2008/09/-- 250-After months of unraveling, the economy finally comes crashing down in 2008, with the Dow Jones Industrial Average tumbling 4.4% in one day, Lehman 9442
  7435. 2008/09/-- 251-Brothers filing for bankruptcy, and Bush putting mortgage giants Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac under government conservatorship. 9443
  7436. 2008/11/04 420-Democrats perform well across the board in the November elections. Barack Obama becomes the first African-American to be elected President, with 52.8% of 9444
  7437. 2008/11/04 421-the vote. In Congress, Democrats retain majorities in both the House and the Senate, with 57 Senators and 178 Representatives. 9445
  7438. 2009/01/20 Barack Obama is inaugurated as the 44rd president of the United States. 9446